Maybe don't boycott NCSoft




Originally Posted by Steele_Magnolia View Post
This has already been debunked by a red name as a lie. NCSoft will have to try for better propaganda.

My sig says it all. I will not let this die. Facebook and Twitter, my friends, let's unleash the power of social media.
Say what? You're not talking about Z in this thread, are you? Because all he said was that it was a rumor.

Guess what. Every single explanation of why they closed Paragon is a rumor. Given that, we have to evaluate each one based on its credibility, and I find it a lot more credible than NCSoft closing Paragon because their CEO had a bad hair day.



Originally Posted by TrueMetal View Post
Meh, NCSoft gets the honor of being the second ever game company on my personal boycott list. (The first being Obsidian Entertainment for ruining great franchises by making half completed, unfinishable, bug infested games that, saddest part of all, had the potential to be great. Burn me twice, but certainly not 3 times.)

I'm burnt on MMO's too for the foreseeable future. All that time, money and, lets not forget, emotional investment just isn't worth it if you can't rely on it being there when you want it to.

To be fair to obsidian in their life they've only made one game that the Publisher hasn't strolled up and said, 'you know those three years you've got to make a game, it's now one.'

Brawling Cactus from a distant planet.



Originally Posted by Brillig View Post
Say what? You're not talking about Z in this thread, are you? Because all he said was that it was a rumor.

Guess what. Every single explanation of why they closed Paragon is a rumor. Given that, we have to evaluate each one based on its credibility, and I find it a lot more credible than NCSoft closing Paragon because their CEO had a bad hair day.

They've done it seven times before.

Books looking bad? Axe a small studio.

Brawling Cactus from a distant planet.



Originally Posted by CactusBrawler View Post
They've done it seven times before.

Books looking bad? Axe a small studio.
NC Soft has never before reported a quarterly loss.

And what seven small studios have they axed?



Originally Posted by Brillig View Post
NC Soft has never before reported a quarterly loss.

And what seven small studios have they axed?
Tabula Rassa, ExSteel (Exteel?), Dungeon Runners, that car game they were working on, that's the ones off the top of my head, a few more besides them.

When the books are looking bad, doesn't have to be a loss, just not as good as they want it, they'll drop a game and the studio behind it.

Brawling Cactus from a distant planet.



Originally Posted by Brillig View Post
NC Soft has never before reported a quarterly loss.

And what seven small studios have they axed?
Games that NCsoft have dropped over the years (in rough chronological order):

1) Auto Assault
2) Tabula Rasa
3) Dungeon Runners
4) Exteel

Auto Assault: Lack of subscribers/profitability. Netdevil wanted to buy back the IP for Auto Assault... NCsoft were asking for more than Netdevil were prepared to pay.

Destination Games closed at the same time as TR went under... lack of subscribers was main reason for the closure of the game (less than 25K at time of announcement according to financial reports). Business politics were also kicking around at the same time as well

Dungeon Runners... just not profitable from the get go according to a developer. PS3 port and other platforms in development cancelled as well at the same time. It had already been cut down in terms of development staff until it was quite literally a few developers and the janitor keeping it up.

Exteel... once again, lack of *stable* money coming in and a declining player base.



Originally Posted by CactusBrawler View Post
Tabula Rassa, ExSteel (Exteel?), Dungeon Runners, that car game they were working on, that's the ones off the top of my head, a few more besides them.

When the books are looking bad, doesn't have to be a loss, just not as good as they want it, they'll drop a game and the studio behind it.
Tabula Rasa was developed by Destination Games. Destination Games became NC Austin. NC Austin still exists.

Exteel was developed by NC Soft E&G - that one they killed. So that's 1.

Dungeon Runners, as far as I can tell, was developed by NC Austin. NC Austin is still there.

Auto Assault was developed by NetDevil. NetDevil is dead, but it died in 2011, 4 years after Auto Assault was cancelled.

You still owe me six more small studios they killed.

Or you can just admit that you were massively wrong.



Originally Posted by Brillig View Post
Tabula Rasa was developed by Destination Games. Destination Games became NC Austin. NC Austin still exists.
Slight correction... Destination Games *was* NC Austin at the same time as being Destination Games...

It just depends on how you view it.

Destination Games gets founded, got into talks with NCsoft to set up a subsidery of NCsoft in America (NC Interactive, based in Austin). As NC Austin it was responsible for the Lineage series in the American market, and also did Dungeon Runners.

As Destination Games it developed Tabula Rasa. When TR closed down, Destination Games was closed down (it is no longer an active studio).

