Endurance Discount




With Enhancement Diversification comes a benefit for ALL City of Heroes powers.

Every power, across the board, is getting a 13.33% reduction in its Endurance cost.

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See this kills me why didnt he put that in his original notes. Not that by any means does this make me less angry at how the devs have handled this whole situation, but it would have soften the blow a tad bit.

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Because the original post was for the City of Villains forums and was just cut and pasted by CuppaJo?

Because it slipped his mind?

Because it was a recent change due to their internal testing?

Because he hates us and wants to drive us all away, thus depriving him of his income?

Because everything is the fault of the Japanese Yakuza who buy weather sattelites from the Ruskies and uses them to create hurricanes, natural disasters, Ale 8 One, and other horrible events?

Take your pick.

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So we'll be using 13% less end per second, but we'll be regening about 25%(ish) less end per second (going from six-slotted stamina to 3-slotted stamina). Net 12%(ish) nerf.

And while it helps a little, the Defense & Recharge nerfs are the biggest issues here. Try fixing those first.



It does help. What it doesn't help, is the lower damage and lowered resistances, people are gonna have cause of ED. While the enemies still do just as much damage, hit just as easily, and have their damage resistance, unaffected.

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Actually, it'll be easier for them to hit us. Defense from powers went down due to ED as well. As well as Accuracy debuffs from them.

Kung Ru - 50++ MA/Regen Scrapper
Kalleesta - 50 Necro/Dark MM
Hidden Justice - 44 Kin/Psy Defender



With Enhancement Diversification comes a benefit for ALL City of Heroes powers.

Every power, across the board, is getting a 13.33% reduction in its Endurance cost.

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Cool. Now it won't cost as much for SR to only be missed half the time by even level minions.

And missed 5% of the time in PvP. But hey, at least folks in PvP won't be hitting me for as much damage 95% of the time.

It'll probably only take them 4 hits to kill me versus 2.

Be well, people of CoH.



This is very good to know, Positron.

Might I suggest that if there are other global balance considerations that are simultaneous with ED, that you please let us know of them, too? The endurance aspect is a big deal, but so is the initial damage aspect. Is one-shotting a white-minion with a "snipe" power going to be impossible with ED, now? I see damage over time being about the same, and you've addressed endurance balance concerns, but the ability to do a large initial burst of damage is key to some ATs (blasters especially).



With Enhancement Diversification comes a benefit for ALL City of Heroes powers.

Every power, across the board, is getting a 13.33% reduction in its Endurance cost.

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See this kills me why didnt he put that in his original notes. Not that by any means does this make me less angry at how the devs have handled this whole situation, but it would have soften the blow a tad bit.

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Because this was oringally posted on the CoV boards and intended as a CoV patch note, where Endurance was already at the post ED levels.

The patch notes were also originally posted for player feed back on presention and how well the system was communicated. This was trumped because the news traveled well beyond the NDA and before it could be revised it was posted here. Had this not happened, it probably would have been stated at the same time that there would be an endurance reduction.



How about a 20% increase in resistance/defense for the main powers for scrappers, tankers and brutes? This is such bull that it sickens me. If the goal was truely to make us diversify enhancements they would make us use end reducers in powers, not give us an end discount. The goal of this whole smoke screen is to nerf Damage, Recharge, Defense, and Resistance....I for one am not falling for it.



This helps.

Now instead of slotting damage we can slot end redux and recharge and attack more often. Everything wont be the SAME, but I think it will be ok.



With Enhancement Diversification comes a benefit for ALL City of Heroes powers.

Every power, across the board, is getting a 13.33% reduction in its Endurance cost.

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What Im reading between the lines of this is: Yes, those of you who thought of this as the Stamina nerf are correct. You are not meant to 6-slot Stamina. Now, you don't have to.

So, ED, which among many things includes that second mulekick to the groin for invul tankers, was to "encourage" people not to 6-slot Stamina?

Way to think outside the box!

Now if we can just get y'all to stop thinking of penalization and reduction of capabilities as Primary methodologies of play management, this game might get back on track!

And, if you think this is going to mollify those of us who've already cancelled our CoV pre-orders... think again.

Lancelot Strong --
Level 50 Inv/SS Tanker on Triumph [Retired]

Tashkent Zen --
Level 25 Mind/Psi Dominator on Virtue

Hector Slade --
Level 34 SS/WP Brute on Virtue



With Enhancement Diversification comes a benefit for ALL City of Heroes powers.

Every power, across the board, is getting a 13.33% reduction in its Endurance cost.

[/ QUOTE ]

I don't know about everyone else here, but I am not stupid enough to think that this helps anything. The solution to ED, as far as I am concerned, is for the Devs to pony up and say "ok, we made a mistake, this is a bad choice, we won't do it" What I don't think is a proper solution is for you to cut my endurance cost by 13.33 % while you reduce stamina's effectiveness by atleast that much. Therefore, you are giving me nothing. Why does it always have to be taking something away from us in this game....why??

I have been playing for nearly a year and a half, have never used these boards to complain about any of the big changes, even though, I have had characters affected by every issue. But, now I am quite tired of people trying to tell me how to play the game. You wanna telll me, I should not be so tough, so you drop my resistance, that is fine, I learned to live with it, you told me that my regenner healed too much with instant healing as a toggle, so I deleted my regenner. I have rolled with the punches through every big change, but this is not something I want to roll through, I want to be able to play my character as I want, not as someone else dictates I should, or else, I will be penalized. Please, take this back, so I can continue to enjoy the only MMORPG< that I have ever enjoyed



So - less diversity? 2 acc, 3 damage, and 1 recharge for teh win!

