The Marketing of WWD, or A Question for Black Pebble and Co.

Agent White



Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
And the SSA#7 Banner is removed from the official site. Heh.
Which explains the 404 I got from clicking the banner earlier.

@Glass Goblin - Writer, brainstormer, storyteller, hero

Though nothing will drive them away
We can beat them, just for one day
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Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
"Today, $Character replaced Planet Earth with Folgers Crystals™! Let's see if RuluWade notices the difference?"

"RuluWade attempts to crush Planet Earth in a 'Test Your Strength' contest and fails to squish Hamidon! Film at 11!"

If you look *really* carefully, you can see Emperor Cole buffing RuluWade's fingernail in a (ultimately futile) attempt to convince RuluWade to NOT crush the Praetorian Storyline.

RuluWade really makes for a lousy Galactus, don't you think?

It's the end. But the moment has been prepared for ...



Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
*Checks quickly*

Nope, still have fists attached to my arms. Still up and mobile. Still have one massive grudge to settle with that guys face.

What do YOU think? /e knuckles
Man it was really considerate of him to get more face for you to punch.



Originally Posted by Redlynne View Post
RuluWade really makes for a lousy Galactus, don't you think?
Galactus has clothes. Rularuu has clothes. Why does Wade seem to feel that ultimate power = naked time?

I feel sorry for everyone in Australia. The world's about to end, and when they look up to the skies, they see... that.

"I do so love taking a nice, well thought out character and putting them through hell. It's like tossing a Faberge Egg onto the stage during a Gallagher concert." - me

@Palador / @Rabid Unicorn



Originally Posted by Rabid_M View Post
Galactus has clothes. Rularuu has clothes. Why does Wade seem to feel that ultimate power = naked time?

I feel sorry for everyone in Australia. The world's about to end, and when they look up to the skies, they see... that.
Rularuu wears a sort of kilt/skirt/dress thing that only covers the lower half of his body. So I think Australia is safe. For now.



Originally Posted by Xzero45 View Post
Rularuu wears a sort of kilt/skirt/dress thing that only covers the lower half of his body. So I think Australia is safe. For now.
Until a solar wind comes along.

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I agree with pretty much everyone in this thread who has found this to be a wasted opportunity or at the very worst, an egregious turn of both story and in fact storytelling.

Sam, to be perfectly frank with you, the whole arc was concieved and purpose-built to be a) A publicity stunt (look, Paragon Studios are killing off their central marketing character, how daring!) and b) A somewhat ham-fisted attempt to move the canon forward.

I agree it's succeeded on the latter part of the equation, but it certainly didn't require player involvement to make it happen. And Sam's also right when she says all the hoopla squarely focused on killing off Statesman, and somehow Sister Psyche's story became practically inconsequential as a result.

I can perhaps appreciate a full breaking from the lingering traces of Cryptic and Jack and all of that business, but to publicly come out and say so whilst not really disguising that was the purpose of these stories really dented my faith in the objectivity of the storytelling. It totally undercut my empathy for Statesman's eventual death because rather than being emblematic of the character at their best, it was a pastiche of character moments that weren't more than an echo.

I had the opportunity last week to show a friend of mine who doesn't play the game at all and asked them to evaluate a video that someone posted online of said cutscene. I gave them just enough backstory to fill in, and their sole comment?

'Why didn't he put up a fight?'

If a casual viewer could make such a pointed observation about the story, then it told me volumes about how it was written.

I'll be perfectly honest here; I am playing the glowy stick game far more than I am this one right now, because for all its flaws, all of its 'things that CoH doesn't have' (an argument that annoys me when one is comparing a seven year old game to a three month old one, ARGH), I've at least had the illusion of choice given to me. The choice is in my hands, not the story's. I can choose how to react, which is far more than Paragon Studios have let me do lately.

Sure, I might save the world in WWD#7, but I suspect a) It won't because of anything I do directly and b) I have trouble caring because I've been forcibly distanced from the story so far.

The studio and their marketing department need to take a step back, and I mean an actual objective step back and ask how we can be involved, rather than publicly pat themselves on the back for a series of well-constructed cutscenes.

Dark_Respite/Samuraiko does that and gives us a story. They'd do well to learn.


Part of Sister Flame's Clickey-Clack Posse



Originally Posted by SuperOz View Post
Sure, I might save the world in WWD#7, but I suspect a) It won't because of anything I do directly and b) I have trouble caring because I've been forcibly distanced from the story so far.
Given that 2-6 were all "good job breaking it hero" I doubt we'll be saving anything in 7.

Rulade will probably taunt the heroes by pointing out they should have stopped him at the Midnighter's club.

The only question that heroes should have is how many more A-listers will they get killed off (and why do they keep sending someone as incompetent as you on these death-or-death missions)?



Originally Posted by Nalrok_AthZim View Post
That is by far the stupidest goatee I have ever seen ever.
You're only saying that because you can grow a goatee bigger than Mexico.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



The arc wasn't the best story line this game has offered. There were a lot of silly moments which weren't fully explained, which made our heroes and the Freedom Phalanx do things that only a rookie hero would do.

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Like I said, it's not even so much about the storyline. That raises its own debate.

I'm strictly talking about how the publicity for this was handled. I sometimes wonder if they throw darts at a board to determine what gets publicized and what doesn't. And Gods know that if given the chance at the Pummit, I'd love to corner Brian Clayton, Black Pebble, Ghost Falcon, and whoever, and go, "As someone who obviously doesn't understand Marketing, how was this meant to be successful?"

