The Marketing of WWD, or A Question for Black Pebble and Co.

Agent White



Originally Posted by Dark_Respite View Post
I'm not talking about mainstream news - granted, "The Death of Superman," "The Assassination of Captain America" (and his subsequent resurrection), those were big.

I'm talking about just within the news feeds of the gaming industry - Massively, TenTon Hammer, OnRPG, IGN, maybe even Kotaku, etc.

Hell, even just within our own COMMUNITY! They could have kept the ball continuously rolling from 1-6 to keep the hype up for 7, but no.
I don't think they were really trying to hype up the entire SSA system, it's more of a "hey, here's a neat thing we're making for our subscribers". And with how the arcs turned out, any more hype then "hey, here's another one of those" would have caused anger at setting expectations too high, wasting money, trying to con Premium players into buying crap, etc.

The only bit that they really played up at all was "Statesman DIES!" and that's more of a mini-media blitz in homage to iconic character deaths than something related strictly to the SSAs themselves.

Character index



I think that what this SSA proved is that CoH can stand right up there with its inspirations in making a half-year-long, poorly written and badly telegraphed marketing stunt in which A Flagship Character Dies And Nothing Will Ever Be The Same, No Really We Mean It. (Bonus points for it getting spoiled in the middle, requiring a hasty attempt to salvage something from the rest.)

Our little game is all grown up and putting out storylines just as big and stupid as Marvel or DC! I'm... I'm so proud. *snif* *wipes at eyes*

My characters at Virtueverse
Faces of the City



Marketing is:

  1. Two parts showmanship
  2. Three parts psychology
  3. One part timing
  4. Four parts repetition
  5. Four parts repetition, and
  6. One part Magic 8-Ball

50s: Inv/SS PB Emp/Dark Grav/FF DM/Regen TA/A Sonic/Elec MA/Regen Fire/Kin Sonic/Rad Ice/Kin Crab Fire/Cold NW Merc/Dark Emp/Sonic Rad/Psy Emp/Ice WP/DB FA/SM

Overlord of Dream Team and Nightmare Squad



Originally Posted by Dark_Respite View Post
See, that's what I'd love to know. Did NCsoft shove it down their throats, or did they do it to themselves? That's what I'm trying to understand. Once I know how their Marketing operates (note I did *not* use the word "works"), then I know what to expect... or not to expect.

And now having played WWD7, I *REALLY* know how I would have done ads for both the entire series and just for WWD7 (as a final buildup).

Oh, well.


They actually did both when you look at the strategy. Very early on the piece we get the supposed incentive for 'remaining loyal' for the entire duration of the story with the two helmets, costume change emote, chest symbol and title.

That right there is marketing. This is specifically pointing out to the player that if you continue your brand loyalty (to use a marketing term), there will be these tangible rewards for that. The symbolism of the helmets is meant to engender a feeling of rememberance and fondness for the two signature characters.

THEN you get the announcement before the event that Statesman is dying. The rationale given by Zwillinger (who is just doing his job and trying to paint the best face on it) is that once a few people play it, keeping it secret wouldn't last. That might be true, but plastering it everywhere on the main site, in the forums and even in other gaming sites screams 'LOOK AT ME, I'm doing something IMPORTANT HERE!' like some sort of gaming George Costanza. It sounds desperate. It looks desperate.

NCSoft is trying at this point to 'promote' one of their games as making game-wide lasting changes (which won't take effect until some six months after the event happens...which leads into questions about the validity of the commitment to the changes) and Paragon Studios then chimes in with Matt Miller's letter about why the story was even written.

I think NCSoft had put the pressure on PS to perform, and by that I mean 'lift sales' with some sort of event. Clearly Going Rogue hadn't done all it was expected to, and going to a hybrid model had done only so much. Attention to this already aging game was needed. Killing off the marketing face of the game is a pretty big move, if handled well.

But then I think PS took it too much to heart. Instead of one character, they went two. But all the hype had been spent on Statesman, so when Psyche's turn came, the one-trick pony had been played and the criticism of the writing and plotting was withering, to say the least.

I really felt Miller's letter and the painful earnestness with which the last two chapters were handled, and especially this last chapter with tickboxes galore (scenery people wanted to see, an epilogue, an honor guard, etc) came off as almost an overzealous attempt to sell the product. In other words, I think they wanted to re-sell the concept (and most especially in the last chapter; look how people have been gushing over the level designs...not so much the story) and get the story out of the road quickly. Even I noticed there was a lot of 'shhh, don't ask questions! There's a story to play!' moments going on where things were just glossed entirely over.

The idea of 'ongoing' story arcs puts enormous pressure on the Dev team to introduce and then implement any planned changes they have in mind, and as much as there may've been some desire to update the game, I'm under no illusion the glaring eye of NCSoft came upon the game to say 'these stories from 2005...why are they still there?' And then they have to respond.

This is all about being given the resources to do this and an expected return on that investment. All you have to do is look at the checkboxes going into the market lately and you see the same thing.

Animals. Party packs. Flying discs. This is all targeted stuff. Put aside whether they may've been requested, this is stuff designed and targeted at people to buy.

There's absolutely no reason to expect that upcoming story arcs won't go the same route, because the new business model is about return for investment, not the old model of subscription for content. The market and by extension marketing is a hungry beast, and it is never satisfied....


Part of Sister Flame's Clickey-Clack Posse



Originally Posted by TheBruteSquad View Post
I still think the hype for issue 5 was perhaps because they either became aware of a leak on staff or the assets for the issue went in before the story did and they were sure someone would notice.

Either way it would be preferable to 'spoil' it on their own terms to keep the hype they wanted going before a pig-diver or squealer posted on non-official forums who died and it got passed around as common knowledge.
This was actually the reason given by Zwill I believe. Check the Dev Digest (might be in the community section).

The Defenders of Paragon
KGB Special Section 8



Originally Posted by SuperOz View Post
Killing off the marketing face of the game is a pretty big move, if handled well.
It's been made a lot smaller by keeping him as the marketing face of the game

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
It's been made a lot smaller by keeping him as the marketing face of the game
I have no idea of your point, if you have one. If you're agreeing to say 'yes, it didn't really do much,' then great, we're on the same page. If not...then I dunno.


Part of Sister Flame's Clickey-Clack Posse