Endurance Discount




With Enhancement Diversification comes a benefit for ALL City of Heroes powers.

Every power, across the board, is getting a 13.33% reduction in its Endurance cost.

[/ QUOTE ]Well, hopefully this might save my Sonic/Sonic Def. As it is now he has Staminia 6 slotted, has on end Reducer in all his attacks, one end reducer in Sonic Disruption, 2 End reducers in Sonic Dispersion (The only shield that benefits me) and he goes through end like mad.
I am concerned that the hit to Stamina via the ED will turn him into a non attacking boring Shield generator. I guess we'll see how this all meshes out.

"The one thing that can stop a full team of MasterMinds dead in its tracks... a doorway!" --Frogfather



With Enhancement Diversification comes a benefit for ALL City of Heroes powers.

Every power, across the board, is getting a 13.33% reduction in its Endurance cost.

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Better. Now, you're getting closer to a reasonable change. Do the same thing to damage rates, and this starts to look downright positive.

[/ QUOTE ]Gah!! Careful how you say that or we'll all be hit with an additional 13.33% reduction in damage across the board! (Yikes!)

"The one thing that can stop a full team of MasterMinds dead in its tracks... a doorway!" --Frogfather



This does not change anything.

Lets do a quick rundown on all enhancement types, shall we?
Damage - Oh hey everyone used these in differing ways so we broke them. 3 for everybody! Hope you didnt rely on Targetting Drone to allow for six slotting or hasten so you could not use recharge or stamina so you could avoid using end reduction, because now you're forced to slot like everybody else.

Accuracy. Already done by buildup, follow up, targetting drone, and some power sets already have an innate accuracy bonus. Previously, depending on your setup, you dont need these at all

Range. Range is totally and completely useless except for MAYBE cones. All enemies charge headlong into melee instantly anyway, so why bother with range? You cant use hover or some such to stay outside the badguy's reach, because they run for the hills if you try it. Using it in cones is arguably futile now that cones have a max number of targets via I5, and is doubly insulting now that you're generating massive aggro with it for comparatively puny damage.

Endurance Reduction. Oh hey, look, another effect you could substitute power choice for. Not so helpful in reduced-endurance sets like Claws, and minimally effective in most lower use toggles like Keen Senses, Combat Jumping, Acrobatics, etc.

Recharge reduction. Once again, a function we were once free to use powerchoice or enhancements, or both. Not really very helpful to SR, who gets 20% faster recharge by default.

Defense Increase. Another former crowd favorite. Since defense amounts to "Please dont hit me ever", you naturally want to six-slot powers with significant defense. Not anymore, sparkey!

Resistance Increase. Yet another crowd favorite, still reeling from I5. Has the dev team done their own math? With this "diminishing returns" system you give an Invulnerability tank (approximately) 79% smash/lethal and 26% everything-but-toxic/psionic. The only power giving any invuln tank survivability is Unstoppable, which caps everything but psionic (even toxic) at just over 110% with only two slots. But only for two minutes, followed by a four-something minute forced downtime.
I guess we're going to make a return to the old pre-I3 days of "Only one way to build a tank and any experimentation will be punished"
Am I missing any enhancements that see wide use? I think I've covered the common ones. They either already werent broken (being able to use power choice to avoid them or slot normally), or were already broken and just got broken harder (defense, resistance).



Nice reduction to bad no ones going to stay alive long enough to use it, which I take it they expect us to die more since they lowered the debt cap.

Oh but great news I saved a bunch of money on my car insurance!



(Didn't bother to read all the pages, so sue me.)

Wait a sec.... You're forcing us to diversify our enhancements, but reducing all our End costs so that End Red enhancements are less needed and have less of an effect/return?

Um.... Huh?



Every power, across the board, is getting a 13.33% reduction in its Endurance cost.

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Positron, correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't that mean that, in addition to Stamina being weakened and Enhancements getting "enforced diversification," any enhancements I put into reducing endurance costs will be even further weakened?

Which is fine, if the 12/13.33% discount means slotting Endurance Reductions means I'm overall spending less on activating powers. I'm not good enough with the math to figure out whether that's what will, in fact, happen, though. It's a concern I have that, since I can't take a shot at it on the Test Server, I figured I'd voice.



Every power, across the board, is getting a 13.33% reduction in its Endurance cost.

[/ QUOTE ]

Well, that's helpful. It doesn't really address the seething hatestorm that ED is generating, but it is still helpful. Thanks



So... let's see. Fire Shield and Plasma Shield.

They take, if I recall recorrectly, Damage Res, End Reduc, and Recharge Reduction.

The recharge times on them are trivial, to say the least.

So now I get an end usage bonus. The end cost of them was already ok.

So. I'm still stuck with a tanker with 50% resistence.

That's what, about what a scrapper can expect?

Oh yeah, my damage doesn't scale.


So. Any suggestions about how I need to build my tanker now?

I mean, really. I was able to take the Burn nerfs since I knew I could still tank for my team.

Now I don't even have that to cling to.

