What?!? No Blockbuster Feedback Thread?

Agent White



Just want to say overall, I love the Summer Blockbuster (and I hope we can access it for a week around Christmas too, another time for big movies). There's a few things that I think could be better, but most are minor issues, or just higher bars to aim for the next time.

In Time Gladiator, the set is beautiful, especially the Host's Box in the cutscene. Unfortunately, The crowd looks really sparse. This is a blockbuster, and our fights are kinda a big deal. We shouldn't have to risk our lives for a Tuesday Afternoon matinee audience

It also seems odd that the mecha team has no badge (or at least none that is known, but everybody says there's none, so it's tough to look for one). If there really isn't one, there should be. If there is, it'd be nice to get a hint of how to find it, or at least get confirmation that we need to keep looking for it....

I look forward to the Coliseum making it's way into AE and PvP arenas.

As for Casino Heist, I love that we have some missions with non-combat oriented mechanics. It's truly a wonderful change of pace. I'd like to see more of this, but maybe with a little more wiggle room for personal choice in how we go about certain parts, such as dialogue options. Having to choose a particular way every time we repeat, just in case we're with a new teammate who might be missing the badge can stifle the fun a bit.

It would also be extremely cool if selecting our role gave us an OPTIONAL disguise temp power to look like the "movie star" playing the part.

Finally, the biggest letdown of the event, the fairly typical mob+boss fights in Casino Heist don't seem to really fit the theme of the story. I can't say how at the moment, but I'd really like to see the climax be something a little more dramatic and fitting than just "do the cool stuff, then beat somebody up".

As for the reward, I love the proc. I'm a little sad that it's unique, which means I can't use a bunch of them to make my energy/energy blaster into something tanks want to play alongside. I'm also a little disappointed that it needs to be slotted into a damage power. Super Strength has that awesome AOE KB+Stun that I never bother to take because of the scatter, and if I could slot this into it, I'd probably change a lot of builds.

Now this I have an idea for how I would choose to fix the shortcoming in one fell swoop. I'd allow the set to be combined with Catalysts to make Superior variants, and aside from all the standard scaling up, the big change I'd make is to the proc. It would still add the 20% chance for knockdown, and still have to be slotted in damage, and still be unique... but the "convert KB to KD function" would become global instead of power specific. That would allow us to have the option of applying it across the board to characters with a lot of KB powers that annoy melee types, or even fix unwanted KB in non-damage powers... all of which without being required to do so by a fundamental change in the game, so people who like their KB could keep it.

Even if my (wonderful [ouch, must remember not to sprain shoulder when patting self on back]) idea were not implemented, for those who consider the proc to be an insufficient answer to a long-standing problem, consider this - this proc may just be a "proof of concept" test that they could alter at a later date more easily than making multiple changes to core functionality, if they should develop another way to do this more comprehensively. If they build a "fix it" button and give it to everyone, then they could just change the outdated proc to something more relevant.

Dear NCsoft, if you go through with this shutdown you've guaranteed you'll not see another dime from me on any project you put out, ever.




Originally Posted by Starhammer View Post
I'd like to see more of this, but maybe with a little more wiggle room
So the Thief role should have the laser section changed to be more like the laser training scene in "Entrapment"?

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Very fun event. This is largely due to the fact that there isn't any faffing around, either through waiting for things to start happening or with Reichsman-like speed bumps. Having different roles to try out and loads of badges to shoot for is great as well. It feels like they crammed the same amount of content you'd get in one of the other seasonal events into twenty minutes, and it's all the better for it.

Almost any power that does 100% KB is utterly broken with the new proc. I hope they address it soon because the alternative is addressing it never, c.f. super strength.



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
So the Thief role should have the laser section changed to be more like the laser training scene in "Entrapment"?
I was thinking this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FtK2q...eature=related

Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.

Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.



Hey, it's thieves and lasers. Although you're example was more appealing, Ocean's 12 is what I thought of first.

Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.

Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.



What I want to know is what the heck whoever designed Sylvia Rexson's build was thinking. Her damage output is fine, but given that she amounts to a giant, skintight leather bag of HP, resistance and regen, the biggest problem with fighting her isn't beating her perse, but beating her before summer ends.

And while someone might say, "well, bring a rad debuffer", a team shouldn't have to - "everything is beatable with anything" is a principle CoH has done a good job of upholding. So yeah... Sylvia is a pain-in-the-*** brick wall, and the fact that you can't even use venom dagger temp powers to ease the torture is just rubbing it in.



She's an example of how it can be tricky to make challenges for small teams - the other 2 AVs there go down pretty fast no matter what 4 ATs are on the team - but Syvia can cause problems to some combinations.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



She's one of the vanishingly few AVs in the game with increased regeneration (due to her Willpower abilities), in a setting that is specifically restricted to a small team of (probably randomly-assembled) mid-level characters without temporary powers. It really should not require a lot of guesswork to know that will be abnormally more difficult than other AV fights.

By pure good fortune, I haven't yet been on a team that had serious trouble with her, but it's not at all surprising that it happens.



Has anybody defeated all (100%) of the Ninjas and/or Monkeys yet?

Apparently, I play "City of Shakespeare"
*Arc #95278-Gathering the Four Winds -3 step arc; challenging - 5 Ratings/3 Stars (still working out the kinks)
*Arc #177826-Lights, Camera, Scream! - 3 step arc, camp horror; try out in 1st person POV - 35 Ratings/4 Stars



I've done the event multiple times on three different characters. Still waiting for my first proc drop. Ah well.



Has there been any official chatter on the level being set to the receiving character's level as being up for fixing?

It seems quite the waste to run the event after getting all the badges on a 50 to end up with an attuned enhancement that doesn't make any use of being attuned.



Originally Posted by Ogi View Post
Has there been any official chatter on the level being set to the receiving character's level as being up for fixing?
Confirmed as a bug by a redname.



I assume they're going to add the proc into super packs after the event is over?

KB to KD is an extremely valuable toy to restrict to one event that happened for a brief period over the year. Golly, if I still played my claws scrapper I would be giddy with glee at Shockwave finally turning from a ghetto power into a good one by a simple flick of the over-magnituded KB switch into a nice wide KD power. That's some nice mitigation...and no complaints about scattering stuff (hey, there's not always a flat wall to KB everything into!)



Originally Posted by BViking View Post
Confirmed as a bug by a redname.
I was hoping they had said something about how and when they were going to fix it.

I hope it will be a retroactive fix, but that's best case scenario.



Originally Posted by Ogi View Post
I was hoping they had said something about how and when they were going to fix it.

I hope it will be a retroactive fix, but that's best case scenario.
They like to fix things right when they can. And while I'm not a programmer, no did I stay in a Holiday Inn last night, but most likely the fix will go and set the min. level to 15 (or 10) for the EOs.

Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.

Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.



I've finally had time to run these and I want to say that I thought they were great fun. The Heist mission, particularly, is something I'd hoped to see in CoH for a long time. I hope they add more like it.

My only complaint about the content is that it is, like the AE, fake. Instead of jumping into movies with no explanation, to pretend to be involved in an epic adventure, I'd have preferred one of the following:

  • Have the events be real. Have our characters actually perform the heist (getting evidence of some kind of villainous plot for heroes, actually stealing money for villains), and have our characters actually be pulled into a cross-time gladiator match for the amusement of some powerful third party.

  • Have an antagonist with some kind of reality warping powers actually suck the players into the movies, instead of just sticking us in a theater and having us inexplicably walk into a movie to play a part.

Other than that, I thought this was great new content.

