A petition to the devs to remove i13 nerfs.
I'm sure this'll work this time around!
what an incredibly original idea. im sure that this will catch the devs attention because we've never tried this before and they paroose the pvp forums o so often.
Positron's i13 letter: We are trying to make PvP more accessible to new players, while giving experienced PvP'ers the advantage that comes with formulating tactics around the new systems we're putting in place. PvP from now on will be on our priority list. If something isn't working out, we'll be in there tweaking it and making it work, for the entire future of the product, not just Issue 13.
seriously people. what does it hurt to try to get good things? i know that the devs dont care about what we think about pvp but what does it hurt to just try?
Does it hurt? No. Is it pretty much pointless? Yes.
People who were calm, reasonable, had good influence among players and more eloquent about the PvP changes being a negative effect were struck by "these changes weren't meant for you" from a Community Manager. Positron basically reinforced that by saying DR was required for balance reasons or something a few weeks ago.
RIP:Southern Comfort PvP,PE PvP,INTEGRITY PvP,After School Special PvP Test SG's,TPvPL Season1+2 Runner ups
I am probably going to change the name of this thread to "a petition to remove pvp from the game to clear out some room in peoples hard drives" as it doesn't take a supercomputer to figure out that pvp will be broken forever. I probably should not have any more extreamly fun no dr,no ts, and no hd arena matches with people on my sg because all the fun of those turns bad when I think how this could be all over the game.
We know you are disappointed in the new pvp, but most members are tired of supporting this lost cause. It was not written much better than the post "an open letter to the devs" a sticky post.
/sign that and explain your grief a little more than "I'm tired of this." But then again you could finish with that statement. ;p since it rings true for most of us.
The old PvP felt more like I was in a comic book. This doesn't.
One thing I can say to add to that, which I really dislike, is multiple movement powers in PvP. It's cheesey. You don't see heroes and villains doing it on a regular basis in a comic book.
Another cheesey issue is the rabid use of aid self and the power that lets players become intangible. The name of the later escapes me as it's very late in the AM and I was playing CoH most of the night LOL.
One thing that I think I hate the most about the later issues, is that it seems to detract from the game as I feel like I'm seeing clone characters out there and not really super heroes/villains in PvP.
I remember playing the CoV beta and being beside myself. It made me feel like I was playing in a super hero game. I can still remember when we tested Siren's Call that night and how much fun it all was. I remember the RV test too once that went to the test server. Those were some fun times.
I also think that there should be more of a point to PvP. In DCUO for example there are PvP maps where there are actual meaningful objectives. Such as, the villains are trying to turn people in a lab into raging mutants and it's the heroes job to stop the villains from succeeding. I'd love to see scenario based PvP. With the new que system coming into play that would only make it that much more viable to create such a system and provide tangible rewards such as merits, outright recipes, salvage, or even incarnate rewards.
NO ONE likes a nerf. No one. Everytime a nerf comes, someone somewhere loses a character that they love. I for one have a stalker that I loved, had great character hooks for him, even had built up a reputation as that character and had become hated as the villain that he was, and just had fun. Said character is now retired because of nerfs. He was one of my most favorite characters out of any MMO too. Since many of the nerfs, the character is just no longer fun to play.
That said, if you don't like something, I think you should voice your opinion. I also don't think you should take no for an answer. That doesn't mean I think anyone should stand up, yell at the top of their lungs and act like an irate hooligan either. If you dislike it, say clearly why and support arguments as to why.
Just saying "this sucks" isn't enough.
For me, the new PvP is just not fun anymore and I think that's the crux of it all and the major complaint.
As I also said, it doesn't feel like something out of a comic book either. Everyone takes the same "munchkin powers" just because they can. I miss the old days when anyone could pretty much bring any powerset out into PvP and people could just slug it out and give each other a beating.
I'm an avid PvP'er and PvP in every game I play. I've been PvP'ing since NWN on AOL, which is a long time, as it was the first MMO ever made. NWN was my favorite for PvP. The old PvP system was a very close second. The new/current PvP system, just isn't fun.
I don't know about anyone else but I play games to have fun. I would give anything to see the old PvP game come back.
Scenerio based PvP won't work, if no one likes the PvP rules.
It won't bring in new people. It won't get current people to play it, outside of a badge tied to the scenerio (which there had better be!), and once the badge is gotten, the badgers won't do it anymore.
BrandX Future Staff Fighter

The BrandX Collection
NO ONE likes a nerf. No one. Everytime a nerf comes, someone somewhere loses a character that they love. I for one have a stalker that I loved, had great character hooks for him, even had built up a reputation as that character and had become hated as the villain that he was, and just had fun. Said character is now retired because of nerfs. He was one of my most favorite characters out of any MMO too. Since many of the nerfs, the character is just no longer fun to play. |
my thoughts exactly valor. I just want a comic book game to feel like a comic book. My uber superman tank beatdown a duel pistols/somthing electric corruptor and a pure human level shifted(which my tank is not) pb in a no dr, no ts, and no hd arena match 4-0 both times. but i feel that anyone psi would tear him apart. thats superman for you.
