Sneak Peek at retro SciFi

Agent White



I would like to have the ring topped boots for men please.

Also could we have a perma-purchasable jet pack that aligns with the backpack when present?



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post


Or am I being charmingly naive to even ask?

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Originally Posted by Tetsuko_NA View Post


Or am I being charmingly naive to even ask?
I know Zwill did confirm this set would not be implemented that way a few days ago in a post... possibly in a Super Packs thread, but I'm not positive which one... no searching for it from me today!

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Originally Posted by Dink View Post
Nothing in this set is pre-colored ^_^

Xzero45: I will take a look at that, thank you.

Glad you guys like it so far ^_^
Yay! This is looking awesome. Thanks, Dink!

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Originally Posted by Xzero45 View Post
Dear god, this, yes. Not only for astronaut types, but because character designs like this will finally be possible:

I don't know how complicated it would be to add a non-transparent, maybe even metallic version of the helmet. But if it's possible at this stage of development, that would be all kinds of amazing. You could even put the non-transparent version in under the Full Helmets category so you don't have to clutter up the Detail 2 list with more "Bubble Helmet" options. It'd still be fitting the Retro Sci-fi theme with astronaut usages, or making a mysterious space-traveler, but would also allow for an incredibly wide variety of other uses, as well.
Gets my vote!

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The Queen's Menagerie



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
The bubble helmet has been made that large to fit in as many hairstyles as possible without causing serious clipping.
My opinion didn't really have to do with the size of the helmet itself (actually...I wouldn't even mind seeing it be a tad larger), but the collar/breather in relation to the helmet.* That's what seemed to be a little bulky to me.

* I do understand that there hast to be something there to cover up any gaps between the helmet and the shoulders/neck. Just seems a little large.

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That is very good.



Great-looking set so far and the preview is appreciated!

I will throw in with the 'rocket is too big' camp. The single rocket could probably be a bit smaller and sit a little lower on the back (though shrinking it may solve that issue). The second rocket pack is maybe a touch too wide but otherwise fine.

Overall, though, you've done a great job nailing the retro sci-fi look.



I don't know if anyone has mentioned it specifically yet, so I will - I absolutely love the realism of the folds around the ankles of the female boots. I know it's a small thing to praise, but it definitely shows the attention to detail that has gone into this set.

And I too think an opaque helmet option would be cool, but it's understandable if it can't be done, or added at this stage of the game.

All-in-all this set knocks it out of the park. I don't know what the participants at the Spring Summit could possibly come up with that can top, or even match the sheer awesomeness of this set.

(Sometimes, I wish there could be a Dev thumbs up button for quality posts, because you pretty much nailed it.) -- Ghost Falcon



Will the rocketpacks animate when we fly like jetpacks do? If not could make a path aura for them that activates whenever we jump or fly?

Friends don't let friends buy an ncsoft controlled project.



Originally Posted by Noyjitat View Post
Will the rocketpacks animate when we fly like jetpacks do? If not could make a path aura for them that activates whenever we jump or fly?
They've already said yes, they will animate when flying.

ClockworkO1 said he'd look into animating while jumping.

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Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.



Please, please, PLEASE:
1) Do NOT make the same mistake as other recent packs (ie Steampunk and Carnival of Light) and make these cool new belts female only. Males could DEFINITELY wear at least the star belt very easily. Want this part.

2) There is a male version of that space cap, yes? If not, there needs to be one, please. And I do stress NEEDS.

and 3) The top of the first pics space dress would make a great V-neck top for males. It is neutral enough that I think it would look quite nice. Can we have, please?

I will say yet again that I absolutely HATE this new policy of giving guys one set of largely unisex options and "something extra" for female players. I will continue to say that I hate it each time something cool comes along for the ladies that could easily be used by men. The ladies complaints have been heard (Baron jackets for all!), it's now time for the boys to get some love, too.



What ever happened to the lil brainsucker shoulder pet?

Jay Doherty: Yes, there was this one night that I was ready to go home but had to drop the browns off at the super bowl before I left for home. While on the throne it hit me. I stayed for a few more hours and that why we have the pain pads in the game.



Originally Posted by Lothic View Post
I'm in the "I think they're a bit too big" camp myself. But I don't think they're overly too big. If they were reduced to say 90% of their current size I think that would be a good enough compromise for everyone.
I would say 95% for the dual rocket, 85% for the single.

Jay Doherty: Yes, there was this one night that I was ready to go home but had to drop the browns off at the super bowl before I left for home. While on the throne it hit me. I stayed for a few more hours and that why we have the pain pads in the game.



Originally Posted by CommunistPenguin View Post
What ever happened to the lil brainsucker shoulder pet?
If I had to guess that was probably sort of a joke and never was meant to be taken seriously. Sadly it would also be a complete ripoff from at least Futurama so that's probably enough of a reason why it won't happen.

