Summer Event Preview Live!!1

Agent White



Originally Posted by Void_Huntress View Post
Can't you just give a counter-example? You seem to be kind of backlogged on things to exhaustively explore.
The solo counter-example is obvious: an energy blaster that is getting mitigation from knockback is virtually guaranteed to have better performance than one that doesn't, because we already know that the average blaster was skating at the edge of survivability when last datamined. My own personal experience backs that up, but even if I'm an anomaly, the data implies this is true on average.

The most obvious teamed counter-example is the case of one melee character and one ranged character. Lets assume the melee character possesses the knockback. Crane Kick is a good example: it has about a mag 6 KB at level 50: I once measured that to throw a target about 20 feet or so at even con. Lets assume the more floaty physics engine throws the target 30 feet. At level 50, with swift slotted with one run SO, player run speed is 30.8 feet/sec. That means the worst case scenario is a one second gap in offense. However, that's the worst case scenario. The ranged attacks could defeat the target leaving the melee to switch to another target. The target could be knocked in the general direction of travel in which case much of the distance the melee character moves is distance the character would have to run anyway: it costs zero net time.

Lets assume the average offensive penalty is about half of the time to cover that knock distance: about half a second. That compares to about five or more seconds of damage mitigation. That's a ratio of ten to one, and that's probably being conservative.

But, you might object, the melee might not need the mitigation. Fair enough but we can't simply handwave it away: doing that says damage mitigation itself is always worthless, so only offensive benefits count. There's no point in discussing KB in that environment, and for that matter there's no point in discussing most whole archetypes in that environment. There has to be *some* conversion of offense to defense. And a ten to one ratio makes it difficult to state that the mitigation is not worth at least as much as the offensive penalty.

Lets flip this around and give the knockback to the ranged attacker. The ranged attacker could conceivably knock a target that was in range of the melee character out of range. That won't happen all the time, but at least sometimes. The question is whether the incremental benefit of having or not having the knockback is better. Leaving the knockback in, the target is knocked which affords five or more seconds of damage mitigation to one or the other player. If this is the ranged attacker, we're presuming for argument's sake that's noteworthy. If this is the melee attacker we're presuming this is less noteworthy, but still significant if the ratio of mitigation to offense is high enough.

Why would the ranged attacker shoot at a target the melee character was engaging? There are lots of reasons, but the most intelligent one is that there isn't anything else to engage. If that's the case, the knockback is inducing a small penalty.

But this is the case of KB's effects once the fight is fully engaged. What happens at the beginning of the fight? In this case, with one ranged and one melee attacker its a foregone conclusion that the ranged attacker will be able to engage first, in theory. In practice, the ranged attacker may not want to. Doing so will mean he or she gets the initial aggro, and the ranged attacker may not be able to withstand that initial aggro. The ranged attacker may decide to let the melee attacker attack first, and only engage targets whose aggro is already occupied. That creates another variant of the situation above.

But if the ranged attacker can attack with attacks with significant mitigation, that equation changes. In that case, the ranged attacker can attack first, using their ranged advantage, and that increases the amount of damage the team can deal overall. Removing that knockback entirely means you reduce those pulses of offensive penalty at the end of the fight, but you also reduce the opportunity for the ranged attacker to leverage range at the start of the fight. Those are purely offensive counter-balances, completely separate from the actual benefits of having more mitigation during the fight. Without doing a quantitative analysis, it seems likely to me that the net difference between the offensive advantage of frontloaded mitigation and the offensive advantage of lack of knockback disruption roughly cancel out: enough to make the mitigation component itself preeminent.

The general principle is that solo, there are far more ways for knockback to work in your favor than against you. In a team, there are far more ways for knockback to work against you than when you were solo, but there are also far more escape hatches for other players to nullify that disadvantage. That's one of the reasons why herding is not as popular now as it was in the past. Although the lower aggro cap plays a role, another factor is that the perception became increasingly obvious that AoE wiping out one spawn at a time was faster than the time to combine them. That amount of AoE also tends to saturate the environment to the point where a couple knocked targets do not have a big difference in offensive kill speed. In the same environments where the damage mitigation effect can become unnoticable, the scattering penalty can become equally unnoticable. That's not a coincidence, because the value of damage mitigation in a team with a lot of buffs is inversely related to kill speed (the phrase "a lot of buffs" is there because that statement is time-scale sensitive: its false for situations with longer time scales).

