Discussion: Introducing Tweet Code Thursdays!




Originally Posted by Lucretia_MacEvil View Post
Well, that's what they said. I wonder what the limit is?
Found it finally on the Twitter Help pages.

Current Twitter limits:

The current technical limits for accounts are:
  • Direct Messages: 250 per day.
  • Updates/Tweets: 1,000 per day. The daily update limit is further broken down into smaller limits for semi-hourly intervals. Retweets are counted as updates.
  • Changes to Account Email: 4 per hour.
  • Following (daily): Please note that this is a technical account limit only, and there are additional rules prohibiting aggressive following behavior. Details about following limits and prohibited behavior are on the Follow Limits and Best Practices page. The technical follow limit is 1,000 per day.
  • Following (account-based): Once an account is following 2,000 other users, additional follow attempts are limited by account-specific ratios. The Follow Limits and Best Practices page has more information.

So, for DM's it's 250/day.

And since you can only send a DM to someone that Follows you, they can't create an alt account to send the DM's from without having to get people to follow THAT account as well just on the off chance they hit the daily limits.

If the game spit out 20 dollar bills people would complain that they weren't sequentially numbered. If they were sequentially numbered people would complain that they weren't random enough.

Black Pebble is my new hero.



Originally Posted by microc View Post
may be easer next time to post a tweet to a code link generator on coh.
have the link active for 24 hours. and the codes good for 30 days.
only have to put the codes up 4 times a month. (been trying to get a code for the last three days...).
As has been covered previously in this thread, we don't currently have this capability.

Andy Belford
Community Manager
Paragon Studios



Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
Significantly more work. This has become an all day endeavour for both Hit Streak and I.
Thank you both for the work you put in to trying to make this a more accessible event.



Agreed. This was a better, albeit more work intensive, way. Thank you guys so much for putting in so much effort



Originally Posted by Hit Streak View Post
For right now, the Dark Matter aura is going to be for promotional use only. There aren't any plans to put them up on the market.
This isn't to say that they won't be available as contest rewards, or for other activities online (Zwillinger gave some away last night on Virtue, I believe). It just happens that the focus right now is to build an audience on twitter.
Making a costume part (aura) available via a timed social media promotion running while people are very possibly at work (earning money to pay for your product and maybe not allowed to goof around with such sites on company time) is far and away the worst idea I think I've witnessed coming since the appearance of Freedom. It cheapens both the point of having a market (i.e. that we pay you for the stuff we want) and being a ViP (who should get this stuff without going through hoops). Making people rush around for 5 minutes on a social media they possibly aren't interested in doesn't seem to be a way to build an audience as much as a way to alienate members of the audience you already have.

Basically if you want to give away stuff to people who mess with twitter or whatever that is cool, but you should make it available for people willing to give you money for it as well.

Want better looking NPCs Contacts? Check out this NPC Contact/Trainer/Etc Revision Thread and Index
Remember: Guns don't kill people; Meerkats kill people.



Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
Significantly more work. This has become an all day endeavour for both Hit Streak and I.
I really wish I could help you (100% serious here). Given the response, I would guess that you have a lot of followers on twitter (great!).

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
I really wish I could help you (100% serious here). Given the response, I would guess that you have a lot of followers on twitter (great!).
5800+ currently. Which is like 600 more than yesterday.



Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
Significantly more work. This has become an all day endeavour for both Hit Streak and I.
You should only do this type of giveaway when the item is exclusive - for something that can be bought in the market or earned in game, just go back to the orignal way of doing it.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



finally got one, tyvm!



Originally Posted by Texas Justice View Post
Found it finally on the Twitter Help pages.

So, for DM's it's 250/day.

And since you can only send a DM to someone that Follows you, they can't create an alt account to send the DM's from without having to get people to follow THAT account as well just on the off chance they hit the daily limits.
On the plus side they still have the COH_OCR account - several of us probably still have that on follow.

Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.

Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.



Originally Posted by Hit Streak View Post
Thursdays just got a lot more awesome. Usually known for simply being the day before a Friday, Thursdays will now be known as Tweet Code Thursdays!

What does this mean?

Every Thursday*, starting at 10:00 AM PDT, we'll be posting cool stuff on our Twitter feed. Screenshots of upcoming content, photos from around the studio and of course, codes that may be redeemed for in-game stuff! We'll be tweeting all of this throughout the day, so keep your eyes peeled!

For item codes, we'll announce when the codes will be going out, and we'll give people a specific amount of time to re-tweet our post. If you re-tweet our post, we'll respond directly to you with a code to use. No scramble. No luck involved. No twitchy fingers required. Simply re-tweet our post in the timeframe given and we'll direct message you with a code.

In short, if you want an item code, do the following:
  • Follow us on Twitter
  • Re-tweet our tweet when prompted to do so
  • Receive a code

So, join us on Twitter at www.twitter.com/cityofheroes and score some cool stuff!

