Mission Architect - CoH killer?




Originally Posted by Another_Fan View Post
What you are doing is like what psychics do but in reverse. You are matching an effect to the particular cause you want.

I could just as easily say PvP changes killed the game and it is just as valid as your conclusion. There were many things going on in that time frame and many many problems in the game. You consider AE a real annoyance ? There were people around that were certain the market killed the game, that high end loot killed game, that the incarnate system, that the merit changes, you name it someone is certain it killed the game.

It's like you are looking at the death toll from the World Wars and saying the German love of Sauerbraten did it.

I can only put this one way.

MA was introduced and shortly thereafter game revenue took a nosedive.

It doesn't take a psychic to figure that there might be a connection here. My personal experience is that there was indeed a connection between the two.

I (and a lot of other players) were waiting for new content (new zones, mobs etc) and we got MA instead.

Right off bat, I wasn't happy with the lack of new content.

Then we got the the surge of power levelers that took a few hours to get to 50, that plenty of people (including me) felt devalued the leveling system completely.

Two things combine - both caused by the fact that the devs brought in MA - instead of giving us meaningful and canon based content.

Xzero45 .... You can certainly cite other influences that could have caused the decline in revenue (recession, PvP nerf, CO launch etc) I'm not ignoring those, but personally my experience of the situation at the time was that MA was harmful to the longevity and wellbeing of this game.

My call is that it absolutely contributed to people leaving this game in 2009, thus causing a large part of the revenue decline.

Nothing has happened to make me change my mind on that.

Proud member of FOXBASE ALPHA and coalition associates.

Hero 50's - 25

Villain 50's - 1



Originally Posted by Cobra_Man View Post
I'm not willing to change my mind on that, no matter what anyone may tell me.



Originally Posted by Cobra_Man View Post
I can only put this one way.

MA was introduced and shortly thereafter game revenue took a nosedive.

It doesn't take a psychic to figure that there might be a connection here. My personal experience is that there was indeed a connection between the two.
I am reading this post shortly after I am going to eat dinner. I am sure Positron ate dinner before the decline in subs. The game declined after Positron had dinner, its going to die after I have dinner. It's obvious dinner is the problem, don't have dinner.

I (and a lot of other players) were waiting for new content (new zones, mobs etc) and we got MA instead.

Right off bat, I wasn't happy with the lack of new content.
Then the lack of new content is the problem. MA was originally meant to make it easier for the devs to generate new content. They used to use some sort of spreadsheet system to generate content. It's doubtful MA deprived any of us of "Official Content". Going Rogue however, I can't say the same for.

Then we got the the surge of power levelers that took a few hours to get to 50, that plenty of people (including me) felt devalued the leveling system completely.
Had them before have them now, occasionally I even am one. It never bothered me how you leveled, and I was able to find people that didn't know what they were doing before and after AE. The whole AE baby phenomenon always seemed just another opportunity for people to try and take a shot at something they didn't like.

Two things combine - both caused by the fact that the devs brought in MA - instead of giving us meaningful and canon based content.
Yes but this is wrong as AE was a tool for the devs to generate content even more than it was for us.




MA is what brought me back after my 6 month hiatus.

More zones?? really?? Blue Side has/had way too many zones in the first place.

MANY factors contributed to the decline in revenue....stating it was one factor more so than the other without PROOF is... well.. simple internet arguing.

Since you are the one who is trying to convince others that the decline in revenue is mainly due to the implementation of MA.... Either show some facts....or be viewed as just another person whining/arguining without any merit/proof.

Originally Posted by Paladiamors View Post
I love you, I Burnt the Toast!



Originally Posted by Cobra_Man View Post
My call is that it absolutely contributed to people leaving this game in 2009, thus causing a large part of the revenue decline.

Nothing has happened to make me change my mind on that.
So you had already made up your mind about the answer to a question you asked in the initial post. You asked that question, and when people responded in ways that didn't affirm the answer you hold true, you've debated with them. You apparently don't even accept the possibility that the truth is more nuanced than "it's the AE's fault". So why did you bother asking a question, again?

As others mentioned, you're looking at this through the lens of your personal experience. I know no players who left due to the AE. Hell, I actually think some of them probably started playing more thanks to the farming, though I certainly don't think that was typical. I like CoH's content, but was never terribly worried about the pace we got more stories - "content" in the form of new powersets and new TFs (and later, trials) was far more attractive to me. I had plenty of friends who messed with the wild exploits and then only dabbled in them - while "everyone" was supposedly off PLing, we were mostly running TFs together.