[Guide to Defense] [Scrapper Secondaries Comparison] [Archetype Popularity Analysis]

In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



Originally Posted by Tater Todd View Post
Ah ok. Yeah I don't see that happening. It would be bad, Bad, SO BAD if the Devs changed all the powers to KD. It would cause some people to quit and many others to take a break from COH for a while like I did when AE hit.
No no no, see, you misread that. I didn't say knockdown, I said knockin. Rather than enemies going away from the attack, they come towards it. Clearly it's the perfect solution that everyone is waiting for. Though, it will likely have to wait until after reverse-butt capes, hair physics for bald characters, and the City of Dogs expansion.

In seriousness, it's not a big deal. If you're on a team where someone is getting disgruntled because your powers knock enemies away and OH GOD THEY HAVE TO RUN AN EXTRA 10 FEET OR OH NO MY AOE ATTACK DOESN'T HIT HIM AND MY PERFORMANCE IS SUFFERING BY 3.87% OUR TEAM IS DOOOOOOMED!!! then you should probably not team with that person. If you are that person, well congrats, there will be ever so slightly less knockback in your life. There aren't going to be security checkpoints set up at every mission door with the Knockback Protection Agency standing outside verifying that you have a single enhancement that works in a single power either way, so it matters very little.



Originally Posted by Mid_Boss View Post
Hand Clap, Torrent, GUST! All powers that were crap before because of knockback are now not only viable but awesome as knockdown.

Why wasn't this done YEARS ago?? Seriously.
hand clap wont be able to take the set because it is a universal dmg set and will prolly only be able to go into powers which can take dmg enhances

hurricane is another one that prolly wont be able to take this either



Originally Posted by I Burnt The Toast View Post
Not to negate your statement BUT... this enhancement does not get rid of ALL your KB it affects a maximum of one power. While I agree that KB can be extremely useful...having the choice on one power to make it KD can be just as useful....please refer to my TA/Arch defender for example. If I cannot use Explosive Blast because I cannot leverage the KB to keep the baddies in the various debuffs that is one less attack I am able to use AND keep the baddies debuffed. In this situation...for me at least.. KD is far superior to KB as I am mitigating incoming damage for a brief time with KD; while still guaranteeing that I do not decrease my debuff of the enemies due to KB.

I think this whole argument over KD/KB is silly to say the least since these IOs only affect certain KB powers...and a maximum of one per toon..and wait for it... it is completely those who prefer their KB can keep it...and those who choose to go KD on one power...can do so as well
I never said anything about what the IO did or didn't do. If you like it and are going to use it, great. I'm not begrudging any player that wants them and intends to use them. I can see some powers where it makes a lot of sense in fact.

However, if you're going to attempt to justify its existence with statements like "its completely optional" I'm free to challenge that statement, for instance by asking if the fact that its optional should have any bearing on whether its a good idea. Are all optional things, or even most of them, good for the game? Conversely, why are bad ideas better if they are made optional?

Lots of options would not be: in particular things that break the design or balance rules of the game, but were made optional for players to follow. That's the sort of thing that would kill the game remarkably fast: fast enough for me to bet real cash on.

There are lots of reasons why this IO is not good for the game in the long term. Probably the most significant reason is that its existence is tacit acknowledgement that the players expect and can continue to expect the game to present conditions where its true that KD is generally better than KB, and those are situations where moving the target is almost never better than leaving the target to move as it wills, because its almost always going to move in an idiot manner that always benefits the player.

The devs may be conceding the point, or they may be ignoring the point, but either way they won't tell us. Either they'll change it one day or they won't, and if they do they'll argue they never said otherwise and the players will say that they signalled it would never change by designing the game around the notion that critters will always move in best manner possible for players most of the time. And they'll both be right, but in a much more important way they'll both be very wrong.