Please try my custom mission arcs!
Legacy of a Rogue (ID 459586, Entry for Dr. Aeon's Third Challenge)
Death for Dollars! (ID 1050)
Dr. Duplicate's Dastardly Dare (ID 1218)
Win the Past, Own the Future (ID 1429)



Originally Posted by Iannis View Post
I assume they're going to add the proc into super packs after the event is over?
I was looking at the IOs and noticing that they have a picture of a film reel on them, not a summer-related icon of somesort, which got me wondering, maybe they're gonna start setting this up for more than one holiday? If this was avaialble say quarterly, they wouldn't need to add these to the superpacks or anywhere else.

Also got to wondering part 2:

This 'event' is just AE content without the AE building and tickets isn't it?

Imaginary exploits that affect nothing, "just a form of entertainment your character takes part in." Remember how so many people said they disliked the whole idea of AE because it was imaginary holograms? And shouldn't these have been set within the AE building somehow instead? Maybe been part of some drive to help revive and rehabilitate the AE somehow? Of course not, the devs would just as soon forget the AE ever existed, yes I know. Just thinking out loud though....



OK, feedback time.

I've enjoyed the Heist on any team any character that got there. The gladiator part...

(1) It really drives home the problems with the Team Up Teleporter. When I join via the TUT on my corrupter, 9 times out of 10 I get a team with no aggro control, at most a stalker for melee. And so there are not 10 badges to get, but 11 as I work on the debt badge. The small team size, the opponent makeup and powers they were given, and the comparatively low level we're brought to means lots of face planting. Worse, too much face planting against the first foe, the crowd turns against you permanently and so you don't get the last foe.

(2) Level 29? Really? Three problems with this (admitted based on me running my level 50s on this):

The better powers that could let us compensate for poor team makeup given us by the TUT isn't there. Even if you want to say "no incarnates", 40th (or 44th) level lets us use the full breadth of our character's capabilities.

By being exemplered that far, our enhancements are significantly weaker, and a lot of set bonuses shut off. My Corrupter can fly while fighting with no endurance problems at 50, but at 29, she's gasping for endurance as she goes.

My Corrupter is still filling out some IOs in her build, got some 30 and 35 level standard IOs that I haven't replaced with 50s. But the salvage that drops during the event (and recipes) are in the 30-40 range. OK, I'll just go to a merchant and sell all that low level salvage. I don't have them all memorized, unfortunately, and get info doesn't show "this salvage is for enhancements in levels 30-40" (which it should).

I've spent a fair amount of time getting my characters to 50, developing attack chains based on the powers at 50. Being exemplered once in a while for a TF you missed or helping out a friend with a mission is one thing, a trial you have to run daily for a week or longer to get all the parts of a set is another. I'm not saying "well this sucks and it's no fun at all" - but it would be more fun if I could play my 50 as a 50.

Finally, about the set - please make sure they can be put on the market for the next similar trial. And, if possible, can you make the rng for "which enhancement do you get" weight the odds to enhancements you don't have?

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I've run the event 15 times so far and haven't gotten the proc. Annoying but that's just my luck :/

I like the idea of this event but the Heist portion needs a little more time in the oven. Mostly I just find the fights you have to deal with to be out of place. The whole idea of the heist is to pull it off perfectly without being found out, but you're forced to fight 2 battles after being tracked to your hideout. It would be nice if doing it perfectly prevented the battles. The first few times I played this I thought that the team had screwed up somehow.

The strict time-limits don't really give you time to relax and enjoy the heist because you have that pressure to do everything correctly. Also, the Thief job requires you to do absolutely nothing besides click on glowies and walk down a hallway. There's no challenge there.

The gladiator portion is alright but the auto-sk to level 29 and 4p limit ruins a lot of the fun for me. Unless the team has a decent support character to use buffs/debuffs the entire battle becomes a drag. Most characters I have, even when slotted decently for endurance, spend most of the time sucking wind. This problem is magnified when you have a team with 2 or more sub-20 low damage ATs that have none of their best powers. I know you can cherry pick a team but I primarily use the TuT for this stuff as there usually aren't enough people on that want to run it when I play.

