Endurance Discount




If our powers cost less end AFTER this "enhancement diversification" joke, why would we bother DIVERSIFYING our slotting by putting in end reducts? No reason to. So by throwing us this "bone", you are breaking your own system.

[/ QUOTE ]

"Diversification" is the word they decided to use to soften the true nature of disasterous nerf. It's a marketing term, like calling used cars......"pre-owned" cars. When all is said and done its just another damn nerf.



However, unless I discover that having 4 Damage SO's in a power means I do LESS damage than if I only had 2, I'm not respec'ing my character, I shall simply do less damage.

[/ QUOTE ]

From what I read here on the CoH forums, you're getting warmer.

*grabs some popcorn*



Quick, Stateman just post on the ED thread, I haven't read it yet, but I'm omw with my pitchfork and torch!



The way I understand this nerf is to make using other enhancements more usable. I understand this sick and demented way. What I would have rather seen is instead of weekening SO's potential is maybe improving SO's potential by instead of being 33% making them 66% and then limiting them to no more than 2 per power of the same type. Or something along those lines. Obviously my biggest problem is the nerf to stamina. Before this game a played another MMORPG that after a couple battles, half the group had to sit and rest to get their end or mana back so we could play some more. This was very annoying because downtime in a game is just not fun. When I came to CoH it was one of the biggest reasons I stayed.

Even with this 13.3% decrease to end cost on all powers, (Without doing the math) I believe it will still take more attacks to kill a mob because of doing less damage. So would we not still be using more end because of more attacks?

What about these powers that some of us liked putting on perma? Like Dull Pain, Haste, etc... Will they still be able to be put on perma?

I don't believe this will cause as much diversity since most people will find out the best way to spec and then you will have the same problem.

I was all for the I5 defence nerfs because I have a regen scrapper and an invulnerabe tank and they were just boring to play because it was just to easy. And I did not spec the way most other regen scrappers and invul tanks did.

Another thing I liked about CoH as apposed to the other MMORPG's I have played was that as you became higher lvl you actually became more powerful. So when you are lvl 5 you could only kill 3 white con minions then at lvl 40 you could take out 5 white con minions and a leutenent...hope that made sence.

Bottom line Issue 5 was good and ED sounds bad to me. This has caused me to cancel my pre-order of CoV and once ED releases and I get to really see ED on live servers then I am almost certain I will be canceling CoH.

PS: I thought the issue patches were for bug fixes and additional material not global game changes that make your game completely different from what you have been playing for the past several months.



With Enhancement Diversification comes a benefit for ALL City of Heroes powers.

Every power, across the board, is getting a 13.33% reduction in its Endurance cost.

[/ QUOTE ]

Here is an out of game metaphor for this:

I am going to stomp on your genitals....but every time I do I am going to give you an ice pack.

Wow...thanks for taking care of me.

Ok....so let me please offer my sincere and non-sarcastic solution to this whole ED fiasco (with the End Discount gravy). Abort!!! Don't do it. I know you have worked on this for 6 months. And you probably have to answer to some suit who wants status reports and espected customer gain reports or some junk. But I think it is better to admit when you have made a mistake and move on...than to flatly deny a mistake has been made and charge ahead with a convoluted idea that is going to really disappoint a good number of your loyal subscribers.

And if you listen to this....please PM me so we can talk about Defiance and how lame it is and what we should replace it with.



Ok I've had a little more time to think about it, I still think your post is a weak attempt at damage controll. Please make me eat my words and prove that you, the developers, actually grasp why the forum community is in such an uproar

I have a couple of questions I would like to see answered:

1. Why was chosen to implement this system.

2. You have been working on this system even before the i5 balance changes went to test, was the i5 balance made with this system in mind, if so, why didn't you inform the community that you were doing so.

3. why were these specific cut-off points (70% and 100%) chosen.

4. Is it true that a bonus after 70% has 85% effect and after 100% only has 15%? If so, what's the reasoning behind these values.

5. When do you expect this to go live.

6. At what point do you think you will be ready balancing out the characters.

7. Any words for those that feel they've been paying to beta test a game that will never be finished?



Golly gee-whiz, thanks ...

IMO: you really don't understand, appreciate, or respect your playerbase if you think this was well planned out and a fair deal.



Thats a joke considering how the ED change itself is actually making stamina weaker by around 25%. A 13% discount is your idea of compensation? Get lost! Drop this ED or I'm dropping my subscription!

I find your attempt to bribe the playerbase insulting considering that your offering less than what is being taken away.



With Enhancement Diversification comes a benefit for ALL City of Heroes powers.

Every power, across the board, is getting a 13.33% reduction in its Endurance cost.

[/ QUOTE ]

Normally I'd greet this with a "wahoo!" or some such. Oh, and before reading further... warning... cynicism ensues.

