Endurance Discount




Just a passing observation. If a player has perma hasten pre-ED isn't his DPS with 5 - 6 damage possibly higher than a post-ED with 2 recharge and 3 damage?

Just a thought.

[/ QUOTE ]

Absolutely true, went over that in another thread and Hasten becomes redundant and a hair useless if you've slotted in 1-2 RECH per power. I'm sure the devs consider this a good thing and I'm not sure I blame them.

Hasten has become a long-timer fixer post-ED with minimal utility post SOs (previous, it's still a big DPS boost). And they did want it and stamina to be less appealing, so I'm sure they're giddy.

They should make the long timers shorter now, though. They were balanced for full SOs and perma-hasten.

[/ QUOTE ]

If Statesman is to be believed, the long timers were also balanced with ED in mind. So they're here to stay. Officially. For now.

[/ QUOTE ]

AAAAARGH! Say it ain't so.

Linky please.

[/ QUOTE ]

Unless my memory has completely failed me, I'm fairly sure Statesman said (paraphrased) that "all recent changes were made with ED in mind." Which would include the increased recharge times.

The Alt Alphabet ~ OPC: Other People's Characters ~ Terrific Screenshots of Cool ~ Superhero Fiction




Moving both Damage and Recharge to Schedule "B" does everything that the Devs want ED to do, and doesn't do many of the things Players don't like about ED. (Travel powers not able to be 6-slotted, etc)

But I suppose Dev solutions aren't allowed to make sense...

[/ QUOTE ]

holy crap!

you just nailed it.

not only does it make sense but...







and besides if you have enough attack powers, like scrappers and blasters should have, dps and dpe are null and void, because of the useage of powers allow the recharge by itself i know my blaster can dish out enough attacks for my sniper blast 2 or 3 times without stopping, except for endurance drain than snipe gives me as a resut of being hit before snipe goes off

[/ QUOTE ]

You still get to use your strongest attacks more often, which gives you better DPS. If you can take Ice Bolt out of your attack chain and still have a full attack chain, you've boosted your DPS up. And freed a power slot to get something else with.

[/ QUOTE ]
true but by cutting out an attack and useing a more powerful attack still does not make up for the dps i am currently putting out with only 2 attacks and true it does free up a powerslot it still doesn't cover all the now free enhancement slots that enhancement divirsification has created, so is it really all that more damage, considering i can eliminate a mob of whites(6-10 villians in the mob) at most 2 hits per villian? are you saying post ED with end discount i'll be able to kill them even faster?
somehow i don't buy that. o and here is a tidbit for you if the attack says extreme damage it should kill in one hit not three or four hits especially powers like nova, which endurance discount won't help due to it draining ALL endurance in the attack

note: this is based on a katana/SR scrapper and energy/devices blaster



Nothin for Nothin, and maybe this has been discussed, but shouldn't we get a 1 to 1 resell value on our existing enh during the free respec that comes with this silly thing? i mean, we are literally being forced to buy new enhancements, why should we be penalized the inf? maybe its just because i feel like you assume that every player has PLed (or gotten by slogging it out, no offence) a Hero up to 50 and has an unending supply of inf, but this is sure gonna hurt me in my pocketbook as well as my resists on my tanks and damage on my blasts.......




With Enhancement Diversification comes a benefit for ALL City of Heroes powers.

Every power, across the board, is getting a 13.33% reduction in its Endurance cost.

[/ QUOTE ]

Wow! Thanks for the tasty bone Pos! It'll sure take our minds off the severe head wound that is I5 and ED!!

MMmm Mmm, that's good customer relations!




Sophia Lynn
50 Blaster
Infinity Server




With Enhancement Diversification comes a benefit for ALL City of Heroes powers.

Every power, across the board, is getting a 13.33% reduction in its Endurance cost.

[/ QUOTE ]

Yay? I guess? It helps us manage end with nerfed stamina for those sets that are so end heavy.

It all falls apart if BUFFs and INSPIRATIONs aren't ALSO subject to diminishing returns. Take your 2.1x guy, give him a nice Fulcrum Shift, and you STILL have to code those MOBs to be able to take 3x, 4x, even 5x burst damage.

