Endurance Discount




Someone please answer this:


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Because they're attempting to draw back the people who quit betwen I1-I3 because they felt the game was too easy. You, by virtue of someone who has not quit, are not part of that target audience they are trying to lure back.



This was in the original CoV beta release notes - it wasn't tacked on at the last minute to appease the CoH players.



The only way I see ED being a good thing is if the base values of all powers are increased such that at a minimum they can still reach their six-slotted values from i5 (which was already nerf enough with all the global defense reductions and rampant lowering of resists) with 3 slots. For example, increase Resist Elements to a base that will still allow approximately 40% resist if 3 slotted with resistance enhancers. As a passive, there is nothing else to slot into the power, so this would not make it over-powered. It does however make it a limited power when compared to others that can take more than one type of useful enhancement, and so benefit by having more than three slots.

Has this been thought about?





So, the Tanker/Scrapper passives that need four of the same enhancements, yet cost no endurance, are helped exactly how?

Hmm... how much of an endurance bonus does a faceplanted "I don't have anything to save my [censored] except my fully slotted attacks which I can no longer have" Blaster really need?

More turd polishing.



Because by the time he was full up on the SO enhancements, every single gang had at least one mezzer in it. If i can't one-shot the primary threat he mezzes me and i'm rendered an easy target that just gets annihilated by his buddies.

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Ah, but where were your buddies to help you with that?

You didn't have any?

Silly rabbit! You're not supposed to solo! *laughs*

My characters at Virtueverse
Faces of the City



For some reason, this sugar doesn't sweeten the urine you dumped in my coffee enough.

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*Spits coffee all over desk*

Genius. Pure, genius.

And you owe me another cup of coffee.



That is not enough, at least as far as squishes are concerned. Blasters need the extra dmg that we do in order to survive. We don't have the HP to duke it out longer and survive. So the extra 3 or 4 powers that we could get off wont help because we wont be alive to use them. Additionally, the spawns that we will have to fight to stay alive will be so small that the xp wont be worth it.

In teams, we will no longer be wanted as much as other AT's specifically, controllers that can boost the entire teams dmg. Who would want an AT that has high dmg, low survivability, and can not increase the teams anything unless that team has a warshade or peacebringer, over an AT that has dmg mitigation tools for themself and the team, can bring as much firepower to the table without having to heavily slot it through pets, and/or increasing the team members dmg output. Teams wanting to make fights shorter will certainly go for the second choice, especially in the mid to late game. The early game is too flexable to really count. Also, on ED there is no way that anyone is going to Diversify because of this. The people who don't diversify (most of CoH, I'm presuming) do so becuase dmg is the one thing that you need in order to lvl fast enough to keep things interesting, and something that there is no real workaround for except being a higher lvl or having more hp. Peoples minds work like this "If I kill faster, I level faster which means that I've made a successful 'toon'." Additionally, ED is killing electric blasters who focus on End drain. If end drain wasn't an all or nothing ordeal (ie if the entire mob could not still hit me at full force even with only a sliver of endurance left) than everything would still be ok. However, since it is all in or bust, it seems that bust is going to be the way to go. SC will no longer drain mobs effectively. Nor is it even a decent AoE dmg power especially considering the whole risk vs reward criteria. Lightning field falls into this category in spades. I now have to eliminate end drain from my attack strategy because it is no longer viable in the new world order. I don't even want to think about what this is doing to other AT's.



I have been playing CoH for quite a while now. I pay my monthly bill, don't make a fuss, didn't power level any character (ok, maybe a bit during the snowman-fest) and just like to de-stress and have some on-line fun. I solo a lot and up to now, I managed to move up the ladder, slowly but surely.

Now, this immense nerf called ED... why? Why should my 6-slotted toons have to be penalized? Yes, I 6-slotted damage, after all, I am a blaster. Damage is my only hope for survival. Now you tell me that I will be penalized...

Once again, you are removing some of my pleasure, a pleasure that I am paying every month for.

Now I do not expect that this pathetic message will change anything, however, I had to vent a bit as this super-nerf really frustrated me.

Will I adapt? I suppose so. Will I play CoV? I suppose so. However, if I lose interest, then you lose me (and how many more?)

Nuf said... time to respec!

