43 -
Rikti are back on 3/7/08 (tonight).
Will there be a raid? -
Which one dents your FPS the least when there are 8 of these floating about on a team?
Goes against everything I've seen in the game. I've seen /Stone tankers out control me, and most every other tanker secondary can out-damage me. Based on my experiences in the game, I don't get how the above is true at all. The mathematical experiments we've run in versions of Tundara's thread don't back it up either.
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The problem with most mathematical experiments I see here in the forums is that they are measuring the extremities of performance. The datamining I do shows how players are actually performing in the "reality" of the game. The two are related, but there is often a vast gulf between what a set is capable of and what it is typically asked to do in gameplay.
Edit: Also, the quote you referred to is across all AT/Powerset combinations. */Ice outperforms many other AT/Powerset combinations.
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Wait, what are the primaries though? If it's mostly fire.ice that I've seen then BURN is the damage and tice mele still stinks on it's own. I have a fire/ice and if it wasn't for burn, I'd probably never kill anything IMO. -
Violent Flatulence
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Stubbs the Zombie and The Spleen say HELL YEA!
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My wimminfolk call me the spleen sometimes, esp after I eat potato chips. I can probably kill people, or at least wound them or burn some nostril hair. These powers are real.
That said, I still hate dual blades, but people voted for it. And plurality * $15 > minority * $15, and thats what it comes down to.
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The poll wasn't the only deciding factor for doing Dual Blades as the next powerset.
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[idiotic rant]
Well it's still 100% not needed and it still is just a plain old goofy decision given the # of powers available in the comic book world that you could have used. You know, something, oh, I dunno, something metahuman and flashy and cool and powerful and maybe even non lethal! Perhaps not some "I watch anime and wanna be like kirikachukakapupikaewegonnameshalikipoopookeee and haf tu sordz!!!!!!"
Yeah. Lame. Sorry. No, wrong, go back and do it again. Got to bed with no supper. Bad boys.[/idiotic rant]
IL "butIamactuallybeingserriousdualbladesisstupid " TU -
... like I need a hole in the head.
Ever since dual blades was "announced" I've been racking my brain trying to think of heroes that would use a pair of knives to arrest criminals. I Haven't thought of one. Looking back on all those comic books that I collected as a kid, the only one I can remember using a blade of any kind was the Black Knight (Sorry Electra uses two Sais... they don't have blades).
The way I see it, there are more comic book heroes that use boomerangs, then those that use broad swords, katanas, battle axes, maces, and dual blades combined.
"But Tarmac, the people voted for dual blades!"
So what. The people voted for Nixon (twice). The people voted to kill Socrates. The people said O.J. was innocent. In other words, the people are morons.
Statesman, im calling you out. This power set has NOTHING to do with comic book heroes. Sure it's fine in WoW, EQ, and LotR, but those are sword and sorcery games, this is a super hero game. States, do the right thing, suck it up and make dual blades a CoV only power. Come up with a power for heroes that fits the bill and makes use feel like the good guys. Not some knife wielding, blood thirsty villain.
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I agree 100%. Dual blades, BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!
I can boo stuff, I'm from Philly, we booed santa. -
Hmmm, Poking through the links quickly, it seems they all point to issues with the client not the servers. I am sorry being in IT I know for a fact that servers have issues as well. Especially after updating when it seems most of the problems re-emerge.
Sorry not buying it.
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But being in IT you would also know that if 99% of your users are online without problems, then the 1% having problems will not be caused by server problems or misconfiguration on the server side.
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Actually, whenever there is a new patch, the weeks after are plagued with a lot of lag. After a month or two the lage ceases until the very next patch. The difference is the # of players on the server. I'm not sure if where the lag comes form (no particular issue jumps out) but lag does increase a great deal with each and every patch immediately after the patch and then tapers off as people stop playing.
So, apart from framerate lag, there is some kind of issue with the servers or the code, or something generating extra lag. I know that sounds goofy but if you've been playing long enough to remember i1 then you remember a lot less lag from the game overall even with a big load of players.
