So You Want to Make a Random Character?
Well I'm hoping to spur some discussion on these ideas. There's been a lot left unsaid on purpose. So I'll shamelessly bump my own thread, I really would like to hear some input -- other players' ideas along this same vein; if anyone's done something similar in this game or other games like it. I know this was my first thread (on this forum account), but I am a long-time forum goer, and armchair CoH enthusiast. (Which might have something to do with my wife getting into this game recently. (Yes, I use parentheses a lot.)) So I hope you've enjoyed this "guide" in any case.
I'm just sick enough to give this a try.
4. Name your toon.
Here's your first chance to go "all right, let ME decide something for once".
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Or let Lee's Useless Super Hero Generator come up with a name for you!
Or let Lee's Useless Super Hero Generator come up with a name for you!
[/ QUOTE ]
Yay, a famous forumite has bestowed some wise words to my humble thread ...flattery will earn me respect on the boards... <crosses fingers>
Thanks Mantid, that's very helpful. And oops, I realize I didn't include selecting an origin, and it's too late to edit. Just include that part in step #1, guys n gals.
I'm just sick enough to give this a try.
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CoakAroach, I was considering having the possesion of a mental disease be a prerequisite for this guide.
If I was going to do this I think I would go for total randomness and randomize slotting as well...but I'm just evil and sick that way.
I may just have to make a toon like this next to Scrapital Punishment over on Champion.
Nice guide, Vidicate. Now make one on Virtue and come play with me!
See you at work :P
Hiro Protagonis 50 kat/inv
Boresight 48 ar/dev
Gen. Malaise 31 merc/dark
I think this is a very clever way of exercising our imagination. Left to myself, there are some archetypes/origins/powersets/powers I would never choose. This gives me a way to experience something I ordinarily never would.
I would vote for going totally random with everything but name and costume.
I'd also like to point out that MOST superheroes do not get to choose their own powers. They are born with them, or receive them unwillingly, and must learn to deal with that. Your method lets us experience exactly what real superheroes would!
about those costumes... well lets just say all of my alts use the first random costume, and well, it just isnt pretty.
~the poster formally known as GI_Shmo~
Champion- Always BS/WP Scrapper, Difficult Bots/Dark MM
Infin- Peace Pirate PB
I've actually started doing this. I ended up with a Technology Tanker, Ice?Axe, none of which I'd ever played before. (I did go through about 10 random costumes before accepting one: after all, I have to look at this guy all the time!)
I"m up to level 5, and it's fun playing a character I just "was", no choice involved
What's going to be interesting is when pool powers appear. I think that choosing pool powers at random is going to make a lot of teammates look at me saying, "Huh?!"
But great concept!
This does sound interesting enough to try - I've been meaning to roll a Dominator, maybe I'll give it a shot. But I'm definitely modifying the randomness enough to force a travel power choice at 14. Probably force a travel pool choice at 12 if I didn't get it randomly before that, and then whatever travel power is available at 14. I spend enough time using Sprint with all my alts up through L13.
My Char. List and Market Transactions
HeroStats Developer
Legion of Valor
Iron Eagles
Myrandor is up to level 11 on Triumph. Some of the choices of the dice are embarrassing. Flurry, for heaven's sake. And I still don't have Ice Armor.
But, at least I have a LOT of attacks to compensate for my non-tanking tanker. And I'm getting pretty good at using Taunt to pull.
Oh, well. I'll bet "real" superheroes get power envy sometimes, too.
I like it. Something to do on the last day of the rocket packs.
total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.
I ended up with a grav/psy villain, and its quite fun! I've wished before that I had never come to the forums because I know of the wealth of info here and always think "I better check this out online before I get it! Even though it looks fun, is it useful enough!?" etc. This is a great way for me to get away from that.
I'm also modifying it to include a travel power for SURE, though. Otherwise, its great fun!
Thanks for the great idea!
I managed to randomize my height as well (I'm such a freak) . I used good ole percentage dice, and estimated the slider position based on what I rolled. (left end being 1%, right end being %100)
Here are some more ideas:
Many people's toons have between 4 and 10 (very rough estimate) pool powers by level 40, the average being somewhere in the middle. I think I like this layout: one pool available for random selection at level 6 or later (the pool you get is still a choice between all, or almost all - if there's pools you are absolutely avoiding, of them). A second one opens up at level 12, being limited to only the 4 travel pools if you didn't get one already. The third at 18, and the fourth (if desired) at 24. By default you limit yourself to two 3rd tier powers and one 4th tier pool power - this can be scaled up depending on if you got very useful pools or not (or STILL need that darn travel power ). Anything I haven't mentioned is still the same as described in the original post. All in all, these changes give a more conservative method of attaining non-primary/secondary powers, and a travel power.
