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I've been playing CoH off and on since beta. It's the best of all the super hero MMO's out there and one of the best MMO's hands down. It's got some of the best devs that I've ever seen in any MMO anywhere and I'm not just saying that. I never say anything just to say it. It makes me feel sad seeing it going away like this. The game at least from the outside looked like it was doing well, especially after the launch of Freedom. It'll feel weird to know that after the end of this year I just won't be able to come "home" anymore to my favorite MMO. I have so many fond memories of this game. The doors may shut, but those memories will always be with me. I'll definitely support the petition and be pushing that out there.
Just wondered if I was the only one.
I didn't see the Wisp Aura even available to be bought back, anywhere.
Hopefully we get an answer sooner than later.
I thought we were supposed to be getting one server transfer token per month. Did they take those away? I've actually been looking forward to using those to move some characters around.
I can't make a new character using the Wisp Aura even though I was able to before I21. It also doesn't show up at a tailor/trainer on a new character either. However, I still have it on characters who had it previously and it shows up at the tailor/trainer for those characters. Is this a bug?
Quote:That's fine by me to be honest. I've been playing MMO's a long long time now. Since NWN on AOL. This game is the one game I keep coming back to each time because they continue to improve on it and make it better. I also love it because it's not another WoW/EQ clone. I love the fact that the devs actually seem to *REALLY* care about the game AND the people. That's obviously a huge plus for meI suspect it's going to be a bit longer this time, it's a pretty big change compared to the usual new issues.
Given those facts I'm totally ok with waiting so that they can make it as perfect as they can.
Does anyone know is Powerset Proliferation 3.0 in on this build? I know they announced it and I assumed it was going in I21 but didn't see any word one way or the other.
Yeah, still can't login. Thought maybe after they did the reboot I might be able to but I'm still getting a message saying my account isn't flagged. I was really looking forward to it, but hey, it's a beta test, this kind of stuff happens.
I'm not even seeing the beta forums either which seems odd. They said that subscribers were supposed to be able to login. Odd that I can't see beta forums OR login to the beta server.
Yeah I'm another one of those people that is trying to login and I'm getting the "not open to the public" message whenever I try to select the beta server.
Quote:I personally thought the AT's pre I3 were fine. In my opinion I think it's all just about playing your character and knowing your limitations. I do however think that some powersets were better than others when it came to PvP. In my opinion they would have been better off altering the other powersets so that they worked better, instead of putting blanket nerfs (insert I13 here) into the game to try to compensate, which only further in turn made things worse instead of better.I really don't think many players thought pvp was a donkey to begin with. Some things, maybe many things needed adjusted.
It was fun at least powers functioned as they did in pve not just at "the core". Sure some AT's were stronger but let's face it tanks and scrappers are not primary buffers/debuffers/healers and defenders were not ment to go toe to toe. Times change adjustments need to be made but what we have now for a majority is not fun. -
True, but Champions PvP is baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad. It's worse than CoH PvP. DCUO isn't bad, but just leaves a bit to be desired. It's too hammer, rock, paper, scissors. The old PvP for CoH pre I13, was some of the best PvP that I've ever seen in a modern MMO. Current PvP just feels really bland and well, boring for lack of a better word. I would say go back to Pre I13, deal with the munchkin powers like Phase Shift and Aid Self, having multiple travel powers, redo the way IO's work, and nix DR. The game should just be about having fun. One of the things that I really don't care for with modern PvP is how everything is building a character is way too much math and way too much effort. It's so complex that it just stops being fun. I want to play a game, not write a mathematical thesis. I don't think that PvP is really accessible to the casual player given some of the things that I cited that need fixing. That is one thing that I think DCUO did well. The game is simple to play (as is CoH) but also making and building a character is much more simple.
I'd call that a "non answer" ala "the corporate response". PvP in this game is just broke. If PvP ever gets fixed I will probably sub again, but as it stands I'm going to let my account drop at the end of the month I think and probably go back over to DCUO. The old PvP was some of the most fun I've ever had in PvP in an MMO. Would love to see it back again.
What does taunt do to a squishy, other then keep them locked onto you?
Quote:You know this how? Every game that has had scenario based PvP has had people fighting in it. I'll admit, before they do it however, I think they need to seriously look at PvP.Scenerio based PvP won't work, if no one likes the PvP rules.
