Massively Wishlist for 2012

Agent White



Above is the link to the article where Massively states their wishes for 2012 for this game. Just for those interested

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The only thing on that list I agree with is the last part, about not pulling the rug out from under the Statesman thing.

I don't think there's anything wrong with the EB's in soloable content and in fact I would like to see more of them. And his comment about bypassing getting the O-portal is silly (and has become something of a meme among the folks I play with, ever since someone else made the same silly complaint). Seriously, if you didn't get an O-portal from a story arc or any of the other million ways to get it, just go to the RWZ or Pocket D or the Black Market/Wents and say "hey can someone drop an O-portal please?" Hop in, go get the explore badge, job done.

The Rikti had their Issue(s). Yes we've had 11 other Issues since then, but I think the Rikti are fine where they are. We have SO MANY other villain groups that haven't had a spotlight issue yet. And RWZ is still great.

In my opinion his comments about market pricing are exactly backwards. Most stuff is still overpriced, but they've managed to get some stuff priced reasonably. And I don't want to see crazy off-the-wall game changing stuff showing up on the market like his suggestion about multiple primaries. Anything like that needs to be part of the core game. The market should stick to the "pay for convenience" ideology.


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I think there were some good points, this game has some weathered appendages, but the issue of solo-ability seems a bit thin to me.

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Eh. His complaint about EBs in story arcs is one of those things that I just don't get. I've never been able to figure out how people have so much trouble soloing EBs. I've yet to meet the EB on *any* character who I can't kill by the simple expedient of a tray full of purples and reds. If you've built a character with so little damage output that you can't manage that, well, that's hardly the *game's* fault.

As for the rest of that complaint - some content is *intended* for groups. Since the core story arc style content doesn't actually fall into that category, I fail to see the problem.

And UGH please don't fall into the trap of putting core gameplay stuff in the market. If it *ever* comes to the point where I have to shell out extra cash above my subscription to pick up something like that, that's when the game will lose me.

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Originally Posted by Quasadu View Post
I don't think there's anything wrong with the EB's in soloable content and in fact I would like to see more of them.
This would be the surest way to get me to quit the game. If you want it as an optional selectable difficulty, fine, but don't force it on the rest of us.

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I think his suggestion to make something as game-bending as being able to buy two primary powersets exclusively in the paragon market would cause the forums to explode. I know it was just an example, but anything on that scale of changing the rules accessible only to folks who buy it would not be well-received here, IMO.

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Actually I see in his example of why EBs in solo content is bad. The Patron arcs were originally made for 40+ characters and only recently lowered. The EBs in these arcs were designed accordingly to a character that would have all access to powers in their primary and secondary, which means god mode for melee ATs. These encounters are a little hard on a level 35 character.

In the rest of the game EBs are not a problem, but in the once scenario he listed there is some truth to what he is saying.

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Originally Posted by UberGuy View Post
I think his suggestion to make something as game-bending as being able to buy two primary powersets exclusively in the paragon market would cause the forums to explode. I know it was just an example, but anything on that scale of changing the rules accessible only to folks who buy it would not be well-received here, IMO.
Y'know, if I were to guess what he was trying to do with the idea, seeing as he failed to mention what he wanted to pair up as primaries, is that he's trying to get a blaster powerset for his melee AT'ed character.



Originally Posted by Muon_Neutrino View Post
I've never been able to figure out how people have so much trouble soloing EBs. I've yet to meet the EB on *any* character who I can't kill by the simple expedient of a tray full of purples and reds. If you've built a character with so little damage output that you can't manage that, well, that's hardly the *game's* fault.
Go ahead and defeat Widdershins on an Elec/Pain Corruptor. I'll be waiting for your report.



creating content on the theory that you can win by buying enough inspirations is a terrible idea.

my tankers barely notice EB's but my ta/kin corr had a hard time with Lemkin in the WWD#1. I did the inspiration trick, but at that point it felt more like cheating then winning



Originally Posted by dugfromthearth View Post
creating content on the theory that you can win by buying enough inspirations is a terrible idea.
Which is why I play with "No EBs". I'd rather have fun than spew curseologues running back from the hospital.


