23 -
I couldn't get it to work by just removing cohtitan.network, but it appears to be working since I just put it in my COH folder.
I never did figure out how to Run the download as an Admin, but that was kind of scary anyway.
Thanks All! -
Please help me. I can't install this.
First I got an error because I didn't notice that I had to install .NET Framework 2.0.
Then I tried to install .NET Framework 2.0 and it doesn't support 64-bit.
Then I installed the 4.0 (most recent version). That worked, but when I tried to install Mids again, I got the first error again.
Then I found and tried to install a 2.0 for 64-bit. My computer told me that was already part of my operating system.
I tried again, and again, but I keep getting that first error.
Somewhere I read I'm supposed to right click on the installer and run as an Admin. Apparently, I am an Admin but I can't find anything to right click.
Thank you. -
Thank you all for your support. I'm now enjoying COH + vent with Tribe of Legends. See you all in game.
I was very impressed with Legion of Valor, but I reluctantly left them when I found out that they rarely use voice communication any more.
Thank you for your welcome! I have submitted my application to join Legion of Valor.
I'm looking for an active group of players with vent. I play almost every night (8-12 Eastern) and most of the weekend. I like teamwork and laughter.
I played from the original beta to the COV beta. I was a founding member and leader of T.E.A.M. and I went by "Goat". Back then, our tactics were built around AOEing as many NPCs as we could handle. Those were some of the best times I've had gaming - and I started playing D&D in 1977.
(BTW, I remember Satanic Hamster's name from his posts on this forum. It's nice to know that some folks have been here since the beginning.)
I have three 50s that I don't remember how to play (and for some reason, they have no enhancements), a few 32ish toons, and a few new toons. I'd like to see new content and try out new toons/powers, but my real focus is the players. I'll play any powerset to fill a hole on the team.
Thank you. -
Every power, across the board, is getting a 13.33% reduction in its Endurance cost.
[/ QUOTE ]
Is that a change to the base cost or a 13% reduction to the base cost, which would make other endurance-reducing powers and enhancements less effective?
I don't take anything for granted with you guys. -
I don't know or care how you balance this for PvP. You promised us that PvP balance would not effect the PvE game. I don't see any reason why these powers should work this way in PvE.
I want one free shot. I don't want the "critters" to see me until I do damage. The way it is now, I wind up for the shot and they attack me before I even finish it.
I would rather have half defense for half endurance all the time then pay full endurance for half the defense the only time I need it. -
I'm very grateful for the guide and the hero planner you mentioned, but I'm still missing BIs for many attacks. Verxion's hero planner hasn't been updated since Feb, nor has he posted recently. Wufbam hasn't got any posts about Kheldians. I'm thinking that, post-Eclipse, a human form-only build would be most effective, but I can't tell how much less the base damage for human attacks is.
BTW, isn't the teammate bonus to damage for human form a percentage of base damage, capping at 400%? It would be sweet if it was an increase to the base damage, which would then make the 400% cap more damaging, rather than easier to reach. -
Great Job, Cuddles.
All that would be worth it if the damage I caused was obviously making a contribution to the team. When someone adds a higly vulnerable Blaster to the team, they should be glad to protect that Blaster because of the contribution only the Blaster can make.
The thing that bothers me the most is that I have no role in a high-level team. Tanker needs to herd. Defender needs to buff. Scrapper needs to help whittle down the AV faster. Controller needs to debuff while pets chew up minions. Blaster needs to stand way back so he doesn't get one-shot by the AV's AOE.
I don't want to stand way back. All my best attack powers (most damage, least time) are close- or no-range. All the AOE buffs and heals are happening in the melee.
What's the point of having a damage AT if I have to get every defensive power pool I can find and 6-slot all those powers, giving my attacks only the left-over slots? I like to play specialists teamed with other specialists, but I'm the only one on the team that has to wait for the Controller to AOE hold before I do anything significant. -
Do not be concerned about the attack on our facility. With as much criminal activity as there is in Paragon City, I'm surprised it made the news at all. Our newly-upgraded automated defense systems were more than a match for those involved. We have not yet finished reviewing the security tapes to determine which criminal factions were present.
I want to thank you for sending your Ambassador for Peace and Free Love (what a charming title) to come to speak with me about avoiding bloodshed as a result of the misunderstandings between our two Super Groups.
I found Phantom Pirate to be a most amazing man.
