Discussion: Valentine's Day





This is a terrible idea, and the fans need to send a clear message that they aren't going for it.

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I fully agree.

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and others clearly disagree with you, and so goes the turning of the interwebz world.


AE Arc: 305214 Blood Diamonds (Villainous)




I bought this pack. I'll buy it on my other account as well, once I fill all of my Guardian slots on my main account.

I'll HAPPILY buy anything that they offer, because it gives me shiny new stuff, and it supports the game.




This is a terrible idea, and the fans need to send a clear message that they aren't going for it.

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I fully agree.

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And as always with retail matters:

The ONLY message that you can send is "not to buy it".

However, of course, the rest of us who WILL enjoy putting on these special duds and maybe even using them to base whole characters on (hey, a wedding-gowned superheroine? hell yah!) will be spending FOR YOU.

If you don't want what's in the pack, do not buy the pack. Just like if you didn't want to have the little goodies in the Good Vs Evil pack you do NOT have to buy it. You have the games, you have your fun - but there are PERKS to those who want them.

Stop trying to rain on their wedding stuffs.

Please read my FEAR/Portal/HalfLife Fan Fiction!




I will probably spend 10 bucks for this. I've been wanting a tux with tails for a long time now. I don't have any female characters, though, so I probably won't use any of those options.

I have a few suggestions/requests though:

Please make Capes and Wings available for the Male/Huge Tuxedo jackets. From what I'm reading it seems like Females can have such a combination, so surely it must be possible for Male/Huge as well.

A cummerbund option in Belts would be fabulous. Perhaps a bit more work than simply making capes/wings work with the tux, but it is desired.

Finally, as someone else posted, a nice "loosened bow-tie" option would be wonderful. Again, a bit more work than the cape/wing thing, but also desired.

The costume parts look great though!



Personally, I hope very few people buy the Wedding Pack so NCSoft gets the message that this is not a viable income stream for them.

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Oh yes, and a great message it would be:

"Dear NCSoft, don't go out of your way for us. Don't spend extra time or money on developing or designing anything for us unless you are willing to accept no compensation for your efforts. Don't expect us to support you. We don't want anything more then what our subscription fees already cover."

Its one thing to charge for everything left and right, like some other companies have, its another to offer a little something extra here and there for a small price.

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We do pay $15 a month, in theory this goes to pay for content updates. I'm not really taking a side, but there is a reasonable expectation here. If you go in a cruise that promotes "Complementary Buffet!" and then you get to a plate of rather tasty pastries labeled "$5 each" you're going to want to know what's up.

CoH and it's devs should let us know if they plan to change the business model, to what extent, and how it will effect content in the future. Did you hire more people to handle the creation of this new content or if it sells well do you intend to do so? If not, does this mean there will be less costume/animation content for other players as a result?

These are reasonable questions to ask.



Grand feelings of entitlement, much?

Please read my FEAR/Portal/HalfLife Fan Fiction!



My problem aside from the cost is that you can only buy it with a credit card. I use timecards, I won't be able to get this, or any other online option like this in the future if I continue with timecards.

(And I hope this isn't a harbinger to come for timecards eventually being discontinued.)

If I really wanted this, and I'm balking at the price, I would have to ask one of my friends to purchase a code for me with their cc and I just pay them.

Secondly, since part of the pack includes stockings, think that we'll see stocking options other than 'Fishnet' in I12 or other future update?

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You can buy one-shot credit card (technically just pre-paid debit cards) at places like Wall-mart, so there is still choices.

Still here, even after all this time!



I would like to point out that if this costume pack (and others) are financially successful, everyone will enjoy the benefits of NCSoft having the extra money to do things in City of Heroes, regardless if you were for it or against it.