*Tweet Code Thursdays will not begin on July 12, 2012 until after PlayNC maintenance has been completed.

Updating with frequently asked questions:

Q: Are the codes single-use?
A: Yes, the codes we'll be giving out are single-use only

Q: Will items from the codes make an appearance on the Paragon Market?
A: None of the items we'll be giving away through this program are slated for the Paragon Market at this time.

Q: Will this be the only way to receive these items?
A: In short - no. We are constantly looking for ways to reward our community memebers. This includes in-game, Community Forums, Facebook, Google+ and Twitter.
Sounds pretty labor intensive for you guys. Why not just post codes for a limited time?



Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
Significantly more work. This has become an all day endeavour for both Hit Streak and I.
If it helps at all... it is VERY much appreciated.



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
You should only do this type of giveaway when the item is exclusive - for something that can be bought in the market or earned in game, just go back to the orignal way of doing it.
Erm, yeah... you can't get this aura on the market.

Originally Posted by TheJazMan View Post
Sounds pretty labor intensive for you guys. Why not just post codes for a limited time?
They can't... They don't have the tech, apparently. Yeah, I don't get that either.

Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
I really wish I could help you (100% serious here). Given the response, I would guess that you have a lot of followers on twitter (great!).
Okay, after discussing the situation with friends, here is an alternate method that is less labor intensive:
  • Put the item on the market, for 0 points and for 5-10 minutes from the announcement.
  • Do NOT put it in an obvious place like "paragon picks", or at least not on the front page.
  • Announce the surprise item "sale" on Twitter.
This has many benefits:
  • Far less labor intensive for the community team.
  • No need to worry about player region.
  • Utilize existing store functions that I know you have access to.
  • Many happy customers.
  • Only 1 code per game account.
  • No resale of codes.
It also has a couple drawbacks:
  • Players can stumble upon the market item without going to the social network.
  • Word of mouth may let the item go to people that don't go to the network.
  • It doesn't get people to create a twitter account to follow you, but then again, neither did the screenshot of the codes.
  • People at work during the contest times can't log into the game (okay, most people working these times can't).
If you've talked about this already, sorry. I'm just trying to help make more people happy, including the Community Team.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
Erm, yeah... you can't get this aura on the market.

They can't... They don't have the tech, apparently. Yeah, I don't get that either.

Okay, after discussing the situation with friends, here is an alternate method that is less labor intensive:
  • Put the item on the market, for 0 points and for 5-10 minutes from the announcement.
  • Do NOT put it in an obvious place like "paragon picks", or at least not on the front page.
  • Announce the surprise item "sale" on Twitter.
This has many benefits:
  • Far less labor intensive for the community team.
  • No need to worry about player region.
  • Utilize existing store functions that I know you have access to.
  • Many happy customers.
  • Only 1 code per game account.
  • No resale of codes.
It also has a couple drawbacks:
  • Players can stumble upon the market item without going to the social network.
  • Word of mouth may let the item go to people that don't go to the network.
  • It doesn't get people to create a twitter account to follow you, but then again, neither did the screenshot of the codes.
  • People at work during the contest times can't log into the game (okay, most people working these times can't).
If you've talked about this already, sorry. I'm just trying to help make more people happy, including the Community Team.
The web team sucks or is nearly non-existant. That's the reason they don't have the tech. Not hard to understand.

And your solution doesn't NOT make more people happy based on the part I bolded. Your solution would be worse than what they are doing now, IMO.

EDIT: A lot more people can log into social media at the times they do this (at work) than can log into the game (again at work).

Blazara Aura LVL 50 Fire/Psi Dom (with 125% recharge)
Flameboxer Aura LVL 50 SS/Fire Brute
Ice 'Em Aura LVL 50 Ice Tank
Darq Widow Fortune LVL 50 Fortunata (200% rech/Night Widow 192.5% rech)--thanks issue 19!



Originally Posted by Aura_Familia View Post
The web team sucks or is nearly non-existant. That's the reason they don't have the tech. Not hard to understand.
Not what I was saying. The web team for Paragon Studios is non-existent, yes. I was talking about their market, which their market provider should have, you know, provided.

Originally Posted by Aura_Familia View Post
And your solution doesn't NOT make more people happy based on the part I bolded. Your solution would be worse than what they are doing now, IMO.
It would be better than 20 one-shot codes thrown out like chum. It would be less labor intensive than the current solution, and the community team can be on during different times.

Originally Posted by Aura_Familia View Post
EDIT: A lot more people can log into social media at the times they do this (at work) than can log into the game (again at work).
I know that, but with a mix of times, there should be times when people aren't working.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



Got an EU code that works, thanks Zwillinger and Hit Streak! Thank you both for the extra effort you're putting in to get these codes out.