[Guide to Defense] [Scrapper Secondaries Comparison] [Archetype Popularity Analysis]

In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



Originally Posted by I Burnt The Toast View Post
I am not into steamrolling... I like to play and chat and have fun.
Thanks! Too right. The approach is not limited to steamrolling.
Thanks for the kind response. So, yeah, there's just the simple aspect of wanting things to go without more of a fuss than what you'd consider ideal.
I can understand that.
I tend to enjoy it most when things don't go according to plan, haha, but I can certainly understand what you're saying.

(And I certainly understand about your example of Oil Slick!)

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



Originally Posted by Android_5Point9 View Post
No no no, see, you misread that. I didn't say knockdown, I said knockin. Rather than enemies going away from the attack, they come towards it. Clearly it's the perfect solution that everyone is waiting for. Though, it will likely have to wait until after reverse-butt capes, hair physics for bald characters, and the City of Dogs expansion.

In seriousness, it's not a big deal. If you're on a team where someone is getting disgruntled because your powers knock enemies away and OH GOD THEY HAVE TO RUN AN EXTRA 10 FEET OR OH NO MY AOE ATTACK DOESN'T HIT HIM AND MY PERFORMANCE IS SUFFERING BY 3.87% OUR TEAM IS DOOOOOOMED!!! then you should probably not team with that person. If you are that person, well congrats, there will be ever so slightly less knockback in your life. There aren't going to be security checkpoints set up at every mission door with the Knockback Protection Agency standing outside verifying that you have a single enhancement that works in a single power either way, so it matters very little.
I think it's because almost everyone remembers their one or multiple bad experiences with a KB heavy person...compared to their good experiences with a person that used it wisely. We all know that humans tend to only remember and dwell on the bad.

I complimented a player this week because she was amazing...she REALLY knew how to use her Gravity/Kin well! Reckless KB players used to anger me but I learned how to deal...*run* lol. Several times I would run from a mob until the team or KB person had things under control and when I'm asked why I'm not participating I just tell them and they understand.

An example of why I would like a -KB enhancement/Global -KB is the Storm set. I personally cannot deal with trying to blast Foes When my Tornado, Hurricane and Lightning Storm is pushing them everywhere. It's one reason why I only play Controller Stormies. Storm can be great with certain combos though like a Beam/Storm Corr but I find myself clawing at my face because I want to use LS and Tornado ALL the time...not just *sometimes*

Sorry Tangent


Posted I want to make a Beam Rifle/Storm Corr...going to open mids BRB lol.



Originally Posted by Dr_MechanoEU View Post
Actually thinking the IO will be nice for Assault rifle since M30 Grenade is one of the few Radial Knockback (where it knocks everyone away from the target, rather than the player) which means even normal means of mitgating knockback aren't useful and slotting the IO will makes the power much less annoying.
M30 Grenade is like most other KB powers and always knocks away from the player. You misremember.

Originally Posted by EvilGeko View Post
Ice Blast and Fire Blast have secondary effects that cannot be identically optimized. Ice Blast's slows and -recharge is valuable in places where Fire's DoT damage isn't. At times both are useful. Never, in my experience, have either been a detriment. I can't say the same for Knockback. In my opinion, Knockback is not an example of a good tradeoff of advantages/disadvantages. It's mostly disadvantage. Which means it's an obviously poor choice.
This is likely simply due to a perception error but it also may be willful ignorance. I have seen and been on both ends of an Ice blaster "messing crap up" just as bad as KB ever could. When that Ice Storm and Frost Breath hit a whole spawn while they are still spread out, the scatter doesn't go away quick. I still say AoE immobs are worse and more often a detriment than I have seen KB be used poorly. Hell, I have seen KD do the exact same thing. Gotta put that Ice Slick or Earthquake out right away, don't you? Why let the spawn collapse first?

