Issue 22, a week later.

Agent White



And we're still left with a broken Umbra Beast in darkness control, out dated versions of fade and soul absorption from Dark Affinity, no converters, and people having issues with entry into DA.

All we have in reference to these bugs is that they will be fixed next patch, next patch, and as today rolled by and there was no patch I wonder when will the next patch be? Are we talking i22.5 next patch? I think a little more information on when these things will be fixed would be very much appreciated as I know I can't be the only person wondering and waiting for these fixes.



Originally Posted by Bentmind View Post
And we're still left with a broken Umbra Beast in darkness control, out dated versions of fade and soul absorption from Dark Affinity, no converters, and people having issues with entry into DA.

All we have in reference to these bugs is that they will be fixed next patch, next patch, and as today rolled by and there was no patch I wonder when will the next patch be? Are we talking i22.5 next patch? I think a little more information on when these things will be fixed would be very much appreciated as I know I can't be the only person wondering and waiting for these fixes.

Next patch as in highly likely this week next patch

@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!



Originally Posted by Bentmind View Post
And we're still left with a broken Umbra Beast in darkness control, out dated versions of fade and soul absorption from Dark Affinity, no converters, and people having issues with entry into DA.

All we have in reference to these bugs is that they will be fixed next patch, next patch, and as today rolled by and there was no patch I wonder when will the next patch be? Are we talking i22.5 next patch? I think a little more information on when these things will be fixed would be very much appreciated as I know I can't be the only person wondering and waiting for these fixes.
Bugs takes time to fix. It'll be fixed when it'll be fixed.



Getting a little sick of saying this but...these bugs, should they have gone Live? Pretty sure the Umbral beast was bugged on Test. What about fixing that BEFORE it went Live? Dark Affinity was one of the major points of i22..what about CHECKING that it works fine on live, before putting the servers back up?

Takes a week to fix fade and sa referencing the wrong versions? Come on. Maybe the pet AI is a harder issue but again..isn't that what test is for?



Originally Posted by MisterD View Post
Getting a little sick of saying this but...these bugs, should they have gone Live? Pretty sure the Umbral beast was bugged on Test. What about fixing that BEFORE it went Live? Dark Affinity was one of the major points of i22..what about CHECKING that it works fine on live, before putting the servers back up?

Takes a week to fix fade and sa referencing the wrong versions? Come on. Maybe the pet AI is a harder issue but again..isn't that what test is for?

It was stated that the new versions from feedback wouldnt be into the release build but rather in a patch after i22 was released due to schedules.

@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!



Originally Posted by MisterD View Post
Getting a little sick of saying this but...these bugs, should they have gone Live?
Yes. None of them are so bad as to wreck the whole game. I doubt Dark's untweaked powers brought the servers down last night.

I22 was in open beta for almost 2 months. Deadlines have to be met in any business.



Totally not attacking you Damz but does what you just said make ANY sense? Yes, let's not take action on feedback and release a bug free update. Instead, let's just not fix what was KNOWN before hand..and push it out the door anyway? Really..if they said..'oh Issue 22 will be held back a week, to fix some last minute bugs,' surely that would be better?



Originally Posted by MisterD View Post
Totally not attacking you Damz but does what you just said make ANY sense? Yes, let's not take action on feedback and release a bug free update. Instead, let's just not fix what was KNOWN before hand..and push it out the door anyway? Really..if they said..'oh Issue 2 will be held back a week, to fix some last minute bugs,' surely that would be better?

Oh of course it would be better, totally agree with you there. My reply was to them making the new changes to some of the powers that have gone live as outdated versions, so when the next patch hits then they will be changed to the new versions from the feedback thread.

If holding back an issue a week or two to fix some known bugs that were in builds already was on the cards, i'ld be cool with that of course.

@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!



Originally Posted by MisterD View Post
Totally not attacking you Damz but does what you just said make ANY sense? Yes, let's not take action on feedback and release a bug free update. Instead, let's just not fix what was KNOWN before hand..and push it out the door anyway? Really..if they said..'oh Issue 2 will be held back a week, to fix some last minute bugs,' surely that would be better?
No such thing as a bug free update for two reasons.