He's gonna be a crappy scrapper now

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I'm with him.. ^ You want us to diversify, but [censored] do we do with shields then?? Accept that they are going to suck now?? Man, I really am fed up with this crap.



This is very good to know, Positron.

Might I suggest that if there are other global balance considerations that are simultaneous with ED, that you please let us know of them, too? The endurance aspect is a big deal, but so is the initial damage aspect. Is one-shotting a white-minion with a "snipe" power going to be impossible with ED, now? I see damage over time being about the same, and you've addressed endurance balance concerns, but the ability to do a large initial burst of damage is key to some ATs (blasters especially).

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I just hit 42 Sunday just before this news hit the fan, I decided to take that opportunity to test what ED might result in, and Re Slotted the attacks on my Fire/Dev Blaster with 3 Damage and 3 Range (With/Dev, Targeting drone means I dont need to use Accuracy ENh's) and I was not Able to 1 shot white/yellow Minion with my snipe like I did before (and This was against Malta and was very painful when the Sappers didnt die)

On Justice
Global @Desi Nova Twitter: @desi_nova Steam: Desi_nova. I don't do Xbox or PS3



Oh and if you have been testing this since march, why didn't you include this in your original post there bucko?

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Because as mentioned before, the post we got was originally intended for City of Villains *only*. CuppaJo cut and pasted that here so we could get a heads up. That does not automatically mean that Positron didn't plan to mention this in his post here if/when he made one.

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Funny that you say that because I'm sure there are sooooo many villains with HO's worried about how ED would affect them that that information was necessary in the original post.

If they just hard coded it such that you couldn't put more than 3 enhancements of any given type in a power that would be better than having all this baloney about it dropping off at one rate then another.

Then, if they made all SOs buff 33% instead of having different levels of buffs, that'd help too...it would definitely make defensive abilities a bit more manegeable.

However, that still leaves the issues surrounding damage output...

Is there still a post lying around with their testing results? I want to head over to test to do some replication of those results with my tanks and scrappers.



And how is this supposed to help with my damage or my heal or any of my other powers that i have 5 slotted with damage and 1 accuracy. Do us a favor, don't inact ED. I have little damage to begin with and run out end so i need six slotted health and stamina and conserve power as well. Gee thanks for the after thought. There is one thing that no one has brought up. People should really be thinking about how game play is going to be affected by the sharing of servers by both CoH and CoV. You think the lag is bad enough in most cases without anyone else playing and now your going to add a totally new game to the same servers. Are you piggybacking servers on top of the servers we have now????? Otherwise those who actually play CoH for the first two weeks of release of CoV will be in Lag City instead of Paragon City.

Infinity Server
Destiny's Fire LVL 50 Fire/Fire Tank
Miss Destiny LVL 26 Dk/Dk Def
Frosty Destiny LVL 6 Ice/Emp Controller



Awesome! With this added change of 13.33% reduction in Stamina in addition to the "Enhancement Diversification System," I now have a 100% increase in the confusion over how the heck I should reslot my character.

I look forward to the many hours scouring the forums I'll have to do to figure out what the heck I'm supposed to do to my characters to adjust to these two massive new changes!



Why must we be brought down to this level. I thought this was a super hero game where you get to do super hero kinds of things?

This game should be the one to break the MMOG mold and break out with super cool action powers and special effects.
Instead since the I4 movement power nerf idea there seesm to be a mentality to slow down game play and weaken the heros. I dont want the same things as another online game but with cool costumes. I want to feel like I am having a classic super fight. I did not order COH Lite. I like the way the powers had choices. Note i said had....
When i first started playing and bragging to my friends about the power choices and your ablitity to freely slot them i thought it was so cool.

I was also excited about COV but if this si the way thigns are going to be then why bother if its going to be lame from the start. Between I4 (movement nerf which was somewhat repealed) to I5 smacking of my tanker to this i can only see a downward spiral.

I used to be excited to read the boards to see what everyone was doing how they were building to catch an AAR etc. Now i read teh boards a fraction of the time i used to becasue it makes me frustrated to see a game i loved so much changing into something i dont like anymore.

Arch light L50 INV/SS
Psiberia L50 Kin/Psi
Screaming Mentallica L50 Sonic/MM

Arc Voltinator L50 SS/Elec
Mind Fire Kinesis L50 Fire/Kin
Flaming Screamer L50 Fire/Sonic



My regen scrapper looks closer to my SR scrapper build with evey change.

The change in ED will effect both stamina and quick recovery, say I have them both 6 slotted, why? I have a few end heavy toggles going on. 13.333% is to cover that end recovery lost from stamina.

Statesman :I think you’ll find that slotting previously underused Enhancements, such as Endurance Reduction and Recharge Time, really makes a difference.

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I guess the slotting endurance reduction that was directed at regens. I am familar with using the underused Enhancements.
I guess I can look foward to slotting my attack powers with endurance and recharge time. (My SR has attacks already end slotted, now I may have to add a recharge timer as well)Last nert almost required hasten for regen, I did not hear how that is going to remain perma for anyone with out AM or quickness. I think quickness with fall just short. I can test that one.

I should be glad with the bone being thrown at me with ED it would be a bit silly of me throwing three end reducer into a power.