Having problems re-emerge might be more of patch bugs but the lag is omnipresent for weeks after new patches. It would be nice to hear Dev's chime in about that. It could be lack of bandwidth due to downloads of the patch but I'd hope that the patch would be on separate servers and circuits than the servers we play on. If not then there's your issue, too many IO's. It could be the servers need an update to handle the new code since i7 and CoVeven though the "dots" show green almost all the time on most servers. it could be that the game renders too much and renders player characters no matter their distance on a map which would explain lag outside. I could think of a lot more but until the Dev's or tech support are more forthcoming, we'll never know.
BTW, it's not 1% having issues. It's much much more of this forum would be a dead spot and my entire SG would not continually ask me for tech support. IMO. -
Thanks!! Good list of stuff.
About lag though, just to rib the dev's a bit, honestly, can't we make this the minimum system requirement what is listed as what is recommended? Really, the game's so intensive now that a dual core, physx card, 2gb of ram and a 7900gt can barely keep the game up above 20-40fps (fighting on team). I'm getting tired of telling people that their athlon 3000 and 6800 and 1gb of ram is the reason they get frame rate lag.
Recommended New Minimum System Specs for City of Villains:
* Operating system: Windows XP/2000
* Processor: Intel Pentium 4 2.0 GHz or AMD Athlon XP 2000+
* Memory: 1 GB RAM
* Video card: NVIDIA GeForce 6200
I know the above set up plays with acceptable framerates with all settings on bare minimum at 1024x768.
In all seriousness, I can't imagine the game working at all on the present minimum:
* Operating system: Windows® XP/2000/ME/98
* Processor: Intel® Pentium® III 800 MHz or AMD Athlon® 800 MHz
* Memory: 256 MB RAM
* Video card: NVIDIA® GeForce 2 Series, ATI Radeon® 8500 Series or Intel i865G and above
* 16-bit Sound Card
Again, I hope I'm not coming off as complaining, I'd just like to see that revised to save a lot of folks a lot of time. -
I'm extremely disappointed that an image of Statesman would be used in such a way. I know that we designed City of Heroes to appeal to "children of all ages." My proudest accomplishment with the game is that many parents (including my brother) play with their children...sharing, I hope, the same joy for the comic book world that I've had ever since I was 8. I cannot express the shock that I felt seeing that a character created by Cryptic would be used in the same sentence as Columbine.
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It's the bahoobers slider bar in costumes and the new "Lok at my crack" costumes...
Do the makers of the video remind you of the pundit yapping about vigilante violence in "The Dark Knight" by Framk Miller? -
I too get rubberbanding like crazy, many SG members do too. Fights are very laggy, buttons get pushed and I wait a while for powers to go off. I.E., I hit 1 to trigger a power, then again, again, etc, and then after a couple seconds the power goes off and a laggy series of sounds go off that tell me I can't push the button because the power isn't recharged. Note the sounds occur AFTER I've stopped pressing the button and I'm already onto another power.
After this last patch, I also get abysmal frame rates from 3-15 when I used to get 12-30.
6600gt 128mb
AMD 2700xp
10,000 rpm hdd
1gb 2700 ram
sb audigy
Also, did carnies change? I fight carnies now and if there's a boss, they drain my end even if I don't attack. It's like a sapper hit... -
You may find this random # generator useful. I have no dice anymore so I use this:
Looks like my SG will be trying this idea out. Might make things interesting if the damage dealers get defenders and I wind up with a damage dealer (I'm the tank/defender/controller guy). Role reversal is good. -
First, yes kinetics is a great set, it takes many more levels then other sets to really get to the meat of what it can do, but its a fine set.
What I am asking is if Siphon speed were made into a AoE power, with no stacking of the buff on the hero/villain, just the debuff effect on targets in the AoE radius would that be overpowering or require a significant increase in the recharge or endurance cost or lowering of magnitude or duration of this power. It's not auto-hit like many debuff effects from say Dark, Rad, storm, or corruptor Cold. So I think it wouldn't be imbalancing. But with a change like this I think kinetics defenders/corruptors/controllers would be able to contribute alot more in teams in the early to mid game as they would have at least one siginifcant debuff to throw in fights.
