World 3817
I like what I'm reading so far, but it's just a tease! Post more I say!
I hope others read it. I posted one really lengthy story about 2 weeks ago here, and didn't get any responses. Perhaps because it was so crazy long? In either event, keep posting yours, I'll read it!
This story takes some time to develop. I have to introduce a few concepts before dragging you into the mire that is the plot. As such, here is the beginning of Chapter 1. The first couple chapters are a bit on the slow side plot-wise, but they should seem VERY familiar to CoH players.
Feel free to slam and bash away at your discretion.
Chapter 1: World 3817
"I have crossed the width and breadth of time. I have seen worlds born, and I have seen worlds die. And yet still I feel her pull. I still hear her song."
--Initiating System Diagnostic--
--Scan Complete--
--Initiating Life Support--
"Aaron? Aaron are you awake?"
"Of course. How can I sleep?"
"You're still worried? Doctor Irons said the portal was stable."
"I know, but what about the drone?"
"He said it was a glitch."
"Yeah yeah. The shift caused a malfunction in its transport module, but I still can't help but think..."
"Don't worry. I'll be fine. They're sending in Captain Hergotz team with me."
"That *****? How did he ever pass the psych evaluations? I swear he's got bloodlust or something."
"He's a good soldier."
"Sure he is, but I still don't trust him. I don't like the way he looks at you."
--Reinitiating Life Support--
Where is this interference coming from?
--Reinitiating Life Support--
--Life Support Initiated--
That was strange
"And just how does he look at me?"
"You you're a piece of meat."
"Hmm...the only piece of meat I see around here is"
Joker are you okay?
"Yes. What happened? You sound...concerned."
I'm having trouble accessing all my systems.
"That's nothing new. Remember World 1783? It took you nearly a week to get the optics working."
This is different. It is almost as if something is restricting my access to certain files.
"What IS working?"
Optics and maneuverability protocols are online, but seem to be...sluggish.
"Sluggish? How?"
Unsure. I'd suggest testing them. It seems the repair nanites have also been effected. They are operating well below norms. I can't seem to access the fuel cells either.
"Wonderful. Give me a systems display, and keep working on those files."
Of course. I'm just as vulnerable as you are in this state.
"Alright, I'm gonna take a look around, and try to assess the extent of the damage."
Stepping across worlds is never easy, especially when the starting point is being ripped apart by a supernova. However, I had never known it to have as much effect as this last stride seems to have had.
The parking lot was all but empty, and you could feel the desperation in the air. I was definitely in a city. Early 21st century, at first glance, but something was definitely wrong. The air smelled almost burnt. The last time I'd smelled that it was...
"Give me a mana level reading."
They're off the scale. I've never seen them this high. Not even in Darryls Sanctum on World 872.
"That explains the system malfunctions then."
Yes. That is undoubtedly the root cause, but I should still be able to access them. My mana shields are still intact.
"Very well. Continue your work, and I'll finish scouting the area."
At first glance the area seems almost normal. If not for the vacant streets and lack of sound, this place would almost be home. The only soul in sight appeared to be an officer in the local police force.
Please post more. I'll be waiting not-quite-patiently.
I like your writing style, it's different, and in a good way. The shifts between 1st and 3rd, past and present, and narrative are very smooth and poignant.
5 Stars.
Together we entered a city of strangers, we made it a city of friends, and we leave it a City of Heroes. - Sweet_Sarah
BOYCOTT NCSoft (on Facebook)
Governments have fallen to the power of social media. Gaming companies can too.
Hey, thanks you two. I'll keep throwing up more, but maybe not as quickly as I am now. I have a TON written, but I don't want to overload new readers either. More of Chapter 1.(pardon the punctuation, Word hates me
"Excuse me officer...?"
"Flint. How can I help you?"
"Uh..Yes. I'm just in from...out of town, and I was wondering how best to acquaint myself with your city."
"Ah, I see. Well if you don't mind running a short couple of errands for me and my fellow officers, then I'd be glad to apprise you of our situation."
Following a short discussion with the officer regarding local laws, I was made aware of a semi-contained outbreak of some form of drug induced mania in the local populace. Seeing that I may be of some help, I followed the officer's instructions and began visiting his fellows to see what steps were needed to clear up the situation.
The tasks were trivial errands, and one even went so far as to try to explain combat techniques should some of the infected become hostile. Finding it altogether humorous, I made my way beyond the fence line and into 'hostile' territory.
The full destructive power of the drug crazed maniacs suddenly became all too obvious. Staring ahead in amazement, the stout block shaped buildings were lying in ruins. Seeing no form of construction equipment, I can only assume these buildings were torn apart by hand.
Determined to free this city from its plague, and suddenly aware that the warnings of hostiles was not made lightly, I unsheathed my weapon and moved forward into the rubble.
Picking my way through the debris, I found it somewhat disheartening to hear the howls and jeers of the drug crazed populace. This drug, whatever it is, must have been effected by the high mana levels. I cant imagine normal people purposefully inflicting such devastation upon their bodies, and so I must think this drug somehow mutated itself after injection. Unfortunately, I didnt have much time to ponder how such a thing had occurred.
Joker duck!
In a moment I was on the ground, and it was a good thing too, as a rock the size of a grapefruit dented the trash container behind me.
"Time to freakin' die!"
He was on me in a moment. A whirlwind of punches and kicks drove me backward into the trash container as I struggled to gain my footing. Lashing out awkwardly with my sword, I was able to catch him across the thigh, forcing him to stumble backward a few paces.
Howling with rage, he charged forward blindly. Having had some small amount of experience in such encounters, it was a simple matter to redirect his rage nicely into my now beloved trash container. With a resounding thud the fight was over. As I watched, stunned, my would-be murderer quickly dematerialized.
That's a new trick.
"Agreed. Why were my reactions so slow?"
I had thought that my combat protocols were untouched. However, upon further inspection it appears that most of them are still being blocked. I fear I will be unable to assist you in combat until the locks are cleared.
"Wonderful. And you couldn't have told me this before I about had my brains smashed into pulp?"
Moving more cautiously I looked for another one of these maniacs in the hopes of a more civilized confrontation. Spying a pair tearing at the alley door of some abandoned store, I slowly inched my way closer, keeping myself well hidden. That's when I noticed their eyes. The deep shadows of the alley all but hid their faces, but the sickly green glow emanating from where their eyes should be turned my stomach. There was no chance these people could be reasoned with.