It won't bring in new people. It won't get current people to play it, outside of a badge tied to the scenerio (which there had better be!), and once the badge is gotten, the badgers won't do it anymore.
Yes he was. EM and Regen. I didn't even pick it because it was flavor of the month, as many people call it and call it still. I picked it because I had never played either powerset, and made my villain a mutant to explain why he had such different abilities. I had a fun. I wouldn't mind it so much if they had a different animation at least. That animation for ET is so terrible it makes my character look like a spastic monkey that was overdosing on ex lax. For a character that's supposed to be "cool" like the Fonz, that's just terrible. -
The old PvP felt more like I was in a comic book. This doesn't.
One thing I can say to add to that, which I really dislike, is multiple movement powers in PvP. It's cheesey. You don't see heroes and villains doing it on a regular basis in a comic book.
Another cheesey issue is the rabid use of aid self and the power that lets players become intangible. The name of the later escapes me as it's very late in the AM and I was playing CoH most of the night LOL.
One thing that I think I hate the most about the later issues, is that it seems to detract from the game as I feel like I'm seeing clone characters out there and not really super heroes/villains in PvP.
I remember playing the CoV beta and being beside myself. It made me feel like I was playing in a super hero game. I can still remember when we tested Siren's Call that night and how much fun it all was. I remember the RV test too once that went to the test server. Those were some fun times.
I also think that there should be more of a point to PvP. In DCUO for example there are PvP maps where there are actual meaningful objectives. Such as, the villains are trying to turn people in a lab into raging mutants and it's the heroes job to stop the villains from succeeding. I'd love to see scenario based PvP. With the new que system coming into play that would only make it that much more viable to create such a system and provide tangible rewards such as merits, outright recipes, salvage, or even incarnate rewards.
NO ONE likes a nerf. No one. Everytime a nerf comes, someone somewhere loses a character that they love. I for one have a stalker that I loved, had great character hooks for him, even had built up a reputation as that character and had become hated as the villain that he was, and just had fun. Said character is now retired because of nerfs. He was one of my most favorite characters out of any MMO too. Since many of the nerfs, the character is just no longer fun to play.
That said, if you don't like something, I think you should voice your opinion. I also don't think you should take no for an answer. That doesn't mean I think anyone should stand up, yell at the top of their lungs and act like an irate hooligan either. If you dislike it, say clearly why and support arguments as to why.
Just saying "this sucks" isn't enough.
For me, the new PvP is just not fun anymore and I think that's the crux of it all and the major complaint.
As I also said, it doesn't feel like something out of a comic book either. Everyone takes the same "munchkin powers" just because they can. I miss the old days when anyone could pretty much bring any powerset out into PvP and people could just slug it out and give each other a beating.
I'm an avid PvP'er and PvP in every game I play. I've been PvP'ing since NWN on AOL, which is a long time, as it was the first MMO ever made. NWN was my favorite for PvP. The old PvP system was a very close second. The new/current PvP system, just isn't fun.
I don't know about anyone else but I play games to have fun. I would give anything to see the old PvP game come back. -
I have an Invuln tanker (not slotted with IO's), but have enjoyed Willpower in PvE but have not done any PvP with a Willpower tanker at all. My biggest concern with a Willpower tanker is I know that RTTC is the main heal for a tanker so I am wondering how it handled in one on ones specifically. I know people don't stand around which makes RTTC sound like it's basically going to be junk in PvP. I'd love to hear any opinions and suggestions.
Quote:QFT. Also I hate to say it but the argument about using blue's is flawed. The problem there is that you're using a crutch. I hate to say it but I prefer to just look at things as is. When you're looking at things on a purely mechanical level, you shouldn't need to use blues at all. If you can play without Stamina and play fine, then why do you need blues? You shouldn't NEED to use blues. Inspirations were supposed to be in those "change your pants" moments or when you need to "dig deep" like in the comics. It sounds like most people saying you don't need to have Stamina enjoy sitting around and watching their bars fill. I think that's great if that's the way you like to play. Aside from this thread though, I've never met anyone game since CoH beta to present that actually did. But... their are people that like going swimming in the arctic too... but again, to each his or her ownEver play a Spines/Dark Scrapper?