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The bit mentioning the Rikti seems to be an opinion and desire formed by looking through nostalgia goggles. The only reason they've 'wound up on the sidelines' is because they were, as the author puts it, the historical big bads of the game's timeline. People waited for years for the other shoe to drop on the continued Rikti presence on Earth, and we got it with the second invasion, the end of which resolved the mystery of the first invasion and essentially the storyline we'd been introduced to since we first started playing the game.

In my opinion, an actual third Rikti invasion would be a gimmick and a poor way of bringing them back into a major storyline, especially since it would be more unfeasible now than ever since Hro'Dtohz is still trying to explain his actions to those on the Homeworld in light of the evidence of Nemesis' deception. The Rikti just aren't yesteryear's 'big boogeymen' any more whether you want them to be or not. I'm not sure why the author would want to see a third invasion unless he just wasn't impressed enough with the second and was hoping for more.

That's not to say the Rikti shouldn't appear again. [spoilz]If the new stuff that Prometheus says about Wells is true, then if the Battalion manages to gain control over the Well representing humanity via Primal Earth, the Rikti will become enslaved as well.[/spoilz] I think that'd be a cause for the Rikti to be concerned.

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Originally Posted by GuyPerfect View Post
Go ahead and defeat Widdershins on an Elec/Pain Corruptor. I'll be waiting for your report.
I remember fighting that guy on my dom; annoying, but doable. I can try it once I get my computer fixed; I don't have an elec/pain corr, would a ff/nrg defender who removes the third blast from his tray be close enough?

Student, Gamer, Altaholic, and future Astronomer.

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Originally Posted by EU_Damz View Post

Above is the link to the article where Massively states their wishes for 2012 for this game. Just for those interested
TBH I didn't find alot of the stuff he wrote about to be very important or I just didnt agree with it. Alot of it sounded more like a personal wishlist rather than the views of Massively.

Originally Posted by Muon_Neutrino View Post
Eh. His complaint about EBs in story arcs is one of those things that I just don't get. I've never been able to figure out how people have so much trouble soloing EBs. I've yet to meet the EB on *any* character who I can't kill by the simple expedient of a tray full of purples and reds. If you've built a character with so little damage output that you can't manage that, well, that's hardly the *game's* fault.
I tried bringing up the same thing about EBs, particularily trapdoor, a little while ago which was met with much resentment. I agree with you, but alot of people apparantly don't. :/



I don't get people not being able to solo Trapdoor. I have soloed him with literally dozens of characters (Defenders, Corruptors, Masterminds, etc.) and often with SOs.

Set difficulty to -1/1, speed through the base to Trapdoor. Defeat his first 'replication', then smack Trapdoor in about 30 seconds (with any AT).

I could see him causing problems solo at +2 or +3, but he is really easy to solo at -1.

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The second Rikti invasion hasn't happened yet. Just ask Holsten Armitage.



Originally Posted by Muon_Neutrino View Post
I don't have an elec/pain corr, would a ff/nrg defender who removes the third blast from his tray be close enough?
Smashing damage says maybe not. Widdershins resists Energy and has high regen, so Energy Blast might be able to smack him down.



Originally Posted by EU_Damz View Post

Above is the link to the article where Massively states their wishes for 2012 for this game. Just for those interested
Wait... he had trouble soloing EBs... on a SPIDER? HAHA! Heh. Heehee.



I agree that some of the unlocks are pretty annoying...

But I seem to recall a time when the Patron arc spawned AVs and you just had to suck it up.

Originally Posted by Necrotron_RO View Post
I don't get people not being able to solo Trapdoor. I have soloed him with literally dozens of characters (Defenders, Corruptors, Masterminds, etc.) and often with SOs.

