Endurance Discount




edit: Not ALL powers benefit. Every power that is Auto receives no benefit whatsoever, and remains penalized by the Enhancement Diversification system. Particularly because Auto powers tend to only take 1 enhancement.

I appreciate the nod in our direction with endurance. I will probably also comment in the Enh Div thread too, but what still seems troubling about these changes:

1) Many powers were changed over the past 16 months or so to increase their base recharge times. With this change, I think you all could consider restoring those powers to their original recharge times.

2) Endurance reduction is not our only concern, or even an overriding one (but I haven't seen how badly Stamina has been nerfed by the changes, since it's a 1 enhancement power). Since the informed players on the threads are being told not to overslot powers, we almost have to throw in an end reduc if we don't want to 'waste' adding another damage to an attack. So we are probably already getting an endurance discount in our powers (although it's not mandatory).

The rest I'll put elsewhere, thanks for posting the update Positron. I suggest you all seriously give more thought as to how else you can soften the edges of this change.



With Enhancement Diversification comes a benefit for ALL City of Heroes powers.

Every power, across the board, is getting a 13.33% reduction in its Endurance cost.

[/ QUOTE ]

Wow so what about the defense and resistance builds that are taking such a hit AGAIN after I5 huh?



With Enhancement Diversification comes a benefit for ALL City of Heroes powers.

Every power, across the board, is getting a 13.33% reduction in its Endurance cost.

[/ QUOTE ]

This is actually equal or slightly less than the lost amount of a 6-slotted Stamina.

Do you plan to likewise increase all damage, resistance and defense across the board too? To try and keep a bad idea afloat, even though we've got many, many points on why it is bad?

Still here, even after all this time!



So we'll be using 13% less end per second, but we'll be regening about 25%(ish) less end per second (going from six-slotted stamina to 3-slotted stamina). Net 12%(ish) nerf.

And while it helps a little, the Defense & Recharge nerfs are the biggest issues here. Try fixing those first.

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Don't forget the whole doing about 25%(ish) less damage per attack, meaning fights take 33%(ish) longer, requiring that much more endurance to finish.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



So... let's see. Fire Shield and Plasma Shield.

They take, if I recall recorrectly, Damage Res, End Reduc, and Recharge Reduction.

The recharge times on them are trivial, to say the least.

So now I get an end usage bonus. The end cost of them was already ok.

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this was my initial thought as well... as it stands it only pays for my tank to slot his armors with damage resistance buff and end reduction by decreasing the endurance cost of my armors it decreases the use of slotting end reduction in my toggles, I mean its great and all that the end reduction is happening but I would love an explanation as to how we are to slot powers that don't have viable diversification options

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Seconded. Positron, the defensive sets are not happy with this at all since it seems like we've been hit harder because of the lack of "diversification" options. There's a lot of ill will from scrappers and tanks right now of getting hit this hard twice in a row. I'm sure you're considering something to address the concerns about powers with limited slotting options. (Adding recharges to toggles with 2 second recharge is pointless) Please throw us a bone here..



With Enhancement Diversification comes a benefit for ALL City of Heroes powers.

Every power, across the board, is getting a 13.33% reduction in its Endurance cost.

[/ QUOTE ]

This is actually equal or slightly less than the lost amount of a 6-slotted Stamina.

Do you plan to likewise increase all damage, resistance and defense across the board too? To try and keep a bad idea afloat, even though we've got many, many points on why it is bad?

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A "bad idea" that people have yet to have a way to test. I'm skeptical too, but people really need to stop jumping the gun here and assuming its going to be a horrible game destroying nerf based on the numbers alone.



13.33 percent?

Thats like taking a bread crumb from the loaf and offering it up as a meal.



Ya know what? WHO CARES? Now that is just one less option for me. Now I won't need to put a End reduction in my powers. So If I can't use that for one of my slots, what do I put in it now? sigh. Here's an Idea... Scrap this ED thought.



Someone please answer this:


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That nice, I guess. I'll still be getting Stamina with most of my heroes, though.

There are a couple, though, that might finally be free of it.



