Time for COH 2.0?




Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
I'm not sure they'd need to totally swap it out - it'd all depend on what exactly they wanted to do with any new engine, and if it could be done as an add-on/recoding of the current one.

For example, one of the most requested features that the curent engine cant's handle is to be able to pick up objects and throw them - but would that need a totally new engine, or could it be done with a major upgrade to the one we have now?
I'm not entirely sure if the current engine couldn't handle it. First of all, you'd have to populate the map with stuff that can be picked up. Basically, the entire map would become a mayhem/safeguard. Maybe not terribad in terms of graphic slowdown, since you can't exactly see the whole map at the same time anyway.

Second, you'd either have to adjust current powers or make a completely new power for any power set that you wanted to pick up the stuff...but suppose you were to try and turn, say, Hurl into this sort of power. What kind of input would be needed to tell your character to pick up that semi instead of chunking a piece of concrete from the ground at said semi at point blank range? Some sort of mode change like Dual Pistols? Whatever the answer is, the issue seems like a tricky hurdle.

You'd then have to have animations specifically for picking up/carrying/throwing that particular item, and also the correct item if you don't want to be called lazy: they come in all different shapes and sizes. In any case, I don't think this could be done in the same way that, say, Gordon Freeman picks up stuff with the Gravity Gun in HL2.

Then you'd have to consider another hurdle if you don't want every object to do the same amount of damage or have the same effects...say, a thrown parking meter versus a thrown semi that might explode. How would the game store that attack information on the object you've picked up? What if you didn't have a target to hurl it at, and wanted to set it down instead? Which powers would you not have access to while carrying that object? Would your available powers change depending on the object you were carrying, say, that parking meter versus that semi?

All of these issues might be solvable with the current engine, but it would take diligence, care, and time, and the cumulative amount involved would have to be weighed against the amount of value that object-chucking would add to the game.

61866 - A Series of Unfortunate Kidnappings - More than a coincidence?
2260 - The Burning of Hearts - A green-eyed monster holds the match.
379248 - The Spider Without Fangs - NEW - Some lessons learned (more or less.)



Originally Posted by TheDeepBlue View Post
Which powers would you not have access to while carrying that object? Would your available powers change depending on the object you were carrying, say, that parking meter versus that semi?
While it's be posisble to make the object size matter - like being able to use a parking meter while still having a weapon drawn - I think they'd be more likely to go with the single anaimation attack route - no matter what size the object was, you'd always pick it up with 2 hands, and hold it above your head before you threw it - that'd mean that all the throwable objects would only need to have their bottoms sync with just one trowing stance and attack animation, with all non-toggle powers being grayed out, except for travel powers.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



When AE first came out, you actually could have multiple primaries but then they gimped it. So was really fun creating characters with power combinations in AE that you couldn't even do in the regular game.

Originally Posted by TheDeepBlue View Post
Man, I've been waiting for a Blade/Gun Dominator secondary forever.

Well, we've got Ninjutsu. Maybe the devs could work on something more gadgety and less ninja...ey...somewhere down the line.

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I would have to agree. I did in fact play Certified Other and while I reveled in realizing my wish of having a character with different emanation points for its powers (different shoulder mounted options, palm-based lasers..hmm sounds familiar lol) once I kept shooting down baddies in the desert or in the ice, I um..er, got bored.

However, when playing that game, I also kept my CoX account (always will) as the appreciable amount of lore and actual content far surpassed that "CoH2" attempt. I also played that other new super hero MMO and was so confounded by the console controls forced on a PC that I gave up. And though it has loads of IP, and shiny graphics, the level of customization for characters was sorely outdone by our "old" game.

So to me, I think we have plenty of life in this old gal, and as someone else pointed out, its vastly different from when I started in 2004 (I think I got a bit misty when we got color customization..).

I would like to see them do more work on AE as its such a unique gem across all other games presently; sometimes the devs seem to have ADD and jump from one thing to the next; would be great to spend time on things which continue to differentiate it from the pack.

Originally Posted by Lycantropus View Post
Exactly this, in the final analysis. This is, by far, not perfect, but it's not a wounded gazelle on the Serengeti some folks would like to think. It's alive and well and enjoyed by a fair market share in the MMO industry... especially within its niche.

It's better than a lot of the current competition, and suggesting they scrap what they have and start over is just silly in this age of instant gratification/condemnation upon anything 'new'. Much less, a sequel.

