Discussion: Valentine's Day




Charging real world money for costumes and emotes? Wow. You guys have really sunk to a new low. I mean for the love of Christ offer SOMETHING tangible. More CHARACTER SLOTS. Offer a new AT, powersets. ANYTHING. But your CHARGING for costumes and emotes? Are you trying to piss off your customers?

The shining world of the seven systems. On the continent of Wild Endeavour. In the mountains of Solace and Solitude there stood the Citadel of the Time Lords. The oldest and most mightiest race in the Universe. Sworn never to interfere. Only watch...[/SIZE][/B]



To be fair, none of us know what hours the Devs are putting in or how much work. They could have been working overtime to get the Valentine's event done, they may not have. I'm giving them the benefit of the doubt and trusting that the money earned from these costumes is either covering the cost spent developing them or will be used to create even better content in the future.

Glass half-full/glass half-empty.

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I have to agree. Right now, we really don't have any reason to suspect that they're not being honest with us on this. So, for now, I'm willing to take it at face value: they're charging for this, because it wouldn't have been in the budget otherwise, and it didn't impact anything else.

For me, the proof will be in the next few issues. (Probably starting with I13, since that will be the first one that's fully from the NC^2 era.) Now, once those come out, if it seems like they're taking some of the neater things out and making us pay for them, then I'll grab my broom and start yelling shenanigens with the rest.



Charging real world money for costumes and emotes? Wow. You guys have really sunk to a new low. I mean for the love of Christ offer SOMETHING tangible. More CHARACTER SLOTS. Offer a new AT, powersets. ANYTHING. But your CHARGING for costumes and emotes? Are you trying to piss off your customers?

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Actually, they tried to charge for new Powersets and the like before.

It was called an "expansion", and people got upset that they would have to pay for such a thing to get new Powersets and the like when they already get free updates. So Cryptic/NCSoft trashed the idea.



The tuxedo costume includes an elegant formal tuxedo jacket with tails (available to all characters).

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I LOVE you guys for making the tuxedo pieces available to all characters, not just guys ;_; As soon as my husband mentioned this pack to me, my first response was to vow to not buy it if the formal suits were men-only.

It really is a terrible shame that there aren't more guy bits, though. I think you should add in a solid version of the veil for them - that could have everyday, non-girly applications. Aside from that, that's some great work, guys. It's kind of pricey, though... $5.99 would have been more reasonable, considering how many of these you stand to sell (seriously, you can't tell me you're not going to make a packet off of this! ). Or maybe a pre-order discount next time?

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Yeh, but where is my wedding dress for a dude.... please don't flame war me...if I were a secure heterosexual male, I'd totally wear a dress to my wedding just to piss off my family...wish my toons could have one .



Charging real world money for costumes and emotes? Wow. You guys have really sunk to a new low. I mean for the love of Christ offer SOMETHING tangible. More CHARACTER SLOTS. Offer a new AT, powersets. ANYTHING. But your CHARGING for costumes and emotes? Are you trying to piss off your customers?

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Of course if they charged for zones, ATs, or powersets, there would likely be an even bigger outcry!

I'm actually surprised "more character slots" hasn't been drug up more often in this thread.



Charging real world money for costumes and emotes? Wow. You guys have really sunk to a new low. I mean for the love of Christ offer SOMETHING tangible. More CHARACTER SLOTS. Offer a new AT, powersets. ANYTHING. But your CHARGING for costumes and emotes? Are you trying to piss off your customers?

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If they were charging for any of those things, I, for one, would be seriously annoyed. To me, that's the kind of thing that my $15 a month is supposed to cover.

Emotes and costume options? I can deal with that. (But again, not at $10.) After all, it's not exactly like anyone can argue that we currently have a dearth of either....



Charging real world money for costumes and emotes? Wow. You guys have really sunk to a new low. I mean for the love of Christ offer SOMETHING tangible. More CHARACTER SLOTS. Offer a new AT, powersets. ANYTHING. But your CHARGING for costumes and emotes? Are you trying to piss off your customers?

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Here's a wild, radical thought for you.

*If you don't think it's worth it, don't buy it.*

Your powers will work the same, and somehow I don't think your lack of a /throwrosepetals or /throwrice emote is going to make that AV fight any harder.



Charging real world money for costumes and emotes? Wow. You guys have really sunk to a new low. I mean for the love of Christ offer SOMETHING tangible. More CHARACTER SLOTS. Offer a new AT, powersets. ANYTHING. But your CHARGING for costumes and emotes? Are you trying to piss off your customers?

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Actually, they tried to charge for new Powersets and the like before.

It was called an "expansion", and people got upset that they would have to pay for such a thing to get new Powersets and the like when they already get free updates. So Cryptic/NCSoft trashed the idea.

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Hmm there's plenty of quotes from NCSoft officials after the merge stating the new, larger development team could lead to paid expansions (but the compromise is this content becomes available sooner, and there's more content/year). It's not exactly a trashed idea.

And to everyone irked about charging 9.99 for some new costume pieces, people have paid more for less content on MMO's in the past, continue to do in present, and will in the future.

Ten dollars isn't much, even for the struggling college students.



Thanks for the reply, Lighthouse, I appreciate it

(puts on flame retardant suit, just in case)

And I'd like to join in with the support for NCSoft on this. I am one of those players who's said "I'd pay for extra stuff." And I did. I've bought the regular City of Heroes, City of Villains CE (Clix-things, beta access, all the other goodies), City of Heroes: Good Vs Evil edition (the convenience of the DVD installer, the goodies, and the free month), and now I bought this. I've transferred characters at $10 a pop. I've downloaded, play and enjoy Exteel and have bought a small bit of stuff (about $6 worth of things, some of which expire). Right now I'm seriously looking at the bonus mission pack for Guild Wars. I've enjoyed everything I've gotten from NCSoft to date, and am very happy.

Obviously, your mileage will vary.

I hope that NCSoft will continue to find viable revenue streams aside from monthly subscriptions and box purchases (in the case of Guild Wars). I want NCSoft to be around for a long time to come, and have enough resources to be more experimental, a bit more adventurous. They need money for that. I want them to be financially independent and secure, so they won't ever have to start shopping for buyers because they're in dire straits. As a result, I will not only *not* begrudge them for doing this, but I encourage it. As a fan of game companies that have folded or been bought out by large publishers only to be gutted and their franchises left to languish, I'm quite happy to see NCSoft doing things to make sure they'll have money incoming.

Yes, its $10, and I'm still undecided how I feel about the price myself. But to be honest, playing City of Heroes, Guild Wars, etc., is cheap entertainment (how much are movies? sheesh!), and my buying of console games has pretty much gone down to nothing since I started playing two years ago. I'm not even really interested in getting a new console now - I'm quite content enjoying my current games. So, yes, its $10, but I've still come out far ahead in that regard, and since I am both a RP'er and an Icon junkie ( ), its $10 (less than eating at McDonalds twice around here on Maui) that's going to add to my enjoyment of the game.

So, thank you very much to everyone who worked on this; I like the pack very much. I look forward to i12 and seeing what other great stuff is coming up, as well as i13 and beyond.



all i have to say about the price is this... and forgive me if it's been said already

are you willing to pay $9.99 for something as cosmetic as a ... character rename??

if so... what's the problem with this??

I personally have no problem paying this price for amazingly awesome exclusive costume pieces

the emotes are just icing on the cake



(Quick Reply) Dunno . . . after having dealt with item malls and the like in other MMORPGs, I'd have to say that $9.99 is pretty reasonable for what's being offered. Of course, as the saying goes, your mileage may vary.


"To be violent at first and wind up fearing one's people is the epitome of ineptitude."

-Sun Tzu, The Art of War



I just want to say, I kinda like the idea. Of course, I also liked Adventure Packs in EQ2.

If you don't like it, simple way to express your displeasure with it [rant on the forums, and NOT buy it ].

Let's Dance!




Question: Will this pack be *continually* available, or only for a short time?

I have 4 accounts, I don't know whether I want to put 40 bucks out all at once, considering I'm only working on one toon from one account at this moment.

And to the nay-sayers - we ASK them "if you put stuff that's special out, we'll buy it!" and they DO so, and now you lot decide noooooo! don't make me paaaaay for something that the guys work hard 60-80 hours a week on! Nooooo!

Please read my FEAR/Portal/HalfLife Fan Fiction!




Here's a wild, radical thought for you.

*If you don't think it's worth it, don't buy it.*

Your powers will work the same, and somehow I don't think your lack of a /throwrosepetals or /throwrice emote is going to make that AV fight any harder.

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Here's a wilder more radical idea.


Because this opens the door to a lot of other paid content, and before you know it we're being nickel and dimed to death on future costume pieces because people shrugged and let this pass.

Plus this is a SUPERHERO game, arguably costumes are as an important aspect of the genre as the powers themselves. At least they are to some of us, granting those with the extra $10 to throw away sole access to something that's part of an integral aspect of the game is robbery. Especially at the price.

Lighthouse wanted feedback, he's getting it.

This is a terrible idea, and the fans need to send a clear message that they aren't going for it.



My problem aside from the cost is that you can only buy it with a credit card. I use timecards, I won't be able to get this, or any other online option like this in the future if I continue with timecards.

(And I hope this isn't a harbinger to come for timecards eventually being discontinued.)

If I really wanted this, and I'm balking at the price, I would have to ask one of my friends to purchase a code for me with their cc and I just pay them.

Secondly, since part of the pack includes stockings, think that we'll see stocking options other than 'Fishnet' in I12 or other future update?

Global: @All-American Teen
70 toons across 11 servers.

Top hero -All-American Teen lvl 50 eng/invul Tanker (01:10 EST; 1/24/09)
Top villian -Poisoned Plum lvl 30 robots/devices Mastermind



I bought it. Yes, I am a completist and cannot help myself. Plus I have only one account to worry about.

That being said, even having purchased it, I think they should have priced it at $4.99.




Question: Will this pack be *continually* available, or only for a short time?

I have 4 accounts, I don't know whether I want to put 40 bucks out all at once, considering I'm only working on one toon from one account at this moment.

And to the nay-sayers - we ASK them "if you put stuff that's special out, we'll buy it!" and they DO so, and now you lot decide noooooo! don't make me paaaaay for something that the guys work hard 60-80 hours a week on! Nooooo!

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To be clear, the Wedding Pack is not time limited.

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Plus this is a SUPERHERO game, arguably costumes are as an important aspect of the genre as the powers themselves. At least they are to some of us, granting those with the extra $10 to throw away sole access to something that's part of an integral aspect of the game is robbery. Especially at the price.

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And of course, the current costume options are shockingly limited without this.

Not to mention the fact that they just gave us two new full costume sets, both of which (IMO) look better than anything in the wedding pack.




Secondly, since part of the pack includes stockings, think that we'll see stocking options other than 'Fishnet' in I12 or other future update?

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How is that different from tights, exactly?

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Arc ID 3864: The Chronicles of (In)FERNIA!




This is a terrible idea, and the fans need to send a clear message that they aren't going for it.

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I fully agree.

First Of The Year

Originally Posted by Edgar Allan Poe
I became insane, with long intervals of horrible sanity.



Here is my feedback.

I don't mind paying extra for stuff like this, though I will say that the price should be lower, $ 5.99 is the number I'm pulling out of my orifice.

I will be buying this pack for my main account but not my second one because of the priceing structure.

To all the people that don't like this, I say don't buy it then.


AE Arc: 305214 Blood Diamonds (Villainous)




Stockings that go up to your ankles. Stockings to your calves. To your knees, etc. I'd like those options for all the shoe bits which don't cover anything else. Legwarmers are fun but... um.... a little dated

LH thanks for the confirmation on that.

Please read my FEAR/Portal/HalfLife Fan Fiction!



I think it is a great addition. I'll take more costumes pay or free any day!

Thanks devs, artists, and lovers everywhere!

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Personally, I hope very few people buy the Wedding Pack so NCSoft gets the message that this is not a viable income stream for them.

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Oh yes, and a great message it would be:

"Dear NCSoft, don't go out of your way for us. Don't spend extra time or money on developing or designing anything for us unless you are willing to accept no compensation for your efforts. Don't expect us to support you. We don't want anything more then what our subscription fees already cover."

Its one thing to charge for everything left and right, like some other companies have, its another to offer a little something extra here and there for a small price.

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What Mantid said.




Here's a wild, radical thought for you.

*If you don't think it's worth it, don't buy it.*

Your powers will work the same, and somehow I don't think your lack of a /throwrosepetals or /throwrice emote is going to make that AV fight any harder.

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Here's a wilder more radical idea.


Because this opens the door to a lot of other paid content, and before you know it we're being nickel and dimed to death on future costume pieces because people shrugged and let this pass.

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Bit of a leap there.

And you snipped the post I replied *to,* with the "I can't believe you've sunk this low, blah blah blah whine whine whine" nonsense.

They're not forcing you to buy it. You're not suddenly getting charged $25 this month. If it doesn't sell... hmm... they might not do it again!


Plus this is a SUPERHERO game, arguably costumes are as an important aspect of the genre as the powers themselves. At least they are to some of us, granting those with the extra $10 to throw away sole access to something that's part of an integral aspect of the game is robbery. Especially at the price.

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How many costume options... versus how many that are already in the game? And several of the pieces you can't even say are that *different* from what's in the game - there's already a tuxedo jacket (male,) all the skirts are essentially getting another pattern, there's... a new pair of shoes, two more-detailed versions of *existing* patterns (Excess and Angelic,) one more deviated version of another option (Hearts - v-day event piece) - ... so, really strictly, the veil, chest piece (female,) gloves (female) and two jackets, plus some emotes.

Doesn't sound like it's really making anyone's costume concept impossible, or even all that difficult.

Seriously, the way some people are reacting, you'd think they'd started charging *real* money for costume changes at Icon, and a fee for each time you use the tram. Or *forcing* them to buy it.

Robbery. Ha.


Lighthouse wanted feedback, he's getting it.

This is a terrible idea, and the fans need to send a clear message that they aren't going for it.

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Feedback? Fine. But your last sentence makes it sound like there's only a single response to this - which, quite obviously, there isn't.

The responses are falling into three categories:

"Cool! I dont' mind paying for specialty, decorative content" - which is what these costumes and four emotes are,

"Eh, I'd pay for it, but that price is a bit steep for that little bit," which tells them either (a) lower the price or (b) add mroe stuff, and

"Not interested."

Frankly, I *am* interested. If they can afford to look into more specialty bits they might not otherwise do, without it detracting from the general content - including costume bits for everyone - hey, go for it.