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  1. Well, strength in numbers.

    Anyway, I agree with points people have been making. I dont think that "safety" constitutues high endurance cost AND slow speed. Fly isn't that much safer in comparison to the others anyway (all are pretty safe to me).
  2. I ended up with a grav/psy villain, and its quite fun! I've wished before that I had never come to the forums because I know of the wealth of info here and always think "I better check this out online before I get it! Even though it looks fun, is it useful enough!?" etc. This is a great way for me to get away from that.

    I'm also modifying it to include a travel power for SURE, though. Otherwise, its great fun!
  3. CaptainFlamo

    Blaster Damage

    I agree that blasters should have much more damage, unenhanced, and *FAR MORE* range. Seeing a scrapper a level or two below me take on mobs equal to or one higher than me was kind of insulting. I felt like a worthless AT, a faulty one, and I felt like I didn't contribute what other ATs could.

    That's when I deleted my level 25 blaster