My mind set, I charged forward silently. Stepping past the closest, I slashed him wickedly across the abdomen, simultaneously driving my fist into the face of his partner. As he stood there stunned, I drove my blade through his chest. Pulling my sword free I turned my head just in time to duck the poorly aimed punch of my first target. Spinning, I caught the madman squarely on the temple with the back of my hand.
As before, I stood perplexed as the two bodies quickly disappeared from sight. Sheathing my sword, I made my way carefully back to the nearest officer, bent on disciphering exactly what I was seeing.
Wow, nice writing! Very familiar setting, as well. Good work, expect to be seeing more of it.
Okay, this bit is VERY long compared to the previous installments, but I wanted to finish up Chapter 1. Still no real plot to speak of, more like a warm up.
"Officer. I need a word with you."
"Ah. I see you've met some of our citizens. They didn't muss you up too much did they?"
"I think I'll live. I do have a question though."
"After I should I put this...managed their aggression, they seemed to, well, disappear."
"Wow. You really MUST be new."
"This is normal?"
"Of course. Almost all citizens have been implanted with a small chip that monitors their life signs. If they reach a critical level, the chip sends out a signal to the local hospital."
"I see. So they are healed there?"
"If it's possible. Common citizens aren't as indestructible as you hero types, but its definitely worth having. Hell, most insurance policies require them."
"Hero types? I don't unders.."
"You know. Scientific accident, cybernetic implants, genetic mutation, whatever. That's why you're here isn't it?"
"Yes...of course it is."
Heroes? Like in comic books?
"I don't know. It's definitely weird, but I want to get a closer look at this teleportation technology they are using."
What are you thinking Joker?
"I'm wondering if this has any correlation to Dr. Brantiff's Theory. I'm praying it doesn't, but...well let's just learn a bit more before we go jumping to conclusions."
I understand that Brantiff was classified as mentally unstable. Do you really believe this could prove him correct?
"Maybe. God help us if.."
"Hey! Hero!"
"I just got word that Coyote may have a lead on a solution to this contaminated problem. Why don't you run over and see if you can help."
"Sure. Which way is he?"
"Your guess is as good as mine."
Following the officer's directions lead me steadily away from the howls of the contaminated, and I must admit I was grateful for the silence this provided. Wandering aimlessly through the canyon of concrete and steel formed by the simple, yet no doubt efficient, buildings left me wondering how the high mana level fit into the equation.
My first impressions of this city were based solely on the amount of magic pervading the air. However, having seen such advanced technology in use by common thugs had me worried. Brantiff's Theory was all but laughed at when first made public, but had they known the true extent of our research, chances are he would have been hailed as a genius. Like all great scientists his discoveries carried a weight unknown to those who first put them to use. If one is to believe Brantiff's ramblings, hearing that common citizens are all but forced to use such technology is not a good omen.
"Judging by your outfit, you must be Desolate Joker."
Without realizing it, my wanderings had carried me deeper into the empty city.
This guy's straight out of a comic book. Right down to the spandex.
"And you must be Coyote. The officer back at the fence told me you could use my help."
"Yes. We've just found a local building infested with contaminated citizens. Its possible that's where the supply of their drug is stemming from."
"What would you have me do?"
"Simple. Check out the hideout, and see if you can find a supply of their drug. We need an untainted supply in order to create an antidote."
"Sounds simple enough. Just point me to the building."
Coyote's directions lead me to a quiet building nestled in the corner formed by two towering walls. Shading my eyes from the sun, I was just able to make out what appeared to be some form of force field flickering atop the walls. Wondering whether this was to keep things in or out, I stepped quietly into the apparently empty building.
The building was just as quiet inside as out.
You think Coyote's information was wrong?
"Possibly. Truth be told, I was half expecting this place to resemble the opium dens back on World 2138."
Lucky you were wrong.
"Agreed. That place still sends shivers down my spine."
The building's interior was almost pitch black compared to the bright sunlight outside. Even taking a moment to let my eyes adjust to the gloom didn't help. The sorrow and desperation of this place hung in the air, and I couldn't escape the feeling of being watched.
Intent on my mission, I quickly cleared the first few floors of what appears to have once been a talent agency. Dusty filing cabinets lining the walls were filled with countless faded photographs and biographies, ranging from ex-porn stars to children that spent half their lives making cereal commercials. Ripped and shredded movie posters, no doubt featuring talent found by the agency, lay scattered about the floor.
This place may not be a hideout, but it was definitely still being visited. Seeing no evidence of the current inhabitants, I made my way to the 4th floor.
Stepping out of the stairwell, my eardrums were assaulted by the sounds of an arguement. The sudden explosion of sound momentarily stunned me, and I quickly shut the door to avoid being caught off guard a second time.
Something was wrong. The voices sounded almost inhuman.
Cracking the door, I peered down the hallway in the direction of the voices. Not seeing any obvious source, I slowly opened the door and slid out into the darkness. Up ahead, in the direction of the shouting, I could see that the hallway turned abruptly to the left. Figuring this is why I couldn't see exactly where the voices were coming from, I made my way cautiously toward the corner.
As expected the voices grew steadily louder, until I could finally make out what was being said.
"I need more!"
"We don't have any more. Can't you see that?"
"I'll rip this place apart. Where's it hidden?!"
"Calm down. Listen, all we have to do is make some more. They gave us the formula and everything."
"You mean we can make as much as we want?"
"Oh yeah. And we can go into business for ourselves. Screw those mutated freaks."
"Yeah! With this stuff, we're unstoppable!"
That doesn't sound good Joker
"Tell me about it. Not only are there no samples, but it sounds like there's more to this drug than even Coyote first thought."
Why don't you try to get the formula from them? One of them is bound to have it on him.
"My thoughts exactly."
Diving around the corner, I was shocked to discover only one person. Slightly bewildered, I focused strictly on staying alive long enough to hear this guy's story. Before he could react to my presence I slashed hard for his shin, and was rewarded with the familiar sound of metal against bone. This guy would be in pain for weeks, but at least he'd live long enough to give me the formula.
"I'll tear you to pieces!"
"You'll do nothing of the kind. Now, where's your buddy, and where's the formula?"
"I don't know what your talking about. What formula?"
