Comprehensive Guide to Emotes




"Emotes" are simply small animations that your character can perform. You may have seen your fellow heroes dancing to boomboxes throughout Paragon city, and this is one form of emote.

Emotes can be accessed from the balloon next to the chat bar, however I find that it is easier to simply type "/e dance" for example to dance (without quote marks).

I6 will bring a whole new raft of emotes which (as of writing) are not in the balloon menu (Only on test at the moment - not sure whether there are plans to add them to the in-game menu's) but can be accessed by prefixing the emote name with /e or /em.

This list has been copied straight from the City Of Villains forums and the majority I have tested in game and found to be working for heroes too.

Enjoy pan-handling in the Hollows, Doing research in Steel, and the Tuatha Drum Dance under Atlas globe

afraid - Cower in fear.
angry - Fists on hips and slouches forward, as if glaring or grumbling, holds stance.
assumepositionwall – getting frisked
atease - Stands in the 'at ease' military position(legs spread out slightly, hands behind back)
attack - Gives a charge! type point, fists on hips stance
batsmash - Hit someone with a bat.
batsmashreact - React to getting hit with a bat.
bigwave(overhere) - Waves over the head, fists on hips stance
boombox - Summons forth a boombox (it just appears) and leans over to turn it on, stands up and does a sort of dance(boombox plays music(several different, short songs)) (SOUND)
bow - Chinese/Japanese style bow, holds bow stance
bowdown - Another bow.
burp - A raunchy belch, wipes mouth with arm afterwards, ape-like stance (SOUND)
buzzoff/goaway - Makes a go away gesture.
cheer - randomly does one of 3 cheers, 1 fist raised, 2 fists raised or 2 fists lowered, repeats
clap - claps hands several times, crossed arms stance (SOUND)
coin - Flips a coin, randomly displays heads or tails
cower - Cower in fear.
crossarms - Crosses arms, stance(sliiiiiightly different than most other crossed arm stances)
curseyou/noooo (that's 4 o's...) - Shaking fist.
dance - randomly does one of a few dances, for the sake of my sanity, I won't bother trying to describe them.
dice - picks up, shakes and rolls a die, randomly displays the results(1-6), default stance
disagree - shakes head, crosses hand in front, then offers an alternative, crossed arms stance
drat - Raises fists up, then down, stomping at the same time, same ending stance as frustrated
drumdance - Tuatha Drum dance.
evillaugh - Extremely melodramatic, overacted evil laugh
fancybow - A much more elegant, ball-room style bow, falls into neutral forward facing stance
fear - Cower in fear.
flashlight - Look around with a flashlight out
flex1 - fists raised, flexing arms stance
flex2(flex) - a side-stance flexing arms
flex3 - another side-stance, flexing arms
frustrated - Raises both fists and leans backwards, shaking fists and head, leads into a quick-breathing angry-looking stance
goaway/buzzoff - shoo! Begone, pest!
grief - Falls to knees, hands on forehead, looks up and gestures a sort of "why me?" look with hands, goes into a sort of depressed slump while on knees, holds stance
hand/talktohand - Hold hand out. Talk to the hand gesture.
handsup - 2 stances with hands up, standing and kneeling.
hi(wave) - simple greeting wave, fists on hips stance
holdtorch - produce burning torch and hold out
huh(shrug) - raises hands and ***** head in a classical "What?"/"I don't know" look, neutral
jumpingjacks - does jumping jacks (SOUND)
kneel - Quickly kneels(errm, if you wanna call it that) on both knees with hands on thighs(looks insanely incomfortable), holds stance
laptop - Summon a laptop and a tall, thin table to sit it on, and start typing
laugh - fists on hips, tosses head back and laughs
laugh2/laughtoo - Another laugh
lecture - Waves/shakes hands in different motions in a lengthy lecture, fists on hips stance
ledgesit - Sit with legs over the edge of whatever you're standing on. Instant leg amputation if you're standing on the ground. 2-postures.
martialarts/kata - Warm up/practice punches and blocks (SOUND)
militarysalute - Stands in the military-style heads-high hand on forehead salute stance
monologue - ??? does this work? Conflicting reports. Simliar to Lecture.
muahahaha - Evil Laugh
newspaper - Materializes a newspaper(don't ask) and reads it.
no - shakes head and waves hands in front of character, crossed arms stance
nod - Fists on hips, nod affirmatively, hold stance
panhandle - begs.
peerin - Make hand binoculars and look
point - Extends left arm and points in direction char is facing
protest - Hold hold up one of several randomly selected mostly unreadable protest signs
research - Pull out book and begin consulting it while making gestures in the air with other
roar - Claws air, roaring, ape-like stance (SOUND)
rock/paper/scissors - plays rock/paper/scissors, picking your choice(displays RPS for about 6-seconds, then displays your choice)
salute - A hand-on-forehead salute, fists on hips stance
scared - Cower in fear.
score1 to score10 - Holds a black on white scorecard up, ranging from 1-10 as specified, holds
shucks - Swings fist and head dejectedly, neutral forward facing stance(not the default stance, same as huh/shrug)
sit - Sits down, legs forward, with knees bent, elbows on knees, and slightly slumped over,
slap - Slap someone.
slapreact - React to getting slapped
slash/slashthroat - Slashing motion across throat
smack - Backhand slap
stop(raisehand) - Raises your right hand above your head, stance(use in tangent with attack, ie: "s Wait for my signal to attack$$e stop" & "s Attack!$$e attack")
surrender - 2 stances with hands up, standing and kneeling.
tarzan - Beats chest and howls, angry-looking stance (SOUND)
taunt1 - Taunts, beckoning with one hand, then slaps fist into palm, repeating stance (SOUND)
taunt2(taunt) - Taunts, beckoning with both hands, combat stance (SOUND)
thanks(thankyou) - gestures with hand, neutral forward facing stance **NOTE** current build on live will do bow for thanks(thankyou doesn't exist yet)
thewave - Does the wave(I assume you know what this is...), neutral facing forward stance
threathand/smackyou - Threaten to Smack someone.
victory - Raises hands excitedly, and then again less excitedly, and then a third time almost non-chalantly, falls into neutral forward facing stance
walllean - Casual wall lean. 2 postures.
wavefist - Waves fist, hoots and then claps(its a cheer), crossed arms stance (SOUND)
welcome - Open arms welcomely, fists on hips stance
whistle - Whistles(sounds like a police whistle), ready-stance. (SOUND)
winner - Fist in fist cheer, right, and then left, neutral forward facing stance, but apparently
yatayata - make blah blah blah gesture with hand, look bored... "is he STILL talking?"]
yes(thumbsup) - Big(literally) thumbs up and an affirmative nod, fists on hips stance
yoga - Sits down cross legged with hands on knees/legs, holds stance
yourewelcome - bows head and gestures with hand, neutral forward facing stance.