That is a positive announcement. It will definitely help out on my inv tank since he's always running out of end.

However that gives even less of a reason to slot an end reducer into a defensive shield now. So what can I use in my 6 slotted frozen armor now other than 6 def enh's?



All powers have had a substantial reduction in endurance use. Thanks.

But that means the usefulness of slotting Endurance Reduction SOs is even less. Changing an enhancement that improved the powers functionality to one that reduces the cost is now LESS useful. But still, it's a nice thing to do.

Now, what about protection powers (defense/damage resistance/regeneration) that got sliced with I4 and I5? Will those get adjusted?

And recharge rates set to ridiculous numbers to assure that, with six-slotted recharges and perma-hasten couldn't be made perma--since perma-hasten isn't available any longer and six-slotted recharge is worth a lot less than it used to be, how about some adjustments there?

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Okay... this is 'okay' I guess... it still doesn't address the problems like ATs that rely on damage, defence or resistance...

I say, at level 22 raise every power by 1.5 enhancement strength and make it so you can only slot 3 of one kind of enhancement... that way, 3 slotted damage become 4.5... closer to the 5 most have now, and allows lots of space for variety... same goes for resistance and defence TOGGLES...
Passives should be given a 2.5 bonus... so 3 slotted resistance make it 5.5... I might PM this to you if you don't see it.



Cool so I'll take out those end SO's and slot damage and... oh... wait.


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Well said. Now would this mean there is one LESS thing we need to slot for? Wow, these choices are just staggering.

Here's a free tip from a paying customer.......... Why don't you try and make some actual improvements?



So we'll be using 13% less end per second, but we'll be regening about 25%(ish) less end per second (going from six-slotted stamina to 3-slotted stamina). Net 12%(ish) nerf.

And while it helps a little, the Defense & Recharge nerfs are the biggest issues here. Try fixing those first.

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Most people will be regenning 16% less endurance from Stamina, assuming you still three slot it. Now here's a fun fact for you. If you six-slot Stamina, you'll be regenning 13% less endurance. Wonder where they got that number from.

So the Stamina nerf is pretty much rolled back. Now it's time to work on the other things.

The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.



Every power, across the board, is getting a 13.33% reduction in its Endurance cost.

[/ QUOTE ]

Oh goody, that'll make up for the 33.33 reduction in endurance gain I just recieved!

No wait, it won't.

I'm now spending 20% more endurance per attack, having to attack 1/3 as much, but now have enough slots to barely make up for hasten in recharge.

Who is feeding you these crap ideas anyway?



This is good news.

My biggest concern has been the Stamina effect more than anything else, espcially for my Tank.




And the backpedalling begins. . . .

I am openminded enough that I will try the system, at least briefly, before leaving the game. However, if the bottom line is that my characters seem diminished, less able to stand up to the damage that they used to, or end up having to wait around between fights for endurance to recharge like they did back when they were level 8, I am gone. I have already cancelled my preorder for CoV.

I am not sure it is really understood how deeply demoralizing all of this is. It kills my desire to keep playing the game even now. One of the things that keeps us going on those characters that still interest us is the desire to improve them. To get that next power. To move beyond their limitations. Getting a travel power is one such goal.

Getting beyond the limitations of endurance and recharge is another. We soldier on to level 20 and forego more fun powers in favour of the fitness pool so we can do more fun things with our character instead of waiting around or becoming unable to act in the middle of the battle. We soldier on to level 41 for the epic Energy pool because Conserve Power finally makes our characters fully playable. Of course we are going to six slot these powers; they only take one or two kinds.

This looming disaster tells us in effect that our heroes will be gasping and wheezing and running out of gas regardless of what powers they took and what they chose to forego to take them. This is on top of their already damaged resistance and defenses. It frankly kills my wish to continue playing them. I already scrapped my original characters and began levelling up new ones to replace them adjusting to i5, just so they wouldn't seem as damaged to me when the changes hit. I don't have the patience with this game to start all over again.

I don't know if you realize how deeply demoralizing this is. I will wait and see if the difference is made up other ways, but I suspect this amendment has to be only a start.