"The one your buddy was telling you about. The one the mutants gave you."
Without warning he started to fade, and I had lost my only source of information.
This teleporting is gonna cause a real problem
"You think?"
Searching the rest of the floor yielded nothing. The guy with the formula must've been long gone by then, but at least I knew there was more to this than a simple drug ring gone bad. Perhaps a trip back to Coyote would help clear things up a bit. That's when...
Did you hear that?
"Hear what?"
It's like a low humming sound. It's coming from one of those cubicles.
Stepping over a shattered desk, I made my way toward a short row of cubicles leaning against the far wall of the office. Now that I was aware of it the humming was unmistakeable. Unless I missed my guess, that was the sound of a computer, but what would one of those be doing here? Every drop of salvageable materials had already been squeezed from this place. How could someone overlook something as valuable as a computer?
"What the ..."
And a brand new one at that?
"You can say that, no you can't.
"Let's see what's on it."
Now I'm no hacker, but even I can find a file when its the only thing there. Chemistry was never my strong suit either, but the information stored on the computer was definitely instructions of some sort. Seeing no alternative, I pried open the case and removed the hard drive, hoping Coyote could make better sense of it than I could.
"You did good Joker. This formula will go a long way toward clearing up this mess."
"I heard mention of mutant freaks being responsible for the original supply of the drug. Any idea what that means."
"Undoubtedly it's referring to the Lost. Those bastards have been preying on our citizens ever sense we won the war."
"War? Lost? I don't understand?"
"You been in a coma for the last couple years or something? How could you not know about the War? Listen, why don't you just head over to Atlas Park, and visit Mrs. Liberty. She knows more about things than I do."
"Ok. I'll do that. Anything else I can help you with before I leave?"
"Now that you mention it, why don't you thin out the herd back there a bit."
"Herd? You mean the contaminated?"
"Of course I do. The city awards anyone that defeats 100 of them an honorary medal. You know, for service to the city and all that jazz. If you ask me, its the only way we'd ever have cleared as many of them out as we have."
"Medal you say? Sure. Sounds like fun. I mean... what are us heroes for eh?"
"Haha! You're alright Joker. You're alright."
The details aren't worth going into, suffice it to say that my newly gained experience fighting the contaminated made it much easier to continue doing so. If spending a few hours fighting mindless thugs was all it took to get recognized in this place, then I saw no reason to disappoint Coyote. Looking back, however, I probably should have visited Mrs. Liberty a lot sooner. The surprise in store for me there was worth all the badges in the world.
Keep it coming! Good stuff here.
Here is the beginning of Chapter 2. Once again this chapter is mainly some buildup and background, but it does hold a small tidbit for later.
Chapter 2: City of Heroes
There is no backward way for such as I!
Howbeit--for I am shaken with old dreams,
And as an idle wave tossed to and fro
I will go hence: I will go back to where
The quiet moonlight spills from the black brow
Of the great hill that towers above the lands
Traveling kinda light arentcha pal.
It was necessary. The trip required it.
Uh huh. So what do ya call yerself?
Desolate Joker.
Joker huh? Well I aint ever heard of ya, but I guess itll pass the registration boards. You best think up a better one though, just in case.
Registration boards?
Yeah. You see, back before the invasion, people like you were free to call themselves anything they wanted. Hell, back then, there werent many of you people anyways.
So what changed?
The whole dang world changed. What were you stuck in a hole or sumpin?
Anyways, like I was sayin. Following the war, the city was flooded with people wanting to help. Sensing things could get out of hand quickly without supervision, Statesman started laying down all the ground rules you guys have to play by.
So this
Statesman just started making the law as he went?
Well hell no. Hes pretty darn influential, but hes not about to use his position to force controls on people. Hes got whats best for the city at heart, I can darn sure guarantee that.
Im sure he does. Now, what were you saying about names?
Oh yeah, so Statesman says Any man or woman that feels pulled into the service of this city, must first present themselves at the offices most closely representing their abilities. In other words, you have to register your abilities. So if youre a wizard, you go to the MAGI office or if youre totally natural, you report to the offices of ELITE.
I see, and these are run by the government?
Absolutely. That way they are able to monitor your progress, track your abilities, and keep you from stepping outside the bounds of your authority. You know, with great power
Yeah yeah, comes great responsibility. Ive seen the movies.
Movies? Youre one strange fella, you know that.
Listen, the whole deal with names is that no two heroes can have the same name. This wasnt really Statesmans idea, but he was kinda forced into it following Spectral Spiders lawsuit. As soon as money gets involved, honesty and integrity tend to take a back seat.
Thanks for the tip. How much is the fare?
Hey, this ones on me. You never know, I may write a book someday saying how I brought THE Desolate Joker into the city of heroes.
The cabbie was right, I was traveling light, but when the world is being torn to pieces around you, you don't exactly have time to pack. Besides, I had long since learned how to start from nothing, and this place seemed a hell of lot more hospitable than some of the other worlds I'd been on.
Stepping out of the cab was like walking into a science fiction convention on steroids. Everywhere I turned there were people in costumes. Costumes, I might add, that were straight out of a comic book. Wondering absentmindedly what would befall this place if there was ever a shortage of spandex, I made my way up a nearby flight of concrete steps.
Upon reaching the top, I noticed a young lady perched atop a raised dais, set in the shadow of an imposing statue of what was no doubt an homage to some hero named Atlas. It was almost too cliché, from the massive globe set squarely on his shoulders to the emotionless stare on his face, as if to say 'is that all?" Guessing that my destination lie ahead, I strode confidently toward the young woman and her dais, intent on discovering more about this world I'd been dropped in.
Ah, Desolate Joker. Ive been expecting you. Coyote told me about finding the drug formula, and how you helped clear some of the contaminated off the streets.
Word travels fast around here.
Faster than you can imagine. Now down to business. Before you can go prowling the streets wreaking justice on the evil plaguing our fair city, youll need to report to the MAGI office. Theyll be able to find some work suitable to someone of your security level.
Security level? Is that some sort of top-secret clearance?
Yes and no. It is a rough measure of your power and crime fighting experience. Certain areas of the city are off limits unless you have been promoted to a sufficient security level.
I see, and how do you know what security level I am at. Are there guards checking IDs or something?
Of course there are. Dont tell me Coyote didnt give you an ID.