As an aside, the mastermind "/petsay" command doesn't work for controllers. Only MasterMinds can do this unfortunately.

Feedback appreciated.




If there is only one positive thing about I6, it is this:

slash/slashthroat - Slashing motion across throat

[/ QUOTE ]

I am going to LOVE that emote.

Thanks for the post

@Remianen / @Remianen Too

Sig by RPVisions



thankyou does exist on live (the gesture). I have it macroed.

/e akimbo puts hands on hips



saw someone die in altas park and then res was awesome. any ideas? healin Ame said it was a



Thanks for the work Laughing Man, you really brought some fun to my night. I used a lot of there on protector to protest Ghost Falcon, the true force behind ED. His price gouging must be reckoned with.

Protector: Tulare 50 Inv/SS/EM-ph1x3r 47 Bots/Traps
VIP: VIC-29(Traps/AR) - Corinth(Grav/FF) -Wrecka(Claws/SR)



/em bowdown isn't another bow. Its you ordering somebody to bow down to you



The emote is:

I've been shot

I find your lack of signature disturbing.



What's the "lean against a wall" emote?

EDIT: /e walllean

It's confusing with 3 l's together.

[image]You CAN'T post images in sigs like they say you can in the forum FAQ.jpg[/image]



Just a little tidbit I've picked up over the past year and a half or so.

A semicolon ( may be used in place of /e or /emote when typing in the chat bar, for example, ;dance


"If the cause is just, it would not matter if there were a million and one foes." - Gishin Funakoshi



The emote is:

I've been shot

[/ QUOTE ]

That one doesn't seem to work in any way I've tried it

@Remianen / @Remianen Too

Sig by RPVisions



Wow, I never knew 90% of these, lol.



flashlight - Look around with a flashlight out

[/ QUOTE ]

Whether its on or off is a function of the time of day. Your flashlight is on, in the daytime its off (just like building lights).

Another thing you might want to mention is that many emotes have 2 versions. Walllean, ledgesite, flashlight, and surrender, for example, have 2 seperate versions each.



saw someone die in altas park and then res was awesome. any ideas? healin Ame said it was a

[/ QUOTE ]

A secret?! I must possess this knowledge!



haha someone was using absorb pain and used an awake prob.



Heh, these're pretty good. I especially liked the smack and petsay ones. Pretty funny going to Atlas Park and backhanding all the other heroes there across the face. Meanwhile, on Mercy Isle, my Battle Drones have begun to hurl racial slurs at members of the Marcone Family.



Thanks for this.



did u get an answer on your emote question, saw someone die and rez self?



someone was using absorb pain and used an awake prob

[/ QUOTE ]






[/ QUOTE ]


Some level 50's on Liberty used to exemp down to a lvl 2, run into a mob, die, unexemp, then get TP'd back under the globe in a big pile of dead level 50's. Would confuse a whole lot of people since AT's without access to absorb pain would be lying there dead.

"You're the sun and the moon to me..."

My Antiquated Earth/Storm Controller Guide!




"Monologue" does not exist.

"Wings" does. (Same as Akimbo.)

"Ledgesit" has 2 postures for only Males, Huges, and those using Granite Armor, Black Dwarf, or White Dwarf.

"Protest" is special for those using Granite Armor.

Enemy Resistances - Damage, Mez and Defense
Enemy XP Mods
(Drag my avatar into your mp3 player!)



protest - Hold hold up one of several randomly selected mostly unreadable protest signs

[/ QUOTE ]

Although the protest signs are unreadable in the game, in the graphic file that is used as the texture, they are readable. They all say some variation of the following in a handwritten font (misspellings are deliberately replicated here): "We are generaly discontent with our current situation & would like to show our discontentiveness publicly! (If that's OK with you)"

Ah, those zany Luddites...

I just added an article in the PC Free Press CoH/CoV Wiki based on the information in the original post. (With a link to this thread, of course!)

We've been saving Paragon City for eight and a half years. It's time to do it one more time.
(If you love this game as much as I do, please read that post.)




"wings "does.
"Protest" is special for those using Granite Armor.

[/ QUOTE ]

how is it special? and what does wings do?



I had been referring to my previous line - "wings" exists, and it is the same as "akimbo", hands on hips.

Protest for Granite Armor is another pose, they bend slightly forward, the sign in one hand, and the other shaking fist in the air (basically it is the one fist-in-air "cheer" emote with a sign in your other hand, held up).

Enemy Resistances - Damage, Mez and Defense
Enemy XP Mods
(Drag my avatar into your mp3 player!)



i believe it is ;palidinrise or something like that