Discussion: Introducing Tweet Code Thursdays!




Originally Posted by Doctor Roswell View Post
I don't know if you've noticed, but they've been kinda busy today. Give them a little time.

Speaking of "multiple accounts," have I mentioned to anyone that I have multiple Twitter accounts? My personal one and a purpose-built one for a specific end. There's... there's actually nothing stopping anyone from making as many accounts as they have email addresses. Which are also free and easy to have more than one of.

Just sayin'.
I know they're busy, I understand that, but then I would question the wisdom of telling us to PM someone who's about to do a live video broadcast an hour later. Is there no one else in CS who can deal with this?

And by multiple accoutns, I meant CoH accounts, I know players who ahve 3 or 4 accounts, can they not get them for those? Nowhere was it stated 1 per person. My wife's account is technically my second account.....does she not get one?

We built this city on Rock and Roll!



Originally Posted by Doctor Roswell View Post
There's a setting within Twitter where you can have it send you an email automatically whenever you get a DM. I don't know if that's enabled by default or not, but it might be worth looking into for everyone who doesn't plan to remain Twitter-active.

(Also, it possible to set it up so you get a text message on your phone every time a specific user -- say, CoH -- tweets.)

Oh, and about ten minutes ago, they tweeted that the next round (for Dark matter again) starts "in a few minutes."

EDIT: There it is. Only five minutes this time! Half as much work for Zwill and Hit Streak (in theory), I suppose.
Hi Guys, I only created my twitter account about 4 hours ago and I got an e-mail notification of a new DM so it must be enabled by default as I have not changed anything on the setup.


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unless you are a cheese!



Originally Posted by Coin View Post
And by multiple accoutns, I meant CoH accounts, I know players who ahve 3 or 4 accounts, can they not get them for those? Nowhere was it stated 1 per person. My wife's account is technically my second account.....does she not get one?
Right. I got what you meant, apparently you missed what I was saying:

If you want more that one code, make a second (or third or sixth) Twitter account. Retweet once from each.

FUN FACT: That burst of light when you level up is actually the effectiveness escaping from your enhancements all at once.



Originally Posted by Doctor Roswell View Post
Right. I got what you meant, apparently you missed what I was saying:

If you want more that one code, make a second (or third or sixth) Twitter account. Retweet once from each.
We shouldn't need to though. I was never stated that we could only get one code each. And I shouldn't have to jump through hoops creating multiple Twitter accounts for this, there's enough people complaining about using Twitter as it is, why force them to do the same?

Simple information for this at the start would have been a lot easier.

We built this city on Rock and Roll!



CS is in Austin. OCR is in California. Two completely different departments for two different companies (NCSoft does CS, Paragon Studios does OCR). One of the OCR team is out until next week so it's just the two of them trying to do as much as they can.

And it's not a live video broadcast an hour later, it's their regularly scheduled Freedom Friday discussions on Facebook.

I thought it was rather nice of them to try to do this today, a day it wasn't planned to be done, especially since there was a change in plans on how to do it due to player complaints.

There were many things that weren't specifically stated, much of it due to the methods being changed. Yes, there were things they didn't foresee. Yes, some people still weren't going to be happy. But they are trying to be as equitable as they can.

I can understand them trying to limit it to once per day per person so that more people can be given codes. One of the previous complaints was from people snagging multiple codes before others even got the first code.

If the game spit out 20 dollar bills people would complain that they weren't sequentially numbered. If they were sequentially numbered people would complain that they weren't random enough.

Black Pebble is my new hero.



Nice! Got my Dark Matter aura the second go round!! I very much appreciate Paragon amending the way that these contests work, and I even more appreciate the work that you guys now do for them.

Oh, and, well...



It has been said several times in this thread, but I'll say it again, thanks for making the twitter promo work like that, giving more players a stab at getting the code.

I kinda feel for the poor guys who have to send all these codes though... I hope they can get their hands on some tech to make it easier on them for the next time.

I also wanted to share with everybody this lil' video I whipped up for those still wondering what the aura looks like in motion : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kTFRdx18z30

My YouTube videos of auras, emotes and other stuff from special promotions, incarnate purchaseables, etc...



I just wish my EU code worked rather than saying "this code has already been applied" the first time (and every time after) I try to use it.



Originally Posted by Snowzone View Post
I just wish my EU code worked rather than saying "this code has already been applied" the first time (and every time after) I try to use it.
Send a PM to Hit Streak and Z about it. It may take them a bit of time to respond with how busy they are today, but they'll get it swapped for an EU code.

If the game spit out 20 dollar bills people would complain that they weren't sequentially numbered. If they were sequentially numbered people would complain that they weren't random enough.

