Official Thread: Performance Issues
I have noticed my computer has been freezing a lot more lately, but it started before I8. I just downloaded Physx so lets see what happens
Many of the 'splat' powers are still producing horrendous frame rate drops.
When my warshade turns on his orbiting death, the frame rate drops from around 30-35 fps down to 4-8 fps if he is by any kind of wall, desk, etc.
I just got a new GeForce 6600 (w/512 RAM), and these are still the numbers I'm seeing. I'm also running a 3.2G intel P4 w/1G system RAM.
I am getting clients crashes every few minutes. Usually while zoning but sometime while just standing there. I'm afraid to team because I know I'll just annoy everyone with all my disconnects.
Others are having this issue as well
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XBOX Live Handle: hawkeye9481
PS3 Network Handle: hawkeye9481
I am seeing more lag and rubberbanding, but less mapserver disconnects. Used to drop once per hour of play (on average). Down to one or two per evening, Yay! The memory leak looks less hefty as well. But the delays in game are more noticeable.
So, good and bad here.....
Rend this space....
I've been getting more rubberbanding, but that might just be increased traffic.
I'm have some *extremely* long load times into missions. So long that my team *finished* the safeguard mission before I loaded onto the map.
And after the fourth client crash, I just logged off and watched a movie.
I've also had some increased lag moving across zones, but that could just be a result of the winged invasion.
Pentium 4; Windows XP; 512k RAM (yeah, I know -- I just haven't upgraded it yet -- it wasn't a problem before); Nvidia video card; latest versions of all drivers.
I've been getting rubberbanding on every single zone entry for a few months now and there seems to be a slight delay on power activation. So far the delay hasn't proved deadly...but I find the rubberbanding pretty annoying because it breaks up my emersion.
I'm not very tech-minded so my specs mostly escape me (I'm at work now and away from my home PC)...I have like a 3.0GHz Dual Core processor with 2GB RAM. The graphics card is fairly high end and I was running most of the graphic settings at 200% but stopped because I would get the occasional game freezes. I'm now back to 100% and still get a crash now and then but it's a lot less frequent. I also have the Aegia PhysX card.
Attache @ deviantART
Attache's Anti-401k Art Collection
the extra layer of animation on fire AOEs are causing no end of problems for fire trollers.
Not an issue, really, but to get a good scope of performance things are slightly faster than I7 for me, but mostly the same.
Fairly steady 31 FPS outdoors in CoV (SuperJump, excluding Grandville)
Average 48 FPS outdoors in CoH (SuperSpeed)
No lower than 18 FPS in the most demanding situations I was in (full team, 30+ mobs, outdoor instance)
Peaked at 93 FPS in the most favorable situations (solo, lab map)
Running at 1024x768, all settings maxed, except Depth of Field turned off.
Core 2 Duo 6400 (Clocked to 2.25 GHz), 2GB DDR2-800, Geforce 7600GS 512MB, Integrated Sound, Windows XP Home, all drivers updated.
Edit: I am using '-renderthread 1' in my shortcuts.
Yeah, I'm colorblind, and I talk about it a lot. Sorry.
VICTORY: Zephyr Cyclone - 50 El/El/El Blast
VICTORY: Schysm - 36 SS/In Brute
VIRTUE: Galaxy Beast - 17 Warshade
Last night I noticed my framerate was very staggered and choppy.
I tried to figure out what exactly might be causing it, and from what I could tell it only happened when the team I was part of was in combat. I couldn't manage to narrow it down to what the exact cause was, however. We had a warshade who was running orbiting death very frequently, and I noticed a considerable dip in performance whenever he got near a vertical surface.
We also had a few energy melee tankers and energy manipulation blasters on the team, and for some reason whenever they launched a melee attack such as bone smasher or energy punch, I noticed that the game would very briefly pause as soon as the sound and graphic effect was displayed.
pentium 4 (2.53 ghz), 1 GB, XP
i have been having rubberbanding in zones while traveling, without wings.
lagging and crashing in missions. no load problems but i seen lots of party members have it.
overall, i feel like the game takes more to run as far as memory, oh yeah, i am getting the little "virtual memory message"
I've noticed more-than-normal lag when approaching groups of players outdoors. Example:
Last night, I was in Talos and was flying back to the tram. As I approached the tram, my hard drive light came on and the game began to "stutter" (my frame rate dropped significantly).