Many toons on CoV and CoH. On-line 80+ months
AMD Phenom-II X6 1090T | Corsair H50 Cooler | ASUS M3N78-EM | 4096 MB | EVGA GTX-560ti Classified (w/1.2GB DDR5) | Microsoft Windows 8 Professional x86 | SAMSUNG SyncMaster 245BW



With Enhancement Diversification comes a benefit for ALL City of Heroes powers.

Every power, across the board, is getting a 13.33% reduction in its Endurance cost.

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Oh hey Here's your 35% to 50% reduction in power.
And by the way you get oooo a 13% reduction in end costs..
net total a 22 - 37% decrease in overall power..


Francis Ottoman says, [censored]



Didnt statesman say it was going to be a 12% decrease??? Which one is? I really wish your company would get the lies straight before talking to the public.



The problem with nerfing us (I'm gonna call it what it bloddy is) isn't that we are UNWILLING to adapt. The problem is that some of us are UNABLE to adapt. The end fix helps the eternal stamina issue, but I want to point out a few more things:

Some powersets like dark melee have very few attacks in them, and can't just grab a new attack or two to soften the nerf like I did

Invuln, SR, and Regen were dragged into a back alley by a bone daddy 20 minutes ago, I still hear their screams of "WHAT DIVERSITY?"

and I STILL fly too slow, even with 3 slotted fly.

~ Malkiel Ivesse, lvl 50 Defender (Dark/Psy) on Freedom

Warriors of Fortune SG, look for us at hamidon.

just so ppl know how I slot now:
1 acc/dam HO(50), 2 damage SOs (53s) 1 end reduction SO (53) and 1 recharge SO (53)



With Enhancement Diversification comes a benefit for ALL City of Heroes powers.

Every power, across the board, is getting a 13.33% reduction in its Endurance cost.

[/ QUOTE ]

Are we getting an XP boost too like the one in I5? You know, you convinced us that making the game harder in I5 wouldn't make it longer so you increased the bonuses. So with ED we take a hit in our capacity, which makes the game harder, which will make it longer unless you give us another XP boost.



nice, a teeny tiny glimer of not so nerf news.. thx



I think this is a good idea.

I do not think Enhancement Diversification is a good idea. In fact I think it is a horrible idea. I already posted why on it's own thread.



I always wondered why the INF part could not be transferred over. After all it is a one way street Live -> Test never Test -> Live. It is a pain that once on Test you have to go run a bunch of mish to afford reslotting anyhow.

Give me my Bajillion INF please!!!

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Thanks, I've always felt the same too. Why not give everyone free $$ on test when they 1st log in or some such.

If we don't get free enhancements then it's hardly a Test now is it? I'm not spending 3 weeks on test needed to earn enough $$$ fully slot a lvl 30 with all new enhancements. Well, honestly about one to two thirds of new enhancements.



You can keep your "Endurance Discount".

Of the 35 or so regular (and by that I mean nightly) players in my original SG, only 4 of us are left now. The rest left complaining about all the nerfs and changes in i4 and i5.

My own level 50 Tank has not been played since i5 went live as you just sucked all the fun out of playing him. Now my blasters are going to suck as well.

I dont even care if changes are "good" or "bad" to be honest. I am just sick of ALL changes to my characters. Respeccing them every month to get around whatever stupid ideas the devs came up with on that particular weekend has become tedious.

When the first "free" respec was given out it was meant to be a rare occurance. Now I dont even have time to use one before the next one comes along.

I have shelved my plans for buying CoV so if ED goes ahead there is 150 bucks of mine you wont be getting. If my remaining friends leave CoH over this then I will be gone also and you can add my 3 accounts to all of the others that are walking out on you.

I dont understand what you people think you are doing!! You had a FUN game here for a while.



Being given enough inf on test to test these changes would be a good idea.



can we also have a reduction in recharge times for hasten. and inherent stam boost for lowbies...it stinks to have no defenses or dam and suck wind at low lvl. ppl take stam and perm hastem so they can develop attack chains and max dam on enemy...to arrest them faster. the only tediuos fights we want to see is AV's. now that u wish to reduce the min/max dam of toons..we will need readjustment of enemy HP..and there Dam output...to be more inline with our nerfs. we need hasten to be permed with 4 SOs post ED, and allow us to slot defense back into it. this way with the 13% End discount and the forced ED slotting of recharge and end reduce in attacks u can still have the same attack chain and do better on end ..with lower Dam so the game will balance at higher lvls. No more screaming for RA,AM, or Speed boost to survive long fights.

