The Marketing of WWD, or A Question for Black Pebble and Co.

Agent White



So with luck, WWD7 will be going live tomorrow or the week after. I, for one, am really wanting to see how this all shakes down (for better or worse). But as we head into the last episode of the arc, something mystifies the hell out of me.

When the whole SSA/WWD thing first started, there was really just minimal hype - the notion of an overarcing story that would be released over a period of time rather than the entirety of a task force in one go. But it being "Who Will Die?", this was potentially really big news.

Issues 1-4 were mentioned, casually discussed...


Then nothing on 6 or 7.

Ummmmmm... color me confused, Marketing.

I can see how they'd want to play their cards close to the chest as to not give away huge plot spoilers from the get-go (although the Salute to Statesman thing - come on...), but we're now heading into 7.

A recap of 1-6, build the hype, hint at what's to come not only in 7 but SSA2 (which we already know is in the works)?

Vi-docs on the development of the arc as a whole, the player response, what this means in future, what worked and what didn't?

Another flurry of talking to every gaming site that'll listen to our devs on WWD7 and what this means for the game?

It just... I don't know... "galls" isn't the right word. "Disappoints" is probably better... it disappoints me that when all is said and done about SSA1/WWD, the devs are probably going to wonder why it wasn't as big a deal as they'd hoped. And I personally think a good chunk of it has to do with how it was 'marketed', not only in general but to us as a playerbase.

There was so much potential here, guys, and I really think you missed it.


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378944: Too Clever by Half / 459581: Kill or Cure / 551680: Clerical Errors (NEW!)



I still think the hype for issue 5 was perhaps because they either became aware of a leak on staff or the assets for the issue went in before the story did and they were sure someone would notice.

Either way it would be preferable to 'spoil' it on their own terms to keep the hype they wanted going before a pig-diver or squealer posted on non-official forums who died and it got passed around as common knowledge.

Weight training: Because you'll never hear someone lament "If only I were weaker, I could have saved them."



I think the whole series of linked arcs just doesn't really work

the first arc is basically unrelated to the others and built up zero momentum

while the other ones are interesting, they are a series of dramatic failures for the heroes that make me not want do the others and see how stupid and inept the Phalanx is and be dragged into their miserable lives.

I know I haven't done SSA6, I am not sure if I did 5.

They really strike me as having the Wheel of Time problem - instead of being a coherent story they are just an excuse for putting out a lot of content. I read the first book of Game of Thrones and gave up on the series for the same reason.

Epic does not just mean long.



Originally Posted by dugfromthearth View Post
I think the whole series of linked arcs just doesn't really work

the first arc is basically unrelated to the others and built up zero momentum

while the other ones are interesting, they are a series of dramatic failures for the heroes that make me not want do the others and see how stupid and inept the Phalanx is and be dragged into their miserable lives.

I know I haven't done SSA6, I am not sure if I did 5.

They really strike me as having the Wheel of Time problem - instead of being a coherent story they are just an excuse for putting out a lot of content. I read the first book of Game of Thrones and gave up on the series for the same reason.

Epic does not just mean long.
To put it in comic book terms, what some of us (myself included) were hoping for was epic like Crisis on Infinite Earths. What we got was "epic" like One More Day.

Final Straw, DM/Regen Scrapper
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"Oh yeah, sure, release WWD Episode 7 at... the end of March. Yeah, that sounds good. Now, who has some other ideas on how we can use the 4-legged rig?!?"

On a more serious note, I agree, the marketing of this has been poor. I can only speak for myself, but I would not be surprised if others would agree with me when I say: I don't care about #7.

-What is Manticore about to do?
-Is Sister Psyche truly gone?
-Do we get to defeat Darrin Wade?
-What other aftermath happens?

That's A LOT to cover in a whole 3 missions. I feel like either we will be left with loose ends, or it will all be crammed together and probably a lot less epic. Either way, I am not a fan. I am willing to cross my fingers until I play it, though.

@Winter. Because I'm Winter. Period.
I am a blaster first, and an alt-oholic second.



If the aftermath of WWD (and Statesman's death) is a series of arcs as well done as 52 was, then yes it will be worth it.

you could have it all
My empire of dirt
I will let you down
I will make you <3



You know, the three mission format may have been the first thing that shot the devs in the foot with the sig arcs.

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Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
City of Heroes is a game about freedom of expression and variety of experiences far more so than it is about representing any one theme, topic or genre.



