why aren't you playing a brute?




From teaming it seems a lot of people are playing brutes. It seems to be the most popular AT at the moment. Tough and massive damage, while they don't have a lot of tricks they do the two best ones - stay alive and take out the foe.

I should be playing a brute. I am using a tanker to solo AE missions. Surely a brute would be better. But i just can't stand to play a character who is not really useful to a team, and since I don't play at high levels, a tanker is just so much more valuable to a low level team than a brute.

I know brutes will say they can tank just as well, and with enough support they can. I teamed with a brute and tanker the other night in a team, the brute was much more "enthusiastic". Put Temporal Selection on him and kept him healed and he did fine. But a tanker is not reliant on support the way a brute is.

So for me it is simple prejudice. A brute would probably be better, but I just am attached to tankers.



i personally cannot stand tankers and their extremely low dmg output, yes they do have a little more built in surviveability, but i want to actually be able to kill things when im solo too



Because my current concept fit scrapper better. I almost went brute.

The concept is that the character is a member of a holy order descended from Cain and tasked by God to Shepherd over mankind. It seem to fit scrapper better because the character is basically a Priest. I had almost convinced myself to say that the Fury bar represented the character becoming more and more filled with the Holy Spirit, sort of like Pentecostals. In the end I decided to stick with scrapper. So my Staff/EA Priest ended up being a scrapper. Now I just need a Shepherd's crook for a weapon model.

I do have a version of the character on beta that is a brute though.

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Originally Posted by dugfromthearth View Post
It seems to be the most popular AT at the moment.
To be clear I am not trying to start a debate with this. I however would love to see the official stats of what the most popular melee AT is right now. I figured it would be Stalkers. The new Stalker is very very nice, and I have seen more of them as of late than ever before.

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Because I don't like the way brutes play.

I like to build up my defense early, I don't care about having a full attack chain. I like tanks.



Chasing fury. Mastery of Soul seems to be helping with the blue addiction.

Without IO investment and/or external buffs they aren't much more than scrappers (yes yes the Res cap is higher but the armor set values are the same) with an annoying mechanic that makes cold starts very painful and thus needs a GOGOGO style whether you want it or not.



Well, City Information Tracker does display aggregate tracking data on their front page. http://cit.cohtitan.com/

However, they split the data between 'heroic' and 'villainous' archetypes, so the most popular are Scrapper and Brute... which doesn't say which is more popular.

Be Well!



I have one of every main AT (no HEATs/VEATs)... My brute is basically my second string tank who can also shell out damage. If a team truly "needs" a tank I will switch to my tanker though.

Originally Posted by Paladiamors View Post
I love you, I Burnt the Toast!



Because I'm playing a stalker right now (three more levels and I'll have my first 50 weee!!)



Because I find them, along with most melee, quite boring..



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
I prefer Scrappers to wannabe Scrappers
My only issue with this is that I hate runners, so I like brute's tauntiness (that a word?) on this comparison.

Currently on Virtue:
Jinrazuo - Crab Spider

RWZ All-Pylon Solo Run



Originally Posted by Rufus T Fyrfly View Post
Because I'm playing a stalker right now (three more levels and I'll have my first 50 weee!!)
This. With Stalkers critting almost every other mob there isn't any need for me to play my Brutes anymore. Now if they can make Scrappers crit constantly...

Questions about the game, either side? /t @Neuronia or @Neuronium, with your queries!
168760: A Death in the Gish. 3 missions, 1-14. Easy to solo.
Infinity Villains
Champion, Pinnacle, Virtue Heroes



Several reasons, but three off the top of my head--in no particular order:

They're melee, and melee is gross.

They're called brutes. Yep, the AT name offends/annoys me.

None of the power sets really grab me. I'd rather crush your soul than smash your face.



i do not play a brute because i dont like their style. i prefer a bit more finesse than an all-go-no-quit-big-****-Harry-Stamper approach to combat. if i want to play something that can dish out punishment, id rather it be precision strikes than taking a sledgehammer to it. I also dislike the fact that the At basically punishes you for downtime.

Chat Handle: @Aether Crash -- Guardian
Zkorva the Exiled (50) , Squallshot Maiyamin, Aether Crash, Vhogge the Skyshaper

Villains: Katsuo Tentei (50), Lumilian Dhosan, The Cobalt Tempest, Executioner Adan



I prefer ATs that have a specific finesse. A Blaster needs to be mindful of its aggro and positioning. A Tanker is responsible for holding aggro and living through it. A Stalker should be dealing large amounts of surprise, burst damage.

Brutes, and Scrappers to an extent (Scrapperlock) really don't require as much finesse in my opinion. Running from mob to mob and standing there while I kill everything as it tries to kill me is too one-dimensional for me. There's nothing wrong with that style of play, it just isn't my style.

@Winter. Because I'm Winter. Period.
I am a blaster first, and an alt-oholic second.



I usually play action games so melee to me is either fast combat vs other melee, or a sudden visceral impact.

Brute works fine as my farmer constantly on the edge of dying. She's something like lv41 and has a half baked random build, but she's up to ... +3x8 I think and that's plenty to grab tickets when I need them, but outside of that I only want to play a scrapper and get that big 'THWOMP' on the first hit without the setup of a stalker or the build up of a brute.



I have played broots! I also play a new stalker my old stalker and ooh look, my old 'troller I never finished and hey isn't that that blaster with the awesome build I was working to finish and where is that defender? I don't really like defenders but the character was nice and then there's my 50 MM (my third 50!) that I was considering trying out incarnate stuff with and...

...and why am I not playing a what?

In other words, altitis... it's always altitis.



Because flying by the seat of my pants and jumping around all over the place spraying AOEs as a Fortunata is much more exciting, that's why

Also, I've had terrible luck with brutes. It took me three tries to get one that worked at all; the first two couldn't even half-finish fights before their endurance bottomed out regardless of how I slotted.

{}... .-



It took me a long time (like since CoV beta) to find a brute powerset combo that I really liked, but currently I'm loving playing my Staff/Regen brute.

I really should do something about this signature.



I have a Brute, however, I tend to avoid them (and Scrappers) because I find them to be too fragile.

Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound



Funny I always found my low level tanks to be completely useless to teams, with not enough endurance, low resist and defense as long as they were not fully slotted, and of course, damage output of an oyster.

On the other hand, I love my high level tanks.



Because the Zen of Scrapperlock is purer than the chasing of Fury.

However, it turned out that Smith was not a time-travelling Terminator