[/ QUOTE ]

Yes, and that's exactly what I've heard, though the solo aspect of the game is still somewhat killed if one relies on toggles.



Moving both Damage and Recharge to Schedule "B" does everything that the Devs want ED to do, and doesn't do many of the things Players don't like about ED. (Travel powers not able to be 6-slotted, etc)

But I suppose Dev solutions aren't allowed to make sense...

[/ QUOTE ]




DOOOM!!! alright so I changed my slots on my ice/devices, devices is a waste of time now, blaster to 3 dam 1 acc and two recharge so I can kill somewhat as fast as before... however now I lack the end to fight more than 2 mins and an lt, this is just sad sad sad sad

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Just a passing observation. If a player has perma hasten pre-ED isn't his DPS with 5 - 6 damage possibly higher than a post-ED with 2 recharge and 3 damage?

Just a thought.

[/ QUOTE ]

Absolutely true, went over that in another thread and Hasten becomes redundant and a hair useless if you've slotted in 1-2 RECH per power. I'm sure the devs consider this a good thing and I'm not sure I blame them.

Hasten has become a long-timer fixer post-ED with minimal utility post SOs (previous, it's still a big DPS boost). And they did want it and stamina to be less appealing, so I'm sure they're giddy.

They should make the long timers shorter now, though. They were balanced for full SOs and perma-hasten.

[/ QUOTE ]

If Statesman is to be believed, the long timers were also balanced with ED in mind. So they're here to stay. Officially. For now.

[/ QUOTE ]

AAAAARGH! Say it ain't so.

Linky please.

[/ QUOTE ]

Unless my memory has completely failed me, I'm fairly sure Statesman said (paraphrased) that "all recent changes were made with ED in mind." Which would include the increased recharge times.

[/ QUOTE ]

Hee hee...Statesman says a lot of things.



What I don't like is a number of powers had their endurance cost increased in I5 to be ready for ED.

This is like a store increasing their prices by 120% for a month and then having a 13% off sale.

If these powers were going to be too powerful with the end reduction, won't it make sense to change the endurance on the power when the change was made.

If the 13% corrects the endurance cost, it means that the endurance cost is to high now.

I am sure this is effect my enjoyment of the game, ie I have to rest more often at the least. I know have a couple of hero that run out of end during normal combat that never had problems before.



What I don't like is a number of powers had their endurance cost increased in I5 to be ready for ED.

This is like a store increasing their prices by 120% for a month and then having a 13% off sale.

If these powers were going to be too powerful with the end reduction, won't it make sense to change the endurance on the power when the change was made.

If the 13% corrects the endurance cost, it means that the endurance cost is to high now.

I am sure this is effect my enjoyment of the game, ie I have to rest more often at the least. I know have a couple of hero that run out of end during normal combat that never had problems before.

[/ QUOTE ]

Exactly! If they had always intended the endurance cost of all powers to drop 13%, why did powers like Tough and Weave go up in cost with Issue 5 only to be reduced (kind of) with Issue 6? You've exposed yet another inconsistancy revealing that they're not playing straight with us.



What I don't like is a number of powers had their endurance cost increased in I5 to be ready for ED.

This is like a store increasing their prices by 120% for a month and then having a 13% off sale.

If these powers were going to be too powerful with the end reduction, won't it make sense to change the endurance on the power when the change was made.

If the 13% corrects the endurance cost, it means that the endurance cost is to high now.

I am sure this is effect my enjoyment of the game, ie I have to rest more often at the least. I know have a couple of hero that run out of end during normal combat that never had problems before.

[/ QUOTE ]

Exactly! If they had always intended the endurance cost of all powers to drop 13%, why did powers like Tough and Weave go up in cost with Issue 5 only to be reduced (kind of) with Issue 6? You've exposed yet another inconsistancy revealing that they're not playing straight with us.

