17 -
Hi everyone.
I wanted to let you all know that I've enjoyed my time with all of you on Thursday nights in PCSF. However, for a number of reasons I will not be continuing. This is a great group, and I wish you all the best!
Operative Direbane signing off. /salute -
Stomach flu is in town for me, I'm afraid.... attacking me mercilessly. I'll have to take a break until next week too.
Hey folks.
You won't be seeing Direbane this evening. Real life is displacing my virtual life tonight, but I look forward to seeing everyone again next Thursday! I'll try to get myself up to speed on the evenings events this weekend so that I'm not entirely clueless next week. Take care and have fun tonight! -
Hi folks. I was really enjoying last night's session. There was some great storyline taking place, and wish I could've been there to the finish.
But I started missing nearly everything that was going on towards the end. It simply got to be too late for me and I started falling asleep on several occasions throughout the latter part of the night. I'm not really sure what took place in that last office building, and I don't really think I'll be able to trust Wylde's account of the night's events I remember rescuing Azuria and defeating Countess Crey, but I missed out on pretty much all of the dialogue. I spent much of my time waking up plastered against a wall with autorun activated.
I'm betting the conclusion of the night's events was fantastic just like the rest of it. I'm thinking I'll run through the arc with an alt to get a better understanding of what happened. Thanks for the fun! -
Nice work on the costume! I can hardly wait to make the break from our malicious "benefactors." Also, I love the SG graphic you posted! Fantastic!
Really looking forward to Ny's AE mission as well! I know how long those can take, and I appreciate you taking the time to put together the PCSF.
Should I have my new costume ready to go next week? I mean, I don't know exactly when the switch is happening. I could always wait until after the switch too, and just have something ready to go in the following session.
You guys are a great group, and I'm having fun runnin' with ya. -
With the launch of" Going Rogue" my Saturday night gaming group is starting an elemental themed team and I'll be running a new 3-i blaster. I'm thinking about focussing a build that utilizes holds and other controllery types of powers utilizing i/os to stack recharge.
I'm still planning however, and thought It'd hit up the blaster community for some ideas. Do you have a better idea on building triple-ice? Or can you think of another way to make a blaster 3 times cooler than the rest? Please express your thoughts. -
Heh. I was looking forward to a little vigilantism, but it seems I am unable to add Going Rogue to my account. I'll keep trying, but I'm not sure if I'll be able to access the same content with everyone tonight.
I was just reading through the recent posts to see what I missed while I was away. I was considering that I might prepare a mission arc to elaborate a bit more on Direbane's backstory. I think it's pretty cool everyone else was sort of thinking the same way, and I'm looking forward to our team specific arc!
Anyhoo (yes, I said, "anyhoo"), I'm happy to be back in action for tonight. I'm guessing that I'm not too far behind everyone levelwise so that I won't be a burden to the team like Wylde usually is. See y'all in a few. -
Just wanted to drop a note and let everyone know that I'm looking forward to tomorrow night and the second half of the exciting new Positron TF.
Furthermore, I would be happy to see more new members interested in joining our SG. I'm not advocating an active recruitment drive or anything, but I don't think we should turn away people who want to join in the fun. Like Mallerick said. we can always split into a couple of groups if we have more than 8.
Sadly, as a side note I must inform you guys that I will not be able to play on Thursday the 28th. After then, however, I don't foresee me having any future conflicts with our regular schedule. -
Code name: Operative Direbane
Real name: Daniel Dugan
Birthdate: November 19, 1983 (26 years old)
Family: Currently estranged
Technical Data:
AT: Defender
Origin: Magic
Primary Power Set: Dark Miasma
Secondary Power Set: Ice Blast
Global name: @wormysid
What do Paragon City's heroes know of evil? I can tell you that none of them understand it the way I do. You see there is a monster inside me secreted away within the dark recesses of my inner thoughts, gnawing at my soul, a cold and malicious entity relentlessly seeks to consume my humanity. Azuria assures me that the extensive wards MAGI placed on me will keep the beast contained.
But I have doubts.
I am the unfortunate bearer of a curse, both ancient and powerful, that has afflicted my family for centuries. Every 11th generation, the first male child born into my family has the misfortune of carrying this darkness until the day of his 33rd birthday. That's when the beast takes over. That's when the person ceases to be. That's when the 33 years of my life will be supplanted by the 33 years of malevolence that follows.
Azuria tries to give me hope. She says all I need to do to keep the evil at bay is to focus my positive energies, dedicating myself to bettering the lives of people around me and the mystical wards will prevent the monster from emerging. She is lying to me... and to herself. Behind that warm comforting smile, I clearly see the abject terror in her heart. I know it well for I have lived with it each day of my life. Yes, I understand fear like no other. When I look at a person, I can feel what it is that makes him afraid. I have the ability to take what I find and skillfully manipulate it against my opponents in the same way a knight wields his sword an everpresent reminder of that which lurks inside me.
So now I have joined Paragon's Collabortaive Special Force to become a hero. It's not like I think doing so will somehow lift my curse and avoid the unpleasant fate that was set in place so long ago. However, I plan to do as much good for the people of Paragon City as I possibly can until that inevitable day arrives. It is my hope that the good I do today will continue to shine despite the darkness that is sure to follow. -
As someone with more Alts than common sense, I have high hopes for this update.
I'm sooo sick of Hollows... While the initial storyline and much about it is great, the fact is that its a real annoyance to have to go talk to David Wincott every time you hit 5th just to keep from having every contact you have send you to him. Thank you for doing something to help the alt-aholics.
[/ QUOTE ]I've been using my once every 7 days drop mission to drop the go talk to Wincott since they implemented the drop mission feature.
[/ QUOTE ]
And I usually do this for every "Hey! Go talk to this guy so he can tell you about the zone." mission. -
While it will be nice to see a few new things in The Hollows, I'm forced to wonder (like so many others) why priority was given to this zone instead of Boomtown.
I look forward to seeing new mobs and new mission arcs. I believe the newer arcs tend to show more depth than many of the original storylines from release. In particular, I really enjoy all the Croatoa arcs, as well as the Hess TF in Striga. I'm excited by the appearance of a new storyline in The Hollows. And again I agree with the people requesting a giant monster for the zone. However, I'm a little disappointed with a mobile hospital in the zone removing my favorite, fastest travel power ever - The Death Express -
My favorite travel power: The Debt Express!
That's right!
Just finished a mission on the far end of Boomtown? Go poke Babbage in the eye and you've found the fastest way back to Steel Canyon.
Received a timed mission in Atlas Park after completing your Hollows mission with a door on that big mountain? Slide right down into the Gulch, and introduce yourself to a few Masters of Igneous! You'll make it to Atlas Park in no time!
But Wormy Sid, what'll I do about all that debt?
Don't worry about it. While I must admit that I use this travel power less and less as my level approaches 50, a single mission bonus usually clears all the debt on a mid-level character. And if you're less than level 10, you won't get debt! Just enjoy the ride. -
I do hereby pledge my heart to Doc Buzzsaw.
Thanks for the great idea!
I managed to randomize my height as well (I'm such a freak). I used good ole percentage dice, and estimated the slider position based on what I rolled. (left end being 1%, right end being %100)
4) Please make the description of the power term his as "damage mitigation" and not resistance. I agree with others who say that "resistance" breaks the theme. Let the description prevent players from thinking of this as toughness or armor.
[/ QUOTE ]
I second the motion! All in favor say, "Aye" -