Endurance Discount




Thanks for the endurance cost reduction. I was going to flush Stamina anyway due to "Enhancement Diversification". Not much point in blowing 3 powers to get the limited ability it now represents. (Much like I already flushed the jumping pool after the defense nerfs. Not much point blowing 3 powers on that anymore, either.)

City of Heroes? Try City of Defenders. They're the only ones whose primary ability isn't gutted by this.

- Tankers - the ability to use defense/damage resists to TANK. Also I5 and I4 nerfs. Ring any bells?

- Scrappers - the ability to use damage to SCRAP

- Blasters - the ability to use damage to BLAST

- And Controllers... I5 Again. 'Nuff said.

Then we have defenders, who are still viable, who actually got some special ability love (even if it is only useful in teams), and who seem to be the middle of the road class. And isn't that what we're now shooting for in PvP? Everyone to be middle of the road.

Ironically, A couple weeks ago I played in an all defender 5-member team. It was... eye opening how well that worked. Buffs, debuffs, blasts, heals, enough durability to actually actually melee.

City of Defenders. Where all things are equal.

Again, read my sig. And just give us the lists already. Your goals are laudable, the execution is wanting.

How many times do we start over? How much relearning our characters? How much freaking homework to just play the game?

My post count comes from RP writing. I rarely post on things like this. I don't think number haxxoring is fun at all. Doing research to play is no fun either, it's why I quit EQ.

Stop fretting so much about the PLers and 1337-gamers, there aren't as many of them as you think, they'll always outmaneuver you, and when they get bored they'll move on anyway.

We, the players, the RPers, the casual people with lives and jobs and such, the comic book fans, WE are your bread and butter. We're the ones who could still be here a year from now. If only you will stop punishing us to get them.

Together we entered a city of strangers, we made it a city of friends, and we leave it a City of Heroes. - Sweet_Sarah
BOYCOTT NCSoft (on Facebook)
Governments have fallen to the power of social media. Gaming companies can too.



Isn't this akin to offering a free toaster with every gunshot wound? It doesn't really take the sting out of something being forced on you against any illusion of free will you might have...

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How is this forced upon you? You can still 6 slot your powers with the same type, the bonus for doing so just got reduced....

Positron...I for one like the change...I tended to do this anyway...the only ones that are hurt are the min/maxers..who complain anyway after they chew up the content...Go Cryptic!!!

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I'm getting tired of some of you people. It's like you're deliberately being stupid. How is it min/maxing to slot enhancements into a power that only takes one kind of enhancement? The Tankers and Scrappers who rely primarily on a single type of enhancement, be it healing, damage resistance, or defense buff...they are getting shafted beyond what your tiny little mind can comprehend.



With Enhancement Diversification comes a benefit for ALL City of Heroes powers.

Every power, across the board, is getting a 13.33% reduction in its Endurance cost.

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Great. So my empath, once recovery aura wears off will run out of endurance that much slower before either it or conserve power recycle, probably bottoming out somewhere before. But if she can't heal or buff as fast or as well, people will get hurt and vigilance will kick in, hopefully giving her enough endurance to do nothing but spam heals, hoping desparately that one of her endurance buffs will come up while her defensively nerfed friends are dying around her.....

Nope still upset. If it was a boost to recharge on the other hand, I might be less upset. Too many powers are built around the assumption of perma hasten, something no longer possible. Care to address that little oversight? Or the fact that with a nerf to her damage that my empath will likely no longer be even remotely soloable?

The problem with blanket changes? They hit everything equally. The overpowered, the mediocre and the underpowered alike. THe overpowered have room to fall. The underpowered just get retired or deleted.



Wow this is great! Now all my powers are crappier, but at least it wont cost as much to activate them! I love the logic there!


Wow! Now when I eventually get killed because my powers arent allowed to have 6 Damage SOs in them (i mean, why would I want more damage?), the debt isnt so bad! Hooray!

Wow Devs, thanks alot! You made my day.



The global monster accuracy reduction was not enough to offset the global defense nerf.

And a 13.33% (or 12% according to Statesman's post) endurance cost reduction isn't even a fraction of enough to offset the global enhancement changes here.