Im gonna have a long talk with him one of these days. Alright heres what you do. Run into City Hall back behind me, and tell the rep inside that you need an ID. Shell ask you a bunch of questions; name, date of birth, you know that kind of thing. Dont worry, youll be out mopping the streets in no time.
Ok, but I have some questions about the city. Coyote told me to come to you.
Did he now? Well obviously he thinks Ive got all the time in the world, which I dont. Listen, just go talk to the city rep, she can answer any questions you might have. Oh, and be sure to tell her that youve been promoted to security level 2. You know, for the whole drug thing.
Here's a little more of Chapter 2. Hope you enjoy.
So this place wasnt just plagued with costumed super heroes, but was also crawling with criminals. It seems I had found myself in a world where supers were not only accepted, but so much so that they were looked to for guidance and protection. The history of this place must be fascinating, but that couldnt be my first goal.
Turning toward City Hall, I began to make my way through the growing throng of spandex and body armor. Well, at least I wouldnt have to worry about blending in.
Joker, I have something.
Im listening.
It seems that I have gained access to a few of my locked systems.
Thats good. Any idea how?
I dont want to speculate.
Speculate damn it. I need to know what were up against.
Well it seems that the system locks cleared when that young lady promoted you.
What? Are you saying shes causing the malfunctions?
As I said before, it is not a malfunction. My systems are being actively blocked from my access. Our original hypothesis was that the high mana level was the root cause appears to be at least partially incorrect. Without further data, I cant be sure, but it seems that the locks are somehow linked with your security clearance.
Wonderful. Id like to test this theory, but it seems the only way to do so is to join the crowd.
I dont understand.
I have to become a hero. According to Liberty back there, its the only way to get promoted. That means dealing with the city rep, and that means going to City Hall.
City halls are always the same; bureaucratic nobodies dancing back and forth with no real purpose. Its a self-perpetuating nightmare of forms, filing cabinets and empty tailored suits. Id seen this place before, so I played the game. 5 hours later I had all the information I could handle, except what I wanted most.
Following a surprisingly pleasant chat with a young lady called Azuria, I was asked to see about clearing out some of her unsolved cases. Seeing this as an opportunity to increase my standing in their little system, I greedily accepted the tasks she had to offer.
How are those blocks coming along? Any luck?
Nothing yet. I havent been able to find any work-arounds.
Is it just me, or is this place crawling with criminals?
I have noticed no less than 17 incidents that violate the penal codes of this city as described by the city representative. Why have you not attempted to stop them?
Simple. Until more of your systems are freed up, I am hardly any more heroic than that little old lady over there. Thats why I need those systems back online.
What about the warehouse Azuria asked you to investigate? Are we to ignore what amounts to a direct order?
Of course not. We are simply taking our time. Theres no use getting killed before weve seen what this world has to offer.
She isnt here, you know. But he is.
Isnt he always?
This story is fantastic. I can't wait for the next part!
Drip drip drip. Here's some more of Chapter 2. Once I finish it(next post) I will slow down on my posting to maybe 1 post every couple of days. If I keep up this pace it will quickly be overwhelming for any newcomers(and I hope there's lots). Feel free to chime in with criticism, debate, ridicule, or appraise(hopefully tons of that last one
However Azuria had come by her information, it was right on the money. The place was overrun by what were obviously gang members. The only trick now was finding out what they were up to.
Like most guards, the two I left in a heap by the door had been chatting instead of watching for possible intruders. As I opened the large overhead door that lead into the warehouse, I fully expected things to go as smoothly as ever. Life has funny way of repeating itself, unfortunately this joker wasnt laughing.
How are we doing Sergeant?
The operation is squarely on schedule sir. In fact, we are looking at moving the time table forward 2 days.
No need Sergeant, but I appreciate your thoroughness.
Thank you sir
Id know that voice anywhere, but the sound of a door closing silenced their conversation before I could zero in on their position.
Whered they go?
It sounds as if theyve taken their conversation into one of the interior offices.
Yes, but which one?
Joker, I must caution you. We are not in any shape to go confronting old enemies. If he is anything like what we have seen in the past
Just shut up and help me find him.
Making my way through the shadowy warehouse without making any noise was easier said than done.
What the hell?
Looks like we got ourselves a hero, boys. Lets show him how we deal with uninvited guests.
I never even saw the pipe, but that was the least of my worries at this point.
Listen gentlemen, I dont want to have to hurt you. Im only interested in the man that just went into that office back there.
Oh yeah? Well Im sorry but hes in a meeting right now. Perhaps I could take a message for you?
Joker, his speech patterns seem skewed. Id wager hes flying on something, and Im betting its not the same stuff we encountered earlier. Perhaps nows the time to fulfill Azurias request.
Fine, if I must.
Azuria sent me to deliver something to you charming gentlemen. Did I mention the demon masks really work quite nicely with those outfits?
Azuria?! That bit..
Now now. Theres no need for foul language.
Hes after the Jewel, get him!
Time to put those newly cleared systems to the test.
Wow! I forgot how much more there was to this chapter. Well, here's the rest as promised, but keep in mind it IS a bit long(story of my life ). As always, feel free to throw out any opinions you may have.
Whatever they were on, it seemingly made them immune to pain and faster than humanly possible. Without warning two of the three were holding assault rifles, and the third was barreling down on me with a sledge hammer. If theyd taken their time to aim things might have gone differently, but at least some things never change. Ive never once met a ganger that could hit the broad side of a barn from the inside, and these guys were lucky not to be shooting each other. That being said, however, there was the small problem of the 16 pound sledge.
He may have been dumb looking, but at least he was smart enough to get out of the way my sword. Missing his chest by inches, my swing caught nothing but air, and now it was his turn. I dont know if it was the drugs or the adrenaline or both, but that sledge was moving extremely fast. No doubt it wouldve split my skull beyond the ability of the nanites to repair, but thankfully Ive had no small amount of experience dealing with senseless killing machines.
The key is doing what they least expect, and when it comes to senseless killing machines, the thing they least expect is for you to move. Ducking under John Henrys swing, I drove my shoulder into his ribs. Catching him off balance, I leveraged him backwards towards his buddies. By now they had gotten control of the recoil and were starting to actually get close to hitting me.
