40 -
if the sale of the ip does not happen...i would look into starting a new world with a new game engien. have a new story or old hero reboot the new game.
to the op if the person that ows\es you money is in the same state send a registered letter then small claims. any good lawers can write a demand letter but it going to end up in small claims.
may be easer next time to post a tweet to a code link generator on coh.
have the link active for 24 hours. and the codes good for 30 days.
only have to put the codes up 4 times a month. (been trying to get a code for the last three days...). -
i would look into an h71 mb and one of the 2 core g cpu from micro center..they and new egg have combo deals..with a new mb your going to need some new ram too. if your old drives are sata and you have a good ps you can use them and your old gpu till you can replace the gpu.
the do make for 15.00 usb to ide/sat cables for people that want to connect an old drive to a new pc.
have you tried running a drive sweeper to make sure the old driver is gone and ccleaner?? this might sound crazy but have you tried making a new user account in windows and in ms config turn everything off other then anti virus and see if coh crashes. if it not a hardware error you may have to do a nuke and pave to fix the issue.
or the antec gaming line of case...there plan janes of cases. -
first start off with the simple stuff. is your bios up to date a lot of bios patches fix ram and update cpu code. run memtest to see if your ram is fine. if you build your system check that the ram in on the mb guild. also check the ram speed with cpu-z the spd tab. some mb bios dont read the ram spd info right and dont set the speed and voltage right..under load the pc can reboot. with hardware monitor check the cpu and gpu temps and power supply voltage. a cpu test is prime95 or intel burn in. there are a few free gpu burn it tests. i would also open the case and check for dust. dust can clog fans or break them...on older system check that the fans are moving.
funny that the prop guy missed that he put the guy on the right helmet on sideways. -
if you want to see if the cpu run prime 95 or intel burn in..it stress just the cpu. one thing also to watch with hardware monitor is your power supply holding up under load. with the hardware monitor program watch your power supply voltages..12v leg..the other isue that will cause lock up and crashes in the mb chipset getting to hot and locking up. i would watch the temps on them if your mb has sensors on them. also if your video card is one of those over clocked cards try setting it back to factory and see if you get and hangs. one last thing..most vendor have the gpu fans set to a low speed to keep the noise down...these fan speed profiles are fine for web surfing but sometime they dont spin the fan up before it starts to over heat and lock up.i would see if you can bump your gpu speed up and see if the crashes take longer.
if the drivers don't fix the issue. check that your pc fans are fine so your not over heating. (if your pc is a few years old) you could have a bad cap in the power supply or mother board so that under load your pc crashes. there not dust inside. if there not dust try running memtest to see if you have some bad ram. if it passes I would try running a gpu burn in program and see if there and issue with the gpu or forcing the system power is causing the issue.
memtest will tell you if you have ram issue. if it a power supply or gpu issue try running hardware monitor and watch the power supply and gpu temps. then try running pathmark gpu burn in. if you think it a cpu issue try running prime95.
run a malware scan and see if you have any that eating your bandwith. also check your anti virus some of them have game mode..if your using a wifi connection log in and see if you got any leaches.(people sucking up your bandwith. run a speed test to see what your speed and delay.(ping). also if you have a cable modem or a router log inot them and check there logs.if there logs look fine try updating your ethernet drivers. if your still crashing talk to coh help support as you may have a bad server that your logging into.
I think the person that filmed the move plays coh.Had to keep myself from doing a mystery theater 3000 on the movie in parts. you know when to add the staff fighting wet noodle fx sound in. They also used the dark power set in the movie...near the end the movie looks and feels like a mish run...just missing the chat window and power buttons...
to let the op know they may not be any high end ivy bridge (e) lines of chips.
from what i been reading online intel haswel cpu may be out this time next year on another new cpu socket. also the new pci 3.0 video cards (600x) from nvidia wont run at there max speed on an x79 chipset pci 3.0 8t speed).
