No issue 23 posts?

Agent White



Originally Posted by Zyphoid View Post
Cat is out of the bag now, might as well put it back up. I really would have loved to have seen the costumes. :/
We're getting Bag-Cat Assault in Issue 23?




Originally Posted by Snowzone View Post
Interesting. The page is still cached if you're able to figure that out. I'm hoping there's another round of proliferation, maybe not for powersets but at least for animations or ancillary pools - the past issue overview pages don't seem to include power proliferation.
Agreed, I would REALLY like to have munitions for my mastermind...

"I have something to say! It's better to burn out then to fade away!"



My feeling on why the overview there felt on the light side is because, well... we wern't supposed to see it yet. My guess is that it's an incomplete overview not ready for us to see yet. Didn't talk about new powers or proliferation, even for the market, any other changes or additions, etc.

It's short enough to make me think this isn't everything we'll see in i23.

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Originally Posted by Xzero45 View Post
I just want it to be more personal. In my opinion, a truly epic and memorable battle would be one where you're not just one soldier of 24 or 32 being thrown at the end boss in a massive light show where you can't even tell what's really going on because of all the powers going off everywhere. It just doesn't feel climactic at all.
I understand where you're coming from, but frankly, this is one of the main differences (in scope, concept, etc) between single or even multi-player games and massively multiplayer games. Final Boss vs. Endgame Raid. In the former, you get to be THE hero; in the latter, you're A hero. And that's just how it is. *shrug* IMO, you shouldn't go looking for one in the other, or complain that these apples taste nothing like oranges.

To bring it back to comics, everyone gets to be The Hero in their own monthly book. In big silly summer event crossovers, you're part of the team or even just a face in the crowd.

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Okay that link doesn't work

Did anyone copy-paste all the info.? (haven't read all posts yet...will skim now!)

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Originally Posted by Megajoule View Post
I understand where you're coming from, but frankly, this is one of the main differences (in scope, concept, etc) between single or even multi-player games and massively multiplayer games. Final Boss vs. Endgame Raid. In the former, you get to be THE hero; in the latter, you're A hero. And that's just how it is. *shrug* Don't go looking for one in the other, or complain that these apples taste nothing like oranges.
It's just at a certain point, it feels like Conservation of Ninjitsu kicks in with that many superheroes running around in one fight.

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Originally Posted by Energizing_Ion View Post
Okay that link doesn't work

Did anyone copy-paste all the info.? (haven't read all posts yet...will skim now!)
Frankly I'm surprised this thread wasn't disappeared either.

De minimis non curat Lex Luthor.



The devs: *sigh* Well now it's ruined. Throw this issue in the trash so we can start over >_>



Originally Posted by Blackleviathan View Post
Yes yes yes yes yes!!! Control hybrid here I come!! Ive been dieing for some sorta holds on my stalker!!! >8C
Read carefully it does not give you any control power it increases their effectiveness.



When I saw the "Mecha Armor" at first glance I thought it was a defensive power set and not a costume set.

It still sounds cool, but a Titan Weapon / Mecha Armor Brute sounds more awesome

My initial thought was that it would be something similar to Stone Armor for Tanks and Brutes.

The various t1 - t8s would be different armors overlays or gadgets that circled around you with the t9 being something similar to Granite Armor making you a Techno Bad-pancake!

One can dream I suppose...

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Originally Posted by Kangstor View Post
Read carefully it does not give you any control power it increases their effectiveness.
It says "raises your ability to lock down foes", which could easily mean either.



Originally Posted by warden_de_dios View Post
by the power of my browser cache
Thanks a whole bunch for that. I tried the link, got nothing, and checked to see if this thread had been started on April 1st.



It's very vague on how Hybrid actually works to increase your effectiveness. Does taking Control on my scrapper give me new control powers, or just an across the board +Mez(All)? Is it a passive power or an active one? Etc.

We'll have to wait and see.

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Hybrid grants people "New powers based on the core archetypes of City of Heroes".

Which has got me thinking, does that mean we're getting to pick inherents?

Assault is a choice of either Fury, Crits, Defiance or Scourge with the tier 4 giving a choice of two (Crits and Fury or Defiance and Scourge?).

Control Tree a choice of Containment or Domination.

Support Tree is the only one I'm not sure on.

It's doubtful but got me thinking.

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Originally Posted by warden_de_dios View Post
My dark scrapper is only level 47. What destiny offers def debuff resistance?
Ageless Radial offers general +Debuff Resistance. My Dark/Dark Brute uses it.

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Originally Posted by SolarSentai View Post
When I saw the "Mecha Armor" at first glance I thought it was a defensive power set and not a costume set.