Ill never know if they were trying to hit me and missed, or if they just enjoyed the sounds of the guns going off, because moments later John Henry was nothing more than dead weight as I drove him forward into his buddies. I let the momentum carry us into his friends, but after ten yards my back was killing me. I figured it would be best if his buddies carried him for a while, and so I let them have him.
This had to be unexpected, but Im just going by the looks on their faces. Not waiting to see how they managed, I rushed forward to see what kind of information I could wrestle out of them.
Now, wheres the jewel?
Screw you man.
You can either tell me, or you can take your chances that the little chip in your head or wherever they stuck it doesnt malfunction.
I aint afraid of you. You heroes are nothing but puppets man.
Wheres the damn jewel?!
You mean this jewel? Hehehe
That laugh. That damn laugh. Hearing it makes my skin crawl, even to this day. Just thinking about it makes me nauseous.
Sergeant would you please?
Of course sir.
And just like that the dance was over. He never did care about his men.
Now as for the hero, bring me his ashes.
Hehe, with pleasure sir.
Mana levels are peaking Joker. Somethings funny about this guy.
I didnt need to hear that. The world was already tops in the mana department, and now Im to believe its getting stronger?
Not so much stronger, Joker, as more focused. My guess is
The curse had barely escaped my lips when the room was suddenly alive with fire. The walls, the shelves, even the floor were instantly ablaze. Without the suits ventilator Id have been out in seconds, as thick black smoke quickly filled the warehouse, blurring my vision. Combine that with the sudden increase in the ambient temperature, and I suddenly became aware why this ganged called themselves Hellions.
Welcome to my world hero. Like what Ive done with the place? Hahahahaha!
His words were being muffled by the smoke, and I couldnt make out where he was. In times like these I usually prefer discretion, but something told me I wasnt gonna just waltz out of there whistling Dixie. Without noticing it, I found myself on my knees; seeking some clear air to better scout my surroundings. Its a shame I was too busy studying the floor instead of my opponent.
Well well, what have we here? Come begging for salvation, have you? Well youve come to the wrong place hero. Hehehe, quite the opposite, in fact.
At least I wasnt stupid enough to re-sheath my weapon. Acting purely on instinct, I drove the spiked pommel of my sword into the top of his boot. Its a lucky thing too. I dont doubt the massive gout of flame suddenly erupting from his palms was meant for me. Have I ever told you I hate spell casters?
Scrambling behind the only nearby crate that wasnt engulfed in flames was the only thing that saved me from his retaliation. As the crate burst in on itself from the ensuing explosion I caught site of what was undoubtedly a shrine of some sort. I hadnt noticed it at first because of all the excitement, but its wasnt exactly unfamiliar. I guess even this world had devil worshippers, or something close to it.
Playing a hunch, I dove behind the small altar holding the shrine. Just as Id hoped, whatever powers he had stopped at the shrine. In the instant of peace I sprinted toward the office Id originally come down here for, but he was having none of it. Im not sure if the smoke altered my perception or if it was in fact there, but I couldve sworn I saw a face laughing silently in the smoke swirling about me; a very familiar face.
In my moment of hesitation he was on me. As his full weight pushed me to the ground, I lost the grip on my sword, and it skittered half a dozen yards across the floor. The heat was becoming unbearable, and I have half a mind to think zippo here was the source. The suits made out of some pretty stern stuff, but that doesnt mean I can walk through a blast furnace unharmed. That goes double for someone with blowtorches for hands whos hell bent on turning you into a Halloween decoration.
Brawling isnt my specialty, but sometimes you have to go with what youve got. With my arms pinned at my sides I guess he thought I was as good as dead. Unfortunately for him, me splitting his nose with my forehead seemed to drive any thoughts he was having straight out of mind. Most people would think one was enough, but Im a giving kind of guy, so I let him have a couple more.
You sonuva bith!
The head butts mustve rattled his brain a bit, because suddenly he wasnt quite able to stand up. That wasnt stopping him from throwing fireballs though. I guess I have the blood to thank for spoiling his vision, but there was no getting near this sucker without losing an eyebrow, or worse.
In his confusion I was able to make a grab for my sword. Unfortunately, the way this guy was laying waste to everything nearby it wasnt going to do me any good, or was it?
Spying one of those massive shelves loaded with crates suddenly gave me an idea. Now I just had to get mad enough to actually make it work. Some times brute force is all thats required, and I had plenty of bad memories to work with. In this case, they werent needed. Knowing who I let walk away was fuel enough.
With one smooth motion I sliced cleaning through the front two supports of the nearest shelf. As I walked away, zippos screams were suddenly drowned out by the crashing of boxes and crates, and the high pitched wailing of steel pushed beyond its limits. No doubt the hospital would soon be receiving a new patient.
Alrighty, here is the first bit of Chapter 3. It is more designed for those unfamiliar with the world, but it might be enjoyable to those that DO know. This is a slow section, but I hope you enjoy it.
Chapter 3: Vahzilok Dreams
In quiet moments and shadowed halls, I can hear the echoing cries of eternity; as if my presence has set the placid stillness of time rippling in on itself.
Left wrist, right collar bone, left ankle and shin all broken. Severe skull fracture just above the left temple. Punctured lung, busted spleen, shattered jaw and
oh yeah, a nose flatter than that wall back there.
Well, I cant say I fully approve of your methods, but the results speak for themselves DJ. That hideout is all but destroyed now, but for the life of me I dont understand what this all means.
What what means? From what I gathered, the man in the hospital was under orders to retrieve some sort of jewel. His buddies wouldnt say what kind of jewel, and our little intensive care friend was in no shape to answer any questions.
Yes, I understand that, but what baffles me is that he was running with the Hellions.
Whats strange about that? He seemed fairly comfortable throwing fireballs at me. Are you telling me thats not the Hellions idea of fun?
Oh no, its just, well, he was dressed as a 5th Column soldier.
That brought back memories. Bad memories.
And who, exactly, are the 5th Column?
You mean you dont know? Where the hell have you been for the last 60 years? Everyone knows the 5th Column.
Oh, I knew them alright, but I never suspected them to be here. This was a bad sign. A very bad sign.
Joker? If what Azuria is saying is true
I know.
Listen Joker, its been a long day, and I need time to assimilate this information. How about you head home, and Ill see what I can dig up for you tomorrow. Oh yeah, Im promoting you to Security Level 4. Your ID should automatically update.
Fair enough. Tell me Azuria, is there a library around here?
