G15 Keybind's




Hey folks I just ordered a new logitech G15 keyboard and a G7 Laser mouse. Im wondering if anyone can post a sample of there G15 binds to give me a road map or how im gonna set them up. I looked through the forum and could not find another thread.

Thanks In Advance



Hey folks I just ordered a new logitech G15 keyboard and a G7 Laser mouse. Im wondering if anyone can post a sample of there G15 binds to give me a road map or how im gonna set them up. I looked through the forum and could not find another thread.

[/ QUOTE ]

Found 1 lol ducks guide but any other combinations to compare would be kool

Thanks In Advance



Got the exact same keyboard and mouse, heh.

The keyboard does wonders in Co*, just open up the macro program and fiddle around, there are endless possibilities.

As for a guide, I found this one just the other day:

Credit to blackspectre for that.
Anyways, have fun!



I was hopeing i could just wright the binds to the specific keys like /bind g1, "xxxx" but i guess with the m1 m2 m3 features thats not gonna happen but the software looks easy enough to configure I guess in the end it will open up more possibilities. Thanks for the link.



Yeah I know what you meant with the /bind g1 idea. But if you use the macro software that comes with it you can do the exact same thing and even better as the board can record pauses.

I've seen some really awesome binds for automating character attacks (going AFK? Just hit G1 and you'll still be useful to the team!) and even some really cool binds that create a countdown for click powers like unstoppable or moment of glory.



Quick rundown of how I use the G keys on my Mastermind.

Select pets using LCTRL+F1-F6. Upgrade using LCTRL+F7-F8. Use the MR key to Macro selecting a pet and upgrading them. (hold down LCTRL tap F1, pause briefly and tap F7, then F8). You still have to be patient and wait for those macros/powers to finish executing, HOWEVER, you don't have to stand still waiting for you pets to get upgraded. I often lose pets in battle and can quickly re-upgrade them mid battle.