Thankyou..i hope u find the balance u seek..(its not 3 cons to hero...we dont wish to arrest them that slowly)

a Tank should be able to survive 20 even cons and 2 bosses!
he wont have the dam output to kill them fast..hence the teaming with scrappers and blasters...i know this is off topic..but plz..give us cell phones for mission contacts that kick in at start for non-needed mission assisgments( ergo- NPC is not giving us an item to help with mission)..travel is fun but at times becomes a chore if it feels like it was Unnesessary. u know there is a Gas Crisis!..lol



Well I am more than happy to copy my characters over to test a few times and respec them and sell my enhancements. That way if anyone needs influence they can contact me. Look for:
Alida Madyson
Intel Galactic
Alida Madyson1
Intel Galactic1

These are my 50's that I normally test so they always have a few respecs and can easily help the influence problem.



3 cheers to positron!



Actually, making perma-hasten only 4 SOs really wrecks with balance. The recharge time should be reduced, certainly, but only to the point where 6 SOs still yields perma. But then, I believe this is exactly what the devs are avoiding, so...

Enemies definitely are going to need a nerf similar to our own...unless by some miracle the game truly is balanced. Though, personally, I'd rather have the miracle, and thus have player faith restored in the devs for all the DOOM sayers.

As for contacts giving out phone numbers / communicators / telepathic conduit, whatever, that just doesn't seem likely. I think the idea is based on earning trust contact by contact as your security level increases. Which, while annoying at times, has been a fact of the game...since release. (*shrugs*)

Also, to all the boycotters out there...you all are like prophets of DOOM! I mean, seriously. Y2K flashbacks, anyone? Same for those of you considering it. You don't HONESTLY know how the game will be affected yet, so boycotting based on something you might actually approve of is, put simply, stupid. And I honestly don't care if that's taken as insulting. Because, calling me out for an insult means I can call you out for petitioning on the boards, and SOMEBODY has to say it. Maybe it'll help get the point through your skulls. Hey, even a 5% chance is better than 0%. On the same note, none of us beta testers can actually tell you facts because of the NDA, or even reference anything. But what I CAN say is that we all wish we could right now, because it would probably settle the argument right now. (*sighs*) You people with no patience end up badge robbing (monsters...or worse, ensuring NO-ONE gets it), jumping the gun and causing team-wipes, indirect griefing, and headaches all around (here and in-game). Instant gratification: tough. Always getting what you want: tough. Sure, the game is supposed to be heroic, but certain aspects of real-life apply. Cope.



Still trying to polish the turd, eh?

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I will now try to use this quote at least once every day!



For some reason, this sugar doesn't sweeten the urine you dumped in my coffee enough.

[/ QUOTE ]

From Millennium:

Abum (the demon): "Hey, kid. Great cup of coffee. Keep up the good work."

Mr E-Man ~ Mr E-Villain
XBL GamerTag: il Radd



With Enhancement Diversification comes a benefit for ALL City of Heroes powers.

Every power, across the board, is getting a 13.33% reduction in its Endurance cost.

[/ QUOTE ]
Lame. Invul tankers were nerfed into near-useless in I5, this makes their defenses an absolute joke, and now you dangle this dead carrot in front of us? C'mon, Posi, how about either fixing the real issues in the game, or scrap this garbage altogether?

"Your voice holds the key to your society
Expose the ones that want to **** it up for you and me
No more of settling for what they feed
The time has come to put the pressure up against the greed"
- Senser, "Resistance Now"



This is quite useful but the crux is recharge times and speeding them up...that's the crack cocain so many of us are on, so to speak.

Thanks for the gift though Posi.

P.S. I loathe the Positron TF, it's soooooooooooo long for the first TF in the game...especially when you exemp down from level 40...

Questions about the game, either side? /t @Neuronia or @Neuronium, with your queries!
168760: A Death in the Gish. 3 missions, 1-14. Easy to solo.
Infinity Villains
Champion, Pinnacle, Virtue Heroes