Barter for a new engine if you like, or a system you don't currently care for. I would wager such things will fall upons more interested ears than wanting a sequel to this game.

I fully admit, I could be wrong, but I wouldn't speak as confidently as I do if I didn't feel otherwise.

Arc: 378122 "Tales of the Terran Space Marines -The Apocalypse Initiative" 5stars!
Arc: 481545 "Twilight of the Gods - The Praetorian conflict"8000+ hits!



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
I'd probably go with another inherent power in the Fitness pool,
Hm. Well, not every character would be strong enough to lift big things, though. And you'd want to allow for some other concepts.

What about a new Power Pool called "Lifting", and you could make the various powers in it have different animations / special effects.

one power for regular super-strong lifting. "Physical Might"
another for telekinetic lifting. "Telekinetic Manipulation"
another for lifting things with a tech-based beam. "Tractor Beam"
and another for moving things with a magical puff of air. "Eldritch Wind"

they could all have the same game mechanic effect. (pick up moveable object and throw it). But each could have a different animation for it, allowing for more character concepts, and people who aren't just generically "super-strong" wouldn't miss out.

Each power could be slotted with some kind of enhancement to move up from basic lifting to more impressive feats.

It's still a lot of work for the animators and such, but might fit in the powers system better that way?

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Originally Posted by DeathSentry View Post
When AE first came out, you actually could have multiple primaries but then they gimped it. So was really fun creating characters with power combinations in AE that you couldn't even do in the regular game.
I meant, blade in one hand, gun in the other, living the dream. That sort of thing.

61866 - A Series of Unfortunate Kidnappings - More than a coincidence?
2260 - The Burning of Hearts - A green-eyed monster holds the match.
379248 - The Spider Without Fangs - NEW - Some lessons learned (more or less.)




If I were going to try to implement the ability to lift and utilize in violent fashion arbitrary world objects like...say...cars...in City, I would probably start with a new 'mez' type: Lift.

Objects (which are also a kind of ersatz Mob) would have Lift protection, and powers would have Lift. You could, from here, implement the ability to slot for Lift either directly in any power with Lift or through an addition to, say, Fitness.

If you use Lift on something and exceed it's Lift protection, you inherit a temporary power based on the object lifted. Generally something like 'Throw Car', 'Swing Lamppost', what have you, but you might close out access to some of your other powers because you're busy swinging heavy objects at people.

Since objects are functionally mobs, one can extend this concept to Lifting, say, Hellions and throwing them around, which veers into some amusing territory. If Lifted objects/mobs can still be targeted and interacted with otherwise normally, then there are some interesting permutations to be explored with Lift as a kind of high tradeoff Mez: Your Super Strength Tank with a bunch of Lift slotting might be able to pin Doctor Vahzilok for a few seconds while everyone else beats on him, but you're otherwise just standing there with a bag of angry mad scientist over your head, possibly still beating on /you/ because it can't get at anyone else.

There's also the question of what powers should be /able/ to execute Lifts and under what circumstances. You wouldn't want to put it on all of Super Strength, or even necessarily much of it because you'd wind up Lifting everything every time you went to do anything.

There's a temptation to put Lift on Brawl, but that does strange things to Brawls current utility.

Alternatively, of course, returning to the expanded pool powers, one could simply drop a 'Lift' power into whatever Pool was used to gate Lift.

Either way, there's a staggering amount of legwork involved in implementing something like this (making sure every object has appropriate Lift states/grant powers, etc. if it can be Lifted, requisite art and animation resources, et cetera, et cetera ad nauseam), even assuming it is overall desirable to do so. Never mind the problems of balance and potential mad recursion (...a Player Lifting a Player Lifting a Mob in a PvP zone, for instance, or the whole question of how to handle Lifting players at all, because a Player Lifting a Mob Lifting a Player...), or clashes with existing Repel/Knock functionality (perhaps it could be executed as an extension of those?).

It's an amusing thought experiment anyway, though I'll stop here to suggest that it might be getting a bit far from the discussion at hand.




Originally Posted by Anti_Proton View Post
The money people, Microsoft and Marvel did the deal because of our rep. Anyone else's opinion really didn't matter.
Yes, then they pulled that deal. But, I'd say the statement that "anyone else's opinion really didn't matter" is bull. Considering, yanno, a product relies on customers to make money...