One, something always happens. There's always something that pops up because tons more people play on Live than Beta, therefore the chance of stumbling upon certain bugs rises by a lot due to being in a much more active and diverse player environment. Not to mention updates always tend to react differently went put on live servers than they do when put on Beta.

Two, they have to get the update out some time. If they spent all their time fixing bugs, we'd be seeing issues with far less content being slowly churned out over far more time. Locating and then finding a suitable solution to fix these glitches isn't always as simple as putting a band aid on it. Just gotta take the good with the bad, and at least the team has said they will be busting out a fix for it.



Originally Posted by Xzero45 View Post
No such thing as a bug free update for two reasons.

One, something always happens. There's always something that pops up because tons more people play on Live than Beta, therefore the chance of stumbling upon certain bugs rises by a lot due to being in a much more active and diverse player environment. Not to mention updates always tend to react differently went put on live servers than they do when put on Beta.

Two, they have to get the update out some time. If they spent all their time fixing bugs, we'd be seeing issues with far less content being slowly churned out over far more time. Locating and then finding a suitable solution to fix these glitches isn't always as simple as putting a band aid on it. Just gotta take the good with the bad, and at least the team has said they will be busting out a fix for it.
Load of twaddle. You say more people are on Live than Beta. Duh. It is Live for a reason. But you know...the broken UB was STILL reported on beta, so exactly how does your argument about less people there mean anything?

Yes, you are right, these is a lot more chance of finding a bug when something goes Live. Not to sound like a stuck record, but are you honestly telling me that after they added i22 to the Live server build, they could not, or would not, spend THIRTY minutes to do a quick, basic in house test? You roll a few characters with dark affinity and see the powers are wrong?

'If' they spent all their time fixing bugs? Oh, so..having them 'busting' out a fix, for the bugs that went Live..does not count as know..spending time fixing bugs? Uh huh.



Originally Posted by MisterD View Post
Load of twaddle. You say more people are on Live than Beta. Duh. It is Live for a reason. But you know...the broken UB was STILL reported on beta, so exactly how does your argument about less people there mean anything?

Yes, you are right, these is a lot more chance of finding a bug when something goes Live. Not to sound like a stuck record, but are you honestly telling me that after they added i22 to the Live server build, they could not, or would not, spend THIRTY minutes to do a quick, basic in house test? You roll a few characters with dark affinity and see the powers are wrong?

'If' they spent all their time fixing bugs? Oh, so..having them 'busting' out a fix, for the bugs that went Live..does not count as know..spending time fixing bugs? Uh huh.
Why the hostility? I'm not trying to argue, here.

Just because they may be aware of a bug doesn't mean they can just immediately jump on it. The dev team work on a schedule, and have to do things based on their set schedule. If fixing Dark Affinity comes after fixing something else, then Dark Affinity will be fixed when it's time comes. You'll just have to wait for that.

As to that last sentence there, you seem to have confused me saying "If they spent all their time..." with "If they spend any time...". The point I was making was that if they spent every moment they have available on fixing bugs, then content wouldn't get made and updates would slow dramatically. They can still come out with fixes every now and again, but, like I said they work on a schedule. Those fixes come out when the team gets the time to work on them. Just file a petition or post the issue in the Bugs section of the forums and move on. Don't stress about it.



MisterD and Bentmind,

For your own sanity, you need to change your expectations else you will be forever angry. These things are never fixed in a manner of days, they are fixed in a manner of weeks and in some cases, months. It's the nature of an MMO. 'Fixing' things requires coding of software. That's not like gluing together a broken piece of wood. It's not 'easy'.

With MMOs you get two of three things: Lots of content; cheap; bug-free. If you prioritize bug-free then you either pony up $60 a month to ensure that happens, or, you settle for just one Issue a year.

If you want lots of cheap content, you settle for bugs. If they waited for all bugs to be fixed before releasing an issue, there would be only one issue a year.

That will not change. Ever.

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some people need a little perspective -_-



Originally Posted by MisterD View Post
Load of twaddle...
I develop software. You can test things in Beta for weeks and months, but the environment is just different in Beta than in Live (far fewer users, and since they know they're just 'testing' , they don't often attempt 'everything' possible to see if it breaks; Beta testing is kind of monotonous that way).