[/ QUOTE ]

That's not really an inconsistency, the individual powers needed to be adjusted to get them in line with everything else. Now and adjustment is being made to everything across the board. Everything is now balanced in relation to one another, now the new change will be balancing everything in light of the new slotting scheme.



What I don't like is a number of powers had their endurance cost increased in I5 to be ready for ED.

This is like a store increasing their prices by 120% for a month and then having a 13% off sale.

If these powers were going to be too powerful with the end reduction, won't it make sense to change the endurance on the power when the change was made.

If the 13% corrects the endurance cost, it means that the endurance cost is to high now.

I am sure this is effect my enjoyment of the game, ie I have to rest more often at the least. I know have a couple of hero that run out of end during normal combat that never had problems before.

[/ QUOTE ]

Exactly! If they had always intended the endurance cost of all powers to drop 13%, why did powers like Tough and Weave go up in cost with Issue 5 only to be reduced (kind of) with Issue 6? You've exposed yet another inconsistancy revealing that they're not playing straight with us.

[/ QUOTE ]

That's not really an inconsistency, the individual powers needed to be adjusted to get them in line with everything else. Now and adjustment is being made to everything across the board. Everything is now balanced in relation to one another, now the new change will be balancing everything in light of the new slotting scheme.

[/ QUOTE ]

Yes, but why not wait until Issue 6 and simply up the endurance cost on these powers? Or set them at what they'd "planned" for the I6 cost at I5 instead? That would have only required half the coding they ended up doing. Looks like another case of "softening the blow."



With Enhancement Diversification comes a benefit for ALL City of Heroes powers.

Every power, across the board, is getting a 13.33% reduction in its Endurance cost.

[/ QUOTE ]

You can keep your endurance reduction. We don't want it, and we dont' want this "Enhancement Diversification". Keep Eds away!

Shoo! Go!



I see one problem: if that 300-267 damage would take out the target, then in my opinion, it's more efficient than doing 195 and having to spend another attack. Especially if it is a minion like a sapper or has some other effect that can hit you with before defeat. The numbers work fine, but I'm more concerned with how they play. I'll be checking it out on test I suppose.



What I don't like is a number of powers had their endurance cost increased in I5 to be ready for ED.

[/ QUOTE ]

What's this? I was under the impression that many powers actually got endurance discounts in I5.

I'm pretty sure I woulda heard 500 people complaining about increased endurance costs if they had done it.

You say tough and weave? Can't be increased too much...I still see tough/weave tanks doing just fine on endurance dishing it out with toggles on.

If these powers were going to be too powerful with the end reduction, won't it make sense to change the endurance on the power when the change was made.

If the 13% corrects the endurance cost, it means that the endurance cost is to high now.

I am sure this is effect my enjoyment of the game, ie I have to rest more often at the least. I know have a couple of hero that run out of end during normal combat that never had problems before.

[/ QUOTE ]

Overall this isn't affecting characters with stamina....it more or less balances out....however it boosts those without stamina.

This is like having a choice between a small combo and a large combo meal....only the small combo just got bigger at no charge to you...now it's more appealing than it used to be...however some will still prefer the large combo.

Again...I heard about no endurance increases during I5....defender endurance costs got slashed on severla powers....dark armor got slashed...and other things got slashed I believe.

What besides tough and weave got increased? Were the increases really even worth noticing?

Looks like another case of "softening the blow."

[/ QUOTE ]

Or if people complained it would be listening to customers...or perhaps they got some more datamining done in the actual game and decided that it could be adjusted back some.

Honestly...are you just looking for stuff to complain about?

I see one problem: if that 300-267 damage would take out the target, then in my opinion, it's more efficient than doing 195 and having to spend another attack. Especially if it is a minion like a sapper or has some other effect that can hit you with before defeat. The numbers work fine, but I'm more concerned with how they play. I'll be checking it out on test I suppose.

[/ QUOTE ]

I somewhat agree. I think it would be more efficient.

HOWEVER I would like to keep one shots mostly rare...mainly confined to scrappers and blasters...but a powerful tank attack should be capabale of one as well....which is not too hard of a thing considering tanks hurt alot but attack.

