Discussion: Valentine's Day




AN NCSoft Gift Card (for purchasing subscription time and/ or additional features) would be dandy.



My problem aside from the cost is that you can only buy it with a credit card. I use timecards, I won't be able to get this, or any other online option like this in the future if I continue with timecards.

(And I hope this isn't a harbinger to come for timecards eventually being discontinued.)

If I really wanted this, and I'm balking at the price, I would have to ask one of my friends to purchase a code for me with their cc and I just pay them.

Secondly, since part of the pack includes stockings, think that we'll see stocking options other than 'Fishnet' in I12 or other future update?

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You can buy one-shot credit card (technically just pre-paid debit cards) at places like Wall-mart, so there is still choices.

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Ew no... I did this once. You have to pay for the card, then put money in... so you're paying more.

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Don't think you got what's being talked about here. You don't have to put any money on a Visa giftcard.

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Ah yes, my bad lol... Forgot about the giftcards.

First Of The Year

Originally Posted by Edgar Allan Poe
I became insane, with long intervals of horrible sanity.



AN NCSoft Gift Card (for purchasing subscription time and/ or additional features) would be dandy.

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Now that is grand idea!

First Of The Year

Originally Posted by Edgar Allan Poe
I became insane, with long intervals of horrible sanity.



The tuxedo costume includes an elegant formal tuxedo jacket with tails (available to all characters).

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I LOVE you guys for making the tuxedo pieces available to all characters, not just guys ;_; As soon as my husband mentioned this pack to me, my first response was to vow to not buy it if the formal suits were men-only.

It really is a terrible shame that there aren't more guy bits, though. I think you should add in a solid version of the veil for them - that could have everyday, non-girly applications. Aside from that, that's some great work, guys. It's kind of pricey, though... $5.99 would have been more reasonable, considering how many of these you stand to sell (seriously, you can't tell me you're not going to make a packet off of this! ). Or maybe a pre-order discount next time?

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Yeh, but where is my wedding dress for a dude.... please don't flame war me...if I were a secure heterosexual male, I'd totally wear a dress to my wedding just to piss off my family...wish my toons could have one .

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I'm not going to flame you for that, I love crossdressing guys. I just know we're never, ever, ever going to actually get dresses for guys, and since the super-masculine CoX guys would look horrid in drag anyway, I don't care. I just make flat chested women to serve as pretty boys (check out my elven prince).

Also, whoever laughed at the "with skin" options for women in this pack is right. Mostly naked with a heart on my crotch, huh? Gosh, I wish I'd looked like that when I got married. Please, costume designers, can we reign in the sluttiness just a bit? Just a little? It's really gotten gross (and as a porn-drawing pervert, I am no puritan point of view here!)

...Or at least add in a giftwrapped banana hammock for the men. That would be about the same level of suggestiveness, I think. Fair's fair!

The Girl Your Mother Warned You About

Primary Virtue ~ Secondary Guardian




There is still a full complement of free Issues and content scheduled for this year and beyond for City of Heroes and City of Villains.

This pack is something that we were able to make available outside of our regular release schedule. So, no, you won't have to pay for other new costumes and emotes. We realize that the Wedding Pack won't be for everyone, but hopefully those who are interested in it will find that they like having the option to obtain it.

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Um. Nice try, but no.

City of Heroes/Villains is already incredibly LACKING in content variety. It is bad enough you expect us to run Warehouse Mission #876,896,123 ad infinitum on every character, but now you're selling costume options and emotes as an add on?

Sorry, but you have to decide right now if CoX is a subscription based game, or a "pay-for-perks" game. You don't get to do both. Figure out which business model you prefer, and stick with it. Cherry picking from both is repulsive.

$10 for a couple of VERY specialized costume options and 4 emotes is outrageous.

At least your Good vs. Evil package included:
<ul type="square">[*] New costume options.[*] Jump Pack Power.[*] Pocket D teleport power.[*] Pocket D VIP Gold Club Member Badge.[/list]
At least with Good vs. Evil you got 2 pretty handy powers to go along with the two "style" benefits (costume options and badge, comparable to the Valentine's costume options and emotes).

What an absolutely enormous let down. With so little content released so rarely as is, I can't believe you would actually make stuff like this and then try to get EXTRA money on top of the subscription for it.

Other MMOs get entirely new zones, areas, and "raids" on a regular basis that have completely new environments, tilesets, etc. We get recycled power sets, recycled tile sets (RWZ), and then are supposed to pay $10 extra for a few costume slots and emotes????

Outrageous. Whoever's idea this was should be fired or at least reprimanted.



I see nothing wrong with offering specialty content packs like this for $9.99. The G vs. E pack was well worth it. The fact they are asking $9.99 for a couple costume peices and 2 emotes is ridiculous. If you buy that, I have a bridge for you.