With Enhancement Diversification comes a benefit for ALL City of Heroes powers.

Every power, across the board, is getting a 13.33% reduction in its Endurance cost.

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Exactly how I feel.



Thanks for the info Posi.

<chew chew> Ptooie! This tastes like a bone! <Throws it back>

Sorry Posi, not meant as an insult to you, but this whole thing just seems unneeded and wrong.

<waits to see when all the changes are going on test>



Yoour missing the point..."Enhancement Diversity"....this is all part of the "Minion Equal Opportunity Program"...obviously some government agency found minionswere being discriminated againt with the current builds.



Damage - Oh hey everyone used these in differing ways so we broke them. 3 for everybody! Hope you didnt rely on Targetting Drone to allow for six slotting or hasten so you could not use recharge or stamina so you could avoid using end reduction, because now you're forced to slot like everybody else.

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You know what? I used to slot my blaster like this. 3 damage / 1 acc / 1 end / 1 recharge. And guess what? He died ALL THE TIME.

Because by the time he was full up on the SO enhancements, every single gang had at least one mezzer in it. If i can't one-shot the primary threat he mezzes me and i'm rendered an easy target that just gets annihilated by his buddies.

But I imagine Jack won't be fixing that. He's too busy telling us how HE thinks we should slot our powers to stop those freakshow from sleeping you every six seconds, or whatever.



With Enhancement Diversification comes a benefit for ALL City of Heroes powers.

Every power, across the board, is getting a 13.33% reduction in its Endurance cost.

[/ QUOTE ]

When is it live on test?

Will we get free enhancements from all stores so we can test easily sice $$$ doesn't transfer to the test server?

Will free respecs be given? I suggest unlimited on test after this goes out.



I always wondered why the INF part could not be transferred over. After all it is a one way street Live -> Test never Test -> Live. It is a pain that once on Test you have to go run a bunch of mish to afford reslotting anyhow.

Give me my Bajillion INF please!!!



OK I've been reading the threads on the effects of ED and some of my concerns have been voiced by others ( the effects of ED gutting integration for regen scrappers after placing instant healing on a longer than 10 min timer, the effects on Tanks of all stripes of being niether able to take it nor to dish it out), but one of my main concerns has not.

I like hasten because I effectively get 12-18 slots worth of recharge reduction for 6 slots. I perma hasten not because I always want the power up, but because of the serious endurance cost when it goes down. Before getting it perma, the end loss when hasten goes down has killed me more than any other thing I can think of. Now that it won't be perma any more, that effect will return with a vengence, and this puny 13% end reduction will NOT make up for the huge gaping gash in my end bar when hasten drops. Add that to the recharge times on things like phantom army, instant healing, any AOE controll, and burn and more than half the toons I play will be sucking wind hard.

I've been playing CoH since shortly after start, and up till now I've been telling people that it is the best designed MMORPG I've ever played. Partly this is because of the variety of ways one can build their characters, but mainly because after lvl 20, there is VERY LITTLE down time, and I actually FEEL powerfull. Hell I feel HEROIC! Honestly looking at the numbers inherant to ED changes I see lots of downtime and defeated heroes in the future, and should that come to pass, the things I like best about the game will have departed.

If I wanted to feel medocre, I could just sit on the couch and watch E!, or I'd still be playing my Paladin in EQ who couldn't solo a mob that would give her exp.

In conclusion, with I5 you took the Super out of Super Hero. Ok so not Super, but still Heroic. With ED, I think the Hero will come out of that as well. This leaves me with what? Watching what Paris Hilton did this week?

Thanks guys, way to make my day.



I am so confused. My eyes hurt from my futile attempt to find a positive post on here about ED.

When its time to respec im just going to PM the devs and ask them to build my toon for me. Saves me the trouble.

Current count of friends, teammates, and sgmates that have left CoH since issue 4: 37. This number has never gone down. Only up.



For some reason, this sugar doesn't sweeten the urine you dumped in my coffee enough.




I like hasten because I effectively get 12-18 slots worth of recharge reduction for 6 slots. I perma hasten not because I always want the power up, but because of the serious endurance cost when it goes down. Before getting it perma, the end loss when hasten goes down has killed me more than any other thing I can think of. Now that it won't be perma any more, that effect will return with a vengence, and this puny 13% end reduction will NOT make up for the huge gaping gash in my end bar when hasten drops. Add that to the recharge times on things like phantom army, instant healing, any AOE controll, and burn and more than half the toons I play will be sucking wind hard.

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You still get hit by the END drop when Hasten ends even when it's "perma." You just haven't been noticing it.



I perma hasten not because I always want the power up, but because of the serious endurance cost when it goes down. Before getting it perma, the end loss when hasten goes down has killed me more than any other thing I can think of.

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I don't get it. With Hasten Perma you get that 20% drop more often. - No, making Hasten Perma does not absolve the END drop.

Phantom Rose: Ill / Kin / Psi
Soleau: Ice / Icy / Ice / Core: Ice / Fire / Pyre / Wind / Eclipse / Flare / Corona
Solo Space