Cardiovascular Nanites back online. Theyre registering at less than 20% optimal efficiency. It will take some time for them to adjust to the new environment.
Just as youd guessed, they came back online right when she promoted me.
What are you thinking Joker?
Im thinking its high time I figured out exactly what this place is all about. If Im gonna be bound by the rules of this world, Id best know what they are and fast. Theres no telling what hes up to, or how long we have to stop him.
The library, or what was left of it, turned out to be a gold mine of information. From the formation of the Freedom Phalanx to Nemesis maniacal attempt to destroy cities with nerve gas, it was all there. This world, and in particular this city, was plagued with both costumed heroes and criminals. It had faced its own Pearl Harbor during World War II. It had seen the rise and fall of its own sworn protectors, but worst of all, it had been devastated by its own curiosity. The Rikti had seen to that.
Things were starting to fall into place. The massive war walls, as they called them, were relics left from the war with the Rikti. At one time they had divided friend from foe, but now they served as a constant reminder of how humanity has dared to reach beyond its sight.
The blessings brought by the discovery of alternate earths, evidenced by widespread personal teleportation and advanced medical techniques, brought with them the curses of countless destructive incursions into their reality. From the assaults of the Amerika Korps of the Reichsman to the ultimate destruction of the Rikti War, Paragon city had indeed stepped into a hornets nest they were just now realizing they couldnt contain.
Through the dark days following the Rikti War and the valiant sacrifice of Omega Team, Paragon city had emerged apparently stronger and more resolute. It had stood on the threshold of its own destruction and survived, but the unavoidable arrogance of victory had blinded the city, and its heroes, to the poison slowly killing it from within; a poison that was quickly reaching its most critical, and destructive, stage.
Joker, what is it?
Something in the back of my mind. I could swear that this is all very familiar, at least the implications it all leads to. I could swear Id heard this before, but for the life of me, I cant think where.
Perhaps you merely need a different perspective to truly grasp what is happening.
I still dont know where he came from, but how he got there doesnt really matter. How he knew what I was thinking, now that was the question on my mind.
Who are you? How did you
Know? It is no concern of yours. Suffice it to say that, in time, you will come to know me well. For now, your path lies to the west, in a place called Steel Canyon.
And exactly what am I to do there?
There you will find a man who was born of fire, and the first piece of the puzzle. Do not fear the journey, though death shall besiege you from all sides. Sometimes we must fall
And with that, he was gone; as soundless as hed arrived. This city holds many mysteries, many secrets, but some are more dangerous than others.
Here is a tiny bit more of Chapter 3. More fluff than anything else here. Hopefully yall are still intrigued.
I must admit one thing, the city was well organized. A short tram ride later and I was stepping quickly onto the platform at the Steel Canyon station. This area was distinctly different from Atlas Park. Where Atlas had manicured lawns, the Canyon had faceless office buildings. Where Atlas was warm and inviting, the Canyon was cold and foreboding.
I could see how this place came to be named as I made my way north along the nearby wall. The towering skyscrapers all but blotted out the stars, and the cool breeze could be heard whistling high above as it wound its way through this man-made mountain range of steel. Despite the wind and the occasional passing of a car, the canyon was as quiet as the grave, and it wasnt long before I caught scent of something else familiar to the recently departed.
There are moments in my travels that I can never forget, and the look of abject terror staring back at me from the young womans face shall swim in my nightmares for the rest of my days. I had seen that look before, and I knew what it meant. In those eyes could be seen the terror of knowing ones own fate, and the knowledge that it is truly unavoidable. That look had shattered my dreams. That look had started it all.
I must admit that the sight before me froze me in my tracks. A young woman was being man-handled by a massive figure straight out of the insane mind of Mary Shelly. Unlike her creation, however, this one seemed to be mindless, and was following the direction of some sort of mix between a surgeon and a butcher.
All manner of crude instruments hung from his belt, including a vicious looking saw covered in what could only be dried blood. The bleached bare rib cage of some unlucky victim was spread across his chest, covering the top of the apron protecting his clothes from stains portending crimes too horrible to linger upon. His head and face were hidden behind the grisly trophy of some poor saps skull he wore as a mask.
My moment of weakness had allowed them to escape into a nearby sewer grate, and though I feared what would be waiting below, I felt obligated to save that poor woman from a fate far worse than death. I had seen, on any number of occasions, the horrors man will inflict on his fellows when left to his own devices, and in most cases, the intervention of but a single heroic soul could have prevented the loss of countless lives. In this case, I was hoping that my soul would be strong enough to face the horrors awaiting me in the sewers ahead.
Following them was more difficult than I had at first envisioned. The sewers were a web of side passages, forking paths and dead ends. They seemed to breathe with a malevolence all their own, and the echoing groans of the butchers patchwork abomination were being twisted and altered in ways too befuddling to fully express.
With no little effort I was able to track the two and their package into a cavernous chamber no doubt long forgotten by the citys original builders. The sight that greeted me there was better suited to a nightmare than the world of man. Unfortunately, it was in this foul mirror of hell that the next stage of my search was destined to take place.
Still enjoying every part, keep them coming!
Well, apparently this wasn't good enough to even garner a nomination, so I will probably not be posting in it too often from now on. I WILL continue to update it over on the Bedlam Boards where they are now entering Chapter 7.
Ahh, fresh meat at last. I was beginning wonder if I would be able to complete my latest creation. Put her on the table back there, and I will see to her when Im ready.
Yes doctor.
Dont worry my dear. Soon you will no longer fear death, you will transcend it.
Her scream was drowned out by a sudden moaning coming from behind me. In an instant I had spun around, sword drawn, but it was far too late. Another one of those patchwork monsters had somehow snuck up behind me, only this one was different. It was wearing some sort of backpack. In the brief moment it took me to comprehend what I was seeing, it was all over.
The blast sent me flying backwards into the large room, and alerted all the locals to my presence. Even if I could have stood after the explosion, I wouldnt have stood a chance. With no more than a glance, the doctor signaled for his men to move in. I only remember seeing the first bolt strike me just above my left knee before it was lights out.
Ladies and gentleman. I am standing before you today with news of the most important discovery this world has ever known. As many of you know, I have spent the last decade attempting to decipher what has become known as the Antikythera Mechanism. It has been hypothesized that it is no more than an ancient piece of technology designed to aid in calculating the relative positions of heavenly bodies, but I am here today to tell you I have found its true purpose.