The costume creator is the one thing that really sets this game apart from any other. If they were to offer a $19.99 pack with like 50 new peices....I would but it. $10 bucks for 2 outfits is kinda offensive to me. Does the new managment think we are stupid?



Arcanaville wrote:
I'd write a check to Jay and BaB for custom animations and costumes right now, if that's the way it worked. But I have a feeling that the art department didn't burn the midnight oil and get a bonus for these extras: they would have worked just as hard - but on something else everyone would have gotten access to - if they didn't work on these.

I wouldn't mind if these things were, say, veteran rewards that someone could buy to get early, and sufficiently long veterans would get unlocked eventually, so the purchase price was just for the impatient. And I don't mind supporting the dev team in general. And the completist in me is likely to buy the pack anyway, eventually, and the $10 means exactly nothing to me. But I'm still uncomfortable with a ten dollar costume and emote pack on principle.

This does not appear to be a case of "we can't justify the cost of making these items, but maybe we can make them retail items to help defray the cost." This appears to be a case of "hey, since you're making those things anyway, lets see if we can sell them rather than give them away, to gauge the interest of the player population in retail option packs."

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I don't agree with you often Arcanaville, but you are SPOT ON today.



Why? They have *never* had to do so. Let's not go over that old thing, which you must recall dragged on forever elsewhere. We don't have to pay for what we don't want to use, and frankly the company does not HAVE to tell anyone anything.

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If they are changing the business model that much, then people should be told now. There is absolutely no excuse not to.

Some will welcome the change, others will not. This is not for you to decide. This is for each player to decide. Without those questions answered, NCsoft is being

Did we know about the change from Cryptic to NC? NO. We did not. Did we need to? NO we did not. Was it to our benefit? YES.

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And were some decisions so bad that players cried foul just getting a whiff of the idea? Yes.

I trust the devs to do what they're doing. Sorry if you think the "marketing speech" paradigm shift thing is so very important to be on top of, but I'm just a customer like you. Should they make severe changes I don't like?

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And what exactly gives you the right to say that I or others should not question this?

I will stop playing, not give them my money any more, and let the folks who still enjoy it move on. But it's not a big deal to me.

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Yes, to you. To some in the playerbase, it is important.

Simply put, if you don't care what answer they give, then please by all means continue to ignore any requests for answers to those questions. Just don't block others from seeking those answers.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



This is exactly why I didn't put a badge in this pack.

[/ QUOTE ]I just wanted to take a moment to recognize the collective wisdom of the public. You gave less so people wouldn't complain.

The sad thing is, you're not even wrong.



About the Visa gift-cards, I believe that this issue came up before, and it was posted that they aren't available up here in Canada for whatever reason.

Also, I just checked the Muchmusic - Canada's MTV - website to check whether or not my financial institution had finally signed on with them. Not only has Scotiabank not signed on, they are not taking any new applications as of this moment.

And I agree, NCSoft giftcards would be fantastic.

Global: @All-American Teen
70 toons across 11 servers.

Top hero -All-American Teen lvl 50 eng/invul Tanker (01:10 EST; 1/24/09)
Top villian -Poisoned Plum lvl 30 robots/devices Mastermind



Hate to say it, but I'm somewhat unimpressed.

A "special event" in which only 300 out of the 25,000 plus CoH subscribers will be able to participate? Up to this point, CoH's special events have been somewhat egalitarian, with effort made to be as inclusive as possible. For instance, the CuppaJo farewell party, where a dozen different Pocket Ds were instanced and the devs were present in all of them. This kind of leaves a bad taste in my mouth.

$10 for a couple of costume pieces and emotes that I honestly can't see much reason ever to use? (I get into RP, but not that far into it.) As someone else said, the Good vs. Evil $10 pack got you costume options, a badge, and two very useful prestige powers. $10 for palpable benefits in the game is one thing. $10 for mere frippery is quite another.

I can't say I wouldn't ever buy it—perhaps if someday I have enough disposable income that I wouldn't feel foolish blowing it in that way—but it doesn't really tempt me right now.




There is still a full complement of free Issues and content scheduled for this year and beyond for City of Heroes and City of Villains.

This pack is something that we were able to make available outside of our regular release schedule. So, no, you won't have to pay for other new costumes and emotes. We realize that the Wedding Pack won't be for everyone, but hopefully those who are interested in it will find that they like having the option to obtain it.

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Um. Nice try, but no.

City of Heroes/Villains is already incredibly LACKING in content variety.