NC Austin is *currently* not doing any development work (AFAIK) and is instead in the support area of the company.

This is going from memory, wiki put together and a lack of sleep. There may be mistakes... i don't think there are, but I could well be wrong. As i stated up at the top of my post, it more than likely depends on what point of view you are going to take.



This is NOT my rumor - I just helped spread it. This was all Sylph Knight's idea. People are getting my name off a webcomic forum.

My new Youtube Channel with CoH info
You might know me as FlintEastwood now on Freedom



Originally Posted by JayboH View Post
This is NOT my rumor - I just helped spread it. This was all Sylph Knight's idea. People are getting my name off a webcomic forum.
Actually I think I was the first one to mention it. It was just something that came right off the top of my head, pure speculation on my part. If I knew it was going to blow up like this I would have kept quiet. I certainly didn't intend to have people fly off the handle and call for a Cryptic/PWE/NCsoft boycott.

We don't know the reasons, and we likely will NEVER know the reasons. Anything that doesn't come from a reliable source is nothing but rumors and what-ifs and not to be taken seriously.



I will never play CoH under Cryptic or any company that owns them. Jack made a point to tell this community, over and over on these forums, things like Side Switching and Power Customization were not possible, and more to the point, not part of his "vision."

The devs at Paragon never trumped out the Vision statement. They treated us with respect and became part of us. They even did what Jack, now that it's apparent, refused to do because he viewed the game as his playground and not the players. The problem with that is the players "are" the heart of the game. Ignore them and you get what's happening with other games.

No, if Cryptic sabotaged the game I will never forgive them, especially Mr. Vision. So, as a favor to all of us, and I do appreciate all the efforts to save the game, but if Cryptic/PW had anything to do with this I do not want them in charge. I would rather be left with the good memories I have of a team that loved us rather than the potential jerks that didn't.



I will boycott ncSoft



Until some sort of rationale explanation is given for taking away something I love then yes - I will boycott NC Soft - and Perfect World (just to make sure I get all the f**k***s).

Also I am in for any Jack-beatings. Just because

Thanks, NC Soft, for closing my favorite game ever without warning and with plenty of life still left in it, and thus relieving me of the burden of EVER wanting to buy, try or even hear about another game from your company. Will my decision make a dent, or persuade them in anyway, shape or form? Nope, obviously not. Don't care. NC Soft is dead to me. ~ PsyFox



Originally Posted by Sister_Twelve View Post
I'm not really boycotting NCSoft per se. They just don't have any other games in their stable I really want to play.
As a Mac user, they don't have any other games in their stable that I can play, so any boycotting on my part would be kind of an empty gesture.

So for the time being I'm going to be stuck with just WoW again. Though I've been told that the upcoming Elder Scrolls MMO will have a Mac version.

I really really wish Paragon/NCSoft had done a better job of promoting CoH in the beginning. I've been online since 1996, and don't recall seeing much CoH advertisement, so I had absolutely no idea that it ran on Macs until a year ago. By comparison, I knew from 2004 that WoW would be Mac-compatible (granted, I was already a fan of the WC and Diablo franchises, so didn't need ads to tell me WoW would have a Mac version), so as soon as I finally got a Mac that could run WoW (in 2008) I signed up. If I'd had any inkling that I could have also played CoH at that time, I'd have been on board in 2008 instead of 2011.



Here's a question then. If they really are deciding to part ways with CoH because of money problems, wouldn't it be in their best interests then to SELL it to someone for whatever the cost they could get for it rather then just eating it and closing the game down? I mean it WOULD make sense to do that!



The only thing NC will be getting from me henceforth is bits of masticated & digested tin cans culled from my, er, goat pellets.

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

My City Was Gone



Originally Posted by Fluorescent View Post
Here's a question then. If they really are deciding to part ways with CoH because of money problems, wouldn't it be in their best interests then to SELL it to someone for whatever the cost they could get for it rather then just eating it and closing the game down? I mean it WOULD make sense to do that!
Some possible reasons include:
1.) They tried, and no one was willing to buy it (at least for a price they'd consider acceptable... CoH the IP still has value for them, even just sitting on it).
2.) They weren't expecting it to come to this, and by the time they realized they'd need to get rid of Paragon, there simply was no time to spend possibly months looking and negotiating.
3.) Their agreement with Cryptic (now PWE) would introduce complications, such as them not being able to further resell the IP/engine, or PWE would have to approve the buyer getting the engine.
4.) They didn't need the additional money beyond what they'd get by killing Paragon, so they're going to keep the IP around to see what they can do with it later.
5.) Maybe they plan on doing an APB, and selling it once they're done closing up shop. Take their time, and get the biggest buyer.
6.) Similar to 3, but maybe they don't even know if they could legally sell it, and are still trying to consult with their lawyers.