Originally Posted by AzureSkyCiel View Post
You know, the three mission format may have been the first thing that shot the devs in the foot with the sig arcs.
Especially as each chapter had longer and longer cutscenes to sit through.

total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.



i honestly cant wait to see how this culminates, i do agree the first sig arc didnt really give all enough information to add to the story much but i enjoyed them, i really enjoyed watching states kick the bucket although im still kind of pissed that it wasnt MY character doing the deed instead it was just a contact for lvl 20 story arc

i believe the arc will be out tomorrow because end of this week is also the end of the salute to statesman loyalty program (i know a lot of people in game who forgot this was even happening lol)



Originally Posted by Winterminal View Post
-What is Manticore about to do?
Kill BABs. It'll be the cutscene at the end of the third mission.

Originally Posted by Winterminal View Post
-Is Sister Psyche truly gone?
While not explicitly stated Wade's new costume gives hints. Unrelated, brain bleach is now on the Market.

Originally Posted by Winterminal View Post
-Do we get to defeat Darrin Wade?
Marketing research has shown Wade to be a wildly popular Villain and will be worked into all future content as the replacement for Nemesis, who last seen diving into a vat of acid. Mender Silos could not be reached for comment.



Originally Posted by Dark_Respite View Post
There was so much potential here, guys, and I really think you missed it.

I don't think it is so much as disappointment i feel as severe confusion. Why did the spoil Statesman getting the pointy end of the stick..why is this called WWD when the story revolves more around Darrin Wade making a power grab rather than the deaths of characters. Ever since it was revealed that Statesman is going to die I have been more interested in what Wade is playing at than the actual Deaths.



I've stopped caring, really. I like the arc for what it is: a story. It's gotten to the point where I don't consider the idea that my character is really there. Now, he's just reading about it.

My Stories

Look at that. A full-grown woman pulling off pigtails. Her crazy is off the charts.



Originally Posted by dugfromthearth View Post
the first arc is basically unrelated to the others and built up zero momentum
Errr, no, the 1st arc explains that Wade has one more obelisk that he later


uses to steal Sister Psyche's powers.

End of spoiler

If you replay all of them you an see that his plan is almost flawless (the only lose end is your character)

I want to see an update on the Loyalty Rewards they're supposed to get the 18th April.



Originally Posted by TheBruteSquad View Post
I still think the hype for issue 5 was perhaps because they either became aware of a leak on staff or the assets for the issue went in before the story did and they were sure someone would notice.

Either way it would be preferable to 'spoil' it on their own terms to keep the hype they wanted going before a pig-diver or squealer posted on non-official forums who died and it got passed around as common knowledge.
This is my theory, as well. Otherwise it could have been outlined to better tie in with the anniversary promotions.

@Glass Goblin - Writer, brainstormer, storyteller, hero

Though nothing will drive them away
We can beat them, just for one day
We can be heroes, just for one day



Also, at least it could be worse.

It could be Mass Effect 3's ending >_>

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



So I went and log on to this website and saw the Ad for Who will Die Part 7, either it be out today or tomorrow, it has Rularuu Crushing the Earth with his bare hands.

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Originally Posted by GreenFIame View Post
So I went and log on to this website and saw the Ad for Who will Die Part 7, either it be out today or tomorrow, it has Rularuu Crushing the Earth with his bare hands.
That's not Rularuu, that Wadearuu. You can tell by the evil goatee.

(It also 404s, but that's not a surprise.)

@Glass Goblin - Writer, brainstormer, storyteller, hero

Though nothing will drive them away
We can beat them, just for one day
We can be heroes, just for one day



Originally Posted by Winterminal View Post
"Oh yeah, sure, release WWD Episode 7 at... the end of March. Yeah, that sounds good. Now, who has some other ideas on how we can use the 4-legged rig?!?"

-Is Sister Psyche truly gone?
Sister Psyche is mind-riding Manty's pet lion.



Originally Posted by Dark_Respite View Post
It just... I don't know... "galls" isn't the right word. "Disappoints" is probably better... it disappoints me that when all is said and done about SSA1/WWD, the devs are probably going to wonder why it wasn't as big a deal as they'd hoped. And I personally think a good chunk of it has to do with how it was 'marketed', not only in general but to us as a playerbase.