I sure hate the Base Editor. I should go start up a petition thread to ask these developers (who care not one bit about my feelings! How dare they!!! I pay them $15/month!!!) to fix it!
Oh, I also want more costumes! Without costumes, THIS GAME WILL DIE! I should go and post a petition thread about that too! The developers of this game have no idea how to develop a game, but I sure as hell do!
Right! I also want a pony! Maybe a cupcake too! TO THE PETITION-MOBILE!
Sarcasm aside, Roborg, the developers don't hate you. You do not know better than them on what's good or not. You are not the center of this game. I'm sorry you're disappointed in a feature of the game that otherwise you mostly enjoy. But please don't pretend you know what's good or bad, and do not ever accuse the developers of being lazy or incompetent because to be quite blunt, you have no the slightest bit of clue about what goes in in Paragon Studios.
So sit down. Relax. Chill. Adapt. And hopefully, at some point, when the developers gather the tools or data needed to take a look at PvP as an issue in their game, they will.
I'd also hate to act like a forum vigilante, but forming petitions are against the rules of the forums.

I remember when coming to the PvP boards and griping about how PvP works just meant you were bad and needed to lrn2play.
I also remember when it was poor taste to come to the PvP boards and talk about our feelings.
Heh, now it's pretty much the norm. I guess I too miss the old days... but for different reasons.
By the way... it's been years people. Can we stop calling the PvP system and the I13 changes new?
"Situational power? Sure. Although in a sense... all powers are situational. It's just that some situations occur more than others." Understand the situation needed in order for the power to be most effective... and make that situation happen.
Sarcasm aside, Roborg, the developers don't hate you. You do not know better than them on what's good or not. You are not the center of this game. I'm sorry you're disappointed in a feature of the game that otherwise you mostly enjoy. But please don't pretend you know what's good or bad, and do not ever accuse the developers of being lazy or incompetent because to be quite blunt, you have no the slightest bit of clue about what goes in in Paragon Studios. . |
and yea, the devs were lazy and incompetent in the pvp fixes. making the DR curve based on AT and not on a powerset basis was incredibly lazy. and ignoring all the suggestions made during beta and since despite being well substantiated was even more incompetent.
they might not say that they don't give a hoot about the pvp playerbase, but the facts say otherwise. they've only posted in these threads twice since i13 (seriously, you can look it up) once to reinforce their terrible ideas, and the other to poke the bear saying that CoP wouldn't mean base raids, which didn't require saying at all. there have been multiple threads, PMs, complaints, petitions about bugs that are clearly broken yet have been in game since i13(talking about simple bug fixes like power values, not large scale stuff). the fact of the matter is that the players are the victim of the devs nasty catch 22. in a perfect world the devs would look at pvp again when they have the chance to fix the half*** system they put in, but theres no reason to since the player base has become so diminished *because* of the half*** system they put in so they'll probably never look at in the forceable future.
this thread is pointless and has been done multiple times over, but please don't diminish it and past attempts by justifying the devs in there actions. there is none.
Positron's i13 letter: We are trying to make PvP more accessible to new players, while giving experienced PvP'ers the advantage that comes with formulating tactics around the new systems we're putting in place. PvP from now on will be on our priority list. If something isn't working out, we'll be in there tweaking it and making it work, for the entire future of the product, not just Issue 13.
Scenerio based PvP won't work, if no one likes the PvP rules.
It won't bring in new people. It won't get current people to play it, outside of a badge tied to the scenerio (which there had better be!), and once the badge is gotten, the badgers won't do it anymore. |
Yes he was. EM and Regen. I didn't even pick it because it was flavor of the month, as many people call it and call it still. I picked it because I had never played either powerset, and made my villain a mutant to explain why he had such different abilities. I had a fun. I wouldn't mind it so much if they had a different animation at least. That animation for ET is so terrible it makes my character look like a spastic monkey that was overdosing on ex lax. For a character that's supposed to be "cool" like the Fonz, that's just terrible.
OK I have a few things to say. 1. I am sorry if petitions are against the forum rules. where I live they are a healthy and good way to get a point acrossed that you dont like somthing the ruling party did. 2. All what i started this thread for was just to make a point that I want my superman toon to feel like superman and not a 92 pound stick when fighting another toon. 3.I am sorry if I did not know how many times this has come up. after all iI am new to the forums. 4. I am also aware that the word "forum" means a place to get together and voice thoughts about somthing. in fact the first forum was in rome(I think) and it was a place to meet and voice thoughts to the people in the government. So I am sorry if some people are mad about this. I just wanted to make a point.
I don't think they are mad and you don't need to be sorry. It's hard to read the emotion in type.
Most are just frustrated that so many, many..... many things seem to be wrong with i13 changes. But also remember i12 had some issues also. It needed tweaking not rebuilt.
