Willpower vs. Invulnerability for Tankers, which is better?




I have an Invuln tanker (not slotted with IO's), but have enjoyed Willpower in PvE but have not done any PvP with a Willpower tanker at all. My biggest concern with a Willpower tanker is I know that RTTC is the main heal for a tanker so I am wondering how it handled in one on ones specifically. I know people don't stand around which makes RTTC sound like it's basically going to be junk in PvP. I'd love to hear any opinions and suggestions.



Invuln is better but neither is particularly good.

@macskull, @Not Mac | XBL: macskull | Steam: macskull | Skype: macskull
"One day we all may see each other elsewhere. In Tyria, in Azeroth. We may pass each other and never know it. And that's sad. But if nothing else, we'll still have Rhode Island."



RttC is an offensive toggle (because of the -tohit) therefore it turns off with any mez, which is any mez that hits (whether it's 5 seconds or the 0.3 second sleep from electric melee).

So usually RttC will stay off.

They're kind of equal, but if you want to start as one...go willpower, for the quick recovery.

Make sure to get tough and aid self.

taunt is nice for squishies.

@Sentry4 @Sentry 4

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What does taunt do to a squishy, other then keep them locked onto you?



Range reduction...

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invuln is easy to build with high resist since 3 of the shields are not end drains. my ss inlvuln has 90% psi res and near perma dull pain



Originally Posted by B_Witched View Post
invuln is easy to build with high resist since 3 of the shields are not end drains. my ss inlvuln has 90% psi res and near perma dull pain

On mids or in arena/zone? I have an elec/ss that I couldn't get close to 90% psi in pvp due to DR. I think when all was said and done it was like 54%.