The problem with this bonus is that it has no logical relation to the ED issue itself, it looks like a little bribe to get us to stop spamming the boards with complaints about ED. Well, that's nice, but it doesn't change the problem of ED. This sort of distraction is now coming off to me as a bit insulting, designed to deflect attention from the Statesman's claims that he was done making major changes to powersets. While the literal minded among us will note that this isn't a change to powersets, just their enhancibility, I say 'Fie!'. We are not in a legal arena here. I am not interested in the letter of the statement, I am interested in its intent. And given the context of Statesman's statement, the intent certainly seemed to be to convey the idea that they were done focusing on changing how powers work. This change drastically affects how the vast majority of powers work. I am rather unhappy that this is the reward I get for being a happy camper and adjusting to the changes, and respec'ing, and trying to look reasonably at the overall balance.

Some good arguments can be made for the idea of encouraging diversification in slotting. The execution thrust upon us, and tested without our input for months, is simply horrible. It does not take into effect that many powers already provide less advantage from full slotting than others. Some powers had built in slotting weakness (Please, someone explain to me why DEF and DR enhancements are Class "B"?!), and that other powers can't be usefully slotted with multiple enhancments.

I'll hapilly toss you back your bone of across the board endo reduction, Posi, if you and the Dev team instead give us a list of how each power is expected to benefit from this change, or list useful slotting variations for each power given how the game is designed. And until you let characters outrange their enemies at mid-high levels by using a couple or three range enhancers, don't talk to me about range. Or recharge. Many of us have gotten along just fine without perma-hasten, and would continue to do so without this change.

I will give credit that with this change, ED might reasonably resulted in fewer builds with Stamina, without an (independent) nerf to stamina. That's about the best I see coming out of it.



Every power, across the board, is getting a 13.33% reduction in its Endurance cost.

[/ QUOTE ]

Nice that we'll be seeing an endurance cost reduction. Thanks for that.

Now, why 13.33%? Why not 10%? Or 15%?



With Enhancement Diversification comes a benefit for ALL City of Heroes powers.

Every power, across the board, is getting a 13.33% reduction in its Endurance cost.

[/ QUOTE ]

I do appreciate this change. However it does not address issues such as... wait for it.. DEF and RES. With the I5 reductions and now the reduction in effectiveness of enhancements for RES and DEF, powersets hit particularly hard by these changes (not just Invuln) do see a further decrease in their effectiveness.

While the statement made that changes to powersets were completed with I5 is correct, the enhancement effectiveness reduction now devalues certain powersets further. On behalf of the Invuln crowd, I would urge you to review the numbers and suggestions made by Iron Vixen and Buffy A. Summers for increasing (even to some small degree) Invuln's DEF or non S/L resists. While S/L is the prevalent damage the end game is rife with foes who do non-S/L damage (Carnies = energy, Crey = energy, fire, cold, etc.).

Also, a fourth free respec would be appreciated as I'm conflicted about using my current one to respec on my main (Invuln/Fire tank) and get as much playing time in as possible and hope I can respec her yet again when CoV goes live with the enhancement effectiveness reduction or hold it in reserve, respec her when CoV goes live and grit my teeth for the grind to lvl 50.

Thank you for your consideration.

Too many alts and not enough time.



Every power, across the board, is getting a 13.33% reduction in its Endurance cost.

[/ QUOTE ]

Well, at least ED is good for one thing -- reducing the absolute necessity of Stamina. Some. I don't think people will want to go without it, but it will certainly make pre-Stamina life easier.



The addition of a endurance reduction is pointless. In most of my powers, because of "diversity", there is no point in slotting past 3 of anything. This gives me at least 1 slot extra to do something with. In most of them, there is nothing else to do other than put an end reducer in anyway, so an end reduction is pointless. Also, most of my characters already have all the powers they ever want so its even pointless to move slots to other powers because I dont want to slot those powers and wouldnt even if I had extra slots.

An Endurance Reduction is a weak benefit to the worst MMO design decision I have ever seen in an MMO (Enhancement Diversity).

EDIT: since you have too much invested in ED to ditch it (even though it is awful) at least make things simple. Disallow more than 3 of the same enhancement, period. Keep full benefit from all 3. That would still keep this to be the most horrble design decision ever, but at least there would be no misunderstanding by casual players. They would see they cant have a 4th damage (it would be meaningless anyway, not that they would know) so they would do something els.

Again, ED is abysmal.

FINAL EDIT: Players could already slot different than 1/5 or 6 of anything. Why force them? Anyway, diversity will go out the window again when everybody figures out the most efficient choices again. Will it distress you when everybody goes 1/3 on defenses and debuffs and 2/3/1 on damage?


Random AT Generation!
"I remember... the Alamo." -- Pee-wee Herman
"Oh don't worry. I always leave things to the last moment." -- The Doctor
"Telescopes are time machines." -- Carl Sagan



With Enhancement Diversification comes a benefit for ALL City of Heroes powers.
Every power, across the board, is getting a 13.33% reduction in its Endurance cost.

[/ QUOTE ]

Let the bone-tossing begin! How bad could ED be? We got a BONE!

I should have stopped paying you as soon as I realized that you were using my money to change the PvE game I love into a PvP game. It was foolish of me to trust you to leave PvE intact.



