Maybe don't boycott NCSoft




Originally Posted by BrandX View Post

It's true.

It's also been my complaint with companies in general, but it's how it goes.

Want to quit? Give us 2 weeks notice.

We want to lay you off? We'll give you a days notice.

Most I ever had on a layoff was 1 day notice that turned into a two day notice "Oh. We need you for one more day, so we're going to lay you off in two days instead of tomorrow."

They do this because workers (generally) will slack off once they know they're being laid off. They'll be to busy fretting about a new job, sulking, just not caring anymore, and some if they have the ability, will use those paid sick days.
They will also actively go out of their way to assure you that your job is not in danger. The last thing they want is a mass exodus before they are ready to can everyone.

"I have something to say! It's better to burn out then to fade away!"



Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
City of Heroes didn't fail, City of Heroes was killed. If a 747 dropped on your house, you'd say you were killed, not you failed to find a safer dwelling.
This is probably the dumbest thing I've ever seen you say.

First of all, if a 747 dropped on your house (and we'll presume that you were crushed), you wouldn't say anything, you'd be dead.

Secondly, if a 747 dropped on your house, that would be a pretty rare occurrence, one difficult to predict or avoid. Online games get cancelled not infrequently, and one would thing someone with your head for numbers would have realized long ago that this game was a marginal proposition at best. If you didn't think that this happening was a significant possibility, then you had your head stuck in the sand. This is not a 747 dropping on your house, it's you walking along the railroad tracks with the headphones on. You can go on for quite a while that way, but no one is going to be surprised if you get hit by a train.

Finally, you can't kill a game. It's not alive. A more non-pejorative term would be "cancelled." Of course, then your bad analogy would make even less sense, and you wouldn't be able to raise the rabble against the "killers of CoH." Now I know this usage can be defended as vernacular. Maybe I'm giving you too much credit for choosing your words.



Originally Posted by Paladiamors View Post
They will also actively go out of their way to assure you that your job is not in danger. The last thing they want is a mass exodus before they are ready to can everyone.
The mass exodus may be a fear, but in my times of seeing lay offs happen, it's never been the case.

People may not like their jobs. They may hate it. But they still want the paycheck.

Younger, single, no worry employees are more likely to do this, but generally I don't see many of them do this either.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Originally Posted by Brillig View Post
This is probably the dumbest thing I've ever seen you say.

First of all, if a 747 dropped on your house (and we'll presume that you were crushed), you wouldn't say anything, you'd be dead.

Secondly, if a 747 dropped on your house, that would be a pretty rare occurrence, one difficult to predict or avoid. Online games get cancelled not infrequently, and one would thing someone with your head for numbers would have realized long ago that this game was a marginal proposition at best. If you didn't think that this happening was a significant possibility, then you had your head stuck in the sand. This is not a 747 dropping on your house, it's you walking along the railroad tracks with the headphones on. You can go on for quite a while that way, but no one is going to be surprised if you get hit by a train.

Finally, you can't kill a game. It's not alive. A more non-pejorative term would be "cancelled." Of course, then your bad analogy would make even less sense, and you wouldn't be able to raise the rabble against the "killers of CoH." Now I know this usage can be defended as vernacular. Maybe I'm giving you too much credit for choosing your words.
Your missing the point of the line You know it. You're just trolling.

I think everyone ont he forums knew CoH would be cancelled one day. The problem isn't that it's being cancelled.

The problem players are having is that everything was showing the game was in the black, making a profit, and it got cancelled, int he middle of a issue update that was looking to bring quite a few people back and had others thinking of resubbing.

If the game was int he red, people would be more understanding (though likely still sad).

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Originally Posted by Brillig View Post
This is probably the dumbest thing I've ever seen you say.

First of all, if a 747 dropped on your house (and we'll presume that you were crushed), you wouldn't say anything, you'd be dead.

Secondly, if a 747 dropped on your house, that would be a pretty rare occurrence, one difficult to predict or avoid. Online games get cancelled not infrequently, and one would thing someone with your head for numbers would have realized long ago that this game was a marginal proposition at best. If you didn't think that this happening was a significant possibility, then you had your head stuck in the sand. This is not a 747 dropping on your house, it's you walking along the railroad tracks with the headphones on. You can go on for quite a while that way, but no one is going to be surprised if you get hit by a train.

Finally, you can't kill a game. It's not alive. A more non-pejorative term would be "cancelled." Of course, then your bad analogy would make even less sense, and you wouldn't be able to raise the rabble against the "killers of CoH." Now I know this usage can be defended as vernacular. Maybe I'm giving you too much credit for choosing your words.'ve just reached troll status, and pretty hard core at that.

"I have something to say! It's better to burn out then to fade away!"