Virtue Server
Avatar art by Daggerpoint



Originally Posted by DeathSentry View Post
I would have to agree. I did in fact play Certified Other and while I reveled in realizing my wish of having a character with different emanation points for its powers
I guess not everyone revels:


  • Selecting the Vanguard Bow for Trick Arrow should no longer cause Beam Rifle or Assault Rifle effects to emit from the player's knee.

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I'd say we're CoH 3.15, assuming every issue is a 0.1 patch. 21.5 patches since release (1) is 3.15.

I would like to think a major update liike a "2.0" would be the reason our current issue releases take so long to come out, as resources would be devoted to releasing the big update, but I am not an optimistic person.



Was the addition of Ultra Mode merely a rendering engine enhancement or a bonafide upgrade? I'm just thinking back to when Mythic and CCP updated their respective games' engines.




Originally Posted by Texarkana View Post
Was the addition of Ultra Mode merely a rendering engine enhancement or a bonafide upgrade? I'm just thinking back to when Mythic and CCP updated their respective games' engines.
I'm pretty sure it was an upgrade - the real-time shadows needed new code.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



To the OP:


"Champion (the Community Server... or GTFO) is like a small town where everyone knows each other's names, for better or worse." -kojirodensetsu.
"If all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail." - Maslow's Hammer



Originally Posted by DreadShinobi View Post
I'd say we're CoH 3.15, assuming every issue is a 0.1 patch. 21.5 patches since release (1) is 3.15.
Software versions aren't decimal addition, you don't (necessarily) go to 2.0 after 1.9. The period acts more like a separator than a decimal point, which is why you can get software version numbers that have more than one period in them. So 1.9 would more often be followed by 1.10 than 2.0. Incrementing the first number is usually reserved for major revisions (in games, this usually means expansion packs). Under this scheme, CoV might be 2.0, and Going Rogue 3.0.



Originally Posted by Tenzhi View Post
If they *do* release CoH2, I would hope they'd raze CoH1 to the ground. Right before the servers shut down a red message flashes on everyone's screen: Rocks fall: everybody dies.
I'd rather we had something like a big bang/ galactus creation event. Like the proverbial Jean Grey (pfffttt... a pheonix could only hope to rise from the ashes as many times) a new universe would arise from the ashes of the old.

------->"Sic Semper Tyrannis"<-------



Originally Posted by ebon3 View Post
I'd rather we had something like a big bang/ galactus creation event. Like the proverbial Jean Grey (pfffttt... a pheonix could only hope to rise from the ashes as many times) a new universe would arise from the ashes of the old.
That can work as well...

Just so long as they dont blow up Earth! (a la Tabula Rasa closing event... that was loads of fun though )



Originally Posted by Johnny_Butane View Post
You get a mission that someone had been kidnapped and is being held in a warehouse.

You go to the mission door, click it. You enter into an instance of a stark warehouse map by the front door, all the enemies are standing around in neat little groups waiting for you to engage them one on one. The Boss is standing in the last room. The hostage stands there while you grind the boss down and then you lead the hostage out. End mission.

What I'd rather see as an approach:
You go to the warehouse, gain entry via an unguarded skylight. Inside you sneak through the vents, making your way to the security room. You quietly take out the thug watching the security cameras and disable the alarms. From the security monitors you find out where the hostage is being kept. Then you make your way through the warehouse, avoiding detection or taking out anyone before they can alert others to your presence. You get to the boss, catch him unawares and fight them and the free the hostage.

Or, you could do the exact same mission with another approach:
You go to the warehouse and crash through the wall. Immediately the enemies start to swarm you amid alarms going off. You cut your way through the crowd and topple some machinery to block more from arriving. You free the hostage but the boss is trying to make a run for it in a delivery van. You block his exit, grab and flip the van onto it's roof and pull him out.
Is it just me, or does this strike anyone else as Splinter Cell, with super powers?

@Mistress Rue
Yes, I RP and play Redside on Virtue - No, Rumors of its demise have been greatly exaggerated

Do you suck at COH/COV? not yet...



Originally Posted by Tenzhi View Post
If they *do* release CoH2, I would hope they'd raze CoH1 to the ground.
Depends on the quality of the hypothetical COH2. If they drop the ball on gameplay too badly and the system requirements go up too high, all they'd do is lose customers they could have kept had COH1 remained active. They'd still be losing some anyway. There are, I'd say, a good number of players that'd like to have both around if the gameplay is hugely different, and plenty who'd simply prefer the original no matter how good the changes to CoH2 were.