Set difficulty to -1/1, speed through the base to Trapdoor. Defeat his first 'replication', then smack Trapdoor in about 30 seconds (with any AT).

I could see him causing problems solo at +2 or +3, but he is really easy to solo at -1.
I couldn't beat him at -1 with my Electric/Energy Blaster. Even with him knocked into the lava I couldn't do enough damage to beat him, and after a bit it really became a losing battle. After I got my +1 level shift I was able to go back and beat him.

It was an even more pointless endeavor with my FF/Rad Defender.

My Dark/Dark Corruptor came the closest of my ranged characters, but then the Inspirations wore off and he killed me in two hits. When I went back he had so many duplicates that I just logged off in disgust.

My Spines/Dark Scrapper couldn't do it, but he's a special case. I suspect if he had a more normal build he could've done it.

My WP/SS Tanker was able to do it pretty easily with Rage and a couple of reds.

I expect that with a bit of luck, if my Fire/Rad Controller were level 50 he'd have a chance.

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My Bots/Traps had a lot of trouble with Trapdoor because the stupid bots kept insisting on running into the lava and frying. But that's a buggy AI problem, not a "Trapdoor is too tough" problem.

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Originally Posted by Necrotron_RO View Post
I don't get people not being able to solo Trapdoor. I have soloed him with literally dozens of characters (Defenders, Corruptors, Masterminds, etc.) and often with SOs.

Set difficulty to -1/1, speed through the base to Trapdoor. Defeat his first 'replication', then smack Trapdoor in about 30 seconds (with any AT).

I could see him causing problems solo at +2 or +3, but he is really easy to solo at -1.
I've never had trouble soloing him either, even with just SO builds.


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Originally Posted by Tenzhi View Post
I couldn't beat him at -1 with my Electric/Energy Blaster. Even with him knocked into the lava I couldn't do enough damage to beat him, and after a bit it really became a losing battle. After I got my +1 level shift I was able to go back and beat him.
Really? I had absolutely no problem with him on my energy/dev blaster. Now the fight with Hero 1 and the vanguard EB. Now that one kind of sucked. Both of them at once led to me dying ... twice I think it was.

A friend of mine always has problems with Trapdoor though.

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Originally Posted by Oliin View Post
Really? I had absolutely no problem with him on my energy/dev blaster. Now the fight with Hero 1 and the vanguard EB. Now that one kind of sucked. Both of them at once led to me dying ... twice I think it was.
Yeah, even with the level shift that one killed my Blaster. I couldn't do any damage to Hero 1 (even with Build Up, Aim, and several reds I couldn't get him below ~90% health) and he could smash me quite efficiently. I believe I auto-completed that one, which makes it better than the Trapdoor battle despite being even harder.

Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
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Originally Posted by GuyPerfect View Post
Smashing damage says maybe not. Widdershins resists Energy and has high regen, so Energy Blast might be able to smack him down.
According to the wiki he's got equal (20%) resistance to smashing and energy, so hopefully that wouldn't be a problem. And don't forget that the corr would still have higher base damage, scourge, voltaic sentinel, and the pain -res debuff available. I wouldn't be surprised if the overall damage ended up pretty similar even if I *did* use the third blast.

Unfortunately the replacement memory I tried putting in yesterday didn't fix my computer, so it'll probably be at least a week before I can actually try this.

Edit: Yeah, running the numbers, even if I used it the instant it recharged, power burst is only good for ~22 dps on my defender. Corruptor voltaic sentinel is good for ~23 dps, so I should probably use power burst.

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Originally Posted by Muon_Neutrino View Post
Eh. His complaint about EBs in story arcs is one of those things that I just don't get. I've never been able to figure out how people have so much trouble soloing EBs. I've yet to meet the EB on *any* character who I can't kill by the simple expedient of a tray full of purples and reds. If you've built a character with so little damage output that you can't manage that, well, that's hardly the *game's* fault.

Level 35 Ice/Force Field Controller.