the only intel chipset is the z77 that first gen pci 3.0 chipset. most mb using this are using the 1150 cpu. have less pci lanes then the x79 and only duel memeory controler and not the quad controler on x79. amd new cpu that will be out in june going to be using the new fx-2 slots. most good case vendors like antec the cases are mostly tooless where you just slide the cd-rom drive in and your done. I picked myself up an antec 100 case from new egg 54.00
nice simple case one/off usb 3,.0 and speaker header on front. has nice cable management and big cut out on mb tray to put on cpu heat sinks.
down side of the case is max lenth is 10.5 but take a look at the case and other. the good gaming cases are going to have large side or top fan the larger fans you can use the slower they have to spin and the lower the sound is from your case. good gaming ps will have one large 12v rail. -
i first off check to see that you have the lates firmware for the router. also check that you dont have it open to anyone that want to use it. (leaches).
if the firmware up to date then check the wifi radio settings most routers default setting are to use 54 max sprrd and be able to connect to b/g devices. if the pc the only wifi in the house set it to n only. two things to check and try is if you have cordless phone try changing cordlass phone channel or the default channel on your wifi router....the last issue could be the chipsets not playing together there two major wifi chipset out there broadcam and aeroes(sp). depending on drivers and fimware some time the two chipsets work fine and sometimes they dont. also with 3 party firmware like open wrt you can change the output signal strenth on some chipset..vendors also make a higher power usb and pci cards for people that have to have there pc a good distance or floors between the router and the desktop. -
most system restore cd are not the same as a windows 7 install cd they use a cheap version of ghost to copy back the info. I had this error many times in our shop. I dont know why microsoft does it but they put some info of the os that installed onto the master boot record. if the data damaged or set wrong the os wont boot. just use the widows tools disk and do a fdisk/mbr then delete all the other partion. you can then run the restore cd to put back the factory image on the laptop or use your windows cd installed. Also to let you know ms puts out a usb iso free tool that if you have a good copy of windows will make a bootable usb iso on a 4 gig usb stick. good if you think your sons cd-rom has reading issues.
also will screw up a cable modem is how many tv are in your house or apt and are on the same line or splitter. comcast will want to put the cable modem on the first splitter in the house to keep the signal strength good and the noise low. take a look at the wires going into your home. both the electric and cable. the covering should look fine if it looks like it melted or bare in some spots have the power/cable company replace it. (could cause cross talk or a ground short). also have them check the main connection coming in the house that it not rusted out and the signal strength is fine. one last thing to check is a bad box or tv in the house. somone is watching the 10-11 oclock news on the tv/box and it causing a lot of noise in your house so that the cable modem is forced to slow down. easy check is to disconect line from the wall when you fine the box/tv your modem will speed up. if your in an apt it might not be you but someone connected to your splitter.
hello op from another person from mass. there are mac and pc network programs that will give you your speed of your broadband connection and how using it..(connected mac addy). also your router logs will tell you. one other thing to check even though it a mac is that you dont have a virus or spyware..a lot of new stuff now with hackers is to turn pc/mac into zombie host for dds attacks. where they use most of your netwok to send pings to a server in hope of crashing it. if you have comcast and renting there modems see that you have the newest dosi 3.0 modems that channel bond. you wont get max speed now with comcast unless it a 3.x modem that takes four dosci channels and bonds them. also with comcast and there network your sharing the bandwith. in your area the hub/server your connecting too may be overloaded. try dsl reports or google seaches to see if there more then one hub in boston that you can tell your modem to connect to. if not ask comcast lev 2 tech for help that at night your area is overloaded and your connection is dropping.
with 4 gig of ram and coh you want to close or not load at start up a lot of crap like itunes and adobe reader. us msconfig in the run window and turn off stuff from auto loading that you dont need. also on coh launcher tell it to close down after it launches the game..most people have it running on the task bar it not needed once it check that your game is up to date. the last tip is the game itself it happens to me with my gtx250 the game when installed or patched loves to turn ultra mode on. i have a 24 inch monitor and with the stock video card and monitor running at 1900x1600 if i turn the setting up to high i can lock coh up. i mostly run the game at it lowest setting so that i can at lest in tf and group play dont lock up...i still lag a lot.
