Mission Architect - CoH killer?




Originally Posted by Darth_Khasei View Post
It is NOT there and that is why it is not mentioned. The reality will always go back to the truth which NC SOFT AND Paragon have BOTH confirmed.

The studio was shutdown because the "NEW" secret project aimed at the evolved hardcore gamer was in a different direction than NC SOFT wanted to go period.

So while it is clear that COH was not a huge money maker (reports have it at 10 million per year), it was NOT closed due to a decline in sales because of AE or ANY other feature/issue.

That claim is personal axe grinding crapola with no real factual support from the parties involved.
Cobra Man insists that MA killed the game.

You insist poor sales and very likely losses didn't matter

I don't see how you can claim your point is any more valid than his. In order for your position to be true, the proposition that "If CoH had twice the sales it does now and 5 to 10 times the net profit NCsoft still would have closed it" would have to be true. That proposition is at best very unlikely to be true.



It may not have "killed" the game, but it was game breaking in my eyes.

It is sooooooooo easy to power level a character in game. I have never played another MMO where it was so easy to PL. 1-50 with a skilled farmer took like what? An hour?

And here I am wondering why I can't find teams with lower level content. If you didnt enjoy grinding DFB or DIB you were screwed and I played on a popular server.



Originally Posted by Cobra_Man View Post
I'm not buying that.

Here's a pretty standard definition of an internet troll, this one taken from wikipedia.

A troll is someone who posts inflammatory, extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community, such as a forum, chat room, or blog, with the primary intent of provoking readers into an emotional response

I started this thread, and I've repeatedly stated that I believe what I wrote in the OP - and every subsequent post I've made.

I've assured Uber and others that it was not a troll thread.

Despite this they have derailed this thread by labeling me a troll (off topic messages) and have continued to throw about insults, which quite simply appear to me to be designed to provoke an emotional response from me.

Do you not think that ticks the boxes as trolling?

He doesn't agree with the subject of the thread - that's fine. I have no problem whatsoever with that.

To start trolling the thread is another matter altogether.
Dont worry this is not a "trolling thread" as some other members have labeled it. The term troll is thrown around on the net these days when someone disagrees with what you have to say....which sorta makes them the troll.

This is/was a legit issue that many overlooked (regarding AE PL'ing)



Blah. There are a few vocal AE haters who are hung up on how other people play the game, but they stayed just to ***** about it.

Power-leveling existed prior to AE, and there were worse exploits, such as bridging.

Architect Edition was the turning point that made this player endlessly loyal to City of Heroes.

Champions Online lured away many City of Heroes players, as it offered snazzy new graphics and other shinies, and by the time City of Heroes caught up those players were gone. Some came back for Going Rogue, but with all the old content still looking the same they were nonplussed and went back to Champions Online or somewhere else after a couple of runs through the Praetorian content.



Originally Posted by Another_Fan View Post
Cobra Man insists that MA killed the game.

You insist poor sales and very likely losses didn't matter

I don't see how you can claim your point is any more valid than his. In order for your position to be true, the proposition that "If CoH had twice the sales it does now and 5 to 10 times the net profit NCsoft still would have closed it" would have to be true. That proposition is at best very unlikely to be true.
I have never insisted "poor sales and very likely losses didn't matter" ANYWHERE in my posts man, you just made that up.

I have not made any kind of claims about the finances other than what has been talked about here which is the game was generating revenue as earlier corrected for accuracy vs profit. I do remember at least one dev being quoted as saying the game was profitable, how much clearly not enough for the direction NC SOFT said they wanted to go in.

The only thing I have repeatedly done is parrot what NC SOFT and Paragon has said about why the game was closed. At no time did either party even hint that the game was not profitable nor did they say anything about which issues/features had "killed" the game.

Heck people were in here with the nerve to start a what dev decision killed the game. It's all very low brow, absurd and not true. The only remedy to the false claim axe grinding against features as the reason for NC SOFT's decision, is to repeat the truth that each party has already acknowledged.

The acknowledged truth by both parties is more valid than personal axe grinding claims any day.

The development team and this community deserved better than this from NC Soft. Best wishes on your search.



Originally Posted by Pebblebrook View Post
I think for me, i would need more info before connecting their secret project with "...continued support of the franchise no longer fits within our long term goals..." as the main reason for the shutdown.

It could be a factor for the closure decision...but still not sure it's a significant part of that decision. Since that project was said to not be part of CoX. If NCSoft didn't like the new project because of its target audience, that sounds like a good reason to deny just that project and not the whole thing unless something else more compelling was the driving force.
I think its a solid bet that there are additional factors that go beyond the secret project as well. Those things have been set forth very eloquently by others in various threads. They do not have any of the personal axe grinding overtones of "Mission Architect- CoH Killer"

Originally Posted by Pebblebrook View Post
[tinfoil] Perhaps Paragon's insistence on continuing with the secret project and diverting resources from CoX to it sounds just as plausible a reason but not sure how likely. [/tinfoil]

I mentioned this elsewhere but i still believe CoX's declining revenue is a significant part of their decision. And it wasn't $10mil per year...it's looking like it's down to maybe $10mil this year and even possibly down to about $9 mil.

Which is down from about $11mil the year before...which was down from $13.6mil the year before that and down from $17.8 mil before that and so on.

If the rate of decline continued to next year, we could possibly see maybe only about $8mil for 2013.
Declining revenue is one of those things mentioned in other threads, but in those cases people are a bit more reasonable when attaching the reasons for the decline like the global economy, release of newer games and the overall decline in MMO players across the board. The myopic viewpoint of the thread title "Mission Architect- CoH Killer" is just to limited to be taken as anything other than personal axe grinding.

A thread topic and supportive perspective of "Mission Architect- A contributing Factor to declining sales" with the same chart and position might have been viewed more favorably. I can see that some people left the game right around that time as I was going to myself until they announced MA was coming. It made me stay.

It brought new people and some old people left nothing new for any MMO. As was mentioned earlier in the thread it is the OP's sole factor focus that is just not accurate even from the perspective that acknowledges sales declines AND players leaving the game solely due to MA.

That is NOT what killed COH and most people without and MA axe to grind can see this truth.

The development team and this community deserved better than this from NC Soft. Best wishes on your search.



Originally Posted by Mantic View Post
Power-leveling existed prior to AE, and there were worse exploits, such as bridging.
Yes, it existed, but there is no tool more useful to a pl'er than the ae besides maybe the ssk system. The ssk system not only removed the need to bridge, it is far, far superior.

This is before exploits. There is a reason I will still use ae to self pl even if double xp is running. The rewards are just that efficient.



Originally Posted by SinisterDirge View Post
Yes, it existed, but there is no tool more useful to a pl'er than the ae besides maybe the ssk system. The ssk system not only removed the need to bridge, it is far, far superior.

This is before exploits. There is a reason I will still use ae to self pl even if double xp is running. The rewards are just that efficient.
This is true, but if powerleveling is a game killer every game out there should be dead. Without PLs being available I probably would have left this game after the 2nd run through of the envoy of shadows arc, or world wide red.



Originally Posted by Another_Fan View Post
This is true, but if powerleveling is a game killer every game out there should be dead. Without PLs being available I probably would have left this game after the 2nd run through of the envoy of shadows arc, or world wide red.
Agreed. Saying pling killed the game is like saying badges killed the game. Its just a different subset of the playerbase, and sometimes, they even overlap!