6 -
Thanks for the info Posi.
<chew chew> Ptooie! This tastes like a bone! <Throws it back>
Sorry Posi, not meant as an insult to you, but this whole thing just seems unneeded and wrong.
<waits to see when all the changes are going on test> -
I played with this on test. I find it very useful if you are less than level 10, but then again no debt till then either.
I tried blasters at higher levels, and the higher I get, the less use it seemed to be.
All in all my reaction is "meh", but its better than a sharp stick to the eye. -
Very nice, wish I had this when I was starting out, if I had maybe I would have chosen something else than /fire.
But I loved the concept.
5 stars or you! -
5. The massive AOE Alpha Strikes will be addressed shortly after Tankers get their due.
You mean nerfed don't you?
I'm a fire/fire blaster, my secondaries are rotton, my strongest attacks are AoE and you're going to weaken them?
Respec does nothing for me, what else am I supposed to chose with a respec?
I know at this time its probably a done deal so this is more in protest than anything else.
Watch out the rest of you guys, if your power is performing the way its supposed to, they nerf it.
I almost alway group, I try to help as much as I can. Please don't make AoE so weak that all it does is draw massive aggro. Who is going to want a weak aggro mangent on their team?
I'm Sorry States, I'm just really really dissapointed. Don't mean to take it out on you, after all I love this game.
<and I'm not going to quit, so you folks can't have my stuff>
Yes, AOE damage is an issue. We're still looking at ways to solve this. So no changes are imminent.
[/ QUOTE ]
Could you please tell me what ATs you consider not broken, or that don't need of an adjustment?
I'd like to know so I can start one that won't be changed 1/2 way through the game.
I like to group, no rather I should say I love to group. The xp is better, I make new friends. Soloing to me is boring.
When I am in a group and that cluster of mobs is keeping us from completing the mission, thats when I ask the leader if they'd like me to take 'em out.
I then get buffs, RA, and let the group know that my AoE (inferno) could miss so they won't get caught in a rush of angered mobs if it fails.
I don't go in there with a cowboy attitude, I consider each every person on the team important. Without them, I'd be dead in short order. Especially when inferno misses.
Every time I do this I get a "wow! thanks!" from almost everyone in the group.
I actually get to feel like a hero!
I do my best to make sure everyone else gets their "hero moment" if at all possible.
I know AoE isn't my only power, but as a fire/fire blaster its one of my best. Its my way of helping the group have fun and get xp.
My f/f blaster is by far my hightest level toon, all the others are not even half her level. Not because they are bad, but because I enjoy playing her.
And now you're going to "fix" AoE?
Bye fix I assume you mean nerf.
Sorry if this posts makes anyone mad. No I don't intend to quit, so you can' t have my stuff
Just a little frustrated is all, I don't level that fast because I take time to have fun and socialize.