if you want to see all the eye candy your going to have to replace the old card. -
the problem is right now getting the 670/660 and lower cards out right now is the gpu foundry is having yield issues with there 28mm production. was in the news that they shut down the whole 28mm production due to low yeilds at the plants. there also a good news clip today on why nvidia and ati are not going to go to 22m and 14mm fabs as soon as they did with the 28mm fabs.
it looks as the fabs get smallers the cost to make the smaller fabs goes up it price so high that there no savings to the companies that switch to smaller fabs. -
To the op as you said this is a new pc to you looking at the cpu temps there high to start off with and looking at the temps looks like to me the gpu fan may not be working or connected to the video card so that it moving heat away from the gpu. any easy test is turn off the pc open the side panel and have a friend turn the pc on while you have it on it side with the pannel open and a flash light. the gpu fan should spin up about 10 sec after the power is turned on. one thing with hand me down pc is how dusty or was the old owner a smoker. a lot of time if they have cats or it was in a shop there can be dust/dirt clogging the fans. a can of canned air or someone with a compressor with an air nosel will clean out most dust from a pc. if it not dust but the fan is not spinning or it real slow. take the modekl and ser# down and see if the card has a warranty. if the fan has falled off from a move...if it not broken all you need is to see if the thearmal paste is fine (looks like tooth paste but helps move the heat from the gpu/cpu to a heat sink.) if the paste is missing or is dirty just wip it off and pick up a new tube at best buy/radio shack or local computer parts store it runs about 10.00 a tube. and use only use a little bit.
first off do a little house cleaning of the pc..the video drivers you posted are old nvidia last was 285.x for there older cards there now putting out drivers for windows8. also if your using hd audio from realteck on your mb download there newer driver last time i looked it was 2.6x. also run the intel chipset updater to see that you have the newest chipset drivers for your pci bridge.
you also want to run ccleaner and then run windows defrage or defragler,.
two other things to check when you have the newest nvidia drivers loaded is gpu set fan speed. if you have a small case you may want to turn the fan speed up so that your gpu does not over heat and lock up..there a few programs that you can watch in real time your gpu temps. one last thing is boot of a bootable iso disk or usb stick and run memtest over night on your system ram. if there a bad stick or bad bit it could cause lock up and data errors. if the system 2 or 3 years old also run a hd fitness test from the hd maker to check your hard drive. -
dell does have gaming pc they bought out alienware a few years back.
on pc parts intel ivery brige cpu will be rolling out soon these chips will run on some of the older x6x chipset 1155 mb. this is going to cause the older sandy bridge chips to drop it price. a two core i3 right now on new egg is 124.00.
micro atx mb are 100.00 or so for z68. myself im in the middel of parts buying for my new rig..waiting for new z77 and intel cpu and nvidia new keplar gpu.
I did pick up a nice case from antec the model 100. it a nice mid size case that not only has two places for ssd it also has the new usb 3.0 on the front case and if you want water cooling or good cable management it has both.
http://www.newegg.com/Product/Produc...82E16811129181 -
it may not be the card that the issue or coh or the drivers. what you may be seeing is the card heating up and locking the system up. most vendor for vidoe cards and video card vendors themselves have a fan profile is the drivers and or bios of the video cards. it a balance between cooling and fan sound.
on my old rig that has not been replaced i have nvidia 250 video card and if i turn the fan speed up over 50 percent it sound like a plane taking off. going back to your problem the driver or bios might have the fan speed default at 30 percent. that speed is fine for web and light gaming and may be fine in a larger case that has extra fan or two cooling the system down. I would see if the ati control pannel has a fan preset speed and or setting for games. and see if setting the fan speed higher or telling the fan to come on sooner will help. also another trick to see if it a heat issue on a small case it take the side pannel off on the side of the video card it the case is a soild side pannel. taking it off will let cooler air into the case.
also check if your pc table is cutting off airflow to the computer a lot of these new small desk can cause a pc to run out do to lack of airflow.