I get why you didn't like the AE, even if I didn't have the same reaction. I don't doubt some people left when it happened. I seriously doubt they were totally happy with the game - the AE was just another disappointment for them (not for me). You can't point at it and say "that's the reason!"

It's like saying someone died of the flu when they had an immunosuppressive disease. Yes, the flue might have pushed them over the edge, but that flu wouldn't have killed a healthy person.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



Originally Posted by Xzero45 View Post
Architect Entertainment, I13's PVP changes, Enhancement Diversification, City of Villains, Going Rogue, raid-style end game content, OP Incarnate Powers, a non-existent Moon Base, and any other feature anyone ever complained about all teamed up to kill CoH.
Forgot to specifically mention no SG base love... yeah that totally killed CoX Otherwise your list is pretty inclusive.

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Originally Posted by Cobra_Man View Post
Nothing has happened to make me change my mind on that.
What would?

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Looking at the chart, the first, and only, really big dip was about when WoW came out. Then it bottoms out and settles, we get a huge spike, then it settles again a little lower, and pretty much stays constant from there on.

The only thing we can conclude from this, is that the game eventually found its core player base. I can't see any reason that the game wouldn't be financially viable given that steady number. If you know how many core players you have, you can adjust your costs to make the game profitable with that many players.

Nothing else matters. MMOs usually seem to have that big drop off after the first X amount of months. Did WoW draw away players that didn't return? Probably. A bunch would have left anyway, though. Did MA make people leave? Certainly? Did it attract players? Yep. Did any other number of changes cause some flux? Almost certainly.

Nothing killed City of Heroes except NCSoft's internal decisions. If it wasn't profitable, that's on NCSoft. If it wasn't profitable enough, that's also on NCSoft. They had a game with a known and stable number of regular players. There's no reason they couldn't have made it profitable.

So, the blame game and finger pointing is really pretty pointless.



Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
What would?
Maturity. Its the ability to take responsiblity for your own actions instead of blaming your own problems on Jack Emmert, the Mission Architect, or PvP.



Originally Posted by Cobra_Man View Post
I can only put this one way.

MA was introduced and shortly thereafter game revenue took a nosedive.

It doesn't take a psychic to figure that there might be a connection here. My personal experience is that there was indeed a connection between the two.

My call is that it absolutely contributed to people leaving this game in 2009, thus causing a large part of the revenue decline.

Nothing has happened to make me change my mind on that.
You're wrong. Since we're apparently talking in absolutes now rather than having a discussion, if I use your criteria to "prove" my point then I can say with absolute certainty that AE had nothing to do with it since I personally know of no person who left because of AE. There are numerous people who can say the same thing. There are at least 3 stronger explanations for the drop in revenue that also occurred at the same time.

So, debate over, you're wrong....or.....you can get it into your head that for every person who says "I and people I know left the game because of (fill in the blank)" there are a dozen people who can say "I don't know anyone who left over that". You're one person in the game, you knew less than 1% of the games population, so you did not have your finger on the pulse of game.

@Doctor Gemini

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Originally Posted by Doctor_Gemini View Post
You're wrong. Since we're apparently talking in absolutes now rather than having a discussion, if I use your criteria to "prove" my point then I can say with absolute certainty that AE had nothing to do with it since I personally know of no person who left because of AE. There are numerous people who can say the same thing. There are at least 3 stronger explanations for the drop in revenue that also occurred at the same time.

So, debate over, you're wrong....or.....you can get it into your head that for every person who says "I and people I know left the game because of (fill in the blank)" there are a dozen people who can say "I don't know anyone who left over that". You're one person in the game, you knew less than 1% of the games population, so you did not have your finger on the pulse of game.

You tell em Doc :P

Originally Posted by Paladiamors View Post
I love you, I Burnt the Toast!



Originally Posted by Cobra_Man View Post
I take it you haven't seen the revenue chart in this thread?

Game revenue took a dive directly after MA was released.
As some pointed out, correlation isn't the same as causality.

And I agree with Uber. It's a pretty weak reason to leave a game because others abused a new system or because how the devs tried to fix it.

If I didn't use the system, why would I care if we get zillions of AE babies or that someone was grinding for skeeball tickets so they could make billions at Wentworths. The lack of grinding is what makes this game so unlike NCSoft's Korean imports. I explained to friends what people were doing in AE and they replied "how is that fun?"