Let's just call it a nerf and move on.



How about a reduction in recharge times as well?

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I've got an even better idea: Why not just scrap this Enhancement Diversification idea altogether? I haven't yet heard any good reason for it...

Read my comic blog Hero Sandwich!



That's fine - it means my blaster won't be suffering a loss of damage output as well as Endurance Recovery, (since I use 6-slotted Stamina to dish out firey death), or at least... suffering quite so much.

However, unless I discover that having 4 Damage SO's in a power means I do LESS damage than if I only had 2, I'm not respec'ing my character, I shall simply do less damage.



So... let's see. Fire Shield and Plasma Shield.

They take, if I recall recorrectly, Damage Res, End Reduc, and Recharge Reduction.

The recharge times on them are trivial, to say the least.

So now I get an end usage bonus. The end cost of them was already ok.

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this was my initial thought as well... as it stands it only pays for my tank to slot his armors with damage resistance buff and end reduction by decreasing the endurance cost of my armors it decreases the use of slotting end reduction in my toggles, I mean its great and all that the end reduction is happening but I would love an explanation as to how we are to slot powers that don't have viable diversification options



With Enhancement Diversification comes a benefit for ALL City of Heroes powers.

Every power, across the board, is getting a 13.33% reduction in its Endurance cost.

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pfft!..no thanks already cancelled my account

what about damage??
what about defense???

sad [censored] excuses for something to slow down the game!

im not buying it.



Cool so I'll take out those end SO's and slot damage and... oh... wait.


Dawnslayer on Virtue.



It does help.

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Very little, but it does help.

What it doesn't help, is the lower damage and lowered resistances, people are gonna have cause of ED. While the enemies still do just as much damage, hit just as easily, and have their damage resistance, unaffected.

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What he said.

Synergy Lvl 50 Def FF/Electric/Psy - Protector

Cimarron - Protector Mascot
My DA Page



With Enhancement Diversification comes a benefit for ALL City of Heroes powers.

Every power, across the board, is getting a 13.33% reduction in its Endurance cost.

[/ QUOTE ]

And Tanker/Scrapper Defenses & Resists?

Scrapper: "Wow team wipe!"

Tanker: "Yeah, but we didn't run out of endurance!"

Mr E-Man ~ Mr E-Villain
XBL GamerTag: il Radd



With Enhancement Diversification comes a benefit for ALL City of Heroes powers.

Every power, across the board, is getting a 13.33% reduction in its Endurance cost.

[/ QUOTE ]

THIS is your idea of damage control?? You guys are so wildly inconsistent it's actually funny.




Nice... Here is a question tho, since you are making some reductions:

Since perma Hasten and near perma AM will not be possible after the ED goes live, has there been a mention of a recharge reduction in these powers (or any long recharge powers for that matter)? I can think of quite a few powers that had their recharge times increased to prevent them from being perma'd with Hasten and lots of recharge reducers (Controller AoE holds for example) so will there be a corresponding reduction in recharge times?

Thanks Positron!

CatMan - some form on every server

Always here, there, and there again.



Someone please answer this:




Posi, I hope you're not doing this out of guilt, because you shouldn't. You'll never be able to please alot of people because they're gonna keep asking for more no matter what you throw at 'em.



With Enhancement Diversification comes a benefit for ALL City of Heroes powers.

Every power, across the board, is getting a 13.33% reduction in its Endurance cost.

[/ QUOTE ]

This sucks!
Now what is the point of Stamina and Quick Recovery?
What am I going to slot my powers with? I planned my respec around this enhancment nerf to get endurance reduction enhancements....now I don't need them! THIS SUCKS!


50s: Silent Spy - MA/Regen Scrapper | Tinkerhell - SS/Inv Brute | Extrasensory - Psi/Men Blaster | Ana Cruz - DP/PD Corruptor | Sara Thunderbird - Elec/Elec Scrapper | Pinstrike - Spines/SR Scrapper | Cold Feet - Cold/Cold Blaster
@Silent Spy, Champion Server



With Enhancement Diversification comes a benefit for ALL City of Heroes powers.

Every power, across the board, is getting a 13.33% reduction in its Endurance cost.

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I hope this is just your first post of many to come today. I don't want a cookie i want an explanation. Also this cookie tastes a bit stale, for a couple of reasons: it only adresses one issue people have with ED, namely endureance, it does nothing to relieve the problems with passives. Also you just made one type of enhancement less usefull and thus less interesting to diversify into.

Bah normally I wouldn't be this critical of a post a dev made but I'm fresh out of patience.



/em hug Positron - Your gonna need it

This is a nice gesture but it only address one concern about ED, the weakening of Stamina. It also puts a bit of a limit on how we can slot powers...why slot for endred if it is built in?

What needs to be addressed is the fundamental flaw in the ED idea, what it seeks to address, and how this goal can be reached without majorly altering the game.

The primary flaw is that is globally reduces the abilities of every AT, every power across the board. Some can be altered to work by adding accuracy and recharge but some are just messed up by this change.

Why even bother with this type of change? What is the goal for making this change and how will it improve the game experience for the community?