Also. Since many people are finding this useful for trying new things, then when you're first creating the character feel free to exclude all power sets that you already use on your main toons.
I'm very glad to see that people are getting the idea that there really is no set in stone rules to all this, and is open to your personal tweaks.
My (minimal) experience thus far. I ended up with a blaster. (This is actually my second randomite, but I'm not counting the first one.) Fire/Electric, named Dynamo Manhunter - the best I could do using Lee's Useless Super Hero Generator , after a few dozen tries, that fit with my powers and the costume I eventually ended up with (thanks again to Mantid, or Miss_Kitty, or is it Kittys_Present? What's up with all the name changing, anyway? Okay, back to the topic). Dynamo Manhunter fights baddies on Virtue - I don't usually play there, but I have a couple of co-workers that do. (Hi Boresight (see post above)) Long story short, at level 7 I do lot's of crazy DoT and a big blap with Charged Brawl. I did end up with a pool also. I excluded Leadership from my choices - I will throw it back in as a possible once I'm going for the third pool at lvl 18. "So which one did you get, already?" I ended up with the other pool I was considering to exclude . Presence. single target, single target, single target... Provoke. D'oh! Well I just came back from playing on a team where I was the highest level. Provoke came in handy when the lvl 3-5 mates were in the mix, and since I'm kind of blappy it worked out just fine. (Not that I need any help getting aggro as a fire blaster. Oh well, I can use Provoke to snag the runners.) Plus I'm looking forward to possibly seeing how the Fear effect powers in Presence come in handy.
Tips on using a 20-sided die for your choices:
If you have a whole set of role-playing dice, or can steal one from your uber-nerd level 12 fighter/wizard roommate, then you'll have access to all sorts of dice with varied facets . But you can do it all with the mighty twenty-sided die. Examples:
<ul type="square"> [*]odds for choice #1, evens for choice #2 - simple[*]10 choices, an easy one. 1 or 2 = choice #1; 3 or 4 = choice #2; 4 or 5 = choice #3; etc[*]9 choices. Same as 10 choices except 19 or 20 = roll again [*]3 choices. 1,4,7,10,13 or 16 = choice #1; 2,5,8,11,14 or 17 = choice #2; 3,6,9,12,15 or 18 = choice #3; 19 or 20 = reroll [*]4, 5, or 6 choices can be easily modeled after the 3 choice method, while 7 and 8 choices can use the 9 choice method as a guide[/list]There are other ways to do this, but the goal is the same - even chances to select between several things.
But, at least I have a LOT of attacks to compensate for my non-tanking tanker.
Oh, well. I'll bet "real" superheroes get power envy sometimes, too.
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Excellent point!
I like it. Something to do on the last day of the rocket packs.
[/ QUOTE ]
Yes, the jetpacks do make taking this guide to heart a bit more enjoyable, eh?
I've wished before that I had never come to the forums because I know of the wealth of info here and always think "I better check this out online before I get it! Even though it looks fun, is it useful enough!?" etc. This is a great way for me to get away from that.
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Yes! This is the type of insights I'm hoping people will figure out on there own. Kudos.
And Evil_CoH and Wormy_Sid, you guys are sick freaks indeed; the perfect type of player to check out my guide!
Well, looks like I'm doomed to do a 2.0 guide someday in the distant future. Please keep bringing in the ideas, stories, and things that have worked for you.
My Altoholics Anonymous sponsor says I shouldn't even be reading this thread...
besides, my toons are random enough:
The Ridonkulator
Chicken Star
just to name a few. Another good source of names is TMBG song titles, or an anagram generator.
This is a great idea and I think I'll partake in this journey as well.
Member of the Hyperion Force
Saw this and figured I would give it a try, I mean random can't be worse that some of my old concept toons.
So I got a AR/DM Sci corruptor, I'm at lvl 4 now and still Only have 1 attack but all 3 DM powers.
Thought I would use the toon planner as a magic 8-ball to see what the future may hold, No travel power!, Challange?!?, Medical Pool. I hope my live rolls are better, If not I gonna have to do a Random Repec.
-Thanks for Putting some extra fun into my "down time" toons
I have set up an excel spreadsheet that will randomly generate the Archetype, Origin, Primary Power, and Secondary Power.
If anyone is interested in it to help or offer suggestions send me a PM with an email address and message that you are looking to assist with the generator. I am still working to get it to select powers at each level. So you just open up excel, it shows you the complete layout of your Villain to 40.
I am now..
A Random Catgirl!
You are...
A Necroposter!
Using Lee's Useless hero generator thingymajob, I will be...