I've never had a large scale change go live without a bug that just somehow got missed, and yes, to meet a deadline, I have published things live knowing there were small bugs that would have to be addressed later; sometimes it's better to please the many whose patience is growing thin at the price of upsetting a few who are irritated by minor bugs.

It's just the nature of software - cut the Devs some slack.



im going to agree with MisterD and Bentmind on this, i22 was a big let down, if the devs. knew about the bugs and glitches before it went live they should not have let it go live, and even if they do let it go live, these bugs and glitches should not take no more then say a month to get patched, and the convertors not being part of i22 was a slap to the face. alot of people thaught the convertors was part of i22, and no one said it wasnt, so unless it was but the devs. just took it out at the last minute, everyone just kept their mouth shut on it.



I have to admit, I had been hoping they'd fix Umbra Beast before this weekend.



Originally Posted by Bentmind View Post
I think a little more information on when these things will be fixed would be very much appreciated as I know I can't be the only person wondering and waiting for these fixes.
The devs have said the fixes are coming soon™. In other words, shut up and take it until we decide you have had enough, now get off my lawn!

The development team and this community deserved better than this from NC Soft. Best wishes on your search.



Originally Posted by PoisonHeart View Post
and the convertors not being part of i22 was a slap to the face.
...and somewhere a lot of Forumites playing a game all took a drink.

"How do you know you are on the side of good?" a Paragon citizen asked him. "How can we even know what is 'good'?"

"The Most High has spoken, even with His own blood," Melancton replied. "Surely we know."



Originally Posted by MisterD View Post
Really..if they said..'oh Issue 22 will be held back a week, to fix some last minute bugs,' surely that would be better?
Better how? I really don't see it. These aren't game breaking issues. Most darkness characters won't even get to their pet before the patch comes through.

One of Six, Cannibal 6



Originally Posted by Sermon View Post
Better how? I really don't see it. These aren't game breaking issues. Most darkness characters won't even get to their pet before the patch comes through.

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The one thing that bugs me, is when a fix is on beta for something, and they go live with the broken version, but don't go to the fixed version from beta straight away.

Brawling Cactus from a distant planet.



You have absolutely no idea what all is involved in fixing a bug and updating the game, do you? The term 'needle in a haystack' doesn't even accurately describe it.

But by all means, keep ignorantly complaining about how important your 15 dollars a month is, at least that's free.



Originally Posted by Warkupo View Post
You have absolutely no idea what all is involved in fixing a bug and updating the game, do you? The term 'needle in a haystack' doesn't even accurately describe it.

But by all means, keep ignorantly complaining about how important your 15 dollars a month is, at least that's free.

Maybe I missed something but wasn't the OP complaining about Issue 22 going live with bugs that were found and even in some cases fixed on Beta?

Brawling Cactus from a distant planet.



Originally Posted by CactusBrawler View Post
Maybe I missed something but wasn't the OP complaining about Issue 22 going live with bugs that were found and even in some cases fixed on Beta?



Originally Posted by Socorro View Post
I develop software. You can test things in Beta for weeks and months, but the environment is just different in Beta than in Live (far fewer users, and since they know they're just 'testing' , they don't often attempt 'everything' possible to see if it breaks; Beta testing is kind of monotonous that way).

I've never had a large scale change go live without a bug that just somehow got missed, and yes, to meet a deadline, I have published things live knowing there were small bugs that would have to be addressed later; sometimes it's better to please the many whose patience is growing thin at the price of upsetting a few who are irritated by minor bugs.

It's just the nature of software - cut the Devs some slack.
Preaching to the choir here - I've been a software engineer for many years so I can feel your pain.

It will never cease to amaze me how players/users never seem to get the "big picture" when it comes to software releases. Whenever you're talking about a commercial environment there are all sorts of factors and deadlines when it comes to the final decisions on when things go live.

Developers in the trenches rarely get to make the call as to when things are launched or when things can be "held back for another week to work all the bugs out". When players make statements like "They should have just waited a few weeks to make it better" I sometimes can't help but to groan at their innocent naivety.

Software is never "perfect". At best all you're ever going to get is "good enough" and sadly it can be a matter of interpretation what "good enough" means to you.

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