I hope that NCSoft will continue to find viable revenue streams aside from monthly subscriptions and box purchases (in the case of Guild Wars). I want NCSoft to be around for a long time to come, and have enough resources to be more experimental, a bit more adventurous. They need money for that. I want them to be financially independent and secure, so they won't ever have to start shopping for buyers because they're in dire straits. As a result, I will not only *not* begrudge them for doing this, but I encourage it. As a fan of game companies that have folded or been bought out by large publishers only to be gutted and their franchises left to languish, I'm quite happy to see NCSoft doing things to make sure they'll have money incoming.

Yes, its $10, and I'm still undecided how I feel about the price myself. But to be honest, playing City of Heroes, Guild Wars, etc., is cheap entertainment (how much are movies? sheesh!), and my buying of console games has pretty much gone down to nothing since I started playing two years ago. I'm not even really interested in getting a new console now - I'm quite content enjoying my current games. So, yes, its $10, but I've still come out far ahead in that regard, and since I am both a RP'er and an Icon junkie ( ), its $10 (less than eating at McDonalds twice around here on Maui) that's going to add to my enjoyment of the game.

So, thank you very much to everyone who worked on this; I like the pack very much. I look forward to i12 and seeing what other great stuff is coming up, as well as i13 and beyond.

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And what Psyte said too...



How many costume options... versus how many that are already in the game? And several of the pieces you can't even say are that *different* from what's in the game - there's already a tuxedo jacket (male,) all the skirts are essentially getting another pattern, there's... a new pair of shoes, two more-detailed versions of *existing* patterns (Excess and Angelic,) one more deviated version of another option (Hearts - v-day event piece) - ... so, really strictly, the veil, chest piece (female,) gloves (female) and two jackets, plus some emotes.

Doesn't sound like it's really making anyone's costume concept impossible, or even all that difficult.

Seriously, the way some people are reacting, you'd think they'd started charging *real* money for costume changes at Icon, and a fee for each time you use the tram. Or *forcing* them to buy it.

Robbery. Ha.

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Bill, they really are spectacularly better though. I, too, was apprehensive about $9.99 for just some costume parts and the emotes, but then I really got to see the Bridal stuff (which can just be used for fancy lace items) and then the Angel Plus, Excess Plus and Hearts Plus and I was sold. Definitely worth it, but it will probably sell better at $5.99.

Still here, even after all this time!




This is a terrible idea, and the fans need to send a clear message that they aren't going for it.

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I fully agree.

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And as always with retail matters:

The ONLY message that you can send is "not to buy it".

However, of course, the rest of us who WILL enjoy putting on these special duds and maybe even using them to base whole characters on (hey, a wedding-gowned superheroine? hell yah!) will be spending FOR YOU.

If you don't want what's in the pack, do not buy the pack. Just like if you didn't want to have the little goodies in the Good Vs Evil pack you do NOT have to buy it. You have the games, you have your fun - but there are PERKS to those who want them.

Stop trying to rain on their wedding stuffs.

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Hey you can buy it if you wish, no skin off my back. I was just agreeing with someone. I already state I was not buying it in another post so that solves that. I am not raining down on anyone, buy it if you wish. I just don't like the price. It's a bit much for something a bit small. Call me a greedy [censored] and stuff. Ja I know how much time it takes to make costumes and emotes I've done it, but if was a lil more then 9.99 would be nice price... but it's not so I will have to jump in the 4.99-5.99 band wagon. Even then, I probably wouldn't buy it because there would be no use for it to me, but perhaps others will.

My beef is more so with the price than anything...

First Of The Year

Originally Posted by Edgar Allan Poe
I became insane, with long intervals of horrible sanity.



My problem aside from the cost is that you can only buy it with a credit card. I use timecards, I won't be able to get this, or any other online option like this in the future if I continue with timecards.

(And I hope this isn't a harbinger to come for timecards eventually being discontinued.)

If I really wanted this, and I'm balking at the price, I would have to ask one of my friends to purchase a code for me with their cc and I just pay them.

Secondly, since part of the pack includes stockings, think that we'll see stocking options other than 'Fishnet' in I12 or other future update?

