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  1. This is how it ends(jerk hackin, dupin)

    this game is gone to the americans.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by ThatGuyThere View Post
    Rikti Mothership Incarnate Hazard Zone.

    As in, inside the crashed mothership.
    Mothership? Gimme a portal into the HOMEWORLD.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Johnny_Butane View Post
    Essentially, this was the devs continued retconning and downsizing of what it means to be an Incarnate, which is exactly what I expected when they announced the Incarnate system.

    I wouldn't blame the CoX writers so much as the genre of comic book writing overall. There's an inescapable escalation of power(and this is painfully even more obvious in many animes) that goes down the same path. It's not an upsetting pace 8 years in IMO, but it's not unexpected either. The reboots of a number of DC and Marvel titles and the number reimaginations seem to be the only sketchy solutions so far.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
    I just find it ironic how much people say 'Oh, the current trials are too easy, there's no challenge to them, everything in this game is too easy'.

    And then curbstomp happens.
    (Note, not aimed at the OP, just heard that sort of comment too much over the months)
    I don't think the people complaining trials are easy are the same people that are getting curbstomped. Then again, I only do trials on Justice, and the leadership level of the people that organize trials is particularly high. There's a great deal of chat communication before and during to establish the roles of temp power users and explicit no-nos like pummeling Anti-Matter. I imagine it might be different on Freedom or an extreme low-pop environment.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by MisterMagpie View Post
    What sort of ATs and mechanics can you think of that could actually be done with the game engines? (so, say, no stretching)
    I think of the non-combat arcs in DA, and free players opting to be in a 'victim mode,' so they become normal citizens that players can rescue and both parties get an influence or exp boost.

    It could even tie into a three-way villain battle, where villains go against heroes in an instanced map, spawns and no-map prevent free players from knowing who they want to head towards, Heroes move around the map to find the player and clear a path for them to escape by, or villains sling them over their shoulder and kidnap them for ransom with an NPC organization.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by graystar_blaster View Post
    I am totally fine with the rate. Its great. I love it and its great fun and these are the best missons i think you ever put out.

    I wonder what you all think. yes it could be higher but its high enough for me.

    Yes it could be shorter but its just long enough for me.

    please let me know your thoughts.
    I've only received commons, but my friend who reactivated and I reran the entire arc with received three uncommons. I was quite upset.
  7. Speculation of the identity of the DA ghost is meant to distract you from Nemesis plots, the nature of which is in and of itself a Nemesis plot.
  8. What are the current girlfriend/wife prices in Paragon Points on the Market right now? I couldn't find their listings, and mine was grandfathered in from before the Freedom patch.

    Considering one for an alt
  9. ImpactHound

    Good to be back

    I'm still silently intimidated every time I bump into Thor's Assassin in game. I never teamed with him or been his target in pvp, but just knowing he's been in the game for so long...
  10. ImpactHound

    Cannot find map!

    I was loading into the final "defeat 200 Banished" mission of Dark Astoria on my main for the first time when this happened to me last night. Quite a suspense builder, it was worth the wait today. I'm still geeking out over it.
  11. Get into the global channels and you'll get announcements for them. I'd recommend asking into Justice Badges and HoT; I can't remember for the life of me the actual supergroup that acronym belongs to, but they do them frequently and they're active.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
    Compared to the wretched hive over there?
    An apt description. I don't know how you can be a fan of the sandbox MMO from 2003 and think TOR is progress without being a Lucas slave, and then there are the die-hard BioWare fans who are just... mmmph.
  13. Ouroboros is a godsend. Not that the environment wasn't cool with every 50 being well-known as an elite community in 2004, but MY time in 2004 was spent in warehouse-and-office-building hell. I didn't run every Hellion & Vahzilok arc by choice, I had to because the alternative was struggling through Perez Park without add-on maps and Hydra farms. It's ok to miss that low and mid level stuff because the badges and scaling rewards are incentive enough to backpedal and get them if you're inclined, and they inspire some people like Lycantropus.
  14. I was doing DA and came across Dream Doctor & thought "Oh cool, staffs must have been added, I'll check the Store later!" So I finished the arc and came across this thread, and I shrugged.
  15. I'm suddenly reminded of the Rikti invasions. Do they still happen with no Galaxy City to retreat to?
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post

    Keep in mind, I'm not an engineer...but I play one online.