He insisted, quite rightly, that we meet on nuetral ground and asked me to meet him at a combination dance studio & lounge that I was not familiar with. I got there a little early and was saddened to see that the dancers, all young woman, were also all destitute, hardly able to afford clothing to protect them from the frigid air conditioning.
He was only a little bit late to the meeting and I was astonished at how popular he was when he arrived! Almost every girl in the place ran joyfully to his side as he entered the darkened room from the sunny afternoon. Perhaps it was his "foofy pink and yellow spandex" that drew their attention to him as soon as he entered the room. (Is "foofy" a word, Cuddles?) Even the girls who were in the middle of practising their dance steps blew him a kiss from the stage.
The girls tried to get him to sit right there at the foot of the stage so they could see him appreciate their efforts. His artistic tastes must be highly respected among them. Just then he noticed me and, parting himself from the girls, made his way to the corner table I had chosen for our discussion.
He was exceptionally sociable, taking time to get to know me instead of rushing into talk of negotiations.
He wanted to know if I was at all biological. I am not. I am a technological construct programmed to gather together crowds of villains and serve as a decoy so that biological crimefighters can safely dispatch them. I am contructed of indestructible alloys that my creators have not been able to reproduce since. And I am able to emit frequencies that unerringly cause evil-doers to focus their viscious intent upon me.
He asked me why my creators built me to appear as a woman. Frankly, I never asked them. I suppose it was for aesthetic purposes, although perhaps they felt that villains were stupid enough to believe that, as a "female", I was more susceptible to their violence.
He was curiously insistent on determing whether I am anatomically "correct". I told him that even machines can make mistakes, but that I am currently enjoying a high percentage of "correctness".
Before I could learn as much about him, three of the dancers grabbed him away and forced him to sit at the foot of the stage. With an apolgetic shrug, he motioned for me to come and join him there.
Phantom Pirate is the most generous man I have ever met! Every single dancer in the building practised her moves for him and he rewarded each one with $1 bills which he had to tuck into their clothing, since they were too proud to stick their hands out and ask for it. I felt horrible that I had not thought to bring any currency. I will have to go back and make a decent contribution, in hopes that the dancers will soon be able to afford the clothing they need.
I also found out that Phatom Pirate is a personal trainer and that he often works out with the dancers. When he came to Paragon City, he left a girlfriend behind - but she didn't work out. So now he works out with these dancers, often giving them advice, for free, on how to maximize their performance. He offered to let me work out with him, but I had to remind him that I have no muscle tissue to exercise.
When I thought we would finally begin to discuss the problems between our two SGs, two of the dancers came to him and said they were ready to go. Apparently, he occasssionally allows these poor girls to sleep in his apartment, without even asking them to help with rent!
He apologized to me that he had to cut our meeting short, but he had to take the girls home. The dance studio wasn't in a very nice neighborhood. (I had noticed that myself on the way in.) I offered to assist him with his escort duties, but he insisted that the thugs of Kings Row had learned to avoid him.
If all the members of your Super Group are of the same high moral fiber as Phantom Pirate, I feel very confident that our negotiations, when they resume, will result in our being able to put these misunderstandings behind us and work together to rid Paragon City of villainy.
Scape Goat
(a.k.a. "Goat") -
I de-briefed J17 after your attempt to "re-acquire" him and this is the gist of what he told me.
E.D.G. contacted J17 and asked if he would help investigate a Crey lab. He never turns down an opportunity to fight crime, and has long been suspicious of Crey activities. He has also been quite distraught that his old friends of the G.E.D., oops sorry, E.D.G. are not getting along with his older friends in TEAM.
J17 was very eager for the opportunity to smooth things over with the E.D.G. and teaming up to fight crime together seemed like the perfect chance. Your team had already dispatched a few very aggressive lab assistants and researchers when they were discovered by a patrol of seven Paragon Protectors.
J17 remembers Phantom Pirate screaming like a little girl and bolting for the door. He braced himself for the battle to come, only to discover that the rest of you had also vanished! Horribly outmatched, he soon awoke at the hospital alone, wondering what had happened.
As for the Crey warrants, I can tell you from personal experience that happens from time to time and the best thing you can do is continue your investigation until you have enough evidence to prove Crey's wrong-doing and get the warrants revoked.
Also, Wyzbang tells me that she is quite familiar with Grandma Woadan. They make the most beautiful old-fashioned blue-glazed plateware. They're very popular. Your mother probably owns some. TEAM has told them about your confession and offered our services as witnesses on their behalf, but their lawyers tell us that hearsay is not admissible.