Prior to I8, this only happened when I approached a group of at least 20 or more players. In the above-mentioned example, only 5 other people were at the tram.
I have had other experiences with this in King's Row. Encountering just one other player causes the entire game to "pause" for a moment to load that player's model.
I did not have these kinds of issues prior to I8. Before this week, only very large groups of players would cause what I am describing.

launch day of I8, I had no problems except the occasional crash.
This morning, I had such terrible slowdown I almost could not move. I had to get my girlfriend to teleport me everywhere.
No major performance issues apart from the usual lag when approaching a crowd of 30 characters (client briefly grinding to a halt as I approach Icon and such). However, I did teleport a character on Virtue to Pocket D and lost her for a couple hours, as my client would crash every time trying to load the zone, probably from the sheer volume of people piled in there.
Arc #41077 - The Men of State
Arc #48845 - Operation: Dirty Snowball
i have been having very severe drops in framerate when in missions on a team during combat.
before i8, i had no problems with framerate... i doubt even in the worst combat would it drop below 15fps.
since i8, however.. in nearly EVERY combat situation involving the team i am getting about 5-7fps. it's not 3d animation, it's a slideshow.
i am not sure if it is particular powers/powersets, or a combination of them or what... but it is nearly unplayable (i only say nearly because i am a stone/stone tank at the moment so i don't exactly need a great deal of fast paced control of my character... but it's still pretty awful)
the most depressing part was that i continuously lowered my settings throughout the playing session till they were almost at the minimum (aka: incredibly-ugly-setting) and it made absolutely NO difference to the in-combat framerate drop.
my machine is:
Athlon 64 3200+ (running XP Pro 32 bit)
XFX Nvidia 7600GS w/ 512MB
Onboard sound, network, etc.
(i had nvidia drivers from a couple months ago on there so this morning after i logged i put the latest non-beta drivers on. hoping it makes some difference)
The Nauseum (50) Kin/Rad/Psy Defender
Terror Storm (50) Ill/Storm/Ice Controller
Burn Bunny (50) Fire/Kin/Fire Controller
Michael Ebonheart (50) Warshade
Incredible Ism (50) Ill/Emp/Primal Controller
((and too many non-50s to list here...))
Last 2 nights UK time, have been on Protector/Freedom teams lasting 3 hours plus. Almost everybody else I've been teamed with has had lag followed by client crashes (dialog box and all) after a while but me. I have 2x4600CPU Nvidia 7600 2Gb ram. Tonight we were all getting mapserver disconnect messages in and out of missions but normally not actually disconnecting.
Suspect Device 35 fire/fire dom Protector (last night)
Psychosis Safari 14 mind/rad cont Freedom (tonight)
and many others including 9 50s
It's true. This game is NOT rocket surgery. - BillZBubba
Playing the night before I8 hit - everything ran smooth as silk.
Playing as soon as I8 hits - horrible and i mean horrible choppiness / drop in framerates when any of a number powers are in effect or in use. Ive updated to the newest variant of Dx9.0c and ive updated my graphics drivers as well. It made no difference at all.
As noted by another poster controller fire powers are just really really bad. I will note that when joining teams its worst of all. I think that has to do with the fact that more powers are in effect and we end up being effected by more of the bugged powers. Ive been on teams with fire trollers a couple times now and thier powers like firecages are some of the worst offenders. I believe to that the more enemies they hit in the firecages the worse the drop in frame rate.
The new layer of graphics seems to be the problem. You dont see the performance problems with some builds and powersets. Others it is completely miserable.
Ive been chatting with folks in my SG and it seems to hurting people across a variety of systems.
Myself -> Intel CPU, 7800 GTX Vid Card, 2 gigs of Ram
Others who note the same problems in my play groups ->
AMD CPU, X800XL Radeon Vid, 1 Gig of Ram
? CPU, Geforce4 MX400 Vid, 1 Gig of Ram
? CPU, 9600XT Vid Card, 1 Gig of Ram
Theres actually a lot of others with the same complaints, but I havent asked them about thier computer systems - I'll direct them to this thread.
Hopefully this helps AND PLZ fix this soon !
Over the hills and through the woods.
Many of the 'splat' powers are still producing horrendous frame rate drops.
When my warshade turns on his orbiting death, the frame rate drops from around 30-35 fps down to 4-8 fps if he is by any kind of wall, desk, etc.