If MA wasn't tied to a box release then it's possible that the devs would have plugged some of the earlier exploits before it's release but it was a box release and they had to get it to stores by the promised delivery date. Also as a minor aside it was also the only box Mac release. I can also understand why it was a box release. The concept of player created content for an MMO was revolutionary idea at the time. There's always been mission modding communities for FPS games but this was a honest to God mission builder. Lets make some noise about it.

I just don't get why someone would leave just because of MA. I can understand the straw/camel/back or five year burnout but not this.

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As I pointed out earlier, the economic crisis and the release of Champions Online were both going on that year. It seems reasonable to conclude those factored significantly into the Great Decline. It seems some people are just bringing back their ax to grind with AE again.

And I also knew no one that left because of AE.

I generally avoided it myself, though, as it was generally hard to find a legitimate story arc rather than a farm, so I pretty much played through dev-created content as I was still new to the game at the time anyway. I had started playing during Issue 13.



Originally Posted by Father Xmas View Post
As some pointed out, correlation isn't the same as causality.

And I agree with Uber. It's a pretty weak reason to leave a game because others abused a new system or because how the devs tried to fix it.

If I didn't use the system, why would I care if we get zillions of AE babies or that someone was grinding for skeeball tickets so they could make billions at Wentworths. The lack of grinding is what makes this game so unlike NCSoft's Korean imports. I explained to friends what people were doing in AE and they replied "how is that fun?"

If MA wasn't tied to a box release then it's possible that the devs would have plugged some of the earlier exploits before it's release but it was a box release and they had to get it to stores by the promised delivery date. Also as a minor aside it was also the only box Mac release. I can also understand why it was a box release. The concept of player created content for an MMO was revolutionary idea at the time. There's always been mission modding communities for FPS games but this was a honest to God mission builder. Lets make some noise about it.

I just don't get why someone would leave just because of MA. I can understand the straw/camel/back or five year burnout but not this.
While I don't have my finger on the pulse of the game. I believe this to be the truth. From my personal experience, I have observed or have friends / SG Mates telling me that the reason for them taking a long absence is mainly because of burnt out.

And I don't think this happens only for COH, it happens for WoW as well. I know many guildmates and players who were top notch raiders who simply disappeared after a several months of playing, only to re-appear at the next expansion pack or next game content update.

I will miss you City of Heroes..



Originally Posted by Vaelynn View Post
While I don't have my finger on the pulse of the game. I believe this to be the truth. From my personal experience, I have observed or have friends / SG Mates telling me that the reason for them taking a long absence is mainly because of burnt out.

And I don't think this happens only for COH, it happens for WoW as well. I know many guildmates and players who were top notch raiders who simply disappeared after a several months of playing, only to re-appear at the next expansion pack or next game content update.
I have a friend who played the first 4 years or so of CoH and now only plays June-September due to college etc. I have taken two breaks from CoH - one was when Issue 7 launched - the bugs etc were driving me crazy so I quit for 2-3 months. I also quit around November 2008 and came back when MA launched in April 2009. I had another break planned for December 2012 for a month or so due to a crazy hectic work schedule Dec 2012- February 2013...which if/when the game is saved - will NOT be happening

Originally Posted by Paladiamors View Post
I love you, I Burnt the Toast!



Originally Posted by Cobra_Man View Post
I can only put this one way.

MA was introduced and shortly thereafter game revenue took a nosedive.
This is the logical fallacy known as "post hoc ergo propter hoc."



Looking for easy single factors is silly.

That's like saying "Oh noes, they killed Statesman now the game's dead!"

The reality it's probably a combination of things - a tanking western economy, too many zones - Praetoria was mostly a graveyard for tubleweed, and only two servers ever really got past the "almost thinking about the possibility of wondering if we need to consider capacity"

Epic marketing fail: outside of the fan base, learning about CoH became difficult. Unless you were interested in MMOs and kept up with the big sites there seemed to be no external advertising. Great for those in the superhero bubble. Crap for those outside it.

Backroom discussions by person(s) unknown. Clearly CoH, whilst making a profit wasn't making enough profit and probably wasn't ever likely to repay the investment NCSoft had made in it quickly enough to satisfy the shareholders. This, above all else, is the overriding reason.

"You got to dig it to dig it, you dig?"
Thelonious Monk



Originally Posted by Leif_Roar View Post
This is the logical fallacy known as "post hoc ergo propter hoc."
I've heard that slogan before. I think it was from an airline that used to be called Hawk Air; during their heyday they sunk a lot of funds into developing a jet-driven helicopter they called a Propter. After they went under, all that was left was the Propter product... so post Hawk Air, go Propter Hawk.