Virtue Server
Avatar art by Daggerpoint



Originally Posted by Stormbird View Post
Yeah, I know, they could be working on it and not saying a word.

Cryptic was basically created to make COH, IIRC. (And don't give me "Cryptic doesn't own this now." I know that. However, it's where it started.) It was their first game, on an engine they created, and there were many areas they didn't look ahead on, plan for, or had philosophical objections to at the time.

By now, the game's been extended, patched, scabbed on to, folded, spindled, mutilated, tacked on, broken apart to give us what we have now. Old storylines and systems are discarded, systems are in place that the devs don't want to touch because they could implode if you look at them sideways (bases,) graphics (I know, another engine, really) are... dated, and jarring as you go between zones (I almost like the older zones better - Atlas looks like it's in a plastic bubble case to me,) and others have been poorly documented so nobody's quite sure what they do. (Remember the bit from Castle and Ghost Widow mentioning how they discovered Taunt didn't work the way they thought it did?)

I think it's really, *really* getting to be time for a COH 2. The devs have, I'd hope, learned the hard way to not lock themselves into things quite so much (even if they seem surprised by what seems to be rather straightforward requests by the players - like wanting to color powers, or disable effects, or have a solo path on a system.) And they'd hopefully push it past the rather... odd... "everything in its city" setup.

Alternately the game gets more dated, more scabbed on and limps along until it's shut down. Which, yeah, will happen eventually, but I'd really love to have its successor in place and going strong - hopefully with some actual ADVERTISING behind it. For all my complaining lately (see DA,) I do want to see this go on and have the franchise around for a long time.

Basically, I kind of wonder if they're getting to the point where the game's various systems are going to be ready to break if they alter too much more - how many odd bugs are going to show up because they did X to the character creator, so now Y is happening when you try to use the train or something weird like that.

Absolutely yes ! COH 2 or a another superhero MMOs that allows customization like it is long overdue. There is no logic to unimaginative statements that say it cant be done. In fact it not only can be done, it should be done and for me to commit strongly to an MMO again.. it would have to be done. Having such spending customization and then advertising that as a strength when combined with the superhero fiction popularity is sufficient enough to gain a large population of commited gamers which would pay for bill for the games creation.

This game is old. Nothing is new. It was much more fun in the past WHEN MY CHARACTERS WERE WEAKER" and "LEVELING TOOK LONGER" than today when my characters are GODLIKE from IO bonuses and I can be 50 in a few days. Why is that? There are no surprises, no real challanges anymore. The social aspect of the game has disappeared. Teams do not occur as frequently.

I remember back in the old days (MARCH 2005)...first going into the Hollows was the most exciting thing ever. I loved that exploring the dangers of that zone on my first AT Energy/Energy Blaster.
Having to form a team for the difficult Frost fire mission was so much fun. Now nothing is exciting anymore.

My knowledge of the game is often a hinderance. I have developed a play style, I know what I like, I know what everything does. I know what works or not For example, I realize the power set Gravity is weaker than other control primaries so I wont play it but back in the past I would not have known. I would have just played it for fun and concept. My Characters now are restricted to my knowledge of game design rather than just created for concept and fun.

Back in the past, teaming was needed at times which was ok to me cause that is all I knew. I was not spoilt yet on the new IO systems or the implementation difficulty options ..... I received the Frostfire mission and was forced to find a team if I wanted to complete it, which encouraged socialization. Paper missions did not exist so I was strongly encouraged to team with people to jump on their missions which encouraged socialization " making friends" Leveling was more difficult but also much more rewarding.

COH 2 or a new super hero MMO with customization and archetypes like it , as such, does not need to offer so much to become successful. There can in fact be no difficulty options, Missions are just sometimes randomly hard requiring a team or sometimes easy... like real life. You go to raid a warehouse and just come to find 50 goons in it when you thought there might be 10. No Paper and Radio/missions are needed forcing socilization in a way.

Bottomline the new MMO does not need so much options for it to be successful. It just needs to have customization of character, good graphics and controls in a fun world with a decent story and gameplay.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
terribly bad Blood Omen 2
Blood Omen 2 was the best game in the series. Game looked beautiful, at least on xbox, the story was interesting and compelled you to finish, music was good and mirrored the darkness of the game, each stage looked different and Kain was badass unlike in SR2 and Defiance where he is some philosopher king or something. Only complaint is really the locked on fighting but it was not too bad. Most importanly, the camera was not "Devil May Cry LOCKED" like in Defiance which makes the games levels far more relaxing and fun.