Impossible doctor! The Antikythera Mechanism has been ravaged by time. It is an ancient artifact that is no more than a curiosity for historians to ponder over. It has no scientific value.
Wrong on both counts, but I understand why you think this. In fact, the Antikythera Mechanism is no more than 112 years old.
Preposterous. It has been stated by no less than 5 world authorities that it is at least 2000 years old. Do you really think we can believe such a preposterous statement?
Ladies and gentleman, please. Let me explain. The age that these authorities have measured is a false reading. The device has been subjected to stresses that you can only imagine, and these stresses have aged it prematurely.
But doctor, what in the world could age something beyond our ability to accurately measure?
Finally, a good question. Perhaps it is best said that what in the WORLDS could do such a thing. This device has been aged beyond what seems feasible because its very use separates it from time itself.
Are you saying that the Antikythera Mechanism is some sort of time machine?
It is not a time machine, it is merely the key.
Key to what, doctor?
My dear colleagues, it is the key to EVERYTHING.
Joker, Ive heard enough. The mission brief said we were to extract the dear doctor before he gave away everything.
I agree, Im just curious to know what this is all about.
Well, Im not. The guys obviously a nut, and our orders are to retrieve him before he does too much damage.
Very well sergeant, you may proceed.
Thank you sir. Alright folks, listen hard. This is Sergeant Hergotz. The captain has given me the green light, so lets do this just as we trained. Any resistance is to be met with superior aggression. Remember folks, we are terrorists here, nothing more.
Are you sure thats entirely necessary sergeant? Theyre just scientists for cripes sake. I doubt any of them have ever even touched a gun in their lives.
I respect your opinion sir, but this operation was put under my control, and I will not fail. All teams proceed as planned.
Glad to see you have expanded your fan base. Desolate Joker is one of our premier members on the Bedlam team. His creative skills honestly have no limit. He has created a CoH movie some good poetry and a fine line of writing. Keep it up DJ, I have read the whole thread on the Bedlam site and i think your story is great. See you in game man.
Nice piece of writing here. I look forward to seeing more of it. =)
My deviantART gallery and commission info.
"What?! What "Hmmm?" Those are not "Hmmm" odds!" - Zeke, CAD
"Not only will a loss seal your fate, but also the fate of the one you are protecting as well." � Himura Kenshin, Rurouni Kenshin
Oops. Double post. XD
My deviantART gallery and commission info.
"What?! What "Hmmm?" Those are not "Hmmm" odds!" - Zeke, CAD
"Not only will a loss seal your fate, but also the fate of the one you are protecting as well." � Himura Kenshin, Rurouni Kenshin
Well, here is a little more from Chapter 3. This one has some language in it, and I can't guarantee the filter will catch it. You've been warned.
What the hell happened captain?! Why did a simple covert extraction turn into a [censored] bloodbath?!
Sir, I have detailed exactly what transpired in my report. I left out nothing.
I understand that captain, but what the hell am I supposed to do about 15 dead civilians, and a convention hall that looks like a war-zone?!
Sir, sergeant Hergotz went berserk, thats all that can be said. He was under orders to retrieve the doctor with as little collateral damage as possible. The plan was to kill the power to the room, drug and extract the doctor, and disappear before anyone was the wiser.
So where the hell did it go wrong.
Just where I said, sir. Sergeant Hergotz opened fire on the crowd.
But why, soldier?
Because hes a psychopath. Its been on every fitness report for him I have ever written. The mans got a serious case of bloodlust.
Thats not how he tells it. According to him, the civilians panicked when the lights went out, and starting rushing the doors. According to him, they slammed into him as he was carrying the doctor out, and he was forced to clear a path through them to the prearranged exit.
Then hes lying sir. From my lookout position, I could see the entire conference room; from door to door. He deliberately veered off course and into the crowd before making his way to the preset exit.
Well, this doesnt look good captain, and you can consider yourself and your entire team on suspension until this thing blows over.
I understand sir.
Damn right you do.
Doctor, he looks to be coming around. How should I proceed?
Im not quite ready for him yet. Put him back under sedation until I get through with this other one.
Joker wake up!
Yes doctor.
Joker, did you hear about Hergotz? That [censored] got promoted to captain.
Well isnt that great, I no longer out rank him. Howd he manage it?
Word is the generals practically got a tattoo of that [censored]s lips on his [censored] right now.
So, whats the word on Brantiff?
Hes not talking, but word is that Doctor Irons team is close to a breakthrough. The generals already in the planning stages of selecting personnel. Five bucks says Hergotzs team gets the nod.
And he can have it. Theres no telling what theyre cooking up in that lab.
True, so what this I hear about you and some scientist down in Red Sector? I didnt realize you went in for that nerdy [censored].
Theres a lot you dont know about me Mendez, but suffice it to say that shes only a nerd at work.
This was a rather short chapter, so here is the ending to it. Stay tuned for our next episode to see the beginning of the inevitable struggle against Dr. V. How will our hero manage it this time?
Aaron, Ive got great news!
Really? Then tell me all about it. Does it have to do with your work?
Yes. Doctor Irons took notice of my work, and hes recruited me to help him make the initial tests on the Gateway.
Thats wonderful. Ive been reassigned as well.
Oh yeah? Where to?
Protection detail in Veridian Sector.
You devil! When were you gonna tell me?
Well, I was hoping we could discuss this over dinner, and then perhaps
Im way ahead of you. Ill be sure to bring a change of clothes.
Hehe, you nerd.
You brute.
If I had only known then what I know now I would have demanded her transfer back to the relative quiet of Red Sector. At least there she was safe from the possibilities. Veridian Sector may have been exciting, but there was a reason they kept highly trained personnel such as myself and my team on site at all times.
Yeah? Where are we?
Were lying on an examination table. That doctor is still working on the girl. Its a good thing you cant see what hes doing to her. Well, her is rather subjective now
Why cant I move?
They introduced some form of paralytic agent into your bloodstream. Its the same substance that was on the crossbow bolt they hit you with earlier. Dont worry, the nanites have repaired the damage, but they are having a bit of trouble creating new antibodies to fight off the agent theyve been hitting you with every half hour or so.
Wonderful. Do you have any good news?
I have determined that the doctor here is called Doctor Vahzilok. Hes been rambling for some time about how his work will save humanity from the fear of death. Hes quite mad.