I can't really think of any event or TF recently where the team make-up had such a drastic effect on difficulty. When I play my /Rad controller it's almost a mindless cakewalk. When You have a team full of meleers or low-level support characters without their best powers it can take 2-3 times as long and it's flat out not fun anymore. That sorta flies in the face of what CoH is about.

I just got off a run where I was a lone blaster with 3 other randoms who did very little/no damage. The only way we could make progress in the first heist AV was for me to pop 3 purples and 7 reds then blast until they wore off. At this point I would die on purpose so I could make an inspiration run and cap my damage before loading back in to repeat the process. That fight took like 15 minutes. The other players on the team were only capable of keeping her from regenerating, but couldn't really accumulate any damage.

Lastly, I know the reason random rewards are random, but running the same event over and over again, even one that is this short, is boring. I'm not sure what the fairest solution would be, but it would be nice if the rewards were a little ... less random. The option to choose the IO you want wouldn't be that bad since you'd need to run it 6 times to get the full set anyway. If not that, then remove the event cooldown. The devs are not curbing "farming" this event, they are just encouraging alt-jumping, which is just annoying for the player.



Originally Posted by Neogumbercules View Post

I like the idea of this event but the Heist portion needs a little more time in the oven. Mostly I just find the fights you have to deal with to be out of place. The whole idea of the heist is to pull it off perfectly without being found out, but you're forced to fight 2 battles after being tracked to your hideout. It would be nice if doing it perfectly prevented the battles. The first few times I played this I thought that the team had screwed up somehow.
Actually doing it perfectly minimizes the size of the battles. Royally screw up and you fight a lot more minions.

The strict time-limits don't really give you time to relax and enjoy the heist because you have that pressure to do everything correctly. Also, the Thief job requires you to do absolutely nothing besides click on glowies and walk down a hallway. There's no challenge there.
It's not meant to be a challenge. The Grifter does nothing but walk up to 2 different people and choose dialogue options. The Hitter clicks on 4 glowies, then talks to 1 person. None of the roles are challenging.



Originally Posted by Agent White View Post
Actually doing it perfectly minimizes the size of the battles. Royally screw up and you fight a lot more minions.
Still breaks the immersion for me. No matter what you get tracked back to your hideout and then return to the casino afterwards like nothing happened.

It's not meant to be a challenge. The Grifter does nothing but walk up to 2 different people and choose dialogue options. The Hitter clicks on 4 glowies, then talks to 1 person. None of the roles are challenging.
Exactly. And that's not very compelling. An organized team can knock out each phase in 30 seconds. The fights are forced on you in order to drag out the scenario. I can see why they did it that way, it's still a decent event, but it just seems like they could have done a little better. It could have been a longer, totally combat-free scenario and it would have been better for it. Especially since the other "movie" is nothing but combat.

Likewise the time gladiator event is extremely straightforward but the limits imposed on team size and SK level seem to be in place just to drag out the event. That just makes it a little less fun. Perhaps if they didn't make you fight AVs (granted these AVs aren't very hard, they just have big sacks of HP) it would be less of a slog.



The patch on Test (today?) has the Overwhelming Force set showing up in the Attuned section under Universal Damage sets.

So, it looks like the fix for this set making it Attunded properly and making it tradeable on Wentworth's is coming shortly.



Originally Posted by Neogumbercules View Post
Still breaks the immersion for me. No matter what you get tracked back to your hideout and then return to the casino afterwards like nothing happened.
Actually, I'm pretty sure that's just a double flashback - the way it's presented, the 2 casino sections happen together, followed by the 2 warehouse sections.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
Actually, I'm pretty sure that's just a double flashback - the way it's presented, the 2 casino sections happen together, followed by the 2 warehouse sections.
Hmm yeah I never thought of it that way.