Maybe don't boycott NCSoft




Originally Posted by Father Xmas View Post
Don't misunderstand me, I think voting with your money is reasonable. However if you permanently boycott every restaurant you had a bad experience in you will soon have nowhere to go out and have dinner in. Well maybe that analogy works for me because I live in a small town with less than a dozen restaurants and the next nearest town is 10 miles away.

As time goes on we see the emergence of mega game companies who buy up studios, suck them dry and discard them like a carnivorous plant with flies. All I'm saying is if you start saying you will never again buy a game from <insert name> because the did <something you object too> you will soon end up only buying indiegames off of Steam or <shudder> Impulse (just because I hate Gamestop).
Bad business no matter if it is a necessity , is bad business !
They do not deserve your trust and money .
Sorry a lot of developers are tired of publishers , cause simply put they cannot create what they love , and consumers like you are the blaim .
In your need to have some fun , you grab the best thing that is available instead of looking what is fun for you , not what is fun for the average market !
Same as food , if a restaurant is not edible food , you do not go there !
Even if it is the only restaurant in town .
Sorry people are so selfishe in many things , when they need to be selfishe , they try to justify it wrong ?

This is the case with NCSOFT , they did injustice you going to give them your trust again ?
LoL and all those people online talking about tough guys and actions and consumer rights.
Start using your brain please , consumers hold the money , if consumers even a minority .
make a demand for that , and a developer even a small company wants to supply it.
Then let it be done , we supply the cash , they just have to budget what is possible with that cash , and what is out of there budget .
Same way they are working for a publisher , just the cash is bigger , but they demand a bigger profit margin in return . since they are the middle man .



Originally Posted by mercykilling View Post
CoX may have been marginal, but it wasn't bleeding money like Aion. Nor as poorly managed.
How do you know Aion was bleeding money?



Originally Posted by mercykilling View Post
Greed and racism. One for sure, the other is just a feeling, no actual facts to back it up.
It's not really racism, although it is greed. It's just business. The Asian market is much different to the American one. In Asia, MMOs are still heavily enjoyed by people in Cyber Cafes, not out of necessity but because it's some form of social activity to do so.

Here they pay by the hour; and the cybercafés license the titles not as purchases but on a monthly lease.

CoH, not being of interest in Asia, has no way to expand in the market the owners of the company are familiar with.

No trying to defend them, but the “racism” card should not be tossed around so lightly.



Originally Posted by Feycat View Post

I'm saying that going out of your way to hurt Anet isn't going to help Paragon. And you attacking other members of this community doesn't help, either.

And that blaming Anet makes as much sense as blaming Paragon. They're both studios that published under NCSoft, with their funding.

But you have never EVER ONCE seen me defend NCsoft or say that NCsoft didn't do a terrible, stupid, awful, unwise, cruel, callous, idiotic thing.

Nobody ever said they were blaming ArenaNet. At least....I haven't seen anyone do so. Methinks you are mistaken.

Besides, ArenaNet has tons of other games for revenue. If I can go to and see a game advertised's blacklisted. Never going to let it see one red penny of mine. The -only- way this could be avoided is if NCSoft doesn't kill CoX entirely. If they are magnanimous and sell off the license and developing rights....perhaps I'll check out some titles of theirs. But nothing with a sub fee, that's for sure.



Originally Posted by Brillig View Post
SW:TOR is run by EA, who cancelled Earth and Beyond.
Wow, that would make me I hyprocrite, if I had ever heard of earth and beyond. I assure if if I had been an e & b fan and ea **** canned it like ncsoft did with coh I would not be playing tor.

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Originally Posted by Starsman View Post
It's not really racism, although it is greed. It's just business. The Asian market is much different to the American one. In Asia, MMOs are still heavily enjoyed by people in Cyber Cafes, not out of necessity but because it's some form of social activity to do so.

Here they pay by the hour; and the cybercafés license the titles not as purchases but on a monthly lease.

CoH, not being of interest in Asia, has no way to expand in the market the owners of the company are familiar with.

