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  1. Nice guide. It's spelled "concise," though...
  2. Don't forget the third reason for pulling, Circuit Boy:

    To gather a spread-out spawn into a small packet for easy dispersal of AoE powers.

    Otherwise, great guide
  3. horde (hôrd, hrd) n. 1. A large group or crowd; a swarm: a horde of mosquitoes. 2. a. A nomadic ****** tribe. b. A nomadic tribe or group.

    I think the word y'all are looking for is hoard.

    hoard (hôrd, hōrd) n. A hidden fund or supply stored for future use; a cache. v., hoard·ed, hoard·ing, hoards. v.intr.
    To gather or accumulate a hoard. To accumulate a hoard of. To keep hidden or private.

    This has been your friendly neighborhood English professor...
  4. Why would someone assume a self-rez is an emote?

    Why not make the obvious assumption and guess that it might be an actual power they were using?

    Boggles the mind, it does...

    Hiro Protagonis 50 Katana/Invuln
    Boresight 47 AR/Devices
    Gen. Malaise 40 Merc/Dark
    Many others on Virtue
  5. Nice guide, Vidicate. Now make one on Virtue and come play with me!

    See you at work :P

    Hiro Protagonis 50 kat/inv
    Boresight 48 ar/dev
    Gen. Malaise 31 merc/dark