I beg you to give up on your latest money-making scheme. Rhode Island is not as understanding about adult film-making as other parts of the country. Countess Crey is not known for her sense of humor or for her forgiving heart. And, frankly, we've seen your previous video work and you shouldn't expect to make all that much money from it.
Furthermore, if you have hired the Malta Group, or any other mercenaries, to attack us on your behalf, I strongly recommend that you cease and desist. As you have heard from Devil Dogg, such villains-for-hire cannot be trusted to keep their employer's identity a secret. We are fully prepared to handle mercenaries and those foolish enough to set them upon us.
What would your mother say? -
We have also recently been given a video by mail showing J17 being kidnapped on a fishing trip that we can only assume happened during his time away frim the group. Clearly members of the TEAM Group are present in this video.
[/ QUOTE ]
Dear Cuddles,
We received the copy of the video you sent us, but your courier didn't stay long enough to get our response, or in fact, long enough for us to even ask him his name.
The video does, indeed, depict the very events you described above. Furthermore, I can say without hesitation that no high-tech methods of re-touching and re-editing were used at any point in the tape.
However, I assume this is because you couldn't afford them.
In your video, "J17" is attacked by "E-lusion" one of our most powerful Fire Controllers, "Woadan" our mightiest Fire Blaster, and "Scape Goat" a moderately competent robotic decoy. Having left his mighty axe behind and wielding only a sturdy fishing pole, "J17" is unable to defend himself against three such mighty heroes and ends up entangled by his own fishing line, his fate unknown.
There's no sound, but the melodramatic piano accompaniment was very nicely done.
At this point I have run out of nice things to say about your video. You obviously didn't splurge to have the Icon tailors make the costumes, which didn't fit any of the actors well, but that was the least obvious of your cost-saving shortcuts.
"Scape Goat" was barely 5 feet tall, rather than my towering 7 feet, and her metallic skin had almost flaked off entirely by the end of the footage.
Your "Woadan" had rather large breasts. It was an interesting look for him, but not very accurate. "He" would have made a fairly good blaster, except for dropping his aerosol can and Bic lighter a number of times.
Your "E-lusion" was quite a bit more rotund than ours. In fact, after watching the video, we had to spend quite a while insisting to E that his tights do not make him look fat. I'm also very tempted to send a copy of your video to PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) because I'm certain they would like to know whatever happened to those 12 French Poodles you painted to look like Fire Imps and then set loose on "J17".
If you have any other evidence of our alledged wrong-doing, please forward it to us right away. We TEAMers love a good laugh!
Goat -
I think J17 isn't the only one who's out doing a little "fishing".
If you imagine for one second that I'm going to take any action against my own members without first examining this video with my own sensory equipment, then you're as demented as you sound. Have it delivered to our offices if you believe it is as damning as you say.
P.S. If you wait until you've sobered up a bit before you post, perhaps you won't publish quite so many typos and spelling errors. -
I am Goat, a Founder and Council Member of TEAM (Teamwork Equals Accomplished Missions).
Before the founding fathers of Eternal Prophecy became casualties of the great missing (which we will Ever Question, too), they asked us to ensure that Eternal Prophecy would continue to uphold exactly the same standards as it would if they had remained. Many of us felt that those high standards were too limited in focus. Eternal Prophecy's founders envisioned a compact corp of faithful as their ultimate objective.
Certain core members and I decided that we should leave Eternal Prophecy and form our own SG, where we would not be hobbled by this restriction. We envisioned a Super Group with all the same high standards as Eternal Prophecy (highly proficient teamwork and the bonding of those who fight side by side), only at three of four times it's size.
Before we left, we announced to all the members of Eternal Prophecy what we were doing and that they were all invited them to come and join us. Many of them did. We even left some Post-It Notes behind so that people would remember that they had an open invitation.
At the same time as we were planning to leave Eternal Prophecy, J17 was making arrangements to fill EP's ranks with people who we had never fought alongside, some of whom were to be given positions of authority right away. This was a violation of EP's standards, but instead of arguing the point with J17, we finally informed him of our intention to leave.
J17 and a few others decided to stay in Eternal Prophecy to work with the influx of new heroes. We would see them from time to time, but mainly we fell out of contact with them.