It still sounds cool, but a Titan Weapon / Mecha Armor Brute sounds more awesome

My initial thought was that it would be something similar to Stone Armor for Tanks and Brutes.

The various t1 - t8s would be different armors overlays or gadgets that circled around you with the t9 being something similar to Granite Armor making you a Techno Bad-pancake!

One can dream I suppose...
Apparently Positron did mention a "desire" to create some kind of Mecha Armor powerset that would use the new pop-up power tray (the same one being introduced by the upcoming Panther Stealth power). Not sure if this new Mecha Armor costume set is supposed to be related to that idea or not.

The cool thing I liked about the Mecha Armor costume set description was that it mentioned that there would be a new set of wings. Maybe we'll finally get the fold-out, fixed-wing Robotech styled wings people have been suggesting for years now.

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Originally Posted by warden_de_dios View Post
by the power of my browser cache

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Originally Posted by Blood Red Arachnid View Post
You know, I just realized something...

The devs are making praetorian maps for us to ride all the way to level 50! That is... pretty cool.
This wasn't exactly a surprise since they already started to up the "Praetorian level cap" with First Ward.
But it's good to see that they may actually "finish" Praetoria up to level 50 within the next few Issues.

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So Hybrid slot...think it might be a sort of 'slot' or 'slots' granted to put into your other powers that adds a granted power to the selected powers? Like the buff hybrid tree may give 1 slots that you can put in your power. Put it in a melee attack and any ally around the target gets [insert buff], put it in a toggle or aura and anyone near you gets [insert buff] as long as they stick by you. Put it in a buff or heal and it adds [insert buff] to that buff or heal to all allies the power targets.

Assault tree could have 3 slots, put it in your powers and you get to do damage with it. Put it in a buff/heal or debuff and foes around the target take damage. Put it in an aura buff and it turns the power into a pseudo-dmg aura. Put the slots in actual attacks and you do more damage with said attack.

Use the new implemented PPM feature so the effect is more evenly balanced between fast ST powers vs slow or AoEs.

Meh, just a thought. Would be kind of cool if, for the melee tree, there were ways to buff your mez resistance/protection by blasting stuff or adding to debuff resists or maybe even self heals by hitting. Or perhaps it supercharges inherent abilities or grants you special versions of inherents of the ATs.



Originally Posted by VoodooGirl View Post
i23 isn't going Live yet. It hasn't even entered Beta yet. That information is premature and that page was oddly fleshed out and put up Live on the internets.
Originally Posted by Aneko View Post
But the Beta server has been closed, so I expect it can't be far off.
For what it's worth an Issue 23 build (starting with the prefix numbers "23") has been on the Beta server for at least several days now. Fairly safe to say the "closed beta" for Issue 23 has already started.

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Originally Posted by DLancer View Post
Well that certainly looks promising. I'm interested in how that mecha armor looks.
for my sanity, it better not look anything like Enforcer and should be a more awesome version of PPD Hardshells.



Originally Posted by Mr. DJ View Post
for my sanity, it better not look anything like Enforcer and should be a more awesome version of PPD Hardshells.
It's been mentioned/implied that Positron was a fan of Robotech. I would have to guess that whatever we get that's called "Mecha" is going to be influenced by that style at the very least:

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Wow- pretty cool upcoming stuff. Loving the idea of a new Praetorian ward (though I hope there is still more to be done with First Ward, since there is so much expansion that could yet be done there). Nice to see them working Shadow Hunter into things, too.

Also liking what I'm hearing about Pandora's Box - I'm guessing that this "mysterious new group" is also the one that broke Marshall Blitz out of prison at the end of SSA1, which is cool, since I really like Blitz (and am glad to see them doing something with him). Could they be taking over Warburg as their new base of operations?

I wonder, too, if this might not be some kind of splinter group of Malta, one that utilizes Battle Maiden and her nanotechnology. BM and Blitz seem like they would make for a good team - or the centerpiece of a new organization.

Might just have to finally get on the Beta once it becomes open, so I don't have to wait for the full launch!



Safe to assume Celestial is going by the wayside by the time 23 arrives?

I really wish we had a definite time line when it'd be available again, other than vague statements like "we're going to Disney vault it" (which is, following the real vault rules, absurd).

Yearly? Every two years? Leave it up with the other two? Put it on the market?

It'd cost $120 to get the missus' account the costume set, $225 to finish off my second account, and $210 to finish off her second account...

Decisions, decisions.

Also, keeping Praetorian themed characters in Praetoria pays off for me again.

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