The Majestic Rainbow Engineer (Spines)
Power(s): Danger sense (SR)
Source of powers: Nanotechnology (Tech)
Transportation: Platypus Cloud (Fly)
You are...
A Necroposter!
[/ QUOTE ]
Yay! Putting the link in my sig, coming out from the lurking, and actually writing some posts had an effect.
Using Lee's Useless hero generator thingymajob, I will be...
The Majestic Rainbow Engineer (Spines)
Power(s): Danger sense (SR)
Source of powers: Nanotechnology (Tech)
Transportation: Platypus Cloud (Fly)
[/ QUOTE ]
Cool. That's a method I hadn't thought of. So, if I have this correctly, you looked at the generated results in their entirety, and came up with a best-fit aggregate of AT/Powers/Origin/Travel. Well played!
A reminder: This guide has a useful update about 15 posts in if you didn't get a chance to look at it.
It's nice that now (with I8) it's much easier for villains and heroes to forego a travel power and just xemp/mal down for the mayhem/safeguard missions for the fly and/or jump temp powers as needed. All of that making the idea in this guide more practicable.
I plan on revamping and altering this guide someday, hopefully soon. But here's a preview:
The ideas in this current guide will get recompiled of course. But I've discovered that my main method for specific power selection while leveling a randomite(tm) isn't as much fun as I would have hoped, due to being too random. (I know, wasn't that the point? ) I have a new one. The meat of the idea is that from lvl 6 on, you *always* pick at least 3 powers you're interested in, and randomly choose between them. So if you're interested in a particular travel or upper tier pool power, you would start "rolling" for its prereq early. It's not complete, at this point I think at least two choices from lvls 1-4, three from 6-30, back down to 2 from 32-38 and maybe all the way thru 47, and then a final solid choice at 49. So at 41 you might be choosing between specific powers within 2 seperate ancillary pools, or between the first 2 of a chosen pool, player's choice.
Just wanted to chime and say that I've taken up the call, and have a Grav/Ice Dominator (named Null Kelvin) as a result. And he doesn't have his hold power yet. It's like playing a blapper!
Global @Diellan - 5M2M
Mids' Hero/Villain Designer Lead
Virtue Server
Redside: Lorenzo Mondavi
Blueside: Alex Rabinovich
Got a Mids suggestion? Want to report a Mids bug?
What a great idea! I read this yesterday at work and started one when I got home.
Started a new character, a Randomite, on Infinity. When one becomes a superhero, they dont choose what they will be. They dont know how their powers will develop. So that is how I am playing my random character. I roll dice at each decision point. First was AT
got a defender. Then origin (which I cant remember). Then Primary power Sonic
then secondary also sonic! I was surprised that I got something with so much synergy, was actually hoping for something a little weirder, but oh well. Hit the random costume button and actually liked it
he (also a random choice as was height and build) is basically a light purple color with dark blue secondary colors. His head is metallic skull; he is wearing a pirate bandana and has horns. He also has a tattered trenchcoat and kilt! Looks kinda cool. Then I went to a superhero name generator and asked for 20 random names and I would pick the most fitting out of those 20. Names like Spider God and Pink Wolf were quickly thrown out, but then I saw it
the perfect name for this guy
Purplejack! Started my career with Sonic Barrier and the required Shriek. At level 2 added Scream. Now at 3 (and all enhancement levels from here on) I actually selected what powers get slots
this should help balance out any bad powers that end up chosen. At 4 I got Sonic Siphon which is what I would have chosen at 1
nice power. And at 6 with the pool powers now open, I got Assault. And thats where I am. Now at 12 if I dont yet have a travel pool, I will force it and a travel power at 14. Other than that
Random is the way to go!
Thanks for the great idea and shared experiences. If it weren't for these, I don't think I would have bothered with such a thing (although I had thought of trying it before). I was always afraid I'd wind up with a badly gimped character. And the nice thing with sonic is that I don't think it will require Stamina either, so I don't have to worry about that! Thanks again for the great idea!
Nothing in this guide will help you gain xp, or beat down the baddies better. It's just a layout of an interesting, and hopefully fun, way of building up a toon. I'm sure that others have done similar things with their heroes/villains, so I won't claim originality on this. But, who knows, maybe I'm the first to make a post/guide about it. Wouldn't that just be neato.
[/list]The following step-by-step process is from the point of view of City of Heroes (I don't currently own CoV), but will work for both games I'm sure. Several of the steps are optional and will be marked as such. Also, to do this you will need some method of random-number-generation in which a set number of choices each will have the same probability of being selected by the generetor. Sorry, I'm leaving it up to you to find your own method for doing this, I've found I can do most of it (so far) with my buddie's D&D dice-set.