But I'm quite certain our peon opinions count for nothing anymore, so I'll stop here before I say something I really regret.



Every power, across the board, is getting a 13.33% reduction in its Endurance cost.

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Is that a change to the base cost or a 13% reduction to the base cost, which would make other endurance-reducing powers and enhancements less effective?

I don't take anything for granted with you guys.



With Enhancement Diversification comes a benefit for ALL City of Heroes powers.

Every power, across the board, is getting a 13.33% reduction in its Endurance cost.

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Will it benefit those that had no endurance problems to begin with?



With Enhancement Diversification comes a benefit for ALL City of Heroes powers.

Every power, across the board, is getting a 13.33% reduction in its Endurance cost.

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And this provides a benefit to powers like Temperature Protection, Resist Elements, Resist Energies, Permafrost, Stone Skin, the entire Fitness pool, Resilience, Agile, Lucky, Dodge, Hibernate, and Body Armor how?

"But in our enthusiasm, we could not resist a radical overhaul of the system, in which all of its major weaknesses have been exposed, analyzed, and replaced with new weaknesses."
-- Bruce Leverett, Register Allocation in Optimizing Compilers



I'm going to wait for EnhDiv to hit test to give you my final say but just looking at your words here:

"Guys, we're nerfing enhancements. You see, if you slot more than two of the same kind, there's this litte penialty but uhh good new: ALL POWERS GET AN END DISCOUNT! We know how much you guys love Vigiliance and all..."

Doesn't sound so good...



I'll take anything I can get as far as End goes.

But I still think I'm going to be using Stamina regardless of the End Div and End Red.



With Enhancement Diversification comes a benefit for ALL City of Heroes powers.

Every power, across the board, is getting a 13.33% reduction in its Endurance cost.

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OMG Problem Solved! Wait...let me get my pom-poms.



With Enhancement Diversification comes a benefit for ALL City of Heroes powers.

Every power, across the board, is getting a 13.33% reduction in its Endurance cost.

[/ QUOTE ]

wow. great. the endurance discount i needed BEFORE the enhancement diversification junk is coming with the ED mess. and i'm sure the 13.33% won't be enough to compensate for the loss of effectiveness.



You sir, are an idiot among developers.



then why would I want to slot endurance reducers in my powers? Seems like ED is very limiting....



I have a suggestion. Instead of reducing the endurance usage for powers could you jack up the natural endurance recovery rate by the same mathematical amount? Then I won't have to wait as long when Endurance does run low. I don't find downtime to be particularly enjoyable.



50s include MA/SD, MA/SR, DP/Elec, Claw/Inv, Kat/Dark, Kat/Fire, Spine/Regen, Dark/SD

First Arc: Tequila Sunrise, #168563



Is it just me or is this game turning into of those i hit you (then pause) you hit me, repeat. Just remember that slow play equals more subscription time, but on the other side slow play equals boring. I just want to lay waste to any thug who crosses me, no math problems, no doing a respec every friggen day.

In the land of the blind, the man with one eye is king.



Pos. Buddy. Pal. You know me, I'm that guy who's patiently adapted to everything you've done, and defended you where I could. But this...this...I can't honestly say this bites, but this certainly is FAR beyond all expectations. You, the developers, should know more than ANYONE that a simple endurance discount just doesn't cry "Balance." And don't say ALL powers. That's beyond wrong. Auto powers? No benefit whatsoever. Toggles? A benefit that's almost scary. Attacks? Lets you use more in a shorter space, same for buffs etc. which is admittedly going to be necessary now. That's a VERY uneven "balance." I
understand a desire to take a cut at Stamina/Hasten addicition. Personally, I share it. But you know darn well that those are FAR from the only two powers that accept only one type of enhancement, or only one useful one. I'm no tanker, but I can see the disaster waiting on that front, as well as many others.