If I had a tinfoil hat I would say some of these people work for NCSoft. There is no intelligent reason to defend this action to a bunch of people that are loyal fans of a game being shut down. Bottom line, defending the closing of CoH on the COH boards only makes you look like a jerk or a corporate lackey, perhaps even both. I know the internet lacks some common sense, but it would be awesome if it didn't appear to be totally dead.

Types of Swords
My Portfolio



The way I look at it NCSoft proved themselves to be:

A) heartless bastards


B) idiots

and as such I have little desire to support them in the future. Shutting down an entire studio with one day's notice? That is, quite frankly, inexcusable. It may well be common practice in large corporations, but if a lot of other heartless bastards do the same thing it does not make it any more acceptable. And shutting down a studio that was still making money was, quite bluntly, stupid in the extreme. Yes, NCSoft lost money last quarter. Boo hoo. They had a ton of one-off expenses and any sane company would simply accept the losses and wait for the investments to pay off. Instead, NCSoft apparently chose to look like they were "doing something" just to pacify investors, but any corporation that prioritizes quarterly (or annual) reports over long term profitability is stupid beyond belief. All too many of them do exactly that, but the fact is that it hurts them in the long term... and often the executives don't care, because they consider looking good and getting their fat bonuses more important than actually making the company stronger.

So bottom line... NCSoft acted like a typical greedy, stupid corporation and made a knee-jerk reaction to try to spin a bad quarterly report. Are they any worse than many other corporations? Nope... plenty of them do the same things. Except that this particular stupid knee-jerk reaction killed my favorite MMO, so I'm mad. And because I'm mad, I'm going to do my small part to screw over the corporation that pissed me off... meaning that I won't be buying any future NCSoft products and I'll be bad-mouthing them to my friends and anyone else who will listen. Not because it's the right thing to do or from some moral high ground, but because I'm mad and want payback. It's just that simple.

Cascade, level 50 Blaster (NRG/NRG since before it was cool)
Mechmeister, level 50 Bots / Traps MM
FAR too many non-50 alts to name

The Scavenger Hunt: 187076
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Originally Posted by StrykerX View Post
The way I look at it NCSoft proved themselves to be:

A) heartless bastards


B) idiots

and as such I have little desire to support them in the future. Shutting down an entire studio with one day's notice? That is, quite frankly, inexcusable. It may well be common practice in large corporations, but if a lot of other heartless bastards do the same thing it does not make it any more acceptable. And shutting down a studio that was still making money was, quite bluntly, stupid in the extreme. Yes, NCSoft lost money last quarter. Boo hoo. They had a ton of one-off expenses and any sane company would simply accept the losses and wait for the investments to pay off. Instead, NCSoft apparently chose to look like they were "doing something" just to pacify investors, but any corporation that prioritizes quarterly (or annual) reports over long term profitability is stupid beyond belief. All too many of them do exactly that, but the fact is that it hurts them in the long term... and often the executives don't care, because they consider looking good and getting their fat bonuses more important than actually making the company stronger.

So bottom line... NCSoft acted like a typical greedy, stupid corporation and made a knee-jerk reaction to try to spin a bad quarterly report. Are they any worse than many other corporations? Nope... plenty of them do the same things. Except that this particular stupid knee-jerk reaction killed my favorite MMO, so I'm mad. And because I'm mad, I'm going to do my small part to screw over the corporation that pissed me off... meaning that I won't be buying any future NCSoft products and I'll be bad-mouthing them to my friends and anyone else who will listen. Not because it's the right thing to do or from some moral high ground, but because I'm mad and want payback. It's just that simple.
Don't go blaming the top management. It's also the fault of the investors.

Investors see the red and don't look at the long term either.

"OH NO! We went red! Sell the stock!"

Corporations are dumb because investors are dumb

Admittedly, you don't want to stay on the sinking ship, but most aren't willing to take the gamble either of it being a one round thing.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Originally Posted by StrykerX View Post
The way I look at it NCSoft proved themselves to be:

A) heartless bastards


B) idiots

and as such I have little desire to support them in the future. Shutting down an entire studio with one day's notice? That is, quite frankly, inexcusable. It may well be common practice in large corporations, but if a lot of other heartless bastards do the same thing it does not make it any more acceptable. And shutting down a studio that was still making money was, quite bluntly, stupid in the extreme. Yes, NCSoft lost money last quarter. Boo hoo. They had a ton of one-off expenses and any sane company would simply accept the losses and wait for the investments to pay off. Instead, NCSoft apparently chose to look like they were "doing something" just to pacify investors, but any corporation that prioritizes quarterly (or annual) reports over long term profitability is stupid beyond belief. All too many of them do exactly that, but the fact is that it hurts them in the long term... and often the executives don't care, because they consider looking good and getting their fat bonuses more important than actually making the company stronger.