If you want your character to be at all effective you have to run a minimum of 6 toggles. Most Spines/Darks run 9 or 10 toggles. And Dark Regeneration takes a third of your end when you use it (slotted it's more like a quarter)
I would LOVE to see a build that can do that, while being effective, without Stamina. That doesn't cost billions from slotting for recovery bonuses.
There are some powerset combinations in the game that are extremely difficult, or impossible, to play without Stamina. Spines/Dark is one of them.
I mean I suppose you could just take all the toggles and stand there while Quills and Death Shroud kill everything for you, never attacking and healing when necessary, but what fun is THAT? That particular powerset combo pretty much requires Stamina if you want to avoid running out of gas in every fight. Sure, you could carry a tray full of blues....but you're going to run out eventually.
There aren't too many builds that require it, but there ARE a few that it would be extremely unwise to skip it on.hahaha.
Quote:I disagree. Of course the argument can be said you don't need Stamina. That's if you like running around waiting and watching a blue bar to fill up repeatedly. I always thought the point to playing a game was playing the game. Not staring at a screen watching bars fill up. My SS/Invuln tanker is terrible with endurance, and some of his attacks are even two slotted with end reducers, and that is with Stamina. The endurance management system is just a we bit overbearing and was even worse before Positron nerfed it and gave us an end bonus when CoV released. The system as it stands right now just isn't very comic book like or fitting for a role playing game. Oh and while I agree with you the changes to brawl are nice... they don't fit every concept. Not everyone in the comic book world fights in melee.This gets ridiculous, does it not?
(You don't NEED any pool power)
Using any AT, with any powersets...you can make a build, without stamina, playable.
Adding Stamina allows you to select different powers and slot differently but it is in no way needed.
When people say it's a must...they say that because they would never make a build without it.
When I first got this game, I played for awhile without even knowing what Fitness was.
By the way...I love the endurance management in this game. If they took it away, I would probably stop playing. There is nothing wrong with the way it is now. (Especially with the change to brawl...that really helps the lower levels) -
Quote:In some cases I will agree with you but in the average build I think it's required. Such as a Mastermind for example typically doesn't need Stamina. A Tanker on the other hand, if he intends to do much fighiting, it's going to be required for the most part. Every build I've ever played on any Tanker (including Willpower) made it necessary to have Stamina. Even my Regen Scrapper had to take Stamina to be effective and I still have end problems and that is with one endurance reducer in every single attack.No it's not true. Stamina is nice to have, but it is not needed.
Quite honestly I don't enjoy every single character of mine winding up being "Captain America". That's immersion breaking for one. Not every hero in the comic books is Captain America. I know the end system was put in place because of the Champions table top role playing game and that is what they wanted CoH to emulate in many respects. Even in Champions however, not every character that is made is a triatholon athlete or Captain America junior and even with an endurance system in place in the table top Champions game, I have never had a character run out of endurance ever when playing. However, while the end system in CoH reflects that, I can't say the same is the true here.
I don't enjoy the whole heaving and huffing part of CoH. It's one thing that's always been a negative of the game for me. In EQ they had a mana system and it was equally as strict. No one was ever happy about the mana recovery system. They eventually changed it. I wish they would make things like Fitness something you take for your character concept, not because of something you are required to take on most builds. It's really rather disappointing. Another aspect that bugs me is the comic book aspect. I've only ever read one comic book ever where I saw a super hero or villain get exhauted, and that was when Johnny Storm (The Human Torch) went Nova.
For the most part, you never see heroes and villains running around huffing it all the time. It just doesn't make sense to me why an unfun mechanic is forced upon us. While Champions Online had it's issues, I did enjoy the endurance system much better. I hope DC Universe Online does it better. Although I haven't even heard the word Endurance uttered anywhere. Personally though, I'd much rather see the endurance situation handled here then by competitors to the game. -
Quote:I think of it more as "dirty fighting" which is what Stalkers do. They fight dirty.[wolfcastle]Dat's de joke.[/wolfcastle]
You're talking about a raging brawler powerset whose fundamentals are the complete abandonment of subtlety in favour of the immediate applkication of raw force beign set to an archetype whose sole defining trait is the use of subtle tactics. The only way to make this work is satirically. -
That just sounds silly for a stalker. I mean, a character that moves around in the shadows? If you think about the AT, I think "Sucker Punch" makes more sense personally.