Thats my opinion of it....this is of course assuming they villains are even con or higher...not low lvl foes...one shot with impunity galore them :P.



With Enhancement Diversification comes a benefit for ALL City of Heroes powers.

Every power, across the board, is getting a 13.33% reduction in its Endurance cost.

[/ QUOTE ]

Wow...that's just um...dandy. Thanks

"After we give you this paper cut, we're going to just drip slightly watered down lemon juice into it."



With Enhancement Diversification comes a benefit for ALL City of Heroes powers.

Every power, across the board, is getting a 13.33% reduction in its Endurance cost.

[/ QUOTE ]

OK, this does take the sting out a bit, given that I -had- to 6-slot Stamina for my ice tank to even have a chance of keeping enough armor/defence toggles up to stay alive, much less do some damage.

I don't mind having to balance my character, but... ice tanks are already pretty pathetic as tanks, and pretty useless as damage dealers too. My best crowd control is easily bested by a kinetics hero of half my level.

Bah. Whine.

But still... this does take the sting out, somewhat.



With Enhancement Diversification comes a benefit for ALL City of Heroes powers.

Every power, across the board, is getting a 13.33% reduction in its Endurance cost.

[/ QUOTE ]


Here's a quarter, call someone who cares



What besides tough and weave got increased? Were the increases really even worth noticing?

[/ QUOTE ]

AoE Holds/Imob/Sleep powers had their End costs upped.

However (and I hate to say it because I don't like it), that was something that needed to happen.

"I do so love taking a nice, well thought out character and putting them through hell. It's like tossing a Faberge Egg onto the stage during a Gallagher concert." - me

@Palador / @Rabid Unicorn



With Enhancement Diversification comes a benefit for ALL City of Heroes powers.

Every power, across the board, is getting a 13.33% reduction in its Endurance cost.

[/ QUOTE ]

What about nukes such as Blackstar? Defenders already do less damage than a blaster. If I nuke a lvl 40+ mob and only do a fraction of the damage I normally do, my dark/dark defender is a sitting duck. Endurance discount is nice but its value is questionable when you look at the "big guns" powers of an AT. There are built-in disadvantages to powers such as Blackstar - in this case, a temporary disorient that drops toggles. So I do less damage *and* my toggles still drop?? Why bother getting a nuke power? And if we don't have cool powers to look forward to, why bother playing beyond level 35?

Some higher level powers with built-in disadvantages (disorient, very long recharge times, etc...) will need to be rebalanced for enhancement diversification, regardless of endurance discounts. Perhaps a greater variety of powers to choose from, post level 35, may help.



I was a little disappointed to see my comment deleted. I wasn't rude or abusive in any way. I stated my opinion, just as everyone else has.

It must have hit a bit close to the mark.



I was a little disappointed to see my comment deleted. I wasn't rude or abusive in any way. I stated my opinion, just as everyone else has.

It must have hit a bit close to the mark.

[/ QUOTE ]

Or it may have been in a reply chain that started with a rude or abusive post. When the rude or abusive post is deleted, all replies to that rude post (and to its replies) are deleted along with it.

On hot topics, it's usually best to click reply on the OP to protect your posts from this kind of collateral deletion. Even if you're being polite, there's no guarantee the people before you were being polite.



I was a little disappointed to see my comment deleted. I wasn't rude or abusive in any way. I stated my opinion, just as everyone else has.

It must have hit a bit close to the mark.

[/ QUOTE ]

lol...they would have to delete a good bit of the forums....among the doom there are logical arguments both ways here and there.



My problem with Stamina is that I just don't want to feel forced to take it. I could go into role-play mode and bypass it but that would be foolish.

I feel that they should go ahead and nerf it for good and provide an overall decent endurance reduction % OR make it inherent just like Rest and Sprint. This is an old debate but I am still not seeing why they don't want to do it. That would open so much breathing room in many templates especially in the 14-20 level range. Not only would that make pre-20 levels not so constrained by the mandatory travelpower+fitnessuptostamina power selections but that would make room for less used power pool skills or even less-selected primary/secondary powers.