Discussion: Valentine's Day




The tuxedo costume includes an elegant formal tuxedo jacket with tails (available to all characters).

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I LOVE you guys for making the tuxedo pieces available to all characters, not just guys ;_; As soon as my husband mentioned this pack to me, my first response was to vow to not buy it if the formal suits were men-only.

It really is a terrible shame that there aren't more guy bits, though. I think you should add in a solid version of the veil for them - that could have everyday, non-girly applications. Aside from that, that's some great work, guys. It's kind of pricey, though... $5.99 would have been more reasonable, considering how many of these you stand to sell (seriously, you can't tell me you're not going to make a packet off of this! ). Or maybe a pre-order discount next time?

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Ditto all of this. $9.99 is, what, 60% of a month's subscription? If it was that much for a pack of two for me and my SO (in the spirit of the holiday, even!), I'd've already bought them both...

Can't justify the same for $20.

edit: damn the jackets are hot. will have to think about that. still too much money...

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The tux jackets being a) completely hot and b) useable on all characters tipped things the other way, and I bought them for me and the SO last night.

They look great, I'm glad I got them, and I'm happy to support the game, as it's the only MMO I can even begin to contemplate playing. I still think $20 was too much, especially given what you get for the same money from the GvE pack. By all means keep doing things like this but either consider a new price point for it, add more content, or offer package deals (or all of the above! ). A wedding/Valentines pack seems like an obvious place for, you know, including a couple-deal at least.

My lady's blaster looks awesome in her new coat, so that was worth it.




No, but if they started printing books, I wouldn't think my subscription entitled me to get those free. I'd fully expect to pay extra for whichever books I wanted.

Of course, if the quality of the magazine suffered as a result, I'd be upset. However, that's something that's yet to be seen with the game.

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This is exactly right on.

Our subscription money goes technically to NC for NC to do with however it pleases. If it pleases them to give us access to the game, then that's what it goes to - and that is the ONLY thing that this subscription fee grants the user, period.

So by allowing their developers to make something extra, and charge something extra (is it overpriced? I don't know, I don't think so, I pay 30 bucks for every Sims expansion known to man and I play that game maybe 1 day out of 100.) for it that sounds just fine to me.

Our subscription money opens the game to us to play. That is all. The extras which we've gotten did not have to be included, every single Issue worth of content COULD have been paid for by expansions and upgrade costs. They did not choose that option, and this is not such a huge upgrade that it would ever, possibly, break the game for anyone.

Game breaking updates: how many options for EQ / EQ2 exist that if you don't have it, you can't play wherever? Hell, even here - COV is NOT playable by COH only accounts! If you really needed to play on the redside here, you must get a cov account and upgrade it.

And so far - that has been IT. No other game-breaking or immersion-breaking updates have been made available that would ruin the game for other people who didn't have it. The VIP card? It's really fun but it's *not* a necessary ingredient to play the game on either side. Costumery and emotes? Again, *not* required by everyone to play the game. Period.

The costumes are beautiful, and the emotes rawk.

*yes, we should get rings
*yes I really hope that the opaque veil continues to exist, because it's beautiful too
*yes it might be nice to have more male options (heart boxers)

But are any of those things going to prevent anyone from playing? NO.

Cambios: quit whining, cancel your account and stop trying to foist YOUR irritation about the game onto everyone else. Just because you are burnt out and obviously can't stand to see other people enjoying themselves, does not mean that anyone must follow you to your private pit of whine and jeez. Nothing you say will improve the game. It won't help you - even if everything you state you want right now, to be in the game or to be changed about the game were implemented? In two weeks you'd have chewed through it and found ways to hate it again. That's clearly your MO here, so please: stop it and move to something you do like, away from those who are already enjoying this part of our game experience.

Please read my FEAR/Portal/HalfLife Fan Fiction!



I bought it.

I would not have purchased it if I didn't like the costumes, but they are so very excellent that I just had to buy it.

Give Jay a raise, he does great work. Well done. Sold.



