Numpad Binding




Numpad Binding 101 -

Gathering information from many threads into one covering numpad binding. Not counting the NumLock key, there are 64 possibilities for Numpad Binding. The default format would look like this;

numpad0 powexec_name
numpad1 powexec_name
numpad2 powexec_name
numpad3 powexec_name
numpad4 powexec_name
numpad5 powexec_name
numpad6 powexec_name
numpad7 powexec_name
numpad8 powexec_name
numpad9 powexec_name
decimal powexec_name
numpadenter powexec_name
add powexec_name
divide powexec_name
multiply powexec_name
subtract powexec_name
shift+numpad0 powexec_name
shift+numpad1 powexec_name
shift+numpad2 powexec_name
shift+numpad3 powexec_name
shift+numpad4 powexec_name
shift+numpad5 powexec_name
shift+numpad6 powexec_name
shift+numpad7 powexec_name
shift+numpad8 powexec_name
shift+numpad9 powexec_name
shift+decimal powexec_name
shift+numpadenter powexec_name
shift+add powexec_name
shift+divide powexec_name
shift+multiply powexec_name
shift+subtract powexec_name
ctrl+numpad0 powexec_name
ctrl+numpad1 powexec_name
ctrl+numpad2 powexec_name
ctrl+numpad3 powexec_name
ctrl+numpad4 powexec_name
ctrl+numpad5 powexec_name
ctrl+numpad6 powexec_name
ctrl+numpad7 powexec_name
ctrl+numpad8 powexec_name
ctrl+numpad9 powexec_name
ctrl+decimal powexec_name
ctrl+numpadenter powexec_name
ctrl+add powexec_name
ctrl+divide powexec_name
ctrl+multiply powexec_name
ctrl+subtract powexec_name
alt+numpad0 powexec_name
alt+numpad1 powexec_name
alt+numpad2 powexec_name
alt+numpad3 powexec_name
alt+numpad4 powexec_name
alt+numpad5 powexec_name
alt+numpad6 powexec_name
alt+numpad7 powexec_name
alt+numpad8 powexec_name
alt+numpad9 powexec_name
alt+decimal powexec_name
alt+numpadenter powexec_name
alt+add powexec_name
alt+divide powexec_name
alt+multiply powexec_name
alt+subtract powexec_name

This is using the keys to execute a power. This can be modified and will be covered in a seperate thread. You can cut and copy the sections you would like as appropriate.



Numpad Binding 102 - Using other features.

With only 24 powers available at this time, it would be exessive to use the numpad for powers alone. Using the Ctrl and Alt keys for other functions can simplify matters.

ctrl+numpad1 team_select 0
ctrl+numpad2 team_select 1
ctrl+numpad3 team_select 2
ctrl+numpad4 team_select 3
ctrl+numpad5 team_select 4
ctrl+numpad6 team_select 5
ctrl+numpad7 team_select 6
ctrl+numpad8 team_select 7
alt+numpad1 "inspexec_name respite$$inspexec_name Dramatic Improvement$$inspexec_name resurgence"
alt+numpad2 "inspexec_name Catch a Breath$$inspexec_name Take a Breather$$inspexec_name Second Wind"
alt+numpad3 "inspexec_name Luck$$inspexec_name Good Luck$$inspexec_name Phenomenal Luck"
alt+numpad4 "inspexec_name Enrage$$inspexec_name Focused Rage$$inspexec_name Righteous Rage"
alt+numpad5 inspexec_name Insight$$inspexec_name Keen Insight$$inspexec_name Uncanny Insight"
alt+numpad6 "inspexec_name Discipline$$inspexec_name Strength of Will$$inspexec_name Iron Will"
alt+numpad7 "inspexec_name Awaken$$inspexec_name Bounce Back$$inspexec_name Restoration"

In the above example using the Ctrl key with the numpad will select a teammate. This is useful for Buff/Debuffs, as well as for targeting on assists.

The alt keys are use for inspirations, grouped by the ones that are used more often (at least by me). While alt is used as default on the top row of numbers for the second tray, I recommend using the alt for inspirations and using the Shift key for the second row of powers. Why? you may ask, well, the shift key is usually bigger and easier to find, and when I am in a tight spot, I try and limit mistakes. More on that in the next chapter; Best Practices.

The inspirations are set up here to use the most powerful first, the least last. If you wish to change that, just switch the order. In the binds the last command is executed first, right to left, not as it is read, left to right.



Numpad Binding - 103 Best Practices

While different keyboards vary, certain standards usally apply. The 0 (numpad0), Enter and + (Add) are usually the largest on the numpad. Therefore these keys are naturals for the most oftenly used keys.