I quit playing at Issue 13 until almost Issue 19 mainly because issues 9-13 wreaked havoc on my enjoyment of the game. The huge changes like ED, constant and relentless regen nerfs, GDN and the introduction of IOs (and grinding/crafting with same) just made the game too different to be enjoyable to me for a time. I only got back in when the Incarnate system opened up endgame opps for me....which, unfortunately, ended up being yet more grinding/crafting.

The game has run its course IMO.



Originally Posted by Scarlet Shocker View Post
Epic marketing fail: outside of the fan base, learning about CoH became difficult. Unless you were interested in MMOs and kept up with the big sites there seemed to be no external advertising. Great for those in the superhero bubble. Crap for those outside it.

Game needed better marketing. Although there are more and more people that are shopping online now, there are still people that like to have CD (DVD), and there were no box editions in Europe since GvE.
If I haven't found try out CD for CoH by accident, I wouldn't be playing it at all.
I can still find WoW CDs in every game shop (8 years old), I can still find Guild Wars CDs in every game shop (7 years old), but I couldn't find CoH CDs in any store 4 years ago, when game was just 4 years old.

There are lot of reasons people quit playing, but without good marketing new people can't find game and there is not enough fresh blood to cover for loses.

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Originally Posted by Vaelynn View Post
While I don't have my finger on the pulse of the game. I believe this to be the truth. From my personal experience, I have observed or have friends / SG Mates telling me that the reason for them taking a long absence is mainly because of burnt out.

And I don't think this happens only for COH, it happens for WoW as well. I know many guildmates and players who were top notch raiders who simply disappeared after a several months of playing, only to re-appear at the next expansion pack or next game content update.
I stopped playing WoW and started playing CoH a year ago. Partially for the same reason: I got burned out on WoW and started looking around for another game I'd like.
I had played WoW for 5 years and three expansions. I even bought the collectors edition for Cataclysm, but my character only got 2 levels before I got bored.

I'm happy to have at least played CoH for almost a year, although I never got to level 50.



Originally Posted by CatAstrophy View Post
Game needed better marketing. Although there are more and more people that are shopping online now, there are still people that like to have CD (DVD), and there were no box editions in Europe since GvE.
If I haven't found try out CD for CoH by accident, I wouldn't be playing it at all.
I can still find WoW CDs in every game shop (8 years old), I can still find Guild Wars CDs in every game shop (7 years old), but I couldn't find CoH CDs in any store 4 years ago, when game was just 4 years old.

There are lot of reasons people quit playing, but without good marketing new people can't find game and there is not enough fresh blood to cover for loses.
This. I had never heard of the game until a year ago. And that was because I specifically started looking for a SuperHero MMO, partially because SmallVille ended.

I think only WoW and GW have managed any kind of presence on store shelves here, or even online shops. I tried finding a shop selling boxes to get VIP again (sub ran out 20/8) but none of them even seem to have carried it, only Amazon.com and Amazon.co.uk, no bol.com, free record shop, computer collective.



The only person I ever knew to ragequit the game did so over ED. I've known a lot of people that burned out over the years though, myself included. I was... extremely aggravated at most PuG's when the first 2 iTrials came out, so I took a step back and figured I'd probably come back to the game when I could enjoy it again. I kept my subscription though.

I have seen a lot of people who burned out and stayed out come back over the last 2 weeks though. And for them, it's new and fun again.



Interesting and valid points from most people.

Whilst I can see that there could have been other factors involved in the revenue dip, I find it curious that people refuse to accept that MA could be the reason for the dip - or at least one of the reasons.

I have no idea who's baby MA was and I have no axe to grind with it.

It was simply an observation based on my experience with the game at the time.

When the game was crying out for new content, we were given MA instead. If we had been given normal new content, I don't believe that the dip would have occurred - or at least have been as pronounced as it was.

Knightward .... It wasn't a ragequit episode ... more of a frustrated/annoyed feeling with the game direction.

It's my opinion only.

I respect other peoples opinions on the matter, and I suppose that's where we should probably leave it.

Here's hoping we can save this game in any case......

Proud member of FOXBASE ALPHA and coalition associates.

Hero 50's - 25

Villain 50's - 1



Save the game but blame AE for making people quit the game? Yeah right... I see you, just like I did after reading your initial post.

This is the kind of trolling that will not be missed. Pfft.

The development team and this community deserved better than this from NC Soft. Best wishes on your search.