First of all, let's get some of the basic ideas laid down. There are three thoughts that serve as the basis for me wanting to devise a method for making a Random Character:
<ul type="square"> [*]It's something interesting and new for people to try. [*]The devs have tried to make all the powers and builds/combinations thereof viable choices for players, and this will be a great way to test that. [*]I'm just wacky overanalytical enough to get my jollies from this sort of thing.
1. Randomly select the archetype, the primary power set, the beginning power choice from your primary, and the secondary power set. (optional)
This is really several choices in one (der, really?), any of which are optional.
Examples: You're willing to go with any archetype but a blaster; I want an ice/* tanker and the rest will be random.
When you roll/generate/whatnot, feel free to do a few practice rolls, but when you say to yourself "this is it" then you must stick with whatever result you get next. I mean no one's monitoring you, you're really defeating the purpose of this idea if you have to cheat. And no hitting the back button during character creation. If you find you have an overwhelming desire to do so, then this guide just isn't for you.
2. Choose a random body type. (optional, I suppose)
I recommend randomly choosing between the 3 body types, then roll/coin-toss/whatever to choose between Slender, Average, Athletic, Heavy. For the height just stick with default, or pick something that fits your toon as he/she is built so far.
3. Choose a random costume. (highly optional)
I recommend either making a costume from scratch to try to put some sense of coherence on this randomite, or, better yet, click the random button several times until something looks close enough - you know, maybe with a color change if needed. On a side note my random alt was created totally randomly and I'm stuck with quite an odd costume (some kind of alien Sailor Moon female arch-nemesis or something).
4. Name your toon.
Here's your first chance to go "all right, let ME decide something for once".
5. Every new security level in which you get a new power you must randomly choose one from certain choices.
This is pretty simple at the beginning. Once you hit level 6 it starts to get interesting. Treat your potentially available pools as one power each. Ok, so at level six you would have a 3 out of 7 chance of getting one of your main powers, and a 4/7 chance to get a pool (any pool). If you get a pool, then roll/flip/button-click/rub-the-magic-8-ball to see which one (out of ten) you got, then do it one more time to select the 1st or 2nd power of the set. Until lvl 14 only one power in each pool will be available. In this way you won't have both the first two powers in any pool. (Unless for some reason you want that option available for a specific pool you have, but you still would need to gain it randomly of course.) So, in our above scenario, when you hit lvl 8 the odds switch to 4/7 for a main power, and 3/7 for a pool power (next choosing out of nine untouched pools). Once you hit 14 all previously opened pools are available for the lvl 14 (duh) power in them.
The following addendums are highly recommended, but tweakable to your tastes and previous selections:
--It makes sense that the fourth, and final, pool shouldn't even be available until in the early to mid 20's (or maybe not at all depending on your AT).
--Limit the eventual total of lvl 14 pool powers to 3 (or 2 depending on which pools you have (but you still can't pick which pools they are, silly)), and the lvl 20 powers to 2 total.
--I also wouldn't hold it against you if you removed Leadership as an available choice for an AT with lots of toggles.
(note: keep in mind - the more we tweak, the less random this will prove to be, and random is our goal, right?)
"But Mr. Vidicate, there's a good chance I won't get a travel power at 14, or maybe even ever!" Listen, I'm not holding an assault rifle (or a broadswoard) to your neck. You're still free to do what you feel is necessary. This isn't the place, but concept-character-builders/RPer's have made posts on this matter of a travel power not being absolutely essential. Take a handful of comic book heroes. How many have real travel powers? It's just too bad that the Paragon DMV won't issue driver's licenses to heroes.
6a. Every new security level in which you get more enhancement slots choose where you think you should put them.
Yay! Hallelujah! Now you can make the most of your odd build and stick those slots where they're needed most, to take advantage of its strengths, or offset its weaknesses. Keep in mind that you still have to actually USE all your powers. You ever see a Marvel or DC hero that has an ability they never do anything with?
6b. Earn and use respecs judiciously, only changing your slots, not powers.
Hindsight is 20/20, and here's your chance to benefit from that and slot those powers the way you would have if you knew how the build would turn out. I'll even be nice and let you go ahead and attain your powers in a different order so you can be a better exemplar. What do you say to that?
Well that's it. I trust you can figure out how random any remaining details should be on your own (titles, costumes, ancillary sets, Kheldians, etc.). Another thing - if one of your toons has a respec, you can apply this guide without starting at the beginning. In a way, doing this random character totally goes against the grain of our RP-minded players. But I think some will take it as a challenge of impromptu role-playing. It will also be interesting to see people who take the concepts in this guide all the way through to the high levels and try to make the most of it. We'll see them coming back "earth/rad/fighting/presence/concealment is teh pwn!"