Endurance Discount




With Enhancement Diversification comes a benefit for ALL City of Heroes powers.

Every power, across the board, is getting a 13.33% reduction in its Endurance cost.

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hmmmm.... Grade A government cheese.....
whats better..
20% reduction of endurance cost would be better..
20% increase for defense, accuracy, damage, healing & ect.
intergration of haste, health, stamina into inherant powers.
and return haste back to a toggle, without the crappy 60 second in use then drop crap...

Tannus Level 50 Defender *Level 50 on 08/21/05* - Freedom
Sgt. Robertson Level 50 Master Mind - Freedom
Angus Piper Level 45 Scrapper -Liberty
Cindy Jones Level 26 Arachnos Widow - Liberty



Cool Posi

But you do realize that this change enhanses the case for Claws scrappers. The devs have always said that claws scrappers trade damage and high animation times for low endurance. Now that everyones has been lowered, thats not all that huge a benefit. Sure claws will still be lower, but when you can go with nearly anything else and have plenty of endurance, but be faster and stronger then a Claws scrapper, nobody will go claws. Not that that already isn't the case

<-- Just a Claws scrapper trying to get ungimped.



With Enhancement Diversification comes a benefit for ALL City of Heroes powers.

Every power, across the board, is getting a 13.33% reduction in its Endurance cost.

[/ QUOTE ]

Sooo... as some sort of carrot to players in lieu of the philosophy of Enhancement Diversification, you offer an END discount to all powers... yet, in doing so, you take away the need to diversify effects on powers as far as ENDurance is concerned... :boggle:

I suggest you start looking at bumping up the "other" effects of powers in addition to this. For instance, I'm more than willing to take one of my Defender Elect blasts and slot: 1acc, 2dmg, 3drain... yet.. that would mean I took a mediocre power and made it crap. End drain is bolox and defender elec damage is even WORSE.

Oh and speaking of Defenders and their new inherent power... what do we get? This "END" discount is realy only going to benefit us when not teamed... whereas the main focus of most defender powers is to be on a team...




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With Enhancement Diversification comes a benefit for ALL City of Heroes powers.

Every power, across the board, is getting a 13.33% reduction in its Endurance cost.

[/ QUOTE ]

Whooopty Friggen DOOO!

It still doesnt help the fact that Im doing 50% less damage.
I'm holding for 50% Less Duration
I'm healing for 50% Less
I'm taking 40% more Damage.
I will be recovering 50% less Endurance.

Slotting Options I had previously are Eliminated.
I'll feel more Diverse because I will be moving to a new game.

[/ QUOTE ]



How about lowering the recharge time of all powers, too? Trick Arrow, which is already a mediocre powerset, is going to be completely useless once Enhancement Diversification takes effect.

"She started dancin' to that fine, fine music,
Y'know, her life was saved by rock 'n' roll."

--The Velvet Underground



That is nice and addresses the Stamina nerf, but that seems to me to be one of least problems with the Enhancement Diversification. Without much else to slot for my Tankers attacks and resists, I was probably going to put in mulitple end reducers anyway.


Tar Heel Lvl 50 Inv/SS Tank
Knight of Purgatory Lvl 50 Fire/Ax Tank
Kilmainham Wall Lvl 50 Stone/Stone Tank
Re-Fridgerator Lvl 50 Ice/Ice Tank
Yankee Doodle Dandy Lvl 50 Will/Eng Tank
Teen Tar Heel Lvl 50 MA/SR Scrapper


Tar Heel Dead Lvl 50 DD Brute



like OMG! every power that i have will save like 1 end...if it rounds up.



Ooooooo Ahhhhhh


Thats like saying:

"Oh .. the 20 pound club we are going to hit you with is a little much so we are going to wrap it with 1 pound of cotton"




I give him credit, at least he tried - I was wondering how they were going to sugar coat it.



I'm as anti-this as anyone, but I've been seeing the 50% reduction figure and it doesn't seem accurate.

Basically, the amount an enhancement adds from six-slotting of the same enhancement is essentially cut in half (for group A like damage, six slotting did get you 200%, now gets you 110%). But, that's the amount added to the original power. So six slotting with damages used to do 300% of non-slatted damage, now will do 210% of non-slotted damage. So, it's about a 30% reduction.