I'm not fond of this twitter/facebook thing. I've seen evidence that both social media locations are a fine place to get a wyrm or virus, and I'm just not comfortable posting to either site. I do hope that you don't intend to post things only via social media outlets. I like the forums here and don't have much interest in joining twitter... I'm already on facebook, a membership I ignore except when one of my friends has a birthday or something really interesting to say.

I know Facebook opens you up to virus attacks. I had to change my passwords and other information earlier this year when they "misplaced" my data and it got into the hands of a hacker.



Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
Okay, after discussing the situation with friends, here is an alternate method that is less labor intensive:
  • Put the item on the market, for 0 points and for 5-10 minutes from the announcement.
  • Do NOT put it in an obvious place like "paragon picks", or at least not on the front page.
  • Announce the surprise item "sale" on Twitter.
You and your friends must have very good internet service, or don't deal with the Paragon Market via the game interface much. Being on Satellite internet service I find the Paragon Market incredibly sluggish. Loading the interface can take five minutes on it's own. Loading times locating and moving a single item item through the cart can eat ten to fifteen minutes.

Aside from that, it is merely a dummy client -- it does not auto-refresh in any way that would alert users to time limited changes on the market. Nor should it! The Paragon Market, unlike the game, does not pull resources from the local drive but from a remote site (I can see this because, being tightly metered on this internet service, I watch my bandwidth usage constantly with NetBalancer). That may be the very cause of current sluggishness, as that data does not appear to be cashed. A sensible decision, I think, given the problems most web browsers seem to have with caching and memory bloat. Interacting with the Paragon Market also sends a boatload of data back upstream, which is even more of a bottleneck on some internet services. No idea what all that data is.

Before you argue those points, citing your web-development expertise again, bear in mind: every programmer does things differently. It should not astonish you so that things are not done the way you would do them. Instead of reasoning based on your experiences elsewhere, look at what is actually happening with the game client.



10-15 minutes just to buy something? That's like... dial-up levels of slow. I see that the Market Interface is pretty sluggish compared to when I browse the web normally, but something seems to be very wrong there.



Originally Posted by Serpine View Post
Making a costume part (aura) available via a timed social media promotion running while people are very possibly at work (earning money to pay for your product and maybe not allowed to goof around with such sites on company time) is far and away the worst idea I think I've witnessed coming since the appearance of Freedom. It cheapens both the point of having a market (i.e. that we pay you for the stuff we want) and being a ViP (who should get this stuff without going through hoops). Making people rush around for 5 minutes on a social media they possibly aren't interested in doesn't seem to be a way to build an audience as much as a way to alienate members of the audience you already have.

Basically if you want to give away stuff to people who mess with twitter or whatever that is cool, but you should make it available for people willing to give you money for it as well.
This this this this this this this this this >.<

I'm only ladylike when compared to my sister.



Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
As has been covered previously in this thread, we don't currently have this capability.
Well then don't do it, because as pointed out by the post I quoted above, you could have thought this out a little better.

I'm so pancakin' mad.

I'm only ladylike when compared to my sister.



Originally Posted by Serpine View Post
Making a costume part (aura) available via a timed social media promotion running while people are very possibly at work (earning money to pay for your product and maybe not allowed to goof around with such sites on company time) is far and away the worst idea I think I've witnessed coming since the appearance of Freedom. It cheapens both the point of having a market (i.e. that we pay you for the stuff we want) and being a ViP (who should get this stuff without going through hoops). Making people rush around for 5 minutes on a social media they possibly aren't interested in doesn't seem to be a way to build an audience as much as a way to alienate members of the audience you already have.

Basically if you want to give away stuff to people who mess with twitter or whatever that is cool, but you should make it available for people willing to give you money for it as well.

I tend to stay out of these things, but this one is irritating. I love costume pieces and am willing to pay for them, so I was tempted to go ahead an make a Twitter account, a social media site I have no other use for. I barely even touch my Facebook page. For COH related things I come to the COH website/forums. I am disappointed. On top of all that, these things are always going on while I'm at work, and have absolutely no access to the internet And now the only stated alternative is a random GM appearance on a random server at a random time, and even then I still have to compete with the other players to get it at all. No thanks, I'll pass. If there was a certainty it would hit the market at some point I wouldn't be as sore. But life goes on and its only a costume piece .....................................<smiles> right?

Bright and Shiny,
American Wonder



Why aren't they taking my cash for this again?

Oh, twitter... right.

Looks like I won't be getting this aura. Facebook was bad enough, but that was only a silly emote. Twitter is just too much for a aura. I even hate saying that word.

Next time think this through. Let the people that are willing to jump through the twitter hoop do so and get it for free, but tell us it will be available immediately after the promotion for a fee. You'll avoid a lot of rage and still have the promo time.



Am I the only one that looked at this comp/giveaway and just thought this was way too much effort to bother with?

Birdy's go tweet not me.

Too many 50's to list here's a few you may know.
Slazenger, Area51, Area53, Area54, Erruption, Mind Plague, Thresher, Sheath, Broadside, Debt