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You can buy one-shot credit card (technically just pre-paid debit cards) at places like Wall-mart, so there is still choices.

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That is a problem though (iirc Exteel has a similar issue) - maybe at some point the NCSoft time cards can be a little more fluid in their usage (ie, usable for gametime and microtransactions). We don't have the plethora of payment options Korea has yet (pre-pay, credit card, cell-phone billing, etc), and I think this is an area NCSoft can really innovate in the American market.



CoH and it's devs should let us know if they plan to change the business model, to what extent, and how it will effect content in the future. Did you hire more people to handle the creation of this new content or if it sells well do you intend to do so? If not, does this mean there will be less costume/animation content for other players as a result?

These are reasonable questions to ask.

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Zekiran, these ARE reasonable questions. There is no entitlement involved. As paying subscribers, we should know if there is such a fundemental change in the works. I would be asking my newspaper the same questions if they did something similar.

Just because it is a game we all enjoy doesn't mean we throw our brains out the door when a paradigm shift of this magnitude comes along.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



This is what I would like, I want the wedding pack split into a for her, and a for him.. for her 4.99, for him 4.99, or both together for 9.99

I NEVER make boy characters so it would be a total waste of money to buy those, and my hubby never makes girls so it would be a waste of money to get it for him.

However, we like the set.. Could this be possible?




This is a terrible idea, and the fans need to send a clear message that they aren't going for it.

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I fully agree.

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and others clearly disagree with you, and so goes the turning of the interwebz world.


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Yes the interwebz is full of it, it seems.

First Of The Year

Originally Posted by Edgar Allan Poe
I became insane, with long intervals of horrible sanity.



Man i wish I could get on test for this. Hopefully some one will Demorecord the event, and post it somewhere I can see it.



I would love to see timecards be useable for microtransactions as well. I don't have a credit card myself...I had to borrow my mother's to purchase the pack. As such, I don't have my subscription on any card, and I can't buy name changes.



For those of us with multiple accts, we have 5 that adds up to $50. Seems like a lot for just some costume pieces, however nice they might be. If it had a power in it like the pocket d pass was in the good vs evil it might be worth spending $50. So for now i'd have to pass.

Why do they have to make cool costumes cost stuff.

I say boycott it and don't buy it and maybe they'll lower the price.



This is what I would like, I want the wedding pack split into a for her, and a for him.. for her 4.99, for him 4.99, or both together for 9.99

I NEVER make boy characters so it would be a total waste of money to buy those, and my hubby never makes girls so it would be a waste of money to get it for him.

However, we like the set.. Could this be possible?

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That's a cute idea, and would be perfect for gifting, too

Add in a custom message from the giver and it'd be just about perfect!



We do pay $15 a month, in theory this goes to pay for content updates. I'm not really taking a side, but there is a reasonable expectation here. If you go in a cruise that promotes "Complementary Buffet!" and then you get to a plate of rather tasty pastries labeled "$5 each" you're going to want to know what's up.

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I don't know, I've been to many, many events where food, entertainment, and drinks are all provided or covered in the entrance fee, but if you wanted any alcoholic drinks, those did cost extra. In this case its just more "altholic" content.



Why? They have *never* had to do so. Let's not go over that old thing, which you must recall dragged on forever elsewhere. We don't have to pay for what we don't want to use, and frankly the company does not HAVE to tell anyone anything.

Did we know about the change from Cryptic to NC? NO. We did not. Did we need to? NO we did not. Was it to our benefit? YES.

I trust the devs to do what they're doing. Sorry if you think the "marketing speech" paradigm shift thing is so very important to be on top of, but I'm just a customer like you. Should they make severe changes I don't like?

I will stop playing, not give them my money any more, and let the folks who still enjoy it move on. But it's not a big deal to me.

Please read my FEAR/Portal/HalfLife Fan Fiction!