No trying to defend them, but the “racism” card should not be tossed around so lightly.

To be perfectly honest....America and the citizens thereof aren't exactly loved worldwide. And I can't blame anyone. Our government is kinda dicking the world over. Which bleeds through in public opinion.
It's not fact, no. But I'm fairly certain there's some hate there. It happens. That much, at least is fact. Might not be the -deciding- factor...but it's a factor.



Originally Posted by JoeKent View Post
Wow, that would make me I hyprocrite, if I had ever heard of earth and beyond. I assure if if I had been an e & b fan and ea **** canned it like ncsoft did with coh I would not be playing tor.
Earth and Beyond was a fun game and I for one was annoyed when it got cancelled, but at least EA didn't just walk in and fire everyone one day. They had quite a bit of warning and it was (as far as I recall) a pretty standard MMO shutdown rather than coming completely out of the blue.

And to be fair, E&B wasn't exactly setting any subscriber records when it got shut down... it may very well have been losing money.

Cascade, level 50 Blaster (NRG/NRG since before it was cool)
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Originally Posted by StrykerX View Post
And to be fair, E&B wasn't exactly setting any subscriber records when it got shut down... it may very well have been losing money.
Earth and Beyond apparently never even hit 40,000 subscribers, and a few months before it closed it had just over half that. Auto Assault apparently had less than 12,500 subscribers.

Numbers from here.

NCsoft stopped reporting CoH numbers a few years ago.

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Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
NCsoft stopped reporting CoH numbers a few years ago.
To be fair, they have stopped reporting numbers for pretty much all of their MMO's from their reports from what i can tell.



Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
Auto Assault apparently had less than 12,500 subscribers.

Numbers from here.

NCsoft stopped reporting CoH numbers a few years ago.

AA combined with another game's (smash star tennis) revenue said to have made up only 1/3 of 1% of NCSoft's total.

Tabula Rasa started with less than what CoX made then went down to less than half till they shut it after a year or so.

                   CoX (USD)    TR (USD)
2007-4Q    5,857,540    5,443,250
2008-1Q    5,657,921    1,953,529
2008-2Q    5,629,661    1,967,391
2008-3Q    5,808,868    1,647,081
2008-4Q    5,027,992    133,299

                   CoX*    TR*
2007-4Q    5,401    5,019
2008-1Q    5,416    1,870
2008-2Q    5,743    2,007
2008-3Q    6,193    1,756
2008-4Q    6,865    182

* KrW mn
Something interesting when comparing those.

For most of TR's quarterly income, it comprised about 2% of NCSoft's total revenue and kept that way for about a year. Of course TR still had its initial investment and operating cost which from the looks of it, it couldn't cover.

CoX at the same time made up about 7%. But it slowly shrunk, not just from its own revenue decline but NCSoft's overall income increased because of AION and the revamped Lineage1.

Around late 2009 CoX's revenue was cut by almost half and in comparison, took up only 2% of NCSoft's overall revenue and still declining but staying around 2% for the last few years.



Originally Posted by Starsman View Post
It's not really racism
No, but it is about mid-way between chauvinism and xenophobia. I wouldn't have believed it, myself, were it not for NCsoft's history and their recent actions. We've seen this kind of cultural xenophobia in reverse on these very forums, where people (like me) who suggest adding more anime- or fantasy-inspired costume pieces cause certain posters to respond with violent insults and insistence that this would somehow "ruin" the American super hero feel of the game. I have, at this point, not an inkling of a problem seeing a Korean publisher feeling the same regarding their image and their business. This is twice so when you consider that "Korean grindfest MMO" is actually a term at this point.


All of that said, I think of all the games NCsoft shut down, I may miss Auto Assault the most. The world needs more vehicle-based, open-world MMOs.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Brillig View Post
Fact: That's how every company on the planet does layoffs. You don't tell them they're being laid off and them given them a chance to dump the databases. Or come back with a gun.
Not so. I've been through a handful of layoffs (at least one, maybe two, where I was one of the people who left), and none of them were like that.