Discussion: Valentine's Day




I think it would have been more interesting as a new mission or something.

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Well, according to the announcement, there is something like that:

Outside of the Pocket D, and in conjunction with the live Wedding event, players will find new Hero and Villain contacts in Atlas ParkĀ™ and Mercy Island. Sela Vermont, wedding coordinator of Manticore and Sister Psyche, sends Heroes on a special wedding gift reconnaissance mission while Zev Scalamore, under direction of Arachnos, enlists Villains to do his dirty work.

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So it's not just the event on test; there is some other new stuff.




Yeh, but where is my wedding dress for a dude....

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Planning on being someones stunt double?



Uhm ... how does one choose the bowtie? When I took the Tux costume options there were only two shirt options, Shirt and Shirt 2. Shirt had a tie (not bow) and no alternate selections, and Shirt 2 had no tie and various alternate selections with none of them resembeling a bowtie.

So ... how does one get a tux shirt with a bowtie?





I'll be sure to point and laugh at anyone I see wearing this garbage in game.

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Tux with tails as part of a costume..... does the name Zatanna ring a bell?



Uhm ... how does one choose the bowtie? When I took the Tux costume options there were only two shirt options, Shirt and Shirt 2. Shirt had a tie (not bow) and no alternate selections, and Shirt 2 had no tie and various alternate selections with none of them resembeling a bowtie.

So ... how does one get a tux shirt with a bowtie?


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it's under the shoulder options I believe

First Of The Year

Originally Posted by Edgar Allan Poe
I became insane, with long intervals of horrible sanity.



Hate to say it, but I'm somewhat unimpressed.

A "special event" in which only 300 out of the 25,000 plus CoH subscribers will be able to participate? Up to this point, CoH's special events have been somewhat egalitarian, with effort made to be as inclusive as possible. For instance, the CuppaJo farewell party, where a dozen different Pocket Ds were instanced and the devs were present in all of them. This kind of leaves a bad taste in my mouth.

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We really wish we could accommodate more. However, please keep in mind that Sean Fish and his wife Jen will actually be at the keyboards running Manticore and Sister Psyche respectively. Matt "Positron" Miller will actually be playing Positron in the event, as will all the rest of the dev team. As much as we'd like to keep them at their keyboards all weekend long - or hire stand ins to play them, we aren't. This is a special event and a testament to the involved members of the Dev. Team, the friendships on the team and love story between two of them.

We have made some special arrangements to have media available so everyone can relive this very special wedding. More details will follow. Thanks in advance for your understanding.

Community Relations Manager

If you have a specific in game, account, tech or billing problem please contact our Customer Support team via The Knowledge Base "Ask A Question" page.



Uhm ... how does one choose the bowtie? When I took the Tux costume options there were only two shirt options, Shirt and Shirt 2. Shirt had a tie (not bow) and no alternate selections, and Shirt 2 had no tie and various alternate selections with none of them resembeling a bowtie.

So ... how does one get a tux shirt with a bowtie?


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it's under the shoulder options I believe

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Yep ... sure was ... thanks very much ...




I'd write a check to Jay and BaB for custom animations and costumes right now, if that's the way it worked. But I have a feeling that the art department didn't burn the midnight oil and get a bonus for these extras: they would have worked just as hard - but on something else everyone would have gotten access to - if they didn't work on these.

This does not appear to be a case of "we can't justify the cost of making these items, but maybe we can make them retail items to help defray the cost." This appears to be a case of "hey, since you're making those things anyway, lets see if we can sell them rather than give them away, to gauge the interest of the player population in retail option packs."

[/ QUOTE ]Except Arcanaville, there's an implicit assumption in your analysis, and I think you're begging the question a bit.

It's not a given that all of their productive time inherently belongs to us as regular customers. That may be a natural assumption, but it's not necessarily true. And considering that we don't know exactly how big their staff is, or exactly how many hours they put in, putting a claim on 100% of the workhours wouldn't mean much even if it could be justified.



Bastards all!

*gets wallet*

Sure, freakishly stylized cartoon child! Never give up!
Strike Force
MArc #39397 - Welcome to Chapter Six
MArc #123195 - Ch6 1.1 - Under White Plains
MArc #202989 - Ch6 1.2 - The Summoning Dark



I hope you guys will at least be posting a video of the event?

Edited since I was dumb.



my question is If this is popular will test server be able to hold all the players? or will it go grey like freedom?

Fluffy Bunny 1 Person SG
Rabid Bunny 1 Person VG
Both on Pinnacle
Hobbit's Hole 1 Person SG
Spider's Web 1 Person VG
Both on Freedom



To be clear here, this pack includes:

1-Three 3D tops-with-skin. Yes, they are based on previous patterns, but they have dimension and a shiny leatherette look to them.