How many costume options... versus how many that are already in the game? And several of the pieces you can't even say are that *different* from what's in the game - there's already a tuxedo jacket (male,) all the skirts are essentially getting another pattern, there's... a new pair of shoes, two more-detailed versions of *existing* patterns (Excess and Angelic,) one more deviated version of another option (Hearts - v-day event piece) - ... so, really strictly, the veil, chest piece (female,) gloves (female) and two jackets, plus some emotes.

Doesn't sound like it's really making anyone's costume concept impossible, or even all that difficult.

Seriously, the way some people are reacting, you'd think they'd started charging *real* money for costume changes at Icon, and a fee for each time you use the tram. Or *forcing* them to buy it.

Robbery. Ha.

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Bill, they really are spectacularly better though. I, too, was apprehensive about $9.99 for just some costume parts and the emotes, but then I really got to see the Bridal stuff (which can just be used for fancy lace items) and then the Angel Plus, Excess Plus and Hearts Plus and I was sold. Definitely worth it, but it will probably sell better at $5.99.

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Oh, I know they are (I think I had that email all of two minutes before buying it,) but most of them *are* variants of existing patterns, after all... so arguing that it would destroy someone's concept to have to pay for them just doesn't hold water with me.

Heck, I think if I logged on with my old machine (well, if I put its old video card back in,) I probably wouldn't see a heck of a lot of difference. I know I spent a good bit at the tailor when I first upgraded it because things that looked... eh, let's say "subtle" and interesting suddenly looked awful in more detail! (Like the spotted pattern... it was really washed out. New card = "Hey, those look like sharp dots now... ick!")



My problem aside from the cost is that you can only buy it with a credit card. I use timecards, I won't be able to get this, or any other online option like this in the future if I continue with timecards.

(And I hope this isn't a harbinger to come for timecards eventually being discontinued.)

If I really wanted this, and I'm balking at the price, I would have to ask one of my friends to purchase a code for me with their cc and I just pay them.

Secondly, since part of the pack includes stockings, think that we'll see stocking options other than 'Fishnet' in I12 or other future update?

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You can buy one-shot credit card (technically just pre-paid debit cards) at places like Wall-mart, so there is still choices.

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Ew no... I did this once. You have to pay for the card, then put money in... so you're paying more.

First Of The Year

Originally Posted by Edgar Allan Poe
I became insane, with long intervals of horrible sanity.



Personally, I hope very few people buy the Wedding Pack so NCSoft gets the message that this is not a viable income stream for them.

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Oh yes, and a great message it would be:

"Dear NCSoft, don't go out of your way for us. Don't spend extra time or money on developing or designing anything for us unless you are willing to accept no compensation for your efforts. Don't expect us to support you. We don't want anything more then what our subscription fees already cover."

Its one thing to charge for everything left and right, like some other companies have, its another to offer a little something extra here and there for a small price.

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We do pay $15 a month, in theory this goes to pay for content updates. I'm not really taking a side, but there is a reasonable expectation here. If you go in a cruise that promotes "Complementary Buffet!" and then you get to a plate of rather tasty pastries labeled "$5 each" you're going to want to know what's up.

[/ QUOTE ]

Only fare and food are covered in your usual cruise cost. Everything else is extra. Even better food on some cruise lines costs extra.



My problem aside from the cost is that you can only buy it with a credit card. I use timecards, I won't be able to get this, or any other online option like this in the future if I continue with timecards.

(And I hope this isn't a harbinger to come for timecards eventually being discontinued.)

If I really wanted this, and I'm balking at the price, I would have to ask one of my friends to purchase a code for me with their cc and I just pay them.

Secondly, since part of the pack includes stockings, think that we'll see stocking options other than 'Fishnet' in I12 or other future update?

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You can buy one-shot credit card (technically just pre-paid debit cards) at places like Wall-mart, so there is still choices.

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Ew no... I did this once. You have to pay for the card, then put money in... so you're paying more.

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Don't think you got what's being talked about here. You don't have to put any money on a Visa giftcard.