It's still significant, particularly for those who find themselves on the edge of viablity now. But best to know what we're dealing with.

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With Enhancement Diversification comes a benefit for ALL City of Heroes powers.

Every power, across the board, is getting a 13.33% reduction in its Endurance cost.

[/ QUOTE ]

So, this in no waychanges anything. This just seems like a, "throw the unwashed masses a bone" response. Good try though.



Thank you. However, this means that it will be less necessary to slot endurance reductions. This only increases the issue with defense powers. Especially considering the now-increased tendency to slot accuracy enhancements in PvP.

This is an _ugly_ darn seesaw. It's got to be a stone cold bear to try to fix things as you see them, and still remain fair.

PERC Supporter
La Pucelle (BS/SR)
Miseria Bella (Sonic/Dark)
Wrangler Annie (SS/Elec)
Coldsmoke (Ice/Dark)
Saber Maid (BS/Regen)
and others...



With Enhancement Diversification comes a benefit for ALL City of Heroes powers.

Every power, across the board, is getting a 13.33% reduction in its Endurance cost.

[/ QUOTE ]
See this kills me why didnt he put that in his original notes. Not that by any means does this make me less angry at how the devs have handled this whole situation, but it would have soften the blow a tad bit.

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Because the original post was for the City of Villains forums and was just cut and pasted by CuppaJo?

Because it slipped his mind?

Because it was a recent change due to their internal testing?

Because he hates us and wants to drive us all away, thus depriving him of his income?

Because everything is the fault of the Japanese Yakuza who buy weather sattelites from the Ruskies and uses them to create hurricanes, natural disasters, Ale 8 One, and other horrible events?

Take your pick.

[/ QUOTE ]

Because they're frantically attempting to cool down a runaway reactor before it melts down?

Sorry ... this "token buff" is like they're wizzing in their pants in a dark room ... it may give them a warm feeling but nobody will notice.




Now how is this consistent with the Enhancement Depreciation that is being force fed down everyone's throats?

The whole point is to bully players into slotting different enhancements in their powers. Reduce end. cost just shoots this policy in its foot. This is one less enhancement I need to slot then. It's bad enough that MOST enhancements do not provide much benefit compared to the opportunity cost endured by not six slotting the hell out of a power to maximize efficiency.

Endurance savings is not going to save my Blaster from succumbing to the pummeling he's going to suffer from Boss fights because damage is all he does! Damage is what Blasters bring to the table. With your Global Defense Nerfs, I have gotten rid of Stealth and Weave because they are useless. Now I can't make fights short and bring mobs down. I am compelled by your Enhancement Depreciation to engage in a prolonged firefight to do the same amount of damage I used to be able to do. This leaves most Blasters dead. Long fights are not what Blasters are designed for, and no amount of knockback enhancments, range, endurance reduction is going to change that.

This is just a pitiful little bone to throw out due to the outrage caused by this unfair, arbitrary and overbearing nerf called Enhancement Depreciation.



i like it! thanks posi

Yes! I'm NORMAL! What are you looking at freak!?



Well it does do one thing (IMO): The primary complaint I was worried about was that since Stamina was reduced, there would be more downtime between battles (though this would be offset partially by Hasten not being as perma (if you are not firing twice as fast, you are not using end twice as fast (generally, though toggles are the exception))).

This offsets that issue, which was a concern for me. Excessive downtime is bad in general. Combined with the Rest boost, this isn't too bad. The rest is primarly playstyle, which I personally can live with.

And yes, no change, even a universal one will affect everybody exactly the same. The above doesn't help empaths and kinetics as much as many others. <shrug> You know what? I'll still take it.



13.33 % ??? Nah , that wont do it . In the end , all my toons
will still be a bit less powerful overall that they were in Issue 5 which i think they were already severely reduced ...

And even if some of my toons still can manage to fight after
ED goes live , theyll still wont be able to do as much damage
or be as accurate or as resistant or evasive as they used to
be .

It is a nerf and none of your candies will change my mind
about it . My CoV order has been canceled and im just waiting
to see how bad it turns out in CoH before dropping it as well .

13.33 % ??? It will take a LOT more than that to convince me to stay this time lmao .

Thanks for this rare reply though .

I may disagree with what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.




A pittance to mollify us, nothing more.