2-Three 3D bottoms-with-skin. See above.

3-Two 3D bridal tops-with-skin, one with lace and one without. Once again, more than just flat patterns applied to the model, there is substance and detail to them. These pieces (and the above 3D tops and bottoms) are more like the Leather and Metal options than the flat 'painted on' patterns they're based on.

4. The 3D bridal skirt texture has been applied to each style of skirt, and has primary and secondary colorization.

5-The veil gives us a new attachment point which hopefully is a glimpse of future ideas. Though currently not quite finished, as shown in the preview picture of Sister Psyche, will be quite lovely when done. (Thanks for the update Lighthouse.)

6-Gloves to match the bridal top.

7-Versatile heeled shoes.

8-Two tail-jackets for all genders (yes, the ladies get these too) where the tails hang and move more naturally than the trenchcoats and are almost a buttcape like the Fortunata wear.

9-Female access to the bowtie which previously was reserved for males only. (I haven't personally confirmed this, but saw it stated by another poster.)

10-All of the new pieces are color customizeable. This makes them not just 'wedding' pieces.

11-The four new emotes, which while situational are very nice and show off the physics engine very well.

This is a lot of new stuff.

I do think that male/large characters need something more. Other than that, I think this add-on is worth the $10 I paid. I would be happy to see more cosmetic add-ons like this.

I don't really understand why some people are so upset about this. It's not like they're making you pay extra to get access to new powersets or mission content. Everyone still gets those things, whether they're willing to pay extra or not, and at this time there is no evidence to suggest that NCSoft will be moving to a microtransaction system for that caliber of content.

This feels like the same argument against Veteran rewards being applied to paying for content. Some people just want everything given to them Right Now and For Free.




says you. I've been playing this game for 4 years and I'm still not bored with it. there are still things I have not done and story lines for me to explore

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What tileset have you not seen yet?

What enemy faction have you not seen?

The fact that you missed an arc here or there is not variety. They differ generally by nothing more than a couple paragraphs of written text.

We rarely ever get new zones. The new zones we get are 90% or more recycled. And what about some new __systems__ of gameplay? The last time they tried that was base raids... ooops. I could list examples of new systems and ways to play that would be great, but that isn't the issue. The issue is we have nothing - just the same "run missions" gameplay we have always had.

Playing the game is the SAME now as it was years ago. They have a good foundation, which is why we keep playing. But that is no excuse to just take our faith and loyalty for granted and never give us meaningfully different and new content to enjoy.


why? what's so repulsive about it? They give us "free expansions" on a regular basis

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What free expansions? The ones we pay $15 a month for? Here's a clue: hardware and bandwidth are cheap as heck these days. The real cost of MMO development is CONTENT. That is what we are paying for, and we aren't getting it.


again.. why? as I said before we pay $10 for a silly name change, what's the big deal with paying $10 for absolutely awesome exclusive costume options?

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We do? I sure don't. And part of the cost for name changes is to prevent frivolous use. Is part of the cost of thise "pack" to discourage people from buying it? I don't think so.

If you really so unsatisfied with the game and what it offers, perhaps it's time to move on?

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Whenever someone trots out the "if you don't like it, quit" line they have just accepted defeat. That is a completely useless and worthless thing to say. A major reason for these forums is feedback. Negative feedback should not be responded to with "just quit" from mindless fanboy sheep.



-checks clock- Guess I missed it. Oh well.

I hope you guys will at least be posting a video of it?

[/ QUOTE ]

Still have two days till it starts.

Shadowy Presence - Absolutely, positively worse than playing a Kheldian... --Myrmydon



-checks clock- Guess I missed it. Oh well.

I hope you guys will at least be posting a video of it?

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Still have two days till it starts.

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Reading comprehension ftw! My bad >>*



Whenever someone trots out the "if you don't like it, quit" line they have just accepted defeat. That is a completely useless and worthless thing to say. A major reason for these forums is feedback. Negative feedback should not be responded to with "just quit" from mindless fanboy sheep.

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act like a jerkoff much? It is not worthless because if all you do is complain and whine about certain things not coming, why don't you just leave? saves a whole lot of irritation.

What free expansions? The ones we pay $15 a month for? Here's a clue: hardware and bandwidth are cheap as heck these days. The real cost of MMO development is CONTENT. That is what we are paying for, and we aren't getting it.

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last I checked, last thing I really had to pay for was City of Villains back in I6, so the past 5 issues we've received free content.