These are just a few I thought up off the top of my head. Are any of these the situation? Who knows. But people seem to be extremely uncreative when it comes to trying to figure out the motivations of others.

Originally Posted by ShadowNate
;_; ?!?! What the heck is wrong with you, my god, I have never been so confused in my life!



Originally Posted by Kitsune Knight View Post
Some possible reasons include:
1.) They tried, and no one was willing to buy it (at least for a price they'd consider acceptable... CoH the IP still has value for them, even just sitting on it).
2.) They weren't expecting it to come to this, and by the time they realized they'd need to get rid of Paragon, there simply was no time to spend possibly months looking and negotiating.
3.) Their agreement with Cryptic (now PWE) would introduce complications, such as them not being able to further resell the IP/engine, or PWE would have to approve the buyer getting the engine.
4.) They didn't need the additional money beyond what they'd get by killing Paragon, so they're going to keep the IP around to see what they can do with it later.
5.) Maybe they plan on doing an APB, and selling it once they're done closing up shop. Take their time, and get the biggest buyer.
6.) Similar to 3, but maybe they don't even know if they could legally sell it, and are still trying to consult with their lawyers.

These are just a few I thought up off the top of my head. Are any of these the situation? Who knows. But people seem to be extremely uncreative when it comes to trying to figure out the motivations of others.
Just considering the fact that a potential suitor would likely have to renegotiate the Cryptic Engine license complicates the process of selling to anyone other than Cryptic, lest NCsoft signed a new licensing agreement first, which could then be transferred....




Originally Posted by Necrotech_Master View Post
the only thing im definitely boycotting is any ncsoft product
I'm with you on that. Irregardless as to what happened the fact remains the same. They did not walk into work 9/30/2012 and decide "That's it". They knew this for quite some time and was perfectly happy with letting the community continue to spend money on add-ons that would be useless in a matter of weeks.


Who do I have to *&^% around here to get more Targeted AoE recipes added?

Arc Name: Tsoo In Love
Arc ID: 413575



Originally Posted by EnigmaBlack View Post
They knew this for quite some time and was perfectly happy with letting the community continue to spend money on add-ons that would be useless in a matter of weeks.
In case you're not aware, we have three months (Nov 30th).

Originally Posted by ShadowNate
;_; ?!?! What the heck is wrong with you, my god, I have never been so confused in my life!



Originally Posted by Kitsune Knight View Post
In case you're not aware, we have three months (Nov 30th).
And those three months will not do much for players that paid for chunks of game time in advance, unless we're getting reimbursed for any paid time past 11/30. I won't even get into the SBE's I purchased that I'll now never get to use nor the superpacks I spent a good portion of discretionary income on.

3 months more or less is 12 weeks, which may be a lot of time to some, but not to me. For example, look how fast this summer went by...

Who do I have to *&^% around here to get more Targeted AoE recipes added?

Arc Name: Tsoo In Love
Arc ID: 413575



Originally Posted by EnigmaBlack View Post
And those three months will not do much for players that paid for chunks of game time in advance, unless we're getting reimbursed for any paid time past 11/30. I won't even get into the SBE's I purchased that I'll now never get to use nor the superpacks I spent a good portion of discretionary income on.

3 months more or less is 12 weeks, which may be a lot of time to some, but not to me. For example, look how fast this summer went by...
Going from previous experience of NCsoft closing MMO's (ie Auto Assault and TR)... the remaining game time from the *time of announcement* was refunded



Originally Posted by Gangrel_EU View Post
Going from previous experience of NCsoft closing MMO's (ie Auto Assault and TR)... the remaining game time from the *time of announcement* was refunded
That's good to know.

I'm just glad i was stuck on a concept and didn't purchase nature affinity

Who do I have to *&^% around here to get more Targeted AoE recipes added?

Arc Name: Tsoo In Love
Arc ID: 413575



Originally Posted by EnigmaBlack View Post
That's good to know.

I'm just glad i was stuck on a concept and didn't purchase nature affinity
I should really play nature affinity. I mean I did buy it. But I'm a funk on it right now.

"I have something to say! It's better to burn out then to fade away!"