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says you. I've been playing this game for 4 years and I'm still not bored with it. there are still things I have not done and story lines for me to explore

It is bad enough you expect us to run Warehouse Mission #876,896,123 ad infinitum on every character, but now you're selling costume options and emotes as an add on?

Sorry, but you have to decide right now if CoX is a subscription based game, or a "pay-for-perks" game. You don't get to do both. Figure out which business model you prefer, and stick with it. Cherry picking from both is repulsive.

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why? what's so repulsive about it? They give us "free expansions" on a regular basis and every once in a while... once in a long while... they throw something out there we have to pay for if we want it. I don't see what's wrong with that.

$10 for a couple of VERY specialized costume options and 4 emotes is outrageous.

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again.. why? as I said before we pay $10 for a silly name change, what's the big deal with paying $10 for absolutely awesome exclusive costume options?

it really comes down to "I like it and you don't". But you state things in such an absolute and athoritative manner, like your opinion should be the law. If you really so unsatisfied with the game and what it offers, perhaps it's time to move on?




Just a little feedback on this one.

1. We should know exactly what we're buying. Images of each costume piece and each emote (preferably animated) would be really helpful. We shoudn't have to run all over the forum and internet to find them, either. Shots should be with the "ad material" and on the purchase page.

2. This thing is pretty light, IMHO, for 10 bucks when stacked up to the utility of the GvE pack.

3. This one is very specific to this particular "pay pack." It should work properly the moment it's introduced. Admitted, this is a "minor" thing since it's going to get fixed, but going out broken in the first place just doesn't look good.

4. I freely admit a little gut-revulsion at the idea of CoH switching to a mall-style "micro expansion" setup like this. I prefered to have my monthly fee and the occasional super-size paid expansion.



Well all I have to say is maybe they should have the veil graphics thing fixed before they make it available for sale. Generally people pay money for something that is finished, not for something that is to be finished soon.™

But I guess that's the way of all PC games nowadays. Push it out the door, get the money, fix it later.



One thing that might be nice is a way to buy this as a gift, since the store apparently doesn't support that directly. I mean, if anything screamed gift that would be in the store, this does.

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Definitely seconding the gift option suggestion: my girlfriend's been having a rough day, and I wanted to buy this for her, but I don't see any way to do it.

"No boom *today*. Boom tomorrow. There's always boom tomorrow."
--Lt. Commander Susan Ivanova



This is what I would like to be able to buy.

#1 Costume Set A $9.99
(Includes: 3 new outfits complete with matching Capes, Accessories, Shoes, and introducing Backpacks)

#2 Costume Set B $9.99
(Includes: 10 new patterns available for tops and bottoms, Capes, Skin, and introducing New Long hair and Jetpacks)

And every 6 months offer New Costume sets with those same basic sets ups, same price $9.99 each.

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I recently made a post, that had the above in it. So I dont have a problem buying the set.. My problem is.. Theres not enough stuff in the ~wedding pack~.

I only play female alts, so any male costume parts just wouldnt do anything for me, making me feel like I am wasting my "bucks".

*Anyways my post got flamed to death due to the latter part of my suggestion, buying a 20% bonus to exp.... for 7 14 and 30 days...



maybe if the $10 actually gave you the option to have a marriage certificate so you could marry a character in game and then people server wide would see a title that says "just married" or "mr and mrs smith"

But $10 for 2 costume options and 4 emotes?

Where is the custom colors and powers animations? id pay $100 for that!




This is a terrible idea, and the fans need to send a clear message that they aren't going for it.

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Well, considering how many posts I've seen from people who did buy the wedding pack (myself included), it seems that some fans are going for it. Personally, I think it cost a bit more than it probably should, but not so much that I wouldn't purchase it this time.




This is a terrible idea, and the fans need to send a clear message that they aren't going for it.

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Well, considering how many posts I've seen from people who did buy the wedding pack (myself included), it seems that some fans are going for it. Personally, I think it cost a bit more than it probably should, but not so much that I wouldn't purchase it this time.

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I'll be sure to point and laugh at anyone I see wearing this garbage in game.



About the Visa gift-cards, I believe that this issue came up before, and it was posted that they aren't available up here in Canada for whatever reason.

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I've also found Visa Gift cards (Vancity "My treat" cards) in Safeway (western canada). You might want to check the above link or your grocery store or gas stations. You might be suprised.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters




This is a terrible idea, and the fans need to send a clear message that they aren't going for it.

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Well, considering how many posts I've seen from people who did buy the wedding pack (myself included), it seems that some fans are going for it. Personally, I think it cost a bit more than it probably should, but not so much that I wouldn't purchase it this time.

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I'll be sure to point and laugh at anyone I see wearing this garbage in game.

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I'll be sure not to give a [censored] when you do.