Soul Reaver 1 started out strong as hell but lost momentum after Raziel encountered Kain at the pillars. The game was littered with borning complex puzzles and was rushed into production. The 6th vampire lieutenant Turel was not even placed in the game and they had to make up a reason to stick him in Defiance.

Blood Omen 2 was fun as hell. You were an aspiring tyrant attempting to overthrow a tyrant and I was excited to see the story progress. Puzzles were not stupidly complex. You had to kill civilians to fill your Lore Bar... and drinking blood telekinetically was awesome. Stealth kills were fun. Discovery of the secrets of the Glyph magic and the Sarafan was cool.

You want evidence of the passion put into Blood Omen 2..... go to a few civilians and listen to their conversations.. its funny and interesting. Check out the environment with the anti-Sarafan graffiti and pro-Sarafan propaganda. I only wish the other Legacy of Kain games had that passion.



Not bad for 2002

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8on6tcCQtA0 why Kain in Blood Omen2 is badass



Originally Posted by New_Dark_Age View Post
Absolutely yes ! COH 2 or a another superhero MMOs that allows customization like it is long overdue. There is no logic to unimaginative statements that say it cant be done.
There's no logic in claiming there's no logic without offering any actual argument to refute the logic people have already explained behind why this isn't a good idea. "Is not! Is too!" is not a useful discussion.

Originally Posted by New_Dark_Age View Post
This game is old. Nothing is new. It was much more fun in the past WHEN MY CHARACTERS WERE WEAKER" and "LEVELING TOOK LONGER" than today when my characters are GODLIKE from IO bonuses and I can be 50 in a few days. Why is that? There are no surprises, no real challanges anymore.
I call that an improvement. The game lost its time sinks, the broken characters were improved to not suck (almost all of them) and we learned to play. The game is far, FAR less irritating these days than it has ever been. It doesn't waste my time, it doesn't get on my nerves and it very rarely forces me to do something I don't want to do. I can't see this as anything but a good thing.

Originally Posted by New_Dark_Age View Post
The social aspect of the game has disappeared. Teams do not occur as frequently.
"Teams" aren't the only social aspect of this game. Global chat, friends lists and the forums very much do count, and many of us prefer that kind of social interaction. Most of the friends I've made in this game, I've made over disconnected chat or over fan site forums and almost never through teaming with them in the game. In fact, whenever I do team with people, I more often resent them than enjoy them, especially when they're random people I've never met before.

Originally Posted by New_Dark_Age View Post
I remember back in the old days (MARCH 2005)...first going into the Hollows was the most exciting thing ever. I loved that exploring the dangers of that zone on my first AT Energy/Energy Blaster.
The Hollows before War Witch redid the spawns was pure garbage and easily one of the WORST places for lowbies to start out in. Mission placement was irresponsible, spawn sizes were hazard zone size in an area that wasn't technically a hazard zone and enemy powers were over the top. The Hollows, to the best of my knowledge, was designed to be a 20+ zone as a sequel to the Outcast and Troll storylines, hence why their leaders are in the Hollows, but was dropped down in level, producing an experience that was hideously out of balance for the level range it was dropped to, all because Kings Row proved to be a bottleneck.

Originally Posted by New_Dark_Age View Post
Having to form a team for the difficult Frost fire mission was so much fun. Now nothing is exciting anymore.
Firs of all, you never had to form teams for Frostfire. I fought him in the Issue that the Hollows came out and defeated him by myself. I forget what character I used, but while he was a tough fight, I never needed a team for him.

Secondly, NEEDING a team is never fun or exciting. Ever. Not for any reason at all. Needing a team is a chore, a cost, a negative feature to a piece of content which therefore requires that content to hand out larger rewards to compensate people for the time wasted sitting on their hands while a team forms and for the hassle of herding cats.