So bottom line... NCSoft acted like a typical greedy, stupid corporation and made a knee-jerk reaction to try to spin a bad quarterly report. Are they any worse than many other corporations? Nope... plenty of them do the same things. Except that this particular stupid knee-jerk reaction killed my favorite MMO, so I'm mad. And because I'm mad, I'm going to do my small part to screw over the corporation that pissed me off... meaning that I won't be buying any future NCSoft products and I'll be bad-mouthing them to my friends and anyone else who will listen. Not because it's the right thing to do or from some moral high ground, but because I'm mad and want payback. It's just that simple.
This. 1 million times this.

The Case Against Hardcase- arc id: 438272

Clowning Around- arc id: 408447

Down the Rabbit Hole- arc id: 193055



Originally Posted by Zyphoid View Post
If I had a tinfoil hat I would say some of these people work for NCSoft. There is no intelligent reason to defend this action to a bunch of people that are loyal fans of a game being shut down. Bottom line, defending the closing of CoH on the COH boards only makes you look like a jerk or a corporate lackey, perhaps even both. I know the internet lacks some common sense, but it would be awesome if it didn't appear to be totally dead.

The Case Against Hardcase- arc id: 438272

Clowning Around- arc id: 408447

Down the Rabbit Hole- arc id: 193055



Originally Posted by Brillig View Post
First of all, if a 747 dropped on your house (and we'll presume that you were crushed), you wouldn't say anything, you'd be dead.
Quite so. So lets say a 747 dropped on your house.

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Originally Posted by Zyphoid View Post
If I had a tinfoil hat I would say some of these people work for NCSoft. There is no intelligent reason to defend this action to a bunch of people that are loyal fans of a game being shut down. Bottom line, defending the closing of CoH on the COH boards only makes you look like a jerk or a corporate lackey, perhaps even both. I know the internet lacks some common sense, but it would be awesome if it didn't appear to be totally dead.
Some people hate hyperbole and outright lies.



It still leaves a very bad taste in my mouth that Paragon Studios was likely punished for the failings of other properties. As long as it was still turning a small profit on it's own, it was a rotten decision to close it.

City of Heroes might have been declining slowly, but since NCSoft did a horrible job explaining -exactly- why this game and community is going to be destroyed, I have to give PS the benefit of the doubt. They've been working too hard, and the community is loyal.

I've changed my mind about boycotting NCSoft, but it would take hell of a lot for me to do more than being a F2P player or trial runner with any of their future products.

First, they'll have to prove that they won't leave an innovative product, or an American developer in the gutter to die. I wish Guild Wars 2 luck, but I think at one point down the line, it will be walking on glass, and Lineage 1 ends up remaining online after it closes.




Originally Posted by Sister_Twelve View Post
I'm not really boycotting NCSoft per se. They just don't have any other games in their stable I really want to play.
That is my situation as well. I tried Guild Wars (not II) several years ago. I didn't stay with it for long. I've tried WoW, LotR, and a few other MMOs. Didn't stay with them for long either.
I think my problem is that I am sick and tired of "Yet, another fantasy based game." that I am unable to maintain iterest in any of them for long.
CoH is the first Superhero MMO that set the standard for the genre in MMOs.
Plus, I like being a Superhero!

So, I have no interest in playing any other NCSoft games. My boycotting it would be a moot point.

Originally Posted by BrandX View Post

It's true.

It's also been my complaint with companies in general, but it's how it goes.

Want to quit? Give us 2 weeks notice.

We want to lay you off? We'll give you a days notice.

Most I ever had on a layoff was 1 day notice that turned into a two day notice "Oh. We need you for one more day, so we're going to lay you off in two days instead of tomorrow."

They do this because workers (generally) will slack off once they know they're being laid off. They'll be to busy fretting about a new job, sulking, just not caring anymore, and some if they have the ability, will use those paid sick days.
This happened to me the last week of July (a week before my Birthday no less). I was informed that the branch manager for the security contract company that I worked for wanted to see me. This was as I was being relieved for my shift, just before my weekend started. I drove about 50 miles to the branch office, just so the manager could tell me that the post I was working at didn't want me to return any more. Two days later, I was called back to the branch office to sign my termination notice because they couldn't find another post to send me to.

I was pissed at how I was treated through out the whole ordeal. But, I can see their reasoning behind those policies. However, those policies are probably part of the reason they had to implement those policies in the first place. Is that like a paradox?

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
City of Heroes didn't fail, City of Heroes was killed. If a 747 dropped on your house, you'd say you were killed, not you failed to find a safer dwelling.
Awesome statement.

There I was between a rock and a hard place. Then I thought, "What am I doing on this side of the rock?"



Originally Posted by That_Ninja View Post
Some people hate hyperbole and outright lies.
And some people hate jerks. It is a jerk move when people are dumb enough to come to these boards and defend NCSoft for closing Paragon. There are plenty of other places to do that on the internet, here is a bad place to do so.