Coz I honestly can't grok this. I've tried. I only know what *I* would do, but I'm not in Marketing. And I'm hardly in a position to say, "MY way would work," because for all I know, I'd make some novice mistake that violates Marketing 101 and it'd fail. But I'd really like to understand the rationale behind it.


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Originally Posted by Dark_Respite View Post
Like I said, it's not even so much about the storyline. That raises its own debate.

I'm strictly talking about how the publicity for this was handled. I sometimes wonder if they throw darts at a board to determine what gets publicized and what doesn't. And Gods know that if given the chance at the Pummit, I'd love to corner Brian Clayton, Black Pebble, Ghost Falcon, and whoever, and go, "As someone who obviously doesn't understand Marketing, how was this meant to be successful?"

Coz I honestly can't grok this. I've tried. I only know what *I* would do, but I'm not in Marketing. And I'm hardly in a position to say, "MY way would work," because for all I know, I'd make some novice mistake that violates Marketing 101 and it'd fail. But I'd really like to understand the rationale behind it.

I hear what you're saying, and there's a ton more stuff that deserved publicity that didn't get it. I think the four-legged rig alone deserved a lot of attention for no other reason that a game of this age isn't often expected to pull off that sort of stuff.

The cooperative nature of designing costume sets is practically unprecedented in the industry, and it doesn't get promoted at all. This is something NCSoft and Paragon should rightfully be proud of, and it doesn't get over the line.

The costume sets generally should get publicity for the work and quality that goes into them....again, nothing.

And the player summits that are actually promoting real and genuine dialogue between the people who make the game and those that play it rather than an extended advertising/marketing campaign. These are all laurels that shouldn't be rested upon but rather promoted and drawn attention to.

This arc alone should've been promoted as game-changing, involving and part of a commitment to ongoing and lasting change to the game canon, and as was ever so briefly mentioned, a response to the long-lamented loss of the comic series. Instead, the focus was narrowed down to one event of the series rather than its entiriety.

That'd be equivalent to taking say the Avengers movie and focussing on just one of the characters rather than the entire team. Bad move all round.


Part of Sister Flame's Clickey-Clack Posse



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
I'm making a logic-based guess
You guessing he has the most powerful chin ever seen?



Originally Posted by Winterminal View Post
That's A LOT to cover in a whole 3 missions. I feel like either we will be left with loose ends, or it will all be crammed together and probably a lot less epic. Either way, I am not a fan. I am willing to cross my fingers until I play it, though.
I would not be surprised if SSA7 is longer than three missions. It's looking extremely likely that the final arc will be (ptui) co-op, and there's no rational story-based reason why it has to be -- most villains wouldn't *need* the "But you have to save the world" motivation to go after someone who cheated them.

I suspect it might be so the devs could fit in more missions without having to bother coming up with separate hero and villain versions. We'll see soon enough, anyway....

34 heroes,
20 villains, Victory, Justice, Infinity, Virtue, Triumph, Exalted -- some more active than others



Originally Posted by Nalrok_AthZim View Post
Damn right I do.
Are you Bruce Campbell?



Originally Posted by Finsplit View Post
I would not be surprised if SSA7 is longer than three missions. It's looking extremely likely that the final arc will be (ptui) co-op, and there's no rational story-based reason why it has to be -- most villains wouldn't *need* the "But you have to save the world" motivation to go after someone who cheated them.

I suspect it might be so the devs could fit in more missions without having to bother coming up with separate hero and villain versions. We'll see soon enough, anyway....
Maybe it's a "You've got your vengeance in my world saving!" "You've got your world saving in my vengeance!" type deal. If he gets bug Rs powers he'll be undetainable anyways so why not put differences aside just to kick ***. It looks like he's got a big enough *** for everyone to get some shots in.

p.s. Are freemium accounts the only ones that can't delete messages or was this function fully removed?



Originally Posted by Finsplit View Post
I would not be surprised if SSA7 is longer than three missions. It's looking extremely likely that the final arc will be (ptui) co-op, and there's no rational story-based reason why it has to be -- most villains wouldn't *need* the "But you have to save the world" motivation to go after someone who cheated them.
The new DA arcs are co-op and they have satisfying villainous options along the way with dialog and choices that have real effects.

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Originally Posted by Nalrok_AthZim View Post
Chuck Norris.
Good man, but Chuck Norris himself bows to Bruce Lee. Even said so himself.

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Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
City of Heroes is a game about freedom of expression and variety of experiences far more so than it is about representing any one theme, topic or genre.



Originally Posted by AzureSkyCiel View Post
Good man, but Chuck Norris himself bows to Bruce Lee. Even said so himself.
But neither of them have very impressive chins.



Originally Posted by Dark_Respite View Post
And I personally think a good chunk of it has to do with how it was 'marketed',
Or "not" marketed depending on the the various issues, as you noted above.

Marketing for CoH has always been a little schizo. But this highlighted it will strobing, neon-pink, billion-candle lamps while a fleet of town criers took to the streets in PA-mobiles screaming "WE...ARE...SCHIZO!" before kicking a hospital full of shrinks into the pit of despair.



But it paints the right mental picture about how bizzare CoH's marketing has been, especially lately.

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