Considering the reduction to the effectiveness of Stamina and the reduction to the amount of damage we'll be doing, thus making fights longer, I don't see a 13% endurance reduction being all that helpful.



I don't know about everyone else here, but I am not stupid enough to think that this helps anything. The solution to ED, as far as I am concerned, is for the Devs to pony up and say "ok, we made a mistake, this is a bad choice, we won't do it" What I don't think is a proper solution is for you to cut my endurance cost by 13.33 % while you reduce stamina's effectiveness by atleast that much. Therefore, you are giving me nothing. Why does it always have to be taking something away from us in this game....why??

I have been playing for nearly a year and a half, have never used these boards to complain about any of the big changes, even though, I have had characters affected by every issue. But, now I am quite tired of people trying to tell me how to play the game. You wanna telll me, I should not be so tough, so you drop my resistance, that is fine, I learned to live with it, you told me that my regenner healed too much with instant healing as a toggle, so I deleted my regenner. I have rolled with the punches through every big change, but this is not something I want to roll through, I want to be able to play my character as I want, not as someone else dictates I should, or else, I will be penalized. Please, take this back, so I can continue to enjoy the only MMORPG< that I have ever enjoyed

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Because then they'd have to change a BETA COV instead of a LIVE COH and that would make more sense.



With Enhancement Diversification comes a benefit for ALL City of Heroes powers.

Every power, across the board, is getting a 13.33% reduction in its Endurance cost.

[/ QUOTE ]

So, this in no waychanges anything. This just seems like a, "throw the unwashed masses a bone" response. Good try though.

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Look at the bright side, at least he didn't make some paltry attempt to rationalize it. I give him credit for that, and for at least making an effort to speak to us about it.



Well thats nice, but not really necessary - now that we have all these extra slots we can fill with end reductions.

Personally, what I'd rather see is an increase in the value you get for returning enhancements. The entire community is going to purchasing worthless enhancments by mistake and not realizing it until they have already bought them and tried to slot them then the calculator tells them how little use it is.
"Drat - that 36000 influence Damage SO is only going to give me 5%, I should have bought and Endurance reduction instead and I don't have any influence left."

I know you would never even consider making the return of an enhancement 1 for 1 (though that's what it SHOULD be by all rights), but at least up the return value a little. There is nothing so dissappointing as throwing influence down the drain by accidentally purchasing something you didn't meant to. That is now going to be happing a LOT more often.

After all, When we are trying shop - we are purchasing stuff based on completely uninformed guesses as to how your system is going to accept (or not accept) what we buy. And it doesn't look like there is anything coming that will help us figure this all out.

205723: A Different DESTINY
When Soldiers of Arachnos got their names added to the Destiny List, Longbow managed to get a copy of the list and began rounding villains up. But one name on the list shocked them...



This is nothing more than one of the final parts to the whole plan of CoH which is nothing more than simply a bait and switch.

The bait.

They lured us in with the promise that CoH was different than all the other MMORPG's out there. There was no perfect group soloing was a viable option and all the other things that made CoH great.

The Switch.

Now thier vision from the beginning was for CoH to be just like all the other MMORPG's out there. But, they knew they would never draw us away from all the other ones available just to play <insert favorte rpg here> in tights.

Which is what CoH is now becomming, lessening the effectiveness of powers through all the nerfs and now with ED (strange it's like erectile dysfunction) they are finally bringing CoH around to thier "vision" of the game.

Forced grouping no AT is able to solo effectively, and powers are all scaled down to the point soon citizens will be saving us from having our purses or lunch money stolen from all the nefarious gangs out there.

This is just all part of thier master plan to have us all paying to play City of EQ, DAoC, SWG, UO....you get the idea.

I've even heard of a possible skill system being implemented, great now i have a chance to fizzle a power before it even has a chance to hit the bad guy.

What's next? A gear based game? Large 40+ raids to take down a single bad guy so 1 person can get a new uber piece of gear??? No thanks been there done that but that is what I see in the future....

City of Holy Cow that in one hella nice new helmet you have there man!!! Your SG take down Doc V so you could have it???




With Enhancement Diversification comes a benefit for ALL City of Heroes powers.

Every power, across the board, is getting a 13.33% reduction in its Endurance cost.

[/ QUOTE ]

Still trying to polish the turd, eh?