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  1. Core i7-920 is the best "value" right now. It's not far off from it's 940 brother.
    Same was true of the nVidia GTX-275. Technically low end, gobs faster than any other nVidia besides the 285 and 295.

    Here's what I threw together in June:

    Modern video cards are longer than the motherboard, so make sure your case is big enough.
    I have, literally, an eighth of an inch between my video card and my hard drive bays.

    Other than that, everything is simple if you've assembled a computer in the last 7 years.
  2. It needed pruning, and I think it should be replaced and pruned or cleared quite often.

    Somehow we need to extract the most common questions to put on the first page.

    Or add it to a Wiki article for future reference.
  3. I find it quite ironic that these two posts are next to each other:

    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    * Numpad Healing Binds from _tet_:
    NUMPAD1 "+ $$teamselect 1$$powexec_name Heal Other"
    NUMPAD2 "+ $$teamselect 2$$powexec_name Heal Other"
    NUMPAD3 "+ $$teamselect 3$$powexec_name Heal Other"
    NUMPAD4 "+ $$teamselect 4$$powexec_name Heal Other"
    NUMPAD5 "+ $$teamselect 5$$powexec_name Heal Other"
    NUMPAD6 "+ $$teamselect 6$$powexec_name Heal Other"
    NUMPAD7 "+ $$teamselect 7$$powexec_name Heal Other"
    NUMPAD8 "+ $$teamselect 8$$powexec_name Heal Other"

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I'm having trouble with this, it selects the teammate, but doesn't use the power.

    I'm a noob at binding, so help would be great

    Edit: nvm, I'm dumb. I had put powerexec instead of powexec

    [/ QUOTE ]

    That's the tough part of binds and little mistake and it throws the whole thing off.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    Hello I have been trying to make a Bind that will deactivate my nova/Dwarf and then activate my shields I have currently got to
    /bind b "powexec_toggleoff Black Nova$$powexec_toggleon Gravity shield$$powerexec_toggleon penumbral shield"
    however it turns of nova but only turns on the last shield and not the one in the middle any help will be appreciated

    [/ QUOTE ]

    And as for multiple shields and toggling off Nova, I've done that for years and adapted it to other Shield based sets.
    [ QUOTE ]

    Electric Brute
    H "powexecauto Air Superiority$$powexectoggleon Sprint$$powexectoggleon Combat Jumping$$powexectoggleon Conductive Shield$$powexectoggleon Lightning Field$$powexectoggleon Charged Armor$$powexectoggleon Static Shield"

    H "gototray 1$$powexectoggleoff Dark Nova$$powexectoggleoff Black Dwarf$$powexectoggle on Penumbral Shield$$powexectoggleon Gravity Shield"
    N "gototray 8$$powexectoggleon Dark Nova"
    J "gototray 9$$powexectoggleon Black Dwarf"
    M "gototray 1$$powexectoggleoff Dark Nova$$powexectoggleoff Black Dwarf"
    H "gototray 1$$powexectoggleoff Bright Nova$$powexectoggleoff White Dwarf$$powexectoggleon Shield"
    N "gototray 8$$powexectoggleon Bright Nova"
    J "gototray 9$$powexectoggleon White Dwarf"
    M "gototray 1$$powexectoggleoff Bright Nova$$powexectoggleoff White Dwarf"

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Only difference between yours and mine is Capitalization.... I was under the impression power names weren't case sensitive.

    EDIT: Also, pressing the key once won't turn all of them on. You have to hit the key several times, waiting for the power to queue/activate before pressing it again.
  4. [ QUOTE ]
    Dudes! Necro thread!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Oh wait... it's stickied. No wonder everyone is replying to it.
  5. They miss Cryptic and are being cryptic?
  6. Psydekick

    Underwater Area

    Catgirls everywhere shuddered.
  7. As long as work holds out, I'll see if I can get the time off. Never been to one of these shin-digs.
  8. This should have been labeled Pre-I12 Guide to Powerset Proliferation, then PM a Moderator to change the title or clear the thread once I12 goes live.

    I wish that the other posters in this thread had read this statement [ QUOTE ]
    As of this post, we only know of 5 powerset proliferations. Once the rest are announced, this chart will show where the rest of them have occurred.

    [/ QUOTE ]
  9. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    Yeah I missed the 'in real time', I think ym briain is addled today.

    Sorry the win goes on. Did you not get the memo that suckage is no longer part of CoX ?

    (aside from MOG) *ducks and runs*

    [/ QUOTE ]

    MoG continuing to suck is the only thing that grounds me in reality.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    You might want to avoid the Training Room in the near future, then.

    [/ QUOTE ]


    [/ QUOTE ]

    *wishes to have a tail that twitches*
  10. The old Korean website had an offline costume creator. It was I7? current. Good luck finding it again. That was almost 2 years ago. And it was in Korean.
  11. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    How do I get on CoH?

    I have a paid CoV account, but whenever I use the CoH Updater, and choose a server, it just takes me into CoV..

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Once your account is set up, you will be able to create a hero character.

    Keep in mind that the flagging process will take a bit. Currently estimated at just over 24 hours for active accounts.

    Thanks for your patience!

    [/ QUOTE ]I wonder if this has been answered already. The CohUpdater vs CoVUpdater. It is the same game client. Someone who only bought CoV and only has CoV on their account can use the CoV or CoH updater to get into the game. Same is true for those that have CoH only, and CoH/V, and of course, GvE (which is CoH/V).

  12. [ QUOTE ]
    I have a question: is it possible for a single character to have a base? If so, are there any drawbacks or things I should be aware of? Thanks!