So this guys planning to carve me up into some kinda Frankensteins monster?
Thats about what Ive gathered, yes.
Well isnt that peachy.
Here's the beginning to Chapter 4. I've given Dr. V a little monologue of his own, so feel free to comment on it. I didn't take the one from in-game, but instead chose to personalize it based on my view of the character.
Chapter 4: Born of Fire
And you shall be no more than a leaf on the breath of God.
Doctor, his vital signs are fluctuating. The scans dont make any sense.
How so?
Well, sir, its almost like hes dreaming, but the toxin should have cut out all brain activity.
Then let him dream. Dreams can make us great, well maybe not him. Hand me the cutting tool with the diamond edge please. I do hate body armor. Its so
Joker, I fear they are about to begin their operation.
Im open for suggestions.
Im gonna bring you to full consciousness. Perhaps you can talk to them.
Hell, its worth a shot.
Ahh, youre awake at last, and here I was afraid youd miss the whole operation.
Who the hell are you?
You dont know? Well, I know who you are. Your name is Desolate Joker, and you are registered as a magic based hero.
Sounds about right, now who the hell are you?
My dear Mr. Joker, Im Dr. Vahzilok. But of course youve heard of me
Nope, sorry. My subscription to Psycho Monthly ran out ages ago. I mustve have missed the issue on Dr. Frankenstein wannabes.
My dear Mr. Joker, Frankenstein was a hack compared to me. Anyone can get lucky once, but I have created an army of completely loyal followers. This city needs me. I can make it so they no longer fear death.
Fear of death is what makes us strong. Fear of death is what makes us human.
Oh, a philosopher eh? Well Mr. Joker, that must mean you are feeling very human right now.
Quite the opposite, doc. I gave up my humanity lifetimes ago.
Oh, is that right? Well, then, you wont mind if I take a look.
My mind was racing, trying to come up with some way to escape, but the high-pitched whining of the miniature rotary saw was drowning out any ideas I mightve had. Thats when I first heard it.
before God will show us the way.
Another hero?
Your work is blasphemy, and your soul must pay for your crimes.
Blasphemy? You call this blasphemy?! I am merely following in Gods footsteps! I am following his lead! Dont you see what I have created?! I have succeeded where even God himself has failed. I have beaten the eternal law! I have forged life from the very essence of death itself, and you call it blasphemy?!
I know who you are. Oh yes, Ive heard what youre all about. You see yourself as some sort of holy avenger, some form of angel of vengeance come to excise the cancer from this world. Dont you see that we are one and the same?! We are brothers in this cause! You destroy life to preserve the sanctity of his childrens kingdom, and I create life to ensure its unending future!
You are a fool doctor. Gods work is His alone, and your petty attempts to rise to His greatness have become nothing more than a mockery of His noble work. I am not His avenger, doctor, but I assure you that you will soon meet him.
Here's some more of Chapter 4. Enjoy
I dont know who this guy is Joker, but Id suggest we make use of his diversion.
Agreed. How are the nanites coming on that toxin?
They havent found an anti-body, but theyve scoured your system. All systems are green, Joker.
Thats all I needed to know.
I could only guess at how long I had been out, but the damage done by the explosion and the crossbow bolt were fully repaired. That didnt get rid of the soreness, but thats nothing new.
Dropping off the edge of the table landed me on a small raised platform covered with steel gratings. The remains of the unfortunate girl were on the table opposite my own, and it was apparent, even to me, that she had been harvested by the doctor or one of his cronies; for what purpose remained to be seen.
Scanning the room, I caught sight of my would-be savior hovering a couple feet off the ground back at the rooms entrance from the sewers. The doctor, on the other hand, was no where to be seen. Figuring there wouldnt be a better moment, I darted toward the tunnel entrance and the cloaked figure guarding it. His cloak looked to have been orange at one point, but countless burn holes and copious amounts of soot had turned its once vibrant color into a pure expression of his rage. The air around him seemed to dance from the heat pouring from his presence, and I had a sudden thought that this man may have been familiar with the Hellions at one point. Unlike zippo back in the hospital, however, this guy seemed a hell of a lot more unstoppable.
Running as fast as I could across the cavernous room, I watched in amazement as the cloaked stranger razed the rooms inhabitants to the ground. He was a whirlwind of heat and flame, laying waste to all about him. Just as I came within ten paces of him, his focus shifted from the burning husks of the doctors makeshift soldiers to me.
My eyes locked on the shadowy space of his hood, and I couldve sworn I caught sight of skull. In an instant the vision was gone, and I saw in horror that he was preparing to strike. As his hand came forward I saw it erupt into flame, but my momentum made it impossible to avoid his attack. His hand, still alight, struck the center of my chest just as I came within reach. My heart leapt for a moment as it braced for the impact that never came.
There we stood for the longest seconds of my life. I had no doubt that he could destroy me with the merest thought, but he seemed to be pondering something. As quickly as it had happened, the stranger pulled his hand away, and the fire died down.
He has already taken your soul
What? I dont underst
Considering it got wiped from the boards in a recent purge because I was absent, I figure I will repost the beginning and see how the response is. Depending on that, I may be willing to keep adding more.(right now it stands at around 90 pages or there abouts, so there is plenty to be posted)
"I am weary of wars and idle strife,
Who have no joy in all these little things
Men break their lives upon. But in my dreams,
In dreams I have seen that which climbs the stars
And sings upon me through my lonely hours
And will not let me be."
"I hope you know what youre doing. This suit's never been tested."
"If there's a chance in hell, I'm taking it doc."
"Why don't you just let her go? She knew the risks when she signed on for this division, and there's no telling where that portal lead to."
"I made a promise doc. I don't expect you to understand, but it's something I have to do."
"Well then, let me at least explain the suit."
"I've read the files doc. I'll be fine. Let's just get this started, alright?"
--Boot sequence initiated--
--All systems green--
--Power cells full--
--Awaiting command--
"Read outs good doc."
"Good. The gates open. Good luck Joker, and remember to conserve your energy. There's no telling if it's even possible to recharge the cells in that suit."
"I'll take it under advisement doc."
As I stood on the platform staring into the jaws of forever, I had no idea what was in store for me. Even knowing what I know now, I would still take that step. Some things are worth every hell man could possibly imagine.