Gotterdamurung wrote:
Yeah, last year was such a disappointment. I mean, besides the

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You realize almost everything on your list was either recycled content, or you just repeating yourself? Right?


Valentines day event
the Halloween event
the Winter event,
Hami for villains
Monster Island
dual blades
weapon customization
the Menders arcs
the Vanguard arcs

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All recycled content.


crafting, IO's, loot, markets, ultra-rare inventions, respec recipes

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That's 1 thing. The IO system.

The only thing we "got" was IOs, STF, LGTF, and mothership raids.

IOs are awesome. The STF and LGTF are nice, but they are still the same old basic "run 10 missions" gameplay we've done a million times before. Mothership raids are neat - if there was ever one happening on my server.

So for meaningful new content, all we got was IOs. The rest was either recycled or very minor.



I take offense to Cambios' 'mindless fanboy sheep' comment, and I want to address that entire paragraph.

If you really so unsatisfied with the game and what it offers, perhaps it's time to move on?

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Whenever someone trots out the "if you don't like it, quit" line they have just accepted defeat. That is a completely useless and worthless thing to say. A major reason for these forums is feedback. Negative feedback should not be responded to with "just quit" from mindless fanboy sheep.

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That doesn't look like an argument to me, but rather a legitimate question and one I wouldn't mind an answer to as well. Why do you keep playing if you are, as it seems from the venom of your posts in this topic, so disatisfied with the state of the game today?




Just so everyone knows... Yes, indeed, I did purchase the silly new Pack. Because I have to have it. So there.

Cerise is gettin' a new pair of shoes... and some hose, looks like. That's hawt.

I also think an actual tux jacket on Pyrotank might look good on him... dunno how I'm gonna incorporate that with his metalized suite... but I'm sure I'll figure it out.

Endolith might look funny with a tux, being... well... a being of rock...

I'm sure I'll find new ways to use the costumes. The emotes... eh. Whatevers.

Baa, but in a good way. I support me some Co*!


August 31, 2012. A Day that will Live in Infamy. Or Information. Possibly Influence. Well, Inf, anyway. Thank you, Paragon Studios, for what you did, and the enjoyment and camaraderie you brought.
This is houtex, aka Mike, signing off the forums. G'night all. - 10/26/2012
Well... perhaps I was premature about that whole 'signing off' thing... - 11-9-2012



However, please keep in mind that Sean Fish and his wife Jen will actually be at the keyboards running Manticore and Sister Psyche respectively. Matt "Positron" Miller will actually be playing Positron in the event, as will all the rest of the dev team. ing. More details will follow. Thanks in advance for your understanding.

[/ QUOTE ]


*** ACTUALLY *** at their keyboards?

What in the heck. Are we supposed to swoon like these are rock stars or something? We know they are going to be firing off macros or slamming in scripted text. It isn't like there will be meaningful RP or anything actually interesting happening.

Watching two strangers get married is about as special as watching paint dry. Foisting this on us like it is "special" is insulting to our intelligence.



and on second thought, no teddys for the wedding night?
guys can get boxer shorts

Fluffy Bunny 1 Person SG
Rabid Bunny 1 Person VG
Both on Pinnacle
Hobbit's Hole 1 Person SG
Spider's Web 1 Person VG
Both on Freedom



Except Arcanaville, there's an implicit assumption in your analysis, and I think you're begging the question a bit.

It's not a given that all of their productive time inherently belongs to us as regular customers. That may be a natural assumption, but it's not necessarily true. And considering that we don't know exactly how big their staff is, or exactly how many hours they put in, putting a claim on 100% of the workhours wouldn't mean much even if it could be justified.

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And there is an implicit assumption in your post:

That we are actually getting a meaningful amount of content from their "work time."

I'm not seeing it.

When I login to play CoX, it is the same "run missions" gameplay that I had on day 1. Other than the IO/loot system, nothing is fundamentally different. I have NO OTHER CHOICES for things to do other than run missions one way or another.

That's a big problem folks.

I love the core gameplay. I love the engine. I love the interface. But the lack of content variety just makes me incredibly sad. And when the trickle of content we do get is siphoned off to a pay-for-perks add on pack, that's just ridiculous.




last I checked, last thing I really had to pay for was City of Villains back in I6, so the past 5 issues we've received free content.


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Wow. You found a way around the $15 a month subscription fee? Care to share?

Think before you post. Sheesh.



Why do you keep playing if you are, as it seems from the venom of your posts in this topic, so disatisfied with the state of the game today?

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Pay me $9.99 and I'll tell you.



You know what? Forget what I just said. I'll do things the correct way.