Add, which resembles the first aid symbol is a logical choice for heals. For AT's that have self healing abilities, binding the add key allows quick access. Example:

add powexec_name Healing Aura

add powexec_name Healing Flames

add powexec_name Dark Regeneration

Now AT's that don't have any inherent healing ability can use the add button for healing inspirations.

Add "inspexec_name respite$$inspexec_name Dramatic Improvement$$inspexec_name resurgence"

This is a bit of redundancy with the earlier binds, but still, it is better to have two keys that do the same thing, rather than to get debt because you didnt hit the right key in time.

Since you have healing taken care of, Enter and Numpad0 are logical choices for life saving toggles. Each AT will have a different idea of a life-saving toggle, but it is a good practice to put them in easy to reach keys.

Perma-keys can also be used with the numpad. While not every hero I have uses hasten, the - (subtract) key is bound for turning on Autofire hasten;

subtract powexec_auto Hasten

Hitting the subtract key while the autofire is on will turn it off. Something I do when I am away from keyboard or otherwise.

With these steps there is a lot of functionality in the numpad. There are other ways that the numpad can be used, such as for movement. If you have a way that you like to use the numpad, please make your suggestions here.



ctrl+numpad1 team_select 0
ctrl+numpad2 team_select 1
ctrl+numpad3 team_select 2
ctrl+numpad4 team_select 3
ctrl+numpad5 team_select 4
ctrl+numpad6 team_select 5
ctrl+numpad7 team_select 6
ctrl+numpad8 team_select 7

[/ QUOTE ]

team_select goes from 1 to 8, not 0 to 7

Personally, I like using powexec_slot for the numpad keys, as it makes it easy to rearrange powers at will, allows you to use the same binds on all characters, and makes it easier to keep track of which powers are available for use.

I have also found that when numlock is on, shift+numpad# doesn't work (it just does the numpad# bind). That might be specific to my keyboard, I'm not entirely sure. So be careful with your numlock. I don't use a lot of shift+numpad binds, so I don't run into this too often (I use alt+numpad# = powexec_altslot).

I use shift+numpad# for powexec_auto X, where I make the X correspond to the power in slot #. I set numlock to powexec_abort, and make sure to hit it twice when I use it.

For my add I use target_enemy_near, as I tend to want to do that constantly. I put my toggles on divide, multiply, subtract, shift+subtract, and shift+add, and a bind to turn them all off on shift+numpadenter.

I'd give the exact binds, but I don't have them in front of me. For the most part, I already detailed them in the post your /bind's here thread.



I’d recently been trying to remember the bind to use the various heal inspirations with just one key and I’d also been wondering what the key names were for binding the numpads… and here both are in one post.

Thank you very much!



numpad1 team_select 1$$follow
numpad2 team_select 2$$follow
numpad3 team_select 3$$follow
numpad4 team_select 4$$follow
numpad5 team_select 5$$follow
numpad6 team_select 6$$follow
numpad7 team_select 7$$follow
numpad8 team_select 8$$follow
decimal powexec_name grant invisibility
numpad0 powexec_name density increase
numpadenter powexec_name speed boost

[/ QUOTE ]

I've started using the above set of number pad keybinds for my Illusion/Kinetics controller to ease the process of buffing my team members. In practice I've found it's immensely useful for finding teammates in the heat of battle, zeroing in quickly to assist with an ambush and even doing fly-by Transfusion heals as I leap into a battle. I've gotten in the habit of double-tapping the keys to cancel the follow command, whenever that part isn't needed. I now load the numpad 1-8 portion of this on all my new characters as it's been so generally useful to me.

Just doing my part to add to the rich tapestry of keybind advice.



Excellent Thread!! I was about to post something similar. I think it is a good idea to bind to the numpad rather than the main area of the keyboard. Regular numpad0 to numpad9 for things that have to come up imediately(i.e. in combat), ALT+Numpad0-9 for pre-combat and team-based commands/ actions, and CTRL+Numpad0-9 for non-combat goodies like chatting and whatnot leaves me with 30 places for possible binds, stacked by priority and organized.
I intend to also use the nieghboring buttons as well, should I need more than 10 of each "priority level" of binds, but by that point I will need to keep a cheatsheet next to the monitor to remember them all . Ah, what's another 3*5 card?