    [/ QUOTE ] Yes, you can have a Super group of One. It takes a fair amount of time to rack up the prestige needed to make it functional.
  13. [ QUOTE ]
    The video looks good but what I want to know is what hardware do they use on the machines that are used to created these videos? The animations are always fluid and clear, and not all jerky like on live servers. I figure if I build my next rig closer to those specs I might have a better feel for the game.

    [/ QUOTE ]Most of that looked like it was rendered from a Demorecord.
  14. Time of day has a LOT to do with server population. The servers are storted by population, lowest on top.
  15. One of the pages goes on about ED, go back 4 pages and read from there.
  16. Testing and functionality is still on Training Room. I haven't seen any official posts about putting it on the live servers, though I do recall someone mentioning that Positron said "before I11".
  17. Psydekick

    G15 Keybind's

    Quick rundown of how I use the G keys on my Mastermind.

    Select pets using LCTRL+F1-F6. Upgrade using LCTRL+F7-F8. Use the MR key to Macro selecting a pet and upgrading them. (hold down LCTRL tap F1, pause briefly and tap F7, then F8). You still have to be patient and wait for those macros/powers to finish executing, HOWEVER, you don't have to stand still waiting for you pets to get upgraded. I often lose pets in battle and can quickly re-upgrade them mid battle.
  18. [ QUOTE ]
    Again, CoHLCD's home page isn't online right now.

    [/ QUOTE ]Well... technically it's up, just not user friendly. 2.0 looks awesome, and so does Pong. please don't hurt me

    I'm just barely getting the hang of using the macro keys in the first place. Someday I'll use this guide properly. Thanks Mr. Duck.
  19. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    I've had a bit of trouble with a certain bind I can't get to work but I'm unsure if it's even possible. Before I give up, I figure I may as well ask here first.

    Is it possible to have a bind that switches to a certain power tray by number when the button is held down but reverts back when the button is lifted?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I asked pretty much the same question just a few posts ago and from what I'm seeing its no longer possible. I'd be pleased if someone could prove me wrong though.

    [/ QUOTE ]Lookup the details and 'programming' behind "Speed on Demand" and every other binding method of having one set of commands go off on keypress and another set on keyrelease. The old method was to use "+ $$" and "- $$", but that produces Unknown Command errors. Below is a possible example, however I do not condone it's use. One key, one action (with exceptions).

    K "+ $$gototray 2$$bindloadfile tray2.txt"

    K "- $$gototray 1$$bindloadfile tray1.txt"
  20. *asks for autograph and yoinks list*
  21. Psydekick

    Supergroup bind

    Are you referring to Supergroup Mode? That would be /sgmode or /sgmodeset

    * /sgmode - Toggle Supergroup Mode
    * /sgmodeset (0 or 1) - Set Supergroup Mode on (1) or off (0)

    EDIT: <troll> NECROOOOOOOO </troll>
  22. Paragonwiki list
    Mid's is the most current. Provides the most data crunching ATM.
    SuckerPunch's is current and online. Access from anywhere.
    SherkSilver's used to be the standard. Can't tell what date it was updated.
    You may be using JoeChott's, which was the only planner for a while. I dont' even have a link to it anymore.
  23. Psydekick

    Numpad Binding

    You need to put teamselect 1$$follow in quotes
    NUMPAD1 "teamselect 1$$follow"

    My preferences for numpad binding on Kineticists and Empaths: (attacks are in tray 1, left hand attacks, right hand buffs).

    NUMPAD1-8 "teamselect 1-8"
    NUMPAD9 "targetcustomnext notteammate friend"
    NUMPAD0 "powexecname Speed Boost/Heal Other"
    DECIMAL "powexecname Siphon Speed/Clear Mind"
    NUMPADENTER "powexecname Increase Density/Healing Aura"
    ADD "powexecname Transfusion/Fortitude"
    SUBTRACT "assist"
    MULTIPLY "powexecname Fulcrum Shift/Adrenaline Boost"
    DIVIDE "powexecname Transference/Absorb Pain"
  24. Psydekick

    Numpad Binding

    Attempting to get 1 key to activate 2 powers on keypress/keyrelease is buggy at best.
    I do not recommend using it.

    One used to be able to get away with using "+ $$" at the beginning of a bind to get the bind to activate on keypress and keyrelease. While that *should* still work, one will get multiple "Unknown Command" errors. Other methods one could use are "+down$$-down$$" and "nop$$".

    Below is an example of the method City Binder (updated in I8) uses to aid buffers. Since is was updated pre-I9, you will get Unknown Command errors.

    NUMPAD1 "+ $$unselect$$teamselect 1$$powexecname Speed Boost$$bindloadfile ID1.txt"

    NUMPAD1 "- $$unselect$$teamselect 1$$powexecname Increase Density$$bindloadfile SB1.txt"

    NUMPAD2 "+ $$unselect$$teamselect 2$$powexecname Speed Boost$$bindloadfile ID2.txt"

    NUMPAD2 "- $$unselect$$teamselect 2$$powexecname Increase Density$$bindloadfile SB2.txt"

    Good luck. This is the only post I will make regarding this method in this thread.
  25. Oooooo... I think I'll combine this with another string of binds I was playing with, shown below.

    C "windowtoggle contact$$em cellphone$$bindloadfile contactmission2.txt"

    C "windowtoggle mission$$em clipboard$$bindloadfile contactmission3.txt"

    C "windowhide contact$$windowhide mission$$em none$$bindloadfile contactmission1.txt"