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Though I do love this idea (I do), I'd have to say that my kinetics is one of the most usefull members of the team ever. SpeedBoost is IMO the best buff in the whole game. If my toon only had SB and FS, he'd still get invited and be useful.
Solo however, is a different story. I'm not so spiffy solo. -
We were somewhere around King's Row on the edge of the sewers when the inspirations began to take hold.
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You play in that state too huh? I thought it was just me... -
* "Looping Sound Crash" - We think we MAY have this finally fixed.
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I love you.
Hot monkey lovin' at that too.
Now that you're completly grossed out, THANKS!!! You have no idea how much this is appreciated, even if it doesn't work. Just getting the feedback about the bugs recently is the wam and fuzzy I needed. And no, no hot monkey lovin... -
Light at the end of the tunnel. TY Positron. I take back most of the nasty things I've said about you and the other devs.
I have created a tanker guide to agro if you would like to use it. It explains how to get and hold agro, and how to herd and some other items. Not sure if it will fit with everyone's way of doing things but it's my guide and there it is.
http://boards.cityofheroes.com/showf...=0#Post6321401 -
* Debt in PvP Zones. Currently we "Pro-Rate" debt depending on how much damage you took from NPCs vs. PCs. When this is fixed we will zero out any debt if the killing blow comes from PCs, and Pro-Rate debt if the killing blow comes from NPCs.
* Salvage disappearing from storage objects. If you click too fast, some salvage may get lost in the transaction when pulling from a Storage Object. This is a high priority bug to fix.
* Back Alley Brawler gives debt in Recluse's Victory. Yeah, he was not set up as "debt free". Sorry.
* Ability to drop missions. Coming soon!(TM) I know this will make a lot of players happy that they don't need to contact Customer Service just to continue thier story arcs.
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All well and good but hey, there's still a sound bug of sorts (esp on test right now). FPS for CoV is in the dumper despite what kind of system you run for many folks. There's a slew of issues that got slated as QOL issues that really need to be brought to the forefront and repaired. How about some fixes to some of the issues that linger from i2 or i3, etc.
How about a comment on why almost every patch breaks as many things as it fixes and how your QOL implimentation team will be resolving that with the Devs?
Sorry to be crass, but come on with all the bugs man. If it's not game breaking or fresh on the plate it doesn't get fixed. That's the "normal" lifecycle of MORPG's but then again, no others have interactive developers like this game has. Maybe CoX could be one of the 1st to break the mold. -
I think the defender inherit is just fine. On a team I never have to worry about my endurance. I can spam my powers all day. It is only useful in a team setting ( unlike scrapper, blaster and Controllers).
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I understand but I find that my defenders all have a way to mitigate End drain be it Stamina, RA or AM or whatever so End was never a big issue for me or my defenders. Since bubbles and sonics don't need additional End at rough times, it also not useful for them and I feel it's very unfair in addition to not being useful. -
I'd like to point out that the CoH inherent powers all kinda suck, esp. when compared to CoV.
Blasters should critical.
Scrappers should have defiance.
Tanks should get a very dubbed down fury.
Defenders shound get a form of scourge.
Controllers damage should simply be increased across the board (tripple on primaries only where primaries that don't do dmg get reworked to do dmg). -
Even the people who complain about it usually dance around the subject. There's probably some pre-conception reason it doesn't get addressed. Or it's just not a priority. Or whatever. But this is the place so I'm going to state it as baldly and simply as possible.
Dominators need more _base_ damage.