You can't make petitions for action! I am reporting you!
"OK, first of all... Shut Up." - My 13-Year-Old Daughter
29973 "The Running of the Bulls" [SFMA] - WINNER of the Mighty Big Story Arc Contest !
- The Stellar Wind Orbital Space Platform
keep it comming
actually, this is completely wrong. in the case of pvp, the player base knows much more than the developers do. The devs had no idea what they were doing with the changes. they thought they did, but look how that turned out.
... [Condensed to preserve space!] |
Could the developers communicate better regarding PvP and let people know WHY they are pushing PvP aside? Sure!
I don't think they are mad and you don't need to be sorry. It's hard to read the emotion in type.
Most are just frustrated that so many, many..... many things seem to be wrong with i13 changes. But also remember i12 had some issues also. It needed tweaking not rebuilt. |
I know I'm using a blanket statement here for the sake of simplicity (I truly apologize to anyone who doesn't meet these specifications).
I remember once I tried to get into PvP. To be quite frank, I enjoyed it...for a while. But the one thing that eventually drove me off wasn't the "broken" PvP system, nor the number of times I lost matches (and I lost 90% of the matches I took part in...but I had FUN! And that was important to me!). What did drive me was how the PvP community behaves in general. Just constant blaming and complaining and raging. Maybe my views are skewed. But this is what I see.
And I come here and see this thread, and it fits the pattern quite nicely. "Hey guys let's start a petition! The developers are stupid and this game is gonna die if they don't fix PvP!!!!"
Do you think the PvPers deserve something more special than the base builders? The base builders have been crying for a better base building utility for ages now. But do you see any "petitions" or ragequits from base builders? No. Why? I don't know!
But that's why I'm disappointed.
Maybe I'm wrong in viewing the PvP community like this. I'd be glad if I'm wrong. Seriously!

[FONT="Trebuchet MS"]
I'm sorry if I worded it poorly. But I never meant to say the developers never made a mistake about PvP, or any other aspect of the game. What I am saying is that there COULD be more barriers and issues around it that we, as players, simply are not aware of. It doesn't HAVE to mean it's because they are incompetent or lazy. |
Personally I'm not mad or frustrated at all. Personally I'm disappointed because every time I see someone complain about PvP, it's a poorly written, poorly interpreted, and poorly structured argument that comes off as the poster just being annoyed that they keep losing in the current PvP system, so they come here to rage about it and blame it on the developers. |
i'll agree with you on the poorly written, interpreted and structured part, but quite honestly, all the people that put together well written, interpreted and structured arguements for pvp left long ago or have been worn down so much that its a moot point(hence the lol this thread doesn't work earlier in the thread.)
I remember once I tried to get into PvP. To be quite frank, I enjoyed it...for a while. But the one thing that eventually drove me off wasn't the "broken" PvP system, nor the number of times I lost matches (and I lost 90% of the matches I took part in...but I had FUN! And that was important to me!). What did drive me was how the PvP community behaves in general. Just constant blaming and complaining and raging. Maybe my views are skewed. But this is what I see. |
And I come here and see this thread, and it fits the pattern quite nicely. "Hey guys let's start a petition! The developers are stupid and this game is gonna die if they don't fix PvP!!!!" |
Do you think the PvPers deserve something more special than the base builders? |
i do find it stupid that when a wish list for a new issue thread is created, people list things like new costumes, low level content, more badges, ect. stuff that has been readily added in large amount of the past few issues, yet when someone mentions something like base raids, base fixes, pvp fixes it either gets ignored or denounced.
Positron's i13 letter: We are trying to make PvP more accessible to new players, while giving experienced PvP'ers the advantage that comes with formulating tactics around the new systems we're putting in place. PvP from now on will be on our priority list. If something isn't working out, we'll be in there tweaking it and making it work, for the entire future of the product, not just Issue 13.
What do you guys think stands in the way of removing the i13 PvP changes(other than a simple "devs don't care"), and what would be a valid way of dealing with that hurdle?
Is it an issue with post-i13 character builds getting hurt? Enhancements being stuck in bad builds?
Is it an imbalance issue? Is it how easily imbalance affects gameplay?
Mains (Freedom) @Auroxis
Auroxis - Emp/Rad/Power Defender Pylon Video Soloing an AV
Pelvic Thunder - SS/Elec/Mu Brute
Sorajin - Elec/Nin Stalker
Neuropain - Sonic/Mental/Elec Blaster
I am sick and tired of not being able to have any sort of fun at pvp. So for the sake of keeping the game alive in the face of new and powerful foes I am forming a list of people who hate diminished returns,travel suppression, and healing decay. For sake of easy counting please only one post per person. Post only if you hate i13 pvp and want a return to the fun pvp. And if the devs care 2 cents about this game`s future they will have to have there little fantasy world about i13 pvp being funner shattered. So only one post per person and please,for the sake of the game, tell the devs WE HATE NERFS!!!!