Black Pebble is my new hero.



I have. It's already allegedly an EU code. I got a US code the first time in the batch so I sent a PM to Hit Streak. He gave me a new one and that one doesn't work either. I sent another PM but I have yet to hear anything.



I'm sure it's been said and I don't have the time to read all of this thread to check, but why not have free code giveaways for items in the market? There are people who love auras (me) but don't have the time to constantly check twitter. I know I can't get this as it's currently implemented. Why not put it on the market but have giveaways on twitter for people that aren't willing to purchase it?

My 50s:
Hero: Armor Assassin (scrapper), Cross Dresser (scrapper), Surly Seaman (blaster), Defensive End (Tank), Rad Rhino (Cont)
Villain: Beast Infection (Corr), Sweet Zombie Jesus (MM), Milk Weasel (Stalker), Orgullo (MM), Agent Eris (Crab)



Originally Posted by milk_weasel View Post
I'm sure it's been said and I don't have the time to read all of this thread to check, but why not have free code giveaways for items in the market? There are people who love auras (me) but don't have the time to constantly check twitter. I know I can't get this as it's currently implemented. Why not put it on the market but have giveaways on twitter for people that aren't willing to purchase it?
Long story short, they prefer to keep it exclusive to twitter or other kinds of promotions for now, however I think I have read Z saying he'd suggest they end up putting it on the market later on once that exclusivity "wears off".

My YouTube videos of auras, emotes and other stuff from special promotions, incarnate purchaseables, etc...



In the meantime, they do have Freebies in the Market each week.

Have you claimed your Freedom Freebie this week?

If the game spit out 20 dollar bills people would complain that they weren't sequentially numbered. If they were sequentially numbered people would complain that they weren't random enough.

Black Pebble is my new hero.



Still waiting on mine to be sent out but a big thumbs up Devs for listening to all the concerns, much better way to distribute these, but painful on the one responsible for sending them all out. Thx



Just got mine! Thanks again to Zwill and Hit Streak and anyone else involved....

Also, and I know this part isn't the Community team's doing specifically, thanks to Paragon Studios for making this account-wide costume piece unlock just friggin' unlock instead of resorting to that asinine "claim it from your in-game mail" setup that prevents me (for no good reason) from using some auras when I create a new character until I finally zone into Atlas or Mercy. Not having to go through that chore is much appreciated.

FUN FACT: That burst of light when you level up is actually the effectiveness escaping from your enhancements all at once.



Code received and applied.

Thanks again for doing this.

If the game spit out 20 dollar bills people would complain that they weren't sequentially numbered. If they were sequentially numbered people would complain that they weren't random enough.

Black Pebble is my new hero.



Although I understand this is more work and trouble, I liked this way of giving codes away over the previous "1st come-1st served".



Originally Posted by Texas Justice View Post
Code received and applied.

Thanks again for doing this.
GRATS on finally getting the code, Justice!

We are not old, so long as we continue to chase our dreams.



Well, they can't send any more DMs today. They said they'll keep going from where they left off on monday. I guess I'll just have to wait until then, then... /em waiting



I didn't even know there WAS a limit on how many DM's you can send per day on Twitter.

Apparently there IS such as limit and they reached it.

EDIT: I learned many new things about Twitter today. I will likely put my Tweets back into Protected mode to keep people in my school district from snooping on what I say, but I'll know to open it up if I need to do something like this.

If the game spit out 20 dollar bills people would complain that they weren't sequentially numbered. If they were sequentially numbered people would complain that they weren't random enough.

Black Pebble is my new hero.



Originally Posted by Lord_Kalistoh View Post
Although I understand this is more work and trouble, I liked this way of giving codes away over the previous "1st come-1st served".
Significantly more work. This has become an all day endeavour for both Hit Streak and I.

Andy Belford
Community Manager
Paragon Studios



Originally Posted by Texas Justice View Post
I didn't even know there WAS a limit on how many DM's you can send per day on Twitter.

Apparently there IS such as limit and they reached it.
Well, that's what they said. I wonder what the limit is?



Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
Significantly more work. This has become an all day endeavour for both Hit Streak and I.
Will this become available in other media perhaps?

The plastic tips at the end of shoelaces are called aglets. Their true purpose is sinister.
--The Question, JLU



Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
Significantly more work. This has become an all day endeavour for both Hit Streak and I.
But it's greatly appreciated work; thanks! Much better than the originally intended implementation. Hopefully you can get this nicely automated for future.



may be easer next time to post a tweet to a code link generator on coh.
have the link active for 24 hours. and the codes good for 30 days.
only have to put the codes up 4 times a month. (been trying to get a code for the last three days...).