    Default loadout? *snicker*
  17. Star Wars launched with a really atrocious /who window and left people to their own devices with bare-bones interface tools.

    I took a two year break from City and have come back on and off, and it's always heart-warming to receive blind invites or tells to do things. And it's rarely to do something hard or intense, just fun normal grouping. I really enjoy the community here.
  18. Tying into obscure content, the newer Shadow Shard exploration badges make a haunting internal monologue when you collect them all and read them back to back. I was pleasantly surprised going back for them to pad my badge count.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Oliin View Post
    Even then I've found it to be really quite large for some objectives.
    Same. It's got relevant info, but it could be presented in a better way.
  20. If the CoH engine could ever support voice-acting in all missions like I've seen in SWTOR's closed beta, my heart would explode. Their stories are pretty lackluster, but I'd die if a decent voice actor read all the phone calls and discussions contacts have. Especially Portal Corp.
  21. I like that she knows a ton about Incarnates and the Well, but little is known about her. The name Grey and her work with aliens is teasing, but probably coincidental. It's ok, she's satisfying as one of those characters who work best in an air of mystery and are never expanded on; they end up creating threads like these in fallout
  22. I left the game in 2009 to AE broadcast spam looking for farms. I came back to endless Sewer Trial in Help channel. The content added makes up for it though, Incarnate trials are very fun, despite the 'raid objective' windows being so clunky and overflowingly large..
  23. Writing better villain content is definitely harder in the context of the game. There's very few stand-out, villain focused comics in the real world too. Anything Weston Phipps was excellent in Grandville, but there's a strong lack of really 'villainous' content outside of the morality missions and tips. Not that it always requires a choice, but these showcase villainous ends better than most missions.

    I've always disliked how great it is to rob a bank as a villain, and not actually get a real windfall of income. I can't really say how big a windfall that should be infamy-wise, and stealth pools sort of trivialize the effort involved, but robbing a bank in this game ought to pay off better than it does. It would offset the hero/villain disparity that's on most servers too.
  24. Reminds me of the Hollows. An awesome, but skippable zone that you aren't led to clearly. Leading new VIP players that got swayed over from Free to it is pretty cool, and people are generally thankful because there is ZERO chance of stumbling into this zone if you didn't know how to get it already. Fighting the GM needs a much more stimulating reward though. The lowbie sewer trial enhancements are awesome and you can sleep through that, but this rewards 5 merits? Come on.

    On a side note, the whole "mechanics" window that pops up for complicated things like the Syndicate Event, or Keyes trial or in this case the Seed of Hamidon, are informative but UGLY. I like that these mechanics are going into content to add depth, but the way they strangle my viewing space is deplorable. I really wish the UI was as easily moddable as in WoW, such that someone could take that info and retool it in a less visibly offensive way. It should certainly be an option to default the current window to see every variable in a precise way, but couldn't you trim that entire Hamidon window down to a Hamidon Lifebar running down the right side of your screen, with a colored pip next to that representing each lesser seed buff, and the pips dim and shrink with each kill to illustrate the GM weakening? Likewise Keyes could have Anti-Matter's bar, a 30-sec animated thumbnail of a Rad symbol filling then bursting empty for the Anti-Matter pulse, and a less obtrusive 0/30 and 0/10 counter.
  25. If it's any consolation, I applied for a phone support supervisor position with "x" company back in late August, in anticipation of losing my job at Borders. I get the job, and it turns out they 'over hired' for the position and cancel the 5-week training class I was due to be in. Those classes have typically 15 people, and there were two previous training classes before mine. Lo and behold, over the past month almost a dozen people have quit, were fired, or just became no-call, no-shows and I'm re-hired for a new training class because they're losing call guys left and right. It's not NCSoft I'm joining, but I can just imagine the headache Freedom is for both the customer service and customers(still waiting on my first token.)