Types of Swords
My Portfolio



Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
City of Heroes didn't fail, City of Heroes was killed. If a 747 dropped on your house, you'd say you were killed, not you failed to find a safer dwelling.
I'll also be "borrowing" this...

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
City of Heroes didn't fail, City of Heroes was killed. If a 747 dropped on your house, you'd say you were killed, not you failed to find a safer dwelling.
"The U.S. is in no more danger of coming under Sharia law than it is the rules of Fight Club." - Will McAvoy.



Originally Posted by Zyphoid View Post
And some people hate jerks. It is a jerk move when people are dumb enough to come to these boards and defend NCSoft for closing Paragon. There are plenty of other places to do that on the internet, here is a bad place to do so.
Go easy on them. Ncsoft no longer provides their pr whores knee pads or lube. You know , budget cuts.

The Case Against Hardcase- arc id: 438272

Clowning Around- arc id: 408447

Down the Rabbit Hole- arc id: 193055



Originally Posted by Zyphoid View Post
And some people hate jerks. It is a jerk move when people are dumb enough to come to these boards and defend NCSoft for closing Paragon. There are plenty of other places to do that on the internet, here is a bad place to do so.
I have not seen ANYONE defend NCSoft, NOT ONE. Please link me to ANYONE saying that it was a good thing!!!

I have seen people search for the REASONS NCSoft cut PS, because the more we know THAT, the more we can tailor our rescue efforts. If it was purely a financial move, then we have a better shot at them being willing to sell it.

But we also want to be REASONABLE about this, because getting emotional and hysterical aren't going to help ANY of us at this point. Spreading lies and rumors are only going to hurt people in the long run.



Originally Posted by Feycat View Post
I have not seen ANYONE defend NCSoft, NOT ONE. Please link me to ANYONE saying that it was a good thing!!!

I have seen people search for the REASONS NCSoft cut PS, because the more we know THAT, the more we can tailor our rescue efforts. If it was purely a financial move, then we have a better shot at them being willing to sell it.

But we also want to be REASONABLE about this, because getting emotional and hysterical aren't going to help ANY of us at this point. Spreading lies and rumors are only going to hurt people in the long run.
Aren't you the guy/gal saying we should't boycott NCSocft because they publish another game you really really like?

The Case Against Hardcase- arc id: 438272

Clowning Around- arc id: 408447

Down the Rabbit Hole- arc id: 193055



Originally Posted by JoeKent View Post
Aren't you the guy/gal saying we should't boycott NCSocft because they publish another game you really really like?
Well, that is a good reason.
It's a shame that this is happening in light of the fact that GW2 shows every sign of saving the company that seems to need to can a profitable game to survive.

you could have it all
My empire of dirt
I will let you down
I will make you <3



Well I was going to look at GW2, but now I am not and I think anything published by NCSoft and Perfect World to. That's just me, I am one of the lie to me once shame on you, lie to me twice shame on me type of people. My VIP actuslly ran out on the 31st, I bought in 3 month blocks then cancelled reccuring everytime, I was busy that friday and was going to sort it out on Saturday.

What I still dont get is the suddeness of it all, Nature had just come out, lots of things were on test and then this happens. Something smells like 2 week old fish here.



Originally Posted by JoeKent View Post
Aren't you the guy/gal saying we should't boycott NCSocft because they publish another game you really really like?

I'm saying that going out of your way to hurt Anet isn't going to help Paragon. And you attacking other members of this community doesn't help, either.

And that blaming Anet makes as much sense as blaming Paragon. They're both studios that published under NCSoft, with their funding.

But you have never EVER ONCE seen me defend NCsoft or say that NCsoft didn't do a terrible, stupid, awful, unwise, cruel, callous, idiotic thing.



Originally Posted by Feycat View Post

I'm saying that going out of your way to hurt Anet isn't going to help Paragon. And you attacking other members of this community doesn't help, either.

And that blaming Anet makes as much sense as blaming Paragon. They're both studios that published under NCSoft, with their funding.

But you have never EVER ONCE seen me defend NCsoft or say that NCsoft didn't do a terrible, stupid, awful, unwise, cruel, callous, idiotic thing.
Well the boycott is on and seems to be getting ncsoft's attention. We are not going to win this by holding hands and singing kumbia .

The Case Against Hardcase- arc id: 438272

Clowning Around- arc id: 408447

Down the Rabbit Hole- arc id: 193055



From the now-modified OP:

Originally Posted by Nos482 View Post
I was obviously I deleted everything

But just out of curiosity, I started a few threads over the years...all of them died after a page or two.
So why doesn't the one I started with utter BS share that fate and instead go on for 5 pages by now?
Because, as the Onion summarized the national mood shortly after 9/11/01, we're in the "A [Community] Looks Around For Someone To Hit" stage.
(And why not? Solving problems by hitting them usually works in the comics and game!)

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