AE Arc: 305214 Blood Diamonds (Villainous)




What an absolutely enormous let down. With so little content released so rarely as is, I can't believe you would actually make stuff like this and then try to get EXTRA money on top of the subscription for it.

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Yeah, last year was such a disappointment. I mean, besides the Valentines day event, the Halloween event, the Winter event, crafting, IO's, loot, markets, STF, Hami for villains, Monster Island, RWZ, all the Vanguard arcs, merits, mothership raids, LGTF, invasions, flashback, dual blades, willpower, weapon customization, ultra-rare inventions, respec recipes, the Menders arcs, dozens of new costume options including several full sets, new emotes, and a couple hundred badges, what exactly did they do for us?

I feel so completely cheated.



I am quite happy with my purchase of this. My mastermind, who is theater themed, had a tux costume already and what they added was what I had in mind for it originally. Also, his henchwench, a musical/opera themed corrupter, can do a very nice Carmen homage with some of these options. I know they are of limited use, but I already had pre-existing characters that could use these. If I did not have that I am not so sure I would have gotten them.

Shadowy Presence - Absolutely, positively worse than playing a Kheldian... --Myrmydon




This is a terrible idea, and the fans need to send a clear message that they aren't going for it.

[/ QUOTE ]

Well, considering how many posts I've seen from people who did buy the wedding pack (myself included), it seems that some fans are going for it. Personally, I think it cost a bit more than it probably should, but not so much that I wouldn't purchase it this time.

[/ QUOTE ]

I am completely indifferent to this Wedding Pack.

I don't want it, and I don't care that others are willing to pay for it. If this is indicative of what future "packs" will constitute, I will apparently be saving some money.

I am, however, interested in seeing how the event itself is changing from last year. As for the wedding event on test server, if I don't make it I doubt I will be losing sleep over it. I think it would have been more interesting as a new mission or something.

"...freedom isn't a commodity to compromise." -- Captain America, New Avengers #21

Guide to Base Teleporters




There is still a full complement of free Issues and content scheduled for this year and beyond for City of Heroes and City of Villains.

This pack is something that we were able to make available outside of our regular release schedule. So, no, you won't have to pay for other new costumes and emotes. We realize that the Wedding Pack won't be for everyone, but hopefully those who are interested in it will find that they like having the option to obtain it.

[/ QUOTE ]

Um. Nice try, but no.

City of Heroes/Villains is already incredibly LACKING in content variety. It is bad enough you expect us to run Warehouse Mission #876,896,123 ad infinitum on every character, but now you're selling costume options and emotes as an add on?

Sorry, but you have to decide right now if CoX is a subscription based game, or a "pay-for-perks" game. You don't get to do both. Figure out which business model you prefer, and stick with it. Cherry picking from both is repulsive.

$10 for a couple of VERY specialized costume options and 4 emotes is outrageous.

At least your Good vs. Evil package included:
<ul type="square">[*] New costume options.[*] Jump Pack Power.[*] Pocket D teleport power.[*] Pocket D VIP Gold Club Member Badge.[/list]
At least with Good vs. Evil you got 2 pretty handy powers to go along with the two "style" benefits (costume options and badge, comparable to the Valentine's costume options and emotes).

What an absolutely enormous let down. With so little content released so rarely as is, I can't believe you would actually make stuff like this and then try to get EXTRA money on top of the subscription for it.

Other MMOs get entirely new zones, areas, and "raids" on a regular basis that have completely new environments, tilesets, etc. We get recycled power sets, recycled tile sets (RWZ), and then are supposed to pay $10 extra for a few costume slots and emotes????

Outrageous. Whoever's idea this was should be fired or at least reprimanted.

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This guy has best point and granted i will prob get it.Think about last payed for thing compaired to this.Just think about it devs you got to make it little bit more worth it.Throw a badge and temp in.Throw one of those little pointless pets like vet reward has.It dont need to be one of them but just make it a little bit better.I dont mind you making a little extra money but 10 bucks for that come on now.
Do you think you can add just a little more to make it worth it?

[@Brewha] [Lv50-Necro/Dark][Lv50-Spines/SR][Lv50-Thug/Dark][Lv50-Martial arts/Shield] [Lv50-Sonic/Storm][Lv50-Rad/Rad][Lv50-War Mace/Granite][Lv50-Ice/Pain][Lv50-Fire/Psi] [Lv50-SS/Fire][Lv50-Granite/Energy][Lv50-Fort.][Lv50-Earth/Elec][Lv50-AR/Thermal] [Lv50-Energy/Will][Lv50-Energy/Kin][Lv50-Ninja Blade/Dark][Lv50-Crab][Lv50-Fire/Energy] [Lv50-Empathy/Energy][Lv50-Cold/Archery]