You may also want to severely cut back the hit points of all mobs, and especially archvillains and giant monsters. Archvillain and monster fights can last from three minutes to half an hour at times; we've fought Diabolique and Jurassik for even longer under i3-i4. A 13 1/3 (decimalism is the Devil's work!) reduction in endurance costs is not going to be enough to enable a team to take them down before running out of gas.

<《 New Colchis / Guides / Mission Architect 》>
"At what point do we say, 'You're mucking with our myths'?" - Harlan Ellison



Ya know what? WHO CARES? Now that is just one less option for me. Now I won't need to put a End reduction in my powers. So If I can't use that for one of my slots, what do I put in it now? sigh. Here's an Idea... Scrap this ED thought.

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As a person who uses a 6 slotted Stamina AND Endurance Reduction enhancements in his powers, I can safely say that ER enhancements will still be usefull, as will Stamina. It just wont be as "essential" as some people feel it is now.



With Enhancement Diversification comes a benefit for ALL City of Heroes powers.

Every power, across the board, is getting a 13.33% reduction in its Endurance cost.

[/ QUOTE ]

Thanks a ton Positron!!! This truly makes up for the 33% effectiveness I am losing from my powers. I am sure that this is going to help me LOADS with my FF powers that already cost almost nothing to begin with. Funny though, I would have gotten more than the 13% endurance reduction from my original 6 slotted Stamina.

Nice to know I'm getting such a helpful boost! *huggles*




Nice try, Positron, but no, this is not acceptable.

Try again.

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Cool, now my 3-slotted stamina will be enough.

This does very little to enhance your "goal" of diversification as end reducts is an enhancement usefull in most every power. This limits why I would want to use them.

If you REALLY want to throw us a bone that might shut down some of the critics then look at changing your your formula. Right now its roughly based on 6-slotting of training enhancements. So my third SO is allready losing effectiveness. Make it based on 4 SOs and you start losing (and you'll get tons less flack on this).



With Enhancement Diversification comes a benefit for ALL City of Heroes powers.

Every power, across the board, is getting a 13.33% reduction in its Endurance cost.

[/ QUOTE ]
See this kills me why didnt he put that in his original notes. Not that by any means does this make me less angry at how the devs have handled this whole situation, but it would have soften the blow a tad bit.

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Because this entire situation is one huge stupid PR mistake that goes to show that our beloved devs are no longer as connected to the player base as they like to pretend they are.

I am not a ranter, and being more of an RPer than a powergamer the changes don't mean that much to me.

What bothers me is the complete kludge the Cryptic crew have made of this entire situation. We most likely were never meant to get an endurance reduction, but I have to approach that tentatively because I absolutely, positively do not have any insider information or any relationship with the devs that doesn't take at least six steps through Kevin Bacon to get to.

What still bothers me is that they are doing stop-gap measures in order to cover up for a complete and total PR screw-up. Nothing in the release states that this was to be a test. In fact, it specifically states that these changes ARE going to happen, period. Then our beloved CuppaJo comes on to tell us, no, this isn't going to happen, its supposed to be put on Test first.


I don't know WHO's neck you have your fingers on, but I can assure you that the neck you're checking the pulse for isn't the neck of the player base.

That neck is caught up tightly in this noose you've made and then try to tell us because you're giving us sugar the choking shouldn't be so bad...



With Enhancement Diversification comes a benefit for ALL City of Heroes powers.

Every power, across the board, is getting a 13.33% reduction in its Endurance cost.

[/ QUOTE ]

THAT is supposed to be our Trade-off?

How about Rolling back the Defense Nerf.
How about Increasing that craptacular 5%/10%/20% ratio a smidge so Tanks don't get Gimped?
How about leaving RCH/RDX Enhancements out of this since they already had diminishing returns?
How about atleast softening the Curve on the Depreciation past 70%?

I don't recall anyone ever posting on the Suggestions board "Give us a 13.3% End Cut!".
I feel like a buggered Altar Boy and the priest just gave me a lollypop with lint on it for my trouble



13.33% doesn't sound like much of an end discount, man...

*shakes head*

Better than nothing, I guess.