About a month ago, J17 contacted us and talked to us about merging with the new Eternal Prophecy. Our Council debated his proposal at length and finally decided that, while the increase to our size would be most welcome, it would be a mistake to relax our standards and allow these heroes to join us without first fighting along side them. Eventually, J17 decided that he would, with regrets, leave behind the heroes at Eternal Prophecy, and join our ranks by himself, observing all our rules and restrictions.
More recently, J17 recruited our newest member, Snow Crystal. We do not recognize your claim to her, or to any of our members who are former EPers. She is, of course, welcome to return to Eternal Prophecy of her own accord, but we would be sad to lose her.
I spoke with J17 about your charge of "brainwashing" with "subliminal messages" and he admitted to me that he may have left his Post-It Note on his computer terminal when he vacated Eternal Prophecy HQ.
We will not go to war with The Evil Do-Gooders because we have taken all your best members and left the rest behind but we will go to war with you because you have accused us so publicly of such un-heroic behavior!
It is our fondest hope that your defeat at our hands will make it clear to all that those who slander our name will face our devastating wrath. We might also find out that you still have some members that are worth recruiting.
If somehow you defeat us, then we are willing to consider letting you all join. -
T E A M (Teamwork Equals Accomplished Missions) is recruiting. Our goal is reaching the 75-player max with a reputation for honorable play and remarkable accomplishments in PvE and PvP. We have more than 20 players now, many with multiple 50's. Our prime play time is 8PM - 2AM Eastern and all weekend.
You must value goal-oriented teamwork, expert play, and laughing til it hurts.
You must be at least 18-years-old and monitor TeamSpeak while on-line. Buying a mic is optional.
You must be active on-line and on our website (at least once every 15 days).
We recruit players, not toons. Your RL family and friends (18+) are invited when you are. None of your toons may belong to another SG on Victory.
Your behavior in-game must reflect well on the SG at all times. We Play Nice.
You must play with us in order to get an invite. Send a /tell to these globals: @Goat, @E-Lusion, @TEAM_Woadan, @scrap heap, or @Kid Dangerous. -
This is one of the very best guides there is, and some of the replies are very useful, but I still have some questions.
What about enhancing toxic resistance, isn't that worth doing in the end game?
Instead of using a slot for Acc in every attack (besides Burn), why not get Focused Accuracy?
Except for Burn, none of the power descriptions adresses BIPS. I would like to see more about attack chains for optimum BIPS. I've noticed that minions fall fast enough to BA+Burn, whether I'm solo or teamed with other AOErs. Could we have some single-target BIPS comparisons between FM and EM attack chains?
Can you reduce the recharge+activation on Incinerate to less than the duration of the DoT? Do the DoTs stack?
How do things change if the build is also (or predominantly) for PvP?
How does the build change when you have as many Hami-Os as you can use?
Thanks for all your effort and for sharing the results with us. -
Make Hamidon a SG Trial instead of what it is now. Also, make some SG Raid type options available.
[/ QUOTE ]
Hear, Hear! We must have multi-team encounters to support the forming of strong SGs. I would offer more accolades as the rewards for accomplishing more difficult, multi-mission, multi-team encounters. -
This dev team is the best, but that doesn't mean there isn't room for improvement. With all respect to Cuppa Jo and Statesman, a post count doesn't make your argument. Quite a few of Statesmen's posts only serve to let us know that he is a fun-loving guy. They don't all answer questions that we have posed hoping that some substantial information will be shared with us.
Is there any way that you can make it so non-devs can't read what other players post on this forum? About 1000 replies (and counting) and quite a few of them are players talking to each other and not the devs at all. You might get more repetition that way, but you might not. At least that would make the Developer's Corner unique. So far, its just as trashed as the rest of the boards. Anything worth reading is in Dev Digest.
I became interested in this power set when my Tanker got Unstoppable and started fighting Unstoppable and MoG'd Paragon Protectors. Most player toons are vulnerable to Psionic Damage. What about the baddies? Can a Psychic blaster be a major source of damage in the end game, or do they always fall short of what Blasters can do?
The thing that should have us all upset is that stealth nerfing is still rampant in COH after we were promised that all game changes would be addressed in the updates.
But if the same group were to go into a Hazard Zone, they'd find larger spawns, and reap the benefit of the group XP bonus.
[/ QUOTE ]
Hazard and Trial zones have a SL minimum that won't let SKs in. I convince my friend to join me and my other friends in the game, we can SK him so he can play with us, but only if we hunt in city zones where the spawns are too small for us.
If your intent is to get bigger groups to hunt in the Hazard and Trial Zones, allow SKs into them.