But that doesn't change your point. KB can have drawbacks. What you seem to not be willing to accept is that sometimes powers with drawbacks are good design (especially if they have some counterbalancing benefit). Parry lowers your damage output. Maybe its damage should be increased? A Parry with higher damage would always be better than a Parry with lower damage. In all my years of reading the forums, no one has ever been able to prove that Parry with lower damage is more effective than Parry with higher damage. KB can cause scatter, it should all be KD. That way we can control the spawns and still do full AoE damage. The fact that KB is control, mitigation, and spawn positioning should not be balanced by potentially lowering our damage output (and armored toons should not have to press movement keys too much either! ).

And this IO addition has me curious about the following:
Originally Posted by Castle View Post
Whirlwind has always done knock up, now it is doing knockback. I did not see any patch notes on this change. I do recall some discussion about the changes being made to the way knockdown works because of ragdoll physics but understand it was suppose to be reversed. Is this an unnoted patch change or a bug?
Yes, the change was done purposefully. No, a patch note was not generated -- my fault, sorry! I simply forgot to note the change down.

Why? There was a PVE exploit involved with it, and this fix takes care of 90% of the issue.

Why Blasters? Empathy Sucks.
So, you want to be Mental?
What the hell? Let's buff defenders.
Tactics are for those who do not have a big enough hammer. Wisdom is knowing how big your hammer is.



Originally Posted by StratoNexus View Post
M30 Grenade is like most other KB powers and always knocks away from the player. You misremember.
Yeah, given the way KB works, wouldn't a power have to summon a Pseudopet in order to do radial KB rather than KB from the character?

Like putting down an Ice Slick on low level enemies, for instance. (Incidentally, KD being low mag KB rarely makes sense to me due to situations where it becomes KB. It generally seems to me like it would make more sense to be low Mag KU instead.)

Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound



Originally Posted by Tenzhi View Post
Yeah, given the way KB works, wouldn't a power have to summon a Pseudopet in order to do radial KB rather than KB from the character?

Like putting down an Ice Slick on low level enemies, for instance. (Incidentally, KD being low mag KB rarely makes sense to me due to situations where it becomes KB. It generally seems to me like it would make more sense to be low Mag KU instead.)
I cannot agree with you enough about kd/ku. One particular offensive power in this respect is Jolting Chain. When used on lower conning enemies (which happens frequently after you've be granted a level shift via the Alpha slot) it scatters enemies like crazy because that knockdown is becoming knockback. I've suggested a few times that it should be knock up instead.



Originally Posted by golden girl View Post
you number crunching types do know that there's more to this event than just some enhancements, right?

Originally Posted by EvilGeko View Post
But you can't kick them again!
And you'll never have to.

Or should have to, that is...

Raid Leader of Task Force Vendetta "Steel 70", who defeated the first nine Drop Ships in the Second Rikti War.
70 Heroes, 9 Drop Ships, 7 Minutes. The Aliens never knew what hit them.
Now soloing: GM-Class enemy Adamaster, with a Tanker!



My advice to McNum and others: if someone gets ... shirty that you don't have this IO, but you MUST have this IO, you didn't want to play with them anyway.

My request to anyone falling into the latter group: please, identify yourselves promptly when I join the team, so that I can leave it just as quickly and not waste either of our time.

a proud player of an FF/Energy defender

My characters at Virtueverse
Faces of the City



Originally Posted by Android_5Point9 View Post
In seriousness, it's not a big deal. If you're on a team where someone is getting disgruntled because your powers knock enemies away and OH GOD THEY HAVE TO RUN AN EXTRA 10 FEET OR OH NO MY AOE ATTACK DOESN'T HIT HIM AND MY PERFORMANCE IS SUFFERING BY 3.87% OUR TEAM IS DOOOOOOMED!!! then you should probably not team with that person. If you are that person, well congrats, there will be ever so slightly less knockback in your life. There aren't going to be security checkpoints set up at every mission door with the Knockback Protection Agency standing outside verifying that you have a single enhancement that works in a single power either way, so it matters very little.
How little do you understand this game. If somebody handclaps so that my already fired rain of arrows hits 1 targets instead of 10, that's a very significant drop in my efficiency, it also means that my subsequent AoEs will hit 2 targets instead of 5-10 if the badguys don't close back to melee.

