Supergroup bind




Ok first off if I missed it in a previous thread I apologize for a new one for it.. I've gone over forums last couple days.. have found someone else asking about it but have yet to see a answer.. does anyone know the bind to make your char enter/exit supergroup? Finally made a RP'n char and it could really use it.



I'm also interested in this. I've read the section in the manual and used what I think is the right syntax, yet when I use the bind it gives me an invalid command error and suggests using the /sg or/supergroup command.

Can anyone help?

I'd love the command to be mapped to my ";" key so if anyone can give this as an example I can go on and bind others.



So couple days and no one knows? Surely someone out there has to know it...



Well what are you using that isn't working? If we start there maybe I can help you figure out what you're doing wrong.



I'de also like to know. Man this is a old subject, 3 years ago



Are you referring to Supergroup Mode? That would be /sgmode or /sgmodeset

* /sgmode - Toggle Supergroup Mode
* /sgmodeset (0 or 1) - Set Supergroup Mode on (1) or off (0)

EDIT: <troll> NECROOOOOOOO </troll>