*****My response does get somewhat Spoilerish for some smaller aspects of the arc, so be advised before proceeding.****

I had a number of feelings about WWD, and they changed as a result of the marketing, and have gotten progressively more negative.

Initially, I thought that the "Who Will Die?" concept was pretty gimicky, but it looked like it had the potential to be interesting and innovative in the game play.

The Ante was considerably upped when on December 13, the Loader splashscreen announced that Statesman was the one to die. Poor Zwillinger was selected as the messenger, and dutifully delivered this spin:
The feeling is that impact of States dying is not in the reveal that he's dying but in the fact that he's dying. How does he die? What does it mean for the Freedom Phalanx and, perhaps more importantly, what does it mean for the future safety and well being of Paragon City.
There's a lot more questions to be answered and story to be explored, even after his death.
And trust me, his death scene is pretty stirring.
That raised the bar pretty high right there. A stirring death scene? I imagined Statesman heroically holding off hordes of foes who killed him bit by bit but in so doing, he saved a) you b) the other members of the Phalanx and/or c) the world.

I cannot describe what a Crash and Burn my expectations did when Statesman talked some smack and then WALKED into an Obvious Trap(tm) and "welcomed his death" with a big smile on his face in the space of a few moments at the hands of his daughter's murderer.

Big, big black mark right there. For me, the death scene was not stirring, it was infuriating.

But then to add insult to injury, here comes Positron sounding utterly petty about the motivation for "killing off" Statesman:

"Veterans of the game know that the character [Statesman] was the namesake of Jack Emmert, who was the lead designer who originally launched City of Heroes in 2004. Jack posted as Statesman in the forums, came up with his backstory, and was instrumental in the character becoming the original poster-boy for the game's marketing. Killing off the character meant a lot of things to a lot of people, but for me it was the ultimate declaration that City of Heroes has grown up and left the nest from which it was born." -- Matt Miller, Intrepid Informer Issue 17.

That sounded horrible, whatever the intentions were. Another black mark.

Even the great graphic by David Nakayama for episode 5, showing Statesman and Wade in combat turned out to be something else entirely within the presentation. Talk about a bait and switch.

Then there was the whole way that Alexis was summarily murdered with the Idiot Ball for the heroes thing and the utter impotence of the player character in the story, and a bunch of other sloppy writing. To coin the meme for this sorry arc, DO NOT WANT.

So here I am, paying my VIP stipend each month to support an arc that has left a bad taste in my mouth every time, instead of something else I might like, ie, costumes, powersets, etc.

I have no plans to play episode 7. I am utterly indifferent to it. Big whoop. I will hold out a small hope that the next arc will not be the train wreck this one has been, since I get to pay for it anyway in the course of enjoying the aspects of the game that are great.

"How do you know you are on the side of good?" a Paragon citizen asked him. "How can we even know what is 'good'?"

"The Most High has spoken, even with His own blood," Melancton replied. "Surely we know."



Originally Posted by GreenFIame View Post
So I went and log on to this website and saw the Ad for Who will Die Part 7, either it be out today or tomorrow, it has Rularuu Crushing the Earth with his bare hands.
Originally Posted by GlassGoblin View Post
That's not Rularuu, that Wadearuu. You can tell by the evil goatee.

(It also 404s, but that's not a surprise.)

Technically, that's "RuluWade". We last leave off with Wade wanting to absorb Rularuu. Wonder if he's successful?

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Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post

Technically, that's "RuluWade". We last leave off with Wade wanting to absorb Rularuu. Wonder if he's successful?
*Checks quickly*

Nope, still have fists attached to my arms. Still up and mobile. Still have one massive grudge to settle with that guys face.

What do YOU think? /e knuckles

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
Also, at least it could be worse.

It could be Mass Effect 3's ending >_>
Let's see...
>Go watch all Mass Effect 3 endings
Nope, the story thus far has still been worse.

As mentioned: the big problem is that our characters shouldn't even be there because apparently they NEVER make any difference. (I mean, if this was supposed to be a victory for villains, it got stolen from the villains who matter OUR villains)

The story itself even without us is still pretty thin

As mentioned, while there are some mods and devs who might have imagined there was an ideal to this, Positron seemed to affirm it was to rank up his own character and Black Pebble was using "Shock" marketing tactics.

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Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
City of Heroes is a game about freedom of expression and variety of experiences far more so than it is about representing any one theme, topic or genre.



Who Will Die has made me not want to play the 2nd SSA at all. Just saying.