It's a little help to the major nerf, but it doesnt help in some cases of already low end costing powers, and toggles because of the already running diminishing returns formula. Some sets is about the number of toggles running instead of strong high end costing ones. 13.3 won't help much in this case. Then by being forced to put end reduc in some powers, because of diversification effeceincy, as the only alternative enhancement, this 13.3 wont do much.



Maybe with REC rate factored in this will make up for the extra time it will take me under ED to finish off foes.

Still have some misgivings about ED, but DPE was the hardest hit. So, a guarded thank you for this. Demonstrates that the Devs do think of all facets of a change.



OMG ... are you Devs actually listening to yourselves ?!?!

You going to nerf stamina then turn around and give all powers a reduction in endurance ... [censored] is the point ... why not just leave it alone. Whats next ..... shorten all powers recharge times to make up for hasten, increased damage on all powers, increased defense across the board ?

In I5 you nerfed alot of things then turn around and offset them with improvements .. ie. damage cap increase, reduced mob accuracy, ect. All your silly nerfs to stop PL'n ... guess what ... didn't work! [censored] was the point here?

This just doesn't make sense to me, you nerf one thing and then turn around and enhance another to offset it .... why not just leaves things alone? Why not spend your time on something more useful like end-game content instead of this rob from peter and give to paul bs you have going on.

You devs made a great game ... now why are you screwing it up? You have 1000's of posts telling you that this isn't a good idea and its not what they want! Why are you not listening to the people who pay your paychecks every month??

I can see Statesman's next "guest speaker" appearence at GenCon .... "How to create and destroy a successful MMORPG within two years" Not to worry States ... I'll be there in the crowd ...with a smile on my face.



With Enhancement Diversification comes a benefit for ALL City of Heroes powers.

Every power, across the board, is getting a 13.33% reduction in its Endurance cost.

[/ QUOTE ]


What about boosts to my now gutted Defence?
Or to my healing rate?
Or even to my now gutted Resistances?
Or more damage boosts for blasters and scrappers who can't six slot?

What's devices get then since they can no longer six slot their Targetting drone effectively, get no form of Build Up and lose the damage boost from BU?

Nice try Posi.

No cigar.

Now! This is it! Now is the time to choose! Die and be free of pain or live and fight your sorrow! Now is the time to shape your stories! Your fate is in your hands!



Hm, sorry, I don't see how an endurance reduction is helping...
Oh, except with all the Stamina-less people, okay.

But about the sets that REALLY have a problem, like Reflexes?




Ack! Brainfreeze, cannot compute effectiveness anymore:

((Base + (enh*slots/ED_NERF) ^ I5_NERF) * I4_NERF + I3_NERF) - (I2_NERF / I1_NERF) * MC^2 / ED_NERF ^ NERF = W...T... F... my toon sucks [censored]!!!

Dammit, do I carry the 1 or drop it......

*Note: This formula is all in jest. The real nerf formulae is super secret, much more complex, and requires 10 super computers linked together to accurately compute.



Because the original post was for the City of Villains forums and was just cut and pasted by CuppaJo?

Because it slipped his mind?

Because it was a recent change due to their internal testing?

Because he hates us and wants to drive us all away, thus depriving him of his income?

Because everything is the fault of the Japanese Yakuza who buy weather sattelites from the Ruskies and uses them to create hurricanes, natural disasters, Ale 8 One, and other horrible events?

Take your pick.

[/ QUOTE ]

I love how that was copied and pasted so people can say that it was originally meant for CoV, but answer me this: how many toons in CoV had HO's that they had to wonder about?

Other thoughts...how the heck does this help with tanker survivability? The defense adjustments were bad enough, and that the patch to fix the defense based sets problems hasn't even hit test yet after how long...

I could go on, but I'm losing the desire to care and play.



With Enhancement Diversification comes a benefit for ALL City of Heroes powers.

Every power, across the board, is getting a 13.33% reduction in its Endurance cost.

[/ QUOTE ]

Whooopty Friggen DOOO!

It still doesnt help the fact that Im doing 50% less damage.
I'm holding for 50% Less Duration
I'm healing for 50% Less
I'm taking 40% more Damage.
I will be recovering 50% less Endurance.

Slotting Options I had previously are Eliminated.
I'll feel more Diverse because I will be moving to a new game.



I do not think that this reduction will make up for the way we will be kneecapped soon. Unless you also global reduce the total hitpoints of every mob by half and give every power a free SO at being more effective for what it does (damage for attacks, heals for heals, etc)



Here we go again. Same ol crap different day. They "break" something then they throw some half-[censored] change back at us to try and make it better. Great now we get end reduction across the board woohoo and that helps us how for damage/defense? So now we don't have to take stamina and we don't have to slot end red..ok and?

The devs like to do this 'two steps back one step forward' walk a lot. Beat you down a great deal then pull you up half way so you think it's grea that they care so much. Come on if they cared so much they wouldn't have offered up such a lame change in the first place.

this is purely damage control in an attempt to calm us down.

Dawnslayer on Virtue.



Every power, across the board, is getting a 13.33% reduction in its Endurance cost.

[/ QUOTE ]

Here's the way I read this:

"We're amputating one of your legs , but here's a rollerskate for your other one."