Originally Posted by New_Dark_Age View Post
My knowledge of the game is often a hinderance. I have developed a play style, I know what I like, I know what everything does. I know what works or not For example, I realize the power set Gravity is weaker than other control primaries so I wont play it but back in the past I would not have known. I would have just played it for fun and concept. My Characters now are restricted to my knowledge of game design rather than just created for concept and fun.
Hogwash. Ignorance is ignorance. Any illusions that being ignorant of the results means you get to have fun making mistakes is empty. What's crap is crap whether you know it or not, and playing it without knowing it's crap just means you'll spend 30 or 40 levels before you realise you've wasted your time, then you'll try something that isn't crap and see how much you've cheated yourself. Maybe you have infinite free time, but I do not, and if I'm going to spend my time levelling up a character, I want to make sure that character won't end up being garbage mid-way through with me having to abandon it and reroll. I refuse to allow my mistake in playing Blasters to ever happen again.

Moreover, Gravity Control is not a weak.

Originally Posted by New_Dark_Age View Post
Back in the past, teaming was needed at times which was ok to me cause that is all I knew. I was not spoilt yet on the new IO systems or the implementation difficulty options ..... I received the Frostfire mission and was forced to find a team if I wanted to complete it, which encouraged socialization. Paper missions did not exist so I was strongly encouraged to team with people to jump on their missions which encouraged socialization " making friends" Leveling was more difficult but also much more rewarding.
Yeah, nothing of the sort. You never needed a team for Frostfire, what you needed was to know what you were doing. This is why ignorance is not bliss - because you end up having to find other people to play the game for you. And forced teaming does not encourage socialisation. It encourages resentment. When I'm forced to interact with other people at a time when I don't feel like it, I don't feel like opening my heart up to them. On the contrary, I resent the intrusion and regard them as a necessary evil, ruining my fun and probably ruining their fun in the process. I'll team when I damn please, and if I don't want to team, then I bloody well won't. That's the beauty of choice.

Besides, I'm not looking for friends. I'm looking for a fun game to play. If I do make friends with people who play it along the way, that won't be because the game forced other people inside my personal space with about the same grace and dignity as an animal breeder locking two animals together in the same cage. You can't force "friendship" and the harder you try, the harder people resent both you and each other. A fairy tale this ain't.

Originally Posted by New_Dark_Age View Post
COH 2 or a new super hero MMO with customization and archetypes like it , as such, does not need to offer so much to become successful. There can in fact be no difficulty options, Missions are just sometimes randomly hard requiring a team or sometimes easy... like real life. You go to raid a warehouse and just come to find 50 goons in it when you thought there might be 10. No Paper and Radio/missions are needed forcing socilization in a way.
Yes, and such an MMO will tank, and tank hard. In this day and age, MMOs failing and closing their doors is not the theoretical possibility it once was. It's happened to a great many of them. Moreover, the other two MMOs that had customization and no difficulty settings and all the other crap design features you're so attached to ain't doing too good, and it's not because their development teams have cooties.

Also, "like in real life" is just about the biggest antithesis of fun I can imagine. I already have a real life. If I wanted an experience that's dull, boring and uninspired, I'd walk away from the computer and "experience" my real life. The reason I'm here is because this ISN'T like real life. That's the beauty of it. Here, I CAN be the hero of my own story. Here, good things can happen to me if only I wish for them hard enough. Here, it's NOT like real life.

Originally Posted by New_Dark_Age View Post
Bottomline the new MMO does not need so much options for it to be successful. It just needs to have customization of character, good graphics and controls in a fun world with a decent story and gameplay.
You just described Champions Online and DC Universe Online.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
There's no logic in claiming there's no logic without offering any actual argument to refute the logic people have already explained behind why this isn't a good idea. "Is not! Is too!" is not a useful discussion.

I call that an improvement. The game lost its time sinks, the broken characters were improved to not suck (almost all of them) and we learned to play. The game is far, FAR less irritating these days than it has ever been. It doesn't waste my time, it doesn't get on my nerves and it very rarely forces me to do something I don't want to do. I can't see this as anything but a good thing.

"Teams" aren't the only social aspect of this game. Global chat, friends lists and the forums very much do count, and many of us prefer that kind of social interaction. Most of the friends I've made in this game, I've made over disconnected chat or over fan site forums and almost never through teaming with them in the game. In fact, whenever I do team with people, I more often resent them than enjoy them, especially when they're random people I've never met before.

The Hollows before War Witch redid the spawns was pure garbage and easily one of the WORST places for lowbies to start out in. Mission placement was irresponsible, spawn sizes were hazard zone size in an area that wasn't technically a hazard zone and enemy powers were over the top. The Hollows, to the best of my knowledge, was designed to be a 20+ zone as a sequel to the Outcast and Troll storylines, hence why their leaders are in the Hollows, but was dropped down in level, producing an experience that was hideously out of balance for the level range it was dropped to, all because Kings Row proved to be a bottleneck.