Originally Posted by CommunistPenguin View Post
I would say 95% for the dual rocket, 85% for the single.
Ah... a compromise for a compromise. I like it.

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Originally Posted by CommunistPenguin View Post
What ever happened to the lil brainsucker shoulder pet?
Originally Posted by Lothic View Post
If I had to guess that was probably sort of a joke and never was meant to be taken seriously. Sadly it would also be a complete ripoff from at least Futurama so that's probably enough of a reason why it won't happen.
I figured the same thing as Lothic, but, during last week's Ustream chat, I was surprised to see Clockwork01 actually saying that it might not happen, but they were messing around with the idea and trying a few things. He mentioned the difficulty of getting it to work around multiple clipping issues and geometry issues... If I'm remembering correctly.
While it sounded, to me, like it was less than 50% chance it'd be included... they were honestly working on it and it could happen.

I'm trying to word this well enough to not give any false hope, hehe (and to not misrepresent anything Zwill and Clockwork were cool enough to chat about).

summary: surprisingly, they have done some work to see if they can include the brain slug thingy.

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



Originally Posted by PsyFox View Post
I will say yet again that I absolutely HATE this new policy of giving guys one set of largely unisex options and "something extra" for female players. I will continue to say that I hate it each time something cool comes along for the ladies that could easily be used by men. The ladies complaints have been heard (Baron jackets for all!), it's now time for the boys to get some love, too.
From the screenshots it looks like the only piece that comes off as gender specific is the skirt. The boots would have to have most of the heel taken off, but it would be a shame to see most of the pieces that the female model is showing off restricted to female characters.



The only parts that can't be used by males is the top and skirt, males get their own variation on the boots and the shoulders, hat and belt are all useable by Males.

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Originally Posted by Sworn_Servant View Post
With all the options you're offering, I really hope it's possible to have a jetpack option without rings. Like every single other player on this game, I've always wanted a jetpack, but I can't put one that says 1950s science fiction on, really, any but the one 1950s science fiction character I'm going to have.
I want to second this, myself. I love the dual jet pack, but I'd love it if we could get a version of the same thing, but with a different nose cone. Maybe a pointed nose, maybe just a flat head. I get that this is a retro sci-fi pack, but if it's not a monumental challenge, I'd really like to see that.

Originally Posted by mousedroid View Post
I don't know if anyone has mentioned it specifically yet, so I will - I absolutely love the realism of the folds around the ankles of the female boots. I know it's a small thing to praise, but it definitely shows the attention to detail that has gone into this set.
I've mentioned it in another thread, and I HATE it. I don't mean that from an artistic standpoint, which is to say I don't think it's made badly. It's made well. I just don't feel it belongs. City of Heroes has a semi-realistic, largely stylised art style which draws looks from more realistic media but depicts them in a cleaner, more simplistic way. That's good, because it allows us to have costumes that look a lot better than a real person could look in the same costume in real life. There's a reason tights look goofy in live action movies yet look so much better in games - because in real life, they can never stick to the body as tightly. They fold, they crinkle, they stretch, and they simply don't look good.

Originally Posted by CommunistPenguin View Post
I would say 95% for the dual rocket, 85% for the single.
I'm probably the only one here who feels that the jet packs are TOO SMALL. At least the twin jet pack is, in my eyes. When it comes to jet packs, what I've always wanted is something akin to the Raptor Pack, but without the long protrusion that clips with your butt. I like that it has a very wide wingspan, and that's precisely what I'd really like to have. Both of the retro sci-fi jet packs look like mini-packs, almost like backpacks that have thrusters on them. Hell, neither of them extends past the person's shoulders.

Maybe that's just what the retro 50s sci-fi style calls for, but I'm just saying I don't think they're too big.


And because I forgot to snag a quote, I also want to second the notion for an opaque helmet. I get that it'll end up obscuring a lot of head detail that's still there, but I'd like to see it anyway. I wanted to see it with the Think Tank, too, but it was impossible to achieve.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Rocket packs! Please tell me you get flames out of them when you fly, that would be awesome.

Edit: **actually reads thread**

They've already said yes, they will animate when flying.

ClockworkO1 said he'd look into animating while jumping.



One of the first things I noticed were the female boots! They aren't a mile long, too pointy or huge (cowgirl boots...ugh) and they look real. Props to you, Dink!

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Originally Posted by Rajani Isa View Post
Could we have a variation on the second one? Kinda like this quick and dirty hack job?

That would be great.
The original version is great for retro, but i can´t imagine, using it for modern tech style.
Without the rings on top it would be really useful in my opinion.



<--- Is loving how something has been made and worked on together as Dev/Players.

I'm not saying do this all the time, But i do hope in the future we have more of this co-operation between devs and players over Costumes (and maybe perhhhappss..on some future powers (Tho..i would expect far more costumes then powers co-op due to you lot liking to keep powers secret )

Deffiantly doing something other games don't do, even more so talking about it in public.