Hey now... Fried locusts aren't that bad.

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True. Neither are roasted termites, had them both on the Cherokee reservation once (tasted kinda like peanuts). Stay away from boiled cactus, however *shudder*



Game breaking updates: how many options for EQ / EQ2 exist that if you don't have it, you can't play wherever? Hell, even here - COV is NOT playable by COH only accounts! If you really needed to play on the redside here, you must get a cov account and upgrade it.

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And they pretty much eliminated even that barrier when they gave CoV (or H) to players that only had the one side after the NCSoft aquisition.

Which, amazingly enough, people also complained about. I believe the argument there was something along the lines of "Hey, it's not fair, I had to pay for that, so everyone else should to." Of course, that just shows that no matter what, the devs can't win: they give us stuff free, and people complain. They charge for add-ons, and people complain. There's just no way to please everyone.




As usual it's just another case of sour grapes. The people that want everything for free feel the need to put down those that support the game, especially financially. Kind of like putting their money where their mouth is, y'know.

Those that want everything for free never see themselves as selfish, self-centered, or spoiled though. No, they only have the company's best interests at heart.

As if.

I love the Wedding Pack. Reminds me of a Sims add on. I'd buy every one this game puts out, just like I have with the Sims. Just like I bought every expansion EQ put out when I played it, and like I bought The Burning Crusade, and will buy Wrath of the Lich King, for WoW.

That's what business is about, making money. The people that support those companies get something in return. If you don't want to support your game companies, then don't. But please, shut up about it already. If you put as much effort into making some money yourself, you too might be able to buy an add on or expansion.



Actually, there should be a badge. Or does TonyV, Positron, and no one else remember the pocket D vip pack we could purchase which contained a badge?

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That, actually, is the Good-versus-Evil Edition's "in-game goodies code", giving the extra stuff in-game that were attached to that edition, solely so that those of us who were around before that, didnt' have to pay $30 (at the time) for a whole new box and CD/DVD of the game, "just" for the in-game stuff.

$9.99 for a few costume pieces to niche event or few concept characters, and like wise for 4 emotes? Thats way steep. Sorry but those items don't constitute 10 buck payout in my book unless it includes a special power and/or badge inclusion. Sorry Posi, i love just about every thing you've done for this game, but the badger in me "isn't buying" your logic here. (pun intended)

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Then ... you are not the target audience / intended market. As a result ... just don't buy it.



This may have been mentioned already (I didn't read through every page) but the price would seem more reasonable if it also included a month of game time like the GvE package did. Charging for "extra" content is a bad idea, IMO.

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The $10 GvE code did not include a month of game-time. Think about it for a moment: one month of play-time commands a standard price of $15, by itself. Why on Earth would they sell you costume parts, emotes, AND that same month of play-time for less than $15? Usually, when you add things to an existing sales option, the price goes up, not down!

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Actually the box GvE does come with a month free, though the online purchase of GvE does not. Just my 2 cents

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That's why I specified "the $10 GvE code".



I'm sure it's been mentioned and bugged, but the embrodery on the bridal outfit is only changeable on the skirt.

Tuxedo needs a cumberbund.

(Jay is losing sexy point here!)



I got this pack last night as did my wife. Personally I like it, which is why I paid for it. Conceptually I like it as well. I figured this was all overtime stuff that they did and are trying it out to see if it may pan out. would I always pay 10 bucks for some costumes, probably not but once in a while for special stuff I may, especially if its always an option to buy.

I don't think that this spells doom for free stuff down the road but I think if it does well enough they may do it again for more trivial stuff.

for me it was worth it, so I paid for it. its not game changing nor is it deal breaking. Buy it if you want and if you feel its worth it, don't buy it if its not worth it to you. Seems fairly simple really and not worth getting worked up over



Okay so Maybe I'm an idiot but I cant change the inside color of the Tuxedo tails

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You currently have to do the origional cape/trenchcoat trick. Set your colors on an unrelated item then hit the "USE THESE COLORS OVER EVERYTHING" button. The colors should stay after you turn it back off and fix the other 47 costume peices you just messed up.