Firs of all, you never had to form teams for Frostfire. I fought him in the Issue that the Hollows came out and defeated him by myself. I forget what character I used, but while he was a tough fight, I never needed a team for him.

Secondly, NEEDING a team is never fun or exciting. Ever. Not for any reason at all. Needing a team is a chore, a cost, a negative feature to a piece of content which therefore requires that content to hand out larger rewards to compensate people for the time wasted sitting on their hands while a team forms and for the hassle of herding cats.

Hogwash. Ignorance is ignorance. Any illusions that being ignorant of the results means you get to have fun making mistakes is empty. What's crap is crap whether you know it or not, and playing it without knowing it's crap just means you'll spend 30 or 40 levels before you realise you've wasted your time, then you'll try something that isn't crap and see how much you've cheated yourself. Maybe you have infinite free time, but I do not, and if I'm going to spend my time levelling up a character, I want to make sure that character won't end up being garbage mid-way through with me having to abandon it and reroll. I refuse to allow my mistake in playing Blasters to ever happen again.

Moreover, Gravity Control is not a weak.

Yeah, nothing of the sort. You never needed a team for Frostfire, what you needed was to know what you were doing. This is why ignorance is not bliss - because you end up having to find other people to play the game for you. And forced teaming does not encourage socialisation. It encourages resentment. When I'm forced to interact with other people at a time when I don't feel like it, I don't feel like opening my heart up to them. On the contrary, I resent the intrusion and regard them as a necessary evil, ruining my fun and probably ruining their fun in the process. I'll team when I damn please, and if I don't want to team, then I bloody well won't. That's the beauty of choice.

Besides, I'm not looking for friends. I'm looking for a fun game to play. If I do make friends with people who play it along the way, that won't be because the game forced other people inside my personal space with about the same grace and dignity as an animal breeder locking two animals together in the same cage. You can't force "friendship" and the harder you try, the harder people resent both you and each other. A fairy tale this ain't.

Yes, and such an MMO will tank, and tank hard. In this day and age, MMOs failing and closing their doors is not the theoretical possibility it once was. It's happened to a great many of them. Moreover, the other two MMOs that had customization and no difficulty settings and all the other crap design features you're so attached to ain't doing too good, and it's not because their development teams have cooties.

Also, "like in real life" is just about the biggest antithesis of fun I can imagine. I already have a real life. If I wanted an experience that's dull, boring and uninspired, I'd walk away from the computer and "experience" my real life. The reason I'm here is because this ISN'T like real life. That's the beauty of it. Here, I CAN be the hero of my own story. Here, good things can happen to me if only I wish for them hard enough. Here, it's NOT like real life.

You just described Champions Online and DC Universe Online.

lol...ok so you're right... ITS ALL HOPELESS. There can NEVER be another successful Superhero MMO after this.....its all over

I am sure you will go places with that line of thinking. Some game is one day going to come along and make you feel like an idiot.

Gravity needs fixing .

Blood Omen 2 rules btw. So does Mike Hunt just in case you forgot.



Make extreme engine updates.. he.. replace the whole engine but let it work with our current character data and give it as an updat. No need to make a whole different game as ina new box etc.

It would make people leave.. again seperate the players (this time over v1 and v2)... and it could very well destroy the game.

It is an mmo with an update system. Update the engine.. leave the character information!

btw... is it that time already!? I swear we have this discussion several times a year! And I give the same response every time too.

- The Italian Job: The Godfather Returns #1151
Beginner - Encounter a renewed age for the Mook and the Family when Emile Marcone escapes from the Zig!
- Along Came a... Bug!? #528482
Average - A new race of aliens arrives on Earth. And Vanguard has you investigate them!
- The Court of the Blood Countess: The Rise of the Blood Countess #3805
Advanced - Go back in time and witness the birth of a vampire. Follow her to key moments in her life in order to stop her! A story of intrigue, drama and horror! Blood & Violence... not recommend to solo!



Originally Posted by New_Dark_Age View Post
lol...ok so you're right... ITS ALL HOPELESS. There can NEVER be another successful Superhero MMO after this.....its all over

I am sure you will go places with that line of thinking. Some game is one day going to come along and make you feel like an idiot.
and some day the Cubs will win the world series