I just got a new GeForce 6600 (w/512 RAM), and these are still the numbers I'm seeing. I'm also running a 3.2G intel P4 w/1G system RAM.
[/ QUOTE ]
Seconded here. OD causes horrible lag, my numbers are *slightly* better, but we're talking I7-on-a-6200 better (not quite low teens.)
AMD Athlon 64 x2 4000+
2 Gb RAM
WinXP Home
GeForce 7900GS
Man I was waiting for this thread.
Incredible Lag which is expected as each new issue was released but I think this one is by far the worst so far.
One main thing I notice is it seems to be using more memory to run.
Second with the Fire Controller's Fire Cages, this really spikes through the roof when you are on a team and someone uses this power.
It seems as if there are two rings around each enemy instead of one, therefore it may be trying to render 2 rings instead of 1. Of course thats my guess I could be wrong but thats the way it seems.
Im running the game on my rig at home which contains the following....
1 - Supermicro X5DAE Intel E7505 Dual Xeon DDR E-ATX Server Board w/Gigabit LAN
2 - IntelĀ® Xeon TM Processor 2.8GHz 533MHz 604pin .13u 512KB
2 - Maxtor Atlas 73.4GB 68pin U320-SCSI 15,000RPM Wide-LVD Hard Drive
4 - ATP 1GB DDR266 PC2100 1.2in ECC Registered Memory
1 - Adaptec SCSI RAID 2200S 64-bit/66 MHz PCI SCSI Controller Card
1 - ATI AIW Radeon X800XT 256MB 256-bit GDDR3 VIVO AGP 4X/8X
1 - Sound Blaster X-Fi Elite Pro
System runs great with other games and applications.
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My husband and I are duoing on Champion and have both been experiencing simultaneous rubberbanding nearly continuously since I8 went in. Our rubberbanding happens at exactly the same moment, and we have different machine configurations. We have confirmed that the issue is not the router, which we have rebooted, or the machines. We have not had these problems at all prior to the I8 patch. The problem is much worse within missions, though we have some issues in the external zones.
Horrendous drop in FPS from Issue 7 to issue 8.
During live version of issue 7, i was running about 30 FPS out of combat to 25 in Combat. Now with Issue 8, my FPS is 12 out of comabt and 8 in combat.
Pentium 4(r) 3.00 GHz, 766 MB ram, NVIDIA 5500 OC (256 MB) [driver 6.14.0010.9147]
I noticed that after coming out of a mission, my FPS in Perigrine dropped in half. from about 30 to 15.
I don't know what that means. I checked my system, all seems well. I did the /unloadgfx, that didn't do anything. I checked the netgraph, it was just awesome, low greens.
It was very very weird.
I'll report again tomorrow. Figured it was a server issue at this point, but I'll wait and see before declaring such as "yeppers."
August 31, 2012. A Day that will Live in Infamy. Or Information. Possibly Influence. Well, Inf, anyway. Thank you, Paragon Studios, for what you did, and the enjoyment and camaraderie you brought.
This is houtex, aka Mike, signing off the forums. G'night all. - 10/26/2012
Well... perhaps I was premature about that whole 'signing off' thing... - 11-9-2012
i *am* going to defrag my disk tonight when i get home...
i was thinking about the patching process and how that might lead to significant fragmentation.
also i have a smallish drive so i might check and see if it's running low on space.
i am LOVING the actual content changes I8 brought... so i REALLY want to able to play it...
**crosses fingers**
The Nauseum (50) Kin/Rad/Psy Defender
Terror Storm (50) Ill/Storm/Ice Controller
Burn Bunny (50) Fire/Kin/Fire Controller
Michael Ebonheart (50) Warshade
Incredible Ism (50) Ill/Emp/Primal Controller
((and too many non-50s to list here...))
At approximately 1:10 - 1:15 a.m. EST all of Guardian server lost all Global Chat including the friends list, and is unable to get into any instanced missions.
My Characters
My Myspace page
XBOX Live Handle: hawkeye9481
PS3 Network Handle: hawkeye9481
This thread is for discussion of any performance differences from playing before Issue 8 and after. When posting, please stick to your actual play experience.
Also, please be as detailed and concise as possible with your feedback, which makes it much easier for us to pull important details out of it. As for details, if you can, your video card, driver version, system RAM and which CPU you are using can be helpful.
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