We bring poor control and poor damage with no passive type defenses and tiny hp to the table. The last two are actually fine as it creates the tiny margin for error in play that most Dominators seem to live for overcoming. The weakened control is fine as we aren't trying to shape a battlefield like Controllers. It's used to let us attempt to control the thing we are immediately killing and leave us relatively undistracted so we can do so. The damage output though leaves the whole construct weak. Dominators can't kill appreciably fast so they tend to fall back most heavily on their control powers in a team, but again the controls are weaker than a Controller. Nor is the control primary a panacea. It works excellently when least required (against a few minions) and begins to struggle or fail when it is most needed (against large targets such as EBs, AVs with their triangles or anything carrying a Breakfree). I would draw a parallel to the drop off in Defense effectiveness that led to the changes in this Issue.
Higher base damage would let Dominators bring either damage output -or- some lesser control as the situation dictated and would tread lightly on the 'make a mistake/miss an enemy and faceplant' nature of the AT that makes it so fervently (though often with chagrin) loved by its players. More damage would even out the AT.
Indeed, Domination -does- help for 90 seconds when it is on, but even with a reduction of the recharge timer we are still comparable to the effectiveness of other ATs only a minority of the time. Imagine if the +Dam of Domination were stripped out entirely and folded into the AT: The inherent would still be used at the times and in the situations when it most usually is as it most commonly is saved for extra protection against large targets. The extra damage though would allow the AT to keep pace rather than trying to mezz various targets that other villains have probably already blown through with damage and kept going. (This is not a proposal, it is an illustration).
Dominators need more _base_ damage.
It's not going to happen in I7. But it has at least been said.
(To Corruptors who might feel this could tread on one of the two things they do: Dominators do have ranged blasts, but our most damaging attacks are Melee and we do not have damage increasing buff/de-buffs or an 'always on' inherent that increases damage ~25%)
(To other Dominators: The nature of the AT, and the fact that any routine Dominator player is quite proud of their ability to function as one, leads to comments such as the above often being construed as 'whinying from someone who doesn't know how to play and is having a hard time trying to ruin our AT'. I do -not- want Dominators to get "easier", else I would by complaining about survivability. I argue for more effectiveness.)
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Whatcha complaining about? We got this:
Increased Dominator Melee damage modifier to 0.75 -- this increases their melee damage by 6.7%
Now you can shave a good 1% off the 2 minutes it takes to kill a 3 critter mob. -
This may seem like a stupid question, but here goes:
If all of the toons on test got erased recently, and the character copy tool is down because of the RV event, how am I supposed to test the event in a lvl 40+ zone??
Am I a couple cans short of a sixpack here? -
Tried thugs yesterday.
Thugs move like slugs on the drugs.
Sooo, anyway I got 500 feet from the base and the thug was still in the base almost. Then I wanted him to follow me along the beach and he ran away from me, then up a bank and when I caught up with him and found a mob and commanded him to engage, he didn't.
I'm not impressed, seems very broken. -
lvl 38 MM dark/necro on relentless.
Got time bonuses, but couldn't figure out how they got calculated, seemed as if I got bonuses at first then rarely after I blew a up a particular items more than once or twice I guess.
Had a boss fire tank and lots of longbow decend on me while trying to run out of the bank and they saw right though my darkest night and promptly ganked me. I never saw the boss coming, I was on fire and dead is seconds (the longbow miniguns were chewing my @$$ up).
In jail, zombie I summoned ran out of my cell through the wall and were promptly ganked by a boss in that armor who then came in through the wall to beat on me too. He was one of the toughest bosses. Also, the police drones, what do they do?? They shoot like crazy and nothing hapens. -
yeah, I see a lot of folks complaining but I was running against rularuu, my bubbled imps actually got missed a fair # of times. Normally with Rulrauu, they ignored the bubbles. These were only +1 but the bubbles kinda worked now.
I saw little difference vs other things of similar level though facing a -5 that they were actually able to hit as often as some even con posessed scientists I fought which I though was interesting. I did no actual TEST's though, it's all observation.
On a side note, they seem to have added sleeping (tranq) darts to malta bosses, that do a 100% toggle drop, though no actual sleep (yay another unresistable toggle dropper!). -
I did like chum. Recalled the great 7-Up commercial with a taste test...
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I want chum spray for the mighty Zombilly! Hey, I'm a zombie and I wanna barf on people, OK?