Nobody is going to complain about a 3% drop in efficiency, but when you're reducing 2 or 3 characters by 60%+ surely the KB user should realise this, but they very rarely do. It doesn't help that often the powers with the huge radial KB don't do much damage, I've less complaint when they do.

Arcanaville's argument about KD being better than KB being similar to hold is better than immob is fallacious, hold/immob are different effects. Doing 20 damage is rarely better than doing 200, mag 0.7 KB is usually better than mag 7, that's the difference. I've always thought that KB and KD should be different (low mag KB can still be KD) but this would allow some attacks to have high mag KD meaning they can't be prevented by low mag protection but will never knock back.

It's true. This game is NOT rocket surgery. - BillZBubba



Logged on this morning and neither issue 23 or this summer event was here yet Guess it was a dream after all last night!

@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!



Originally Posted by EvilGeko View Post
It's simple. KD is more useful than KB because:

KD keeps critters close.

Keeping critters close leaves them in range of AoEs/Auras/patches/buffs.

AoEs/Auras/patches/buffs help make critters die faster.
Arcanaville already has this under control but I'll go where she won't: you want the game to be pointless easy mode. You argue for easy mode in any thread where it comes up. Every time the "simplify, simplify, simplify" crew gets its way the game becomes that much worse.



Arcanaville already has this under control but I'll go where she won't: you want the game to be pointless easy mode. You argue for easy mode in any thread where it comes up. Every time the "simplify, simplify, simplify" crew gets its way the game becomes that much worse.

The game is already pointless easy mode. When Incarnates came out and I was arguing for it to be difficult and interesting everyone said I was arguing for "the hardcore". You guys are funny. You'll say anything.

The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.



Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post

TL;DR: I can think its true because its true.
So you like KB and therefore it's advantages to you outweigh its disadvantages. OK, I've never argued about people's personal preferences. But you've never seemed to fall back on that. But I'm never going to argue with personal preference.

EDIT: By the way, I acknowledge I misspoke.

EDIT2: Although I'm far from the only person who argued for this enhancer, I was always in the battle, so I'm putting this in my WIN column. I'm fast running out of even minor things I want.

The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.



Originally Posted by StratoNexus View Post
This is likely simply due to a perception error but it also may be willful ignorance. I have seen and been on both ends of an Ice blaster "messing crap up" just as bad as KB ever could. When that Ice Storm and Frost Breath hit a whole spawn while they are still spread out, the scatter doesn't go away quick. I still say AoE immobs are worse and more often a detriment than I have seen KB be used poorly. Hell, I have seen KD do the exact same thing. Gotta put that Ice Slick or Earthquake out right away, don't you? Why let the spawn collapse first?
Slow can mess things up. Saying that it could mess things up worse than KB ever could is hyperbole IMO.

But that doesn't change your point. KB can have drawbacks. What you seem to not be willing to accept is that sometimes powers with drawbacks are good design (especially if they have some counterbalancing benefit). Parry lowers your damage output. Maybe its damage should be increased? A Parry with higher damage would always be better than a Parry with lower damage.
Parry has no drawback. It doesn't lower your damage output. When you cast Parry it causes damage. It also provides a defense buff. The tradeoff, to use Arcanaville's language, is that you get less damage than that power would normally provide based on its recharge/end for a defense buff.

That's a very reasonable tradeoff.

What does KB give you?

EDIT: I'm done. The KB lovers can pout, but I'm ecstatic that this IO is being added. You all should be happy. You can keep your beloved effect and have a ready answer when people state they don't want it in a power.

The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.



Originally Posted by EvilGeko View Post
Slow can mess things up. Saying that it could mess things up worse than KB ever could is hyperbole IMO.
It is a good thing I never said that. I said AoE Immobs messed things up worse and more often. At least with KB the enemies can get back up and recollapse, an AoE immob makes sure they stay spread out.

Parry has no drawback. It doesn't lower your damage output. When you cast Parry it causes damage. It also provides a defense buff. The tradeoff, to use Arcanaville's language, is that you get less damage than that power would normally provide based on its recharge/end for a defense buff.
Adding Parry to your attack selection is lower damage than using one of your other attacks. It lowers your damage output and you know it (at least I hope you do).