I understand the reasoning behind this change, but you have to
understand that many players are litterally viewing this as an ATTACK. Not even a nerf, an ATTACK. I can't honestly say that I blame them. You say diversification, and I can see this IS an attempt at such. But this one is doomed. Min/maxers are a fact of MMOs. Because of the way they work, they can't be removed, ever. This is not a move that will limit min/maxing. It will simply reset what the min/max happens to be. The only players who will adjust are those like me, the ones who slot against the norm anyway. Actually, it doesn't affect us much, if at all. I'm not trying to cry "doom," but like Teresias the prophet, I have to try and warn you no matter how much I know my advice falls upon deaf ears. This is practically a suicide action, unless you find someway to recompensate for it, which defeats the entire purpose. As others have also mentioned, it's very hard, nigh impossible, currently to actually solo post 40+, a part of the game many people partake in. This is the exact opposite of both "no more major changes" AND "not forcing heros to team." The very balance you've worked so hard for is going to fly off, spiraling into another direction. You'll back at square one. I pray that I'm wrong for once, something that has yet happen to happen on this kind of insight for me. If other MMOs, the histroy of City of Heroes, the player base, player response, my own natural hesitation, and a million other factors are any indication: this is a mistake. Again, I pray very hard that I'm wrong.

I'll try this: you probably have statisticians, isolated testers, and marketing assistants. I can't think how anyone but the statistician could possibly advise this move, and regardless, I'm here to tell you that whoever did is going to have a lot ground to fight against to prove this is not a "DOOOOOM!" move. To all of the players out there who actually play the game in all its forms. Because the reaction to this is very predictable, and not having a way to prove your point is just plain idiotic on every level. Your own response in this post, as an addendum to the other, itself shows you haven't thought this out as far as you think. I'm praying to the powers-that-be that I'm wrong. Because I would hate to see such a great game fall apart because of this.



Umm...nice to have a bonus, but...
this explains nothing about ED.

Member of:
Repeat Offenders Network - The Largest Coalition Network in the Game, across Virtue, Freedom, Justice and Exalted. Open to all, check us out.

Current Team Project: Pending



With Enhancement Diversification comes a benefit for ALL City of Heroes powers.

Every power, across the board, is getting a 13.33% reduction in its Endurance cost.

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Trading in a Ferrari for a Pinto, sure it still runs just not very well.

No offense towards you Posi, but it's a drop in the bucket.



Who cares if I can now slot recharge or end reduct or range instead of dmg. Thats not fun. Posi one of your great justifications for this was range enhancements to help with damage..Whoopee! To quote someone else somewhere on the 3000 posts over the weekend....Whee, I can snipe from the tram!

1) If you change it so that enhancements effect things like dark melees miniscule debuff or sonics debuff, you might have an interesting idea.

2) End reduction needs to be higher.

3) XP for minions and power damage need to be boosted or you're just slowing down the game.

4) This may be your artistic vision, but we pay for your oils and canvas. Please take stock in the opinions posted here.

5) Jeepers, hire a PR person or something! For a free monthly subscription I'll review anything the devs plan to post and tell you how to avoid one of your monthly flame-fests

Its still putting a bandage over a huge gaping wound though..



With Enhancement Diversification comes a benefit for ALL City of Heroes powers.

Every power, across the board, is getting a 13.33% reduction in its Endurance cost.

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Still a stupid idea. Just a small bandage over a gaping wound. What's the point of using powers rendered useless even with an endurance cost reduction. How about this: just reduce the Endurance cost and don't implement the Enhancement diversification? Also, reduce Recharge times across the board. You might see a drop in people relying on Stamina and Hasten then. Why? Because you reduce downtime. Very unfun downtime. Then we might finally get some balance and stop all these changes.



which means less diversification because now reduce endurance cost a LESS neeeded. Even with diminishing returns on stamina.



With Enhancement Diversification comes a benefit for ALL City of Heroes powers.

Every power, across the board, is getting a 13.33% reduction in its Endurance cost.

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OK YOU ARE BEING SARCASTIC RIGHT? Yes ty for endurance discount but that doesnt help defense levels decrease, character health recovery decrease, damage output decrease, heals decreased, everything decreased By ALOT! and the carrot offered to us is "your powers will use less endurance".........LAME



Hey, while your at it

Can all attack Powers get a 13.33% increase in Damage?

Oh, and how about a all Defence Powers get a 13.33% increase in Defence?

How about we just increase everything by 13.33%!

and maybe later Monkeys will fly out of my....well you know what I mean

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Well you see, that would be BALANCED, and BALANCE is only strived for when it suits their given motivation on any given day.