Numpad Binding 401 - Now you are just getting fancy

If you would like to use additional characters in your chat bubbles, there are a few ways to do this. Open up CharMap , under Start-> Programs -> Accessories. If you don’t have it installed, you can use MS Word, under the Insert Menu, there is an option Symbol. In Character Map you will see a window that looks like this. You can use pretty much any of the symbols that are listed here. If you select one and copy it, switch over to the game and press CTRL+V to paste it in your window.

Now pasting all the time can be a problem, but you can use these in a bind. The first thing you will have to do is change the format of your text file. The default option in Notepad is ANSI text, you will have to change it to UTF-8. You do this by clicking on the File -> Save as. It will bring up a prompt that looks like this. Select UTF-8 and save the file. You can now paste the characters from the CharMap (or Word Insert Symbol) Into your binds.

I can't show the actual text here since the UBB formatting wont allow it, but if you did everything correctly, you will see chat bubbles that look like this.

Thanks to Adgramaine for coming up with the question. Thanks to Grotus for refining my half formed/half baked idea into something that actually worked. Thanks to ImageShack for Free Image Hosting.



Perhaps this is a stupid question, but has anyone been able to use non standard characters in their Toon Name ?




Perhaps this is a stupid question, but has anyone been able to use non standard characters in their Toon Name ?


[/ QUOTE ]

you can use _, -, @ and .

nothing else. and only one of those.



Perhaps this is a stupid question, but has anyone been able to use non standard characters in their Toon Name ?


[/ QUOTE ]

you can use _, -, @ and .

nothing else. and only one of those.

[/ QUOTE ]
I'm sure your answer is correct, but since that person asked that question about 13 months ago I hope they got something on that already.

Loth 50 Fire/Rad Controller [1392 Badges] [300 non-AE Souvenirs]
Ryver 50 Ele� Blaster [1392 Badges]
Silandra 50 Peacebringer [1138 Badges] [No Redside Badges]
--{=====> Virtue ♀



Great post and im useing it but i cant get it to follow?



I'm relitivly new to using key binding. I think what I am after is to set some of my numpad keys to activate macro's but anyways heres the deal. Im hoping to use the numpad without contol or alt to be able to dispense SB and ID to the relitive team member. So numpad 1 SB's and ID's teammate 1 and so on. My understanding is that one of those powers needs to be macro'ed in but then again I could be way off. Any idea's please and thank you.



Attempting to get 1 key to activate 2 powers on keypress/keyrelease is buggy at best.
I do not recommend using it.

One used to be able to get away with using "+ $$" at the beginning of a bind to get the bind to activate on keypress and keyrelease. While that *should* still work, one will get multiple "Unknown Command" errors. Other methods one could use are "+down$$-down$$" and "nop$$".

Below is an example of the method City Binder (updated in I8) uses to aid buffers. Since is was updated pre-I9, you will get Unknown Command errors.

NUMPAD1 "+ $$unselect$$teamselect 1$$powexecname Speed Boost$$bindloadfile ID1.txt"

NUMPAD1 "- $$unselect$$teamselect 1$$powexecname Increase Density$$bindloadfile SB1.txt"

NUMPAD2 "+ $$unselect$$teamselect 2$$powexecname Speed Boost$$bindloadfile ID2.txt"

NUMPAD2 "- $$unselect$$teamselect 2$$powexecname Increase Density$$bindloadfile SB2.txt"

Good luck. This is the only post I will make regarding this method in this thread.



You need to put teamselect 1$$follow in quotes
NUMPAD1 "teamselect 1$$follow"

My preferences for numpad binding on Kineticists and Empaths: (attacks are in tray 1, left hand attacks, right hand buffs).

NUMPAD1-8 "teamselect 1-8"
NUMPAD9 "targetcustomnext notteammate friend"
NUMPAD0 "powexecname Speed Boost/Heal Other"
DECIMAL "powexecname Siphon Speed/Clear Mind"
NUMPADENTER "powexecname Increase Density/Healing Aura"
ADD "powexecname Transfusion/Fortitude"
SUBTRACT "assist"
MULTIPLY "powexecname Fulcrum Shift/Adrenaline Boost"
DIVIDE "powexecname Transference/Absorb Pain"



I'm a big believer in using the keypad, especially since I use my right hand to move the character. For my TA/A archer, I put all of my TA on the numpad, and all of my A on the numbered keys, like normal. It's been a HUGE help in keeping my various arrows straight. By opening a second tray and arranging my powers according to the numpad in the tray, I can know what's active and what isn't. It's perfect.

I use numpad0 on every toon. For scrappers, it's "target_enemy_near$$follow" and for everyone else (with a ranged attack) it's just "target_enemy_near". I won't go into a fight without that bind. Indispensable.