What does KB give you?
All the stuff you admit it gives and no more. In many, if not most, cases, KD would be better, I am not denying that. But if you admit KD provides something, well KB provides all the same but one and can provide one thing KD doesn't (which can be good or bad depending).

Why Blasters? Empathy Sucks.
So, you want to be Mental?
What the hell? Let's buff defenders.
Tactics are for those who do not have a big enough hammer. Wisdom is knowing how big your hammer is.



I hope they use the arena for upcoming missions, or new arcs for even expanding Cimerora... That would be great, is too good to not add more stuff with this awesome arena.



some people like it and some people dont. I hate kb and I avoid most kb powers. This IO will allow me to take powers I have skipped, such as kinetic melee cone attack. I might even play my PB again because this IO was made for powers like Solar Flare. My PB has been level 38 for about 6 years or so... and I moved it to a different server because before this IO I didnt see myself playing it any more.

Ice Ember



I hardly ever team, and then usually only with people that know me fairly well, due to the fact I'm disabled and have to take frequent afk moments, not to mention having problems with concentration due to the meds I take, which if I'm in a random team usually don't go down so well. I hate letting the team down, so for 99% of the time I solo.

I was really looking forward to this event, but now I'm going to be forced to team I'm not so sure about it any more. I'd feel better if the option were at least there to solo it, with a choice of NPC's for the other parts.

Oh well.

Help Dirk Knightly the freelance detective solve a case in Arc ID:368097



They should have just added the Proc to Volley of Velocity KB IO's since they are only 3 in the set and add a KB protection bonus to it. This way it will not be a unique and almost every level can use it and more people will buy the proc. It will be a Win for us and a Win for the Dev's since more people will buy it.

Volley of Velocity is a Knockback enhancement set in the Invention System. It is available in the 10-20 level range.

Volley of Velocity: Knockback/Damage,
Volley of Velocity: Knockback/Accuracy, and
Volley of Velocity: Knockback/Recharge.
Volley of Velocity: Damage/Chance for knockdown/Knockback to Knockdown

Only one of each of these types of enhancements may be slotted per power.

The following set bonuses apply when slotting more than one of the enhancements in this set into a single power:
Two enhancements grants 1% debt protection.
Three enhancements increases maximum Health by 1.13%.
Four enhancements grants 4 pts of knockback protection

Proton Sentry Peacebringer:lvl 50+++ - Human Build / Triform Build
Quasar Sentry Warshade:lvl 50+- Human Build / Triform Build
Red Katipo Arachnos Soldier:lvl 50+++ - Crab Build / Bane Build
Black Katipo Arachnos Widowlvl 50+++ - Fortunata Build / Night Widow Build



Originally Posted by StratoNexus View Post
Adding Parry to your attack selection is lower damage than using one of your other attacks. It lowers your damage output and you know it (at least I hope you do).
This is called "opportunity cost", and is my favorite form of "drawback" in game design. It isn't an actual built-in effect in the power that can be detrimental in certain circumstances. Parry doesn't provide any effect that can be considered detrimental that every other melee attack in the game doesn't already provide.

Please try my custom mission arcs!
Legacy of a Rogue (ID 459586, Entry for Dr. Aeon's Third Challenge)
Death for Dollars! (ID 1050)
Dr. Duplicate's Dastardly Dare (ID 1218)
Win the Past, Own the Future (ID 1429)



Originally Posted by Tenzhi View Post
Yeah, given the way KB works, wouldn't a power have to summon a Pseudopet in order to do radial KB rather than KB from the character?

Like putting down an Ice Slick on low level enemies, for instance. (Incidentally, KD being low mag KB rarely makes sense to me due to situations where it becomes KB. It generally seems to me like it would make more sense to be low Mag KU instead.)
This is correct.

Which raises the issue of just how this proc works? Does it cap magnitude (in which case it would fail on very weak mobs)? Does it change the direction entirely? Does it slap a KB protection effect on the target?

What happens if you slot it in a KU power?

I really should do something about this signature.