Completely new tilesets that are not just a reskinned warehouse.

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What about the rikti base tile set in I10? Admittedly, it's the only new one we've seen in a while, but it is a new tileset.

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Also, the "abandoned SG base/Lab" reskin, with extra collapsed-hallway tiles, that came in with Faultline's rehab - I8, wasn't that? Would be nice to see it used more often than it is, but, it is a new tileset.



The bridal options aren't quite right.

Using the bridal upper body option and the gloves, it doesn't match the skirt - you can colour the detailing on the skirt, but not the detailing on the upper body or gloves.



The one thing I would have liked to see for the guys to complete the whole tux would have been a cummerbund.

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I don't mind that they are charging for the pack since it is just (rather niche) fluff that won't offer any gameplay benefits (well, outside of roleplaying weddingaholics, I guess).

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Tuxedo w/tails is for more than just wedding-a-holics. I've been wanting such a costume piece for quite some time now and despite not having much interest in wedding stuff, I gotta get this pack for the tuxedo with tails.

Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound



However, please keep in mind that Sean Fish and his wife Jen will actually be at the keyboards running Manticore and Sister Psyche respectively. Matt "Positron" Miller will actually be playing Positron in the event, as will all the rest of the dev team. ing. More details will follow. Thanks in advance for your understanding.

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*** ACTUALLY *** at their keyboards?

What in the heck. Are we supposed to swoon like these are rock stars or something? We know they are going to be firing off macros or slamming in scripted text. It isn't like there will be meaningful RP or anything actually interesting happening.

Watching two strangers get married is about as special as watching paint dry. Foisting this on us like it is "special" is insulting to our intelligence.

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Do whatever you want. It's an invitation, you can show up or not. If you feel insulted, I doubt it was the intention of the post. I'm sorry if you don't feel like part of the community.

They're not asking for any swooning; it's a social event. That's a basis for a lot of what an MMO is about. I'm sure Kleiburn might agree You don't have to be social if you don't want to, that's your choice as a player.

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I agree with Obsidius, 110,000%.

I will be trying to attend, on my alt Medi-Lad, because a slight connection to Manticore is written into his backstory (partly because of the Dev-title Sean gave him at the anniversary party, from whence my forum avatar comes; partly because of what I'd already written as his origin and history - which you can read at http://www.youngparagons.org/ ... on the left, under "Who's who", choose "main cast" and then "M"; M-L is the second character there).

So to me, I'll be going because it's part of M-L's story; he WOULD be there, period. And if all goes well, he will be: I'm logged out on him, in his tux, right under Atlas' statue. Hopefully, I'll get to the right NPC soon enough to be part of the first iteration of the day. I'll be doing my darnedest to RP him, without being an obnoxious pest about it, the whole time.

OTOH, if being there isn't your thing? Fine ... not every Event needs to be perfect for every person.




And we've got no reason to think NCSoft isn't going to do the same.

Yeah, we do: NCsoft likes micropayments. There's a new sheriff in town, remember?

Blizzard also has a hundred times the revenue and a larger staff than NC does working on CoX.

That's not in dispute, but it's also not relevant.

Furthermore, there are few people that will deny that WoW isn't simply a retooling of existing MMO concepts done better, whereas CoX is treading largely uncharted waters.

CoX is just as much a retread of earlier MMOs as WoW. Reskinning the game as superheroes instead of fantasy is not a major innovation.

Also, most of WoW's "content" (when I left anyway) was jamming mega raids and raid targets down your throat.

So you don't like it. I don't like it either, that's why I don't play it. The vast majority of MMO players do seem to like it, though.

Current Blog Post: "Why I am an Atheist..."
"And I say now these kittens, they do not get trained/As we did in the days when Victoria reigned!" -- T. S. Eliot, "Gus, the Theatre Cat"



I bought it because I like the way the costumes looked. Had I not liked them I wouldn't have paid for them.

Maybe a more fitting price should have been about $5 cheaper. But you also have to consider the time Jay put in on the costume piece design. Not to mention the time the programmers put in on the 4 new emotes.

If you don't want to purchase it, don't. Simple as that.



I don't mind that they are charging for the pack since it is just (rather niche) fluff that won't offer any gameplay benefits (well, outside of roleplaying weddingaholics, I guess).

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Tuxedo w/tails is for more than just wedding-a-holics. I've been wanting such a costume piece for quite some time now and despite not having much interest in wedding stuff, I gotta get this pack for the tuxedo with tails.

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This is exactly what they were counting on when they decided to release it as a for-pay item. Saying that they wouldn't add a badge to it for this reason is extremely disingenuous; there are at least as many people who play this game for the costumes as the badges, and most likely far more.

It's very underhanded to make people pay for costume options.

"Timid men prefer the calm of despotism to the tempestuous sea of liberty."

"Nothing is unchangeable but the inherent and unalienable rights of man."

- Thomas Jefferson



Did someone mention that he Tuxedo option doen't support Back pieces? I have character who has an old fashioned/Victorian feel to it for which the Tuxedo is an option I've been looking for but. alas, he has demon wings



Pos, are there plans to allow for players to get the toga/greek tunics and accessories from past valentine's events this year, perhaps through missions? I have some Greek God themed heroes I'd love to create, but without the proper costume, the ideas just languish

I've been reading, but nothing has been posted, or I just missed it somewhere if it has.


53 Bots/FF/Mace Mastermind | 53 NRG/FF/Electricity Defender | 50 Time/Dual Pistols/Soul Defender | 50 Demons/FF/Mace Mastermind | 51 Necro/Dark/Soul Mastermind | 50 Thugs/Time/Mace Mastermind | 50 Ice/Ice/Arctic Tanker | 50 Plant/Rad/Earth Controller | 50 Illusion/Trick Arrow Controller | 50 Gravity/Force Field Controller
Yes, I like Force Fields.



Completely new tilesets that are not just a reskinned warehouse. The famous "moon base" idea, possibly with different gravity (you jump higher and farther, and fall slower) would be awesome. You could make moon environments actually feel and play different.

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Like the RWZ Rikti maps through the caves? Those totally unique maps?

Still here, even after all this time!



I had no trouble doing that...the trick was to put the wings on *first* and then put on the tux (insert grunting noises from pushing your wings thru the tiny holes in the back here); for some reason, with the tux already selected, the wings don't show up as an option, but doing the wings first, I was able to create a 'tux and wings' costume (with female, male and huge, I tried 'em all with throwaway characters).



That's not in dispute, but it's also not relevant.

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How quaint that you can say on one hand that WoW offers more "free stuff" in between expansions, and then claim it's not relevant that they have both more revenue and manpower to make just that happen.

CoX is just as much a retread of earlier MMOs as WoW. Reskinning the game as superheroes instead of fantasy is not a major innovation.

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Right. Because trying to move people around instead of sitting in one spot and grinding for hours on end for XP, reputation and/or drops counts for nothing. Giving people access to fast modes of travel very early in their career is meaningless, and trying to break out of the holy trinity (Tank, Mage, Healer such is seen in CoV and most Defender primaries other than Empathy) is equally passable as the rest.

I'd agree that underneath it all, it's still an RPG. As such, there's not a whole hell of alot that can be done to change the fundamentals that make the genre what it is. Still, due to the attempt at shaking up standard RPG fare (among other things) I'm here playing this instead of WoW, EQ, or any other "medieval" based MMO.

So you don't like it. I don't like it either, that's why I don't play it. The vast majority of MMO players do seem to like it, though.

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You missed the point, which was to elaborate on the fact that while Blizzard might release more "free" content than NC/Cryptic most of